My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 325 Three Nascent Soul Phases

Li Shiyin's fighting style is like this, going forward without hesitation, life and death, once she catches a weak point, or she breaks the defense, she will catch the weak point, chase and beat her, until she suppresses it to death.

Even if Zi Yi was a Nascent Soul cultivator, after he was broken by Li Shiyin, he was still crushed and beaten.

On the one hand, this fierce style is very un-Qin Ran; but on the other hand, this kind of style that has no chance of turning around after a weakness is found is very Qin Ran.

Li Shiyin attached Sword Qi to his sword body, and his sword moves were like rain, all of them greeted Zi Yi, never giving Zi Yi a chance to fight back...

After all, even if Zi Yi has countless mysterious spells, he still needs casting time, even if his casting time is a thought, then he still needs the time to think.

The situation at this moment is that he has to support the thick Sword Qi on his head, otherwise he will be cut in half when the Sword Qi comes down; When the Sword rises, a bloody hole will be left on his body.

Zi Yi tried to resist, but it was too reluctant, and in a flash of time, not only the spell he just cast was cut by the Magic Treasures-level natal sword, but his whole body became a blood Calabash. There are sword wounds all over the body, and Sword Qi is everywhere.

Seeing such a scene, Zi Yi simply stopped resisting, and he praised: "So fierce! So ruthless! How does it look like a woman!?"

Hearing his words, the sword in Li Shiyin's hand couldn't help but stop. She was puzzled, being attacked by her like this, how could she still have the heart to speak out?

She looked at Zi Yi again, but saw that there was still a smile on Zi Yi's blood-stained face.

She realized something was wrong...

However, the sword in her hand still did not stop.

Li Shiyin's figure was still uncertain around her, Zi Yi praised again: "You are really strong."


Sure enough, he said "but", Li Shiyin's heart sank, and the sword in his hand couldn't help but pause. She thought, this is the situation, what else can he do to turn things around?

Then I heard him continue to say: "You are not enough!"

As soon as the words fell, Zi Yi was completely screwed, not only couldn't block Li Shiyin's sword, but he didn't even care about the Sword Qi on his head. He directly retracted the white figure holding Sword Qi back into his body.

In an instant, the huge Sword Qi pierced from the top of his head wrapped in Sword intent.

And at the same moment, Li Shiyin was worried that he would not die, so she launched the Movement Technique with all her strength, stabbing hundreds of swords at him!

Sword Qi attacked from all directions, seeing that Zi Yi was about to be torn apart by Li Shiyin...

He broke himself first!

Before the purple Sword Qi fell, and before Li Shiyin's natal sword arrived, he split himself open.

However, he saw that his whole body was split into two equally from the beginning to the end. After it split open, a white awn floated away from it.

The thick Sword Qi pierced from between the two halves of his split body, fell straight down, landed on the ground, and inserted into the rock. The rock was split by the sharp Sword Qi, and a ten-foot-long gap.

The purple Sword Qi was inserted into the stone, half of the sword body was exposed, but it did not disappear... The Sword intent will not disperse, and the Sword Qi will not disperse.

Li Shiyin stabbed Zi Yi's split body into a sieve. But she had enough control over her own Magic power and Sword Technique, and when she realized something was wrong, she stopped immediately.

She looked forward in amazement, to see the two halves of the split body...


That's an empty shell!

It is similar to the snake slough left after the snake sheds its skin, and it is also like the shell left after the cicada sheds its shell.

"What kind of Cultivation Technique is this?" Her heart trembled, and she quickly looked at the flying white light.

The white glow that flew out of Zi Yi's body stopped in the distance. The white glow elongated and deformed in the darkness, flickered, and turned into Zi Yi's appearance.

The newly-appeared Zi Yi was unscathed. He looked at Li Shiyin with a smile, and said, "This trick is called, the golden cicada escapes its shell."

Li Shiyin looked at Zi Yi in the distance, her heart became heavy, she swung her sword to cut off Zi Yi's slough in front of her, and let it fall to the ground.

She asked: "How many times can you use this kind of escape magic?"

Zi Yi laughed loudly, and said: "Low-level cultivators like you, Foundation Establishment cultivators, how can you understand the mysteries of Nascent Soul cultivators?

"Such a supernatural power, I can use it millions of times!"

Nascent Soul?

Li Shiyin didn't speak. She remembered that the master had talked about what the Nascent Soul period was like and how it was different from the Gold Core Foundation Establishment, but she couldn't remember exactly what the master said.

What is the mystery of the Nascent Soul period? She couldn't remember, she only knew it had something to do with Nascent Soul.

"So, you can get away with killing me once, but can you kill me a thousand times or ten thousand times?" Zi Yi asked, "Or... Your Excellency, the female sword fairy, do you think you can come close again?" Chance?"

"Huh..." Li Shiyin let out a breath.

She naturally knew that she was able to get close to suppress Zi Yi just now, it was purely because Zi Yi was careless and underestimated. Now that Zi Yi has suffered a loss, he will definitely not give her another chance.

And, Nascent Soul...

What is the use of Nascent Soul? ?

She felt that the strength of own Sword Qi was already able to compete with Nascent Soul, only Nascent Soul's special ability she couldn't do anything about it.

Forget it, if you don’t know, you don’t know. I will ask the master later, the master will blame her for a few words at most, but she can take the opportunity to hug the master and act like a baby...

"Can you be reborn tens of millions of times?!" There was something wrong in her mind, but Li Shiyin said coldly, "Then I will kill you a thousand times, ten thousand times!"

The Muran sword rises again...

The stars in the sky echo each other!

She ran the Magic power, leaped forward, and her figure disappeared immediately.

Feixian asked!

"You can't do this!" Zi Yi shook his head with a smile, closed his eyes, and a white light as thin as a cicada's wing lit up on his body.

In the darkness, he was standing in mid-air with shining white light all by himself, as if he was the only one in this world.

Suddenly, at a certain moment, he raised his hand and flicked his sleeves, and a white light flew out from his sleeves. The white light shot straight towards a dark place at a high speed.


A Star sword appeared from the darkness, blocking the white glow, and then a human figure also appeared from the darkness.

Li Shiyin cut Baimang in half with a sword, and frowned. It seems...Zi Yi could find where she asked Feixian.

After thinking about it, she was a little uncertain, then disappeared again and flew towards Zi Yi.

Zi Yi saw that Li Shiyin's head was tight, and he still wanted to get so close. He smiled and shook his head, and put his hands together. After a while, they separated again. The white light that stopped Li Shiyin continued to pop out of his hands like bubbles, densely packed. Baimang flew into the darkness.

These white awns flew towards Li Shiyin who was moving at high speed as if they had their own positioning.

At this moment, Li Shiyin was like a flying bird moving at high speed in the air, and the white light was like arrows, like arrows of an army, flying towards the flying bird densely, like locusts crossing the border.

When the first white light came, Li Shiyin split it with a sword, but she stopped because of it, so the second came at a faster speed, so she had to stop and slash one sword away, but soon, the third Road, the fourth road...

After that, countless white lights flew towards her.

"That does not work!"

This white awn gave her a great sense of crisis, she couldn't bear it even if she suffered one, her body would be out of balance, and she would definitely die!

"Fantasy Star!"

With a flick of Li Shiyin's left hand, five or six fantasy stars exploded, and countless Sword Qi splashed out, blocking the white aura around him!

But the white light is too strong, the Sword Qi of Dream Star can't stop it, it will dissipate soon...

Li Shiyin made a decisive decision, pointed Mu Ran sword forward resolutely, his body joined the sword, and his whole body instantly turned into a huge sword, splitting the vast white light, and rushed out.

After rushing out of Baimang, she rushed towards Zi Yi without looking back!


Li Shiyin was surrounded by her own white lights, Zi Yi thought she was bound to die, but he never expected that Li Shiyin could still join the sword.

The speed of body and sword joining together was so fast that Zi Yi had no time to react, and was cut in half by a sword again.

Li Shiyin separated from the sword, turned back holding the Muran sword, but saw another white awn flying out of Zi Yi's body, condensing into a new Zi Yi in the distance. Unscathed, just like the original.

"Not dead yet? Is it really not possible to cause harm to him?" Li Shiyin was shaken in his heart.

"How is it? Do you still want to do it?" Zi Yi asked with a smile, "How many times can you use such a sword move that combines body and sword?"

"Hmph!" Li Shiyin said coldly, "I can use it countless times!"

In fact, this combination of body and sword is a Sword Technique related to the soul, and each use consumes not only the Magic power, but also the power of the soul.

Today is the second time Li Shiyin used this trick. Most of her primordial power has been consumed, and she can hardly use her body and sword anymore.

But you must not show your cowardice in front of the enemy!

She said, and continued to rush towards Zi Yi, still trying to get close...

But this time, she just stopped when she got up.

...Because someone is coming!

Li Shiyin looked to the side, and in the darkness in the distance, there were two Sword Rays coming towards this side at high speed. The aura of Sword Ray's master is very powerful, probably also a Nascent Soul cultivator.

...There are not many Nascent Soul cultivators in the entire Immortal Relics Land, why are there three here in an instant?

Zi Yi also noticed that there were other Nascent Soul cultivators coming, he looked over, waited for the two to come in, and stopped not far from him, he recognized them, quickly saluted, and said: "Zhou Dao friend, Zhang fellow daoist! What do you guys do?" coming?"

"Passing by here, I saw the sword fluctuating here, there seems to be an expert, come and have a look." That Zhou Taoist replied, "But I don't think it's Ziyi fellow daoist."

While the three were exchanging greetings, Li Shiyin had already seen the two people who came. And seeing those two sword cultivators, her expression suddenly became extremely dignified.

Because the person who came was none other than the Nascent Soul cultivator of the Wujian Sword Sect of the Northern Chu Kingdom. These two people had been besieged by a black-clothed boy and a red-clothed young woman outside the Immortal Remains during the Extreme Demon Willow incident.

It was the main culprit that caused Master's serious injury and death...

Li Shiyin held grudges very much, so four years later, she still remembered these two people.

After exchanging greetings over there, Zhou Daoyou, a boy in black, looked over to Li Shiyin and asked, "Who is this?"

Zi Yi was puzzled: "This woman is a top talent in the art of swordsmanship, and she is also a swordsman from the Northern Chu Kingdom, so you should be familiar with it."

The young woman in red looked at Li Shiyin. If she had time, a woman's memory of another beautiful woman is better than a man's memory of a beautiful woman. She looked at Li Shiyin and said, "This Little Sister looks so familiar, have you seen it somewhere?" .”

"If I remember correctly..." Li Shiyin faced the three Nascent Soul cultivators, she still showed no fear, her voice was clear and generous, "You should be from the Boundless Sword Sect?! That is from the Northern Chu Kingdom , please kill this beast with me!"

Hearing what she said, Zhang fellow daoist, a young woman in red, and Zhou Dao, a young boy in black, smiled indifferently. It is true that they belong to the Wujian Sword Sect, and it is also true that they are from Northern Chu, but...

They are gods, so what do mortals have to do with them? How could they help mortals?

The young woman in red asked again: "Little Sister is so beautiful, have we met before?"

"The land of immortality!" Li Shiyin answered her truthfully, there was nothing to hide, "I am a disciple of Qin Ran, the first disciple of Daojianmen Danfeng, dare to ask your name?"

Love is love, hate is hate. If these two people helped her kill this Xuanqin Nascent Soul cultivator today, she was willing to give them a chance to reconcile, but obviously they didn't want to. Then she wouldn't have to be polite to them.

"Daojianmen...Danfeng...Qin Ran..."

The boy in black and the young woman in red laughed meaningfully when they heard Li Shiyin's self-introduction. This buff is almost full.

"I didn't expect Qin Ran to have such an excellent disciple." The young woman in red smiled, but she didn't introduce herself at all, "Sure enough, it takes resources to cultivate a good cultivator... If my Boundless Sword Sect had Spirit Stones has a Medicine Pill..."

"My Master said that mud can't support a wall, and rotten wood can't be carved." Li Shiyin said to her, "If you don't have enough aptitude and only pile up resources, you will end up with a silver-like pewter tip, but it's just good-looking. Such a cultivator, once touched Just break."

When she said this, she kept her eyes on the Nascent Soul trio, and the meaning was too obvious.

The sword of the boy in black was already in his hand. Hearing what Li Shiyin said, a cold light flashed on the sword, and he asked aloud, "Did your Master ever tell you that you are arrogant?"

"No." Li Shiyin has always been honest, she replied, "Master said that I am innocent and cute, and I am sincere. He loves me tightly."

"As long as the Talent is good, they always have this attitude." Zi Yi commented, "It's just that they don't know, which high rank cultivator was not a Talent at the beginning?"

The young woman in red looked at Li Shiyin's pretty face and sighed, "What a pity!"

And following her sigh, the aura of the black-clothed boy surged up, and the sword in his hand also had the sword Qi booming, and he stared at Li Shiyin with evil eyes.

At the next moment, the darkness was swirling, and with a monstrous Killing intent, it came to kill Li Shiyin.

"Huh!!!" Although the opponent is very powerful, although it is impossible to beat him, but Li Shiyin is not afraid, she still runs the Magic power, Star Sword Qi hesitating, facing the boy in black and rushing towards him...

She couldn't get up.

Because she just got up, a big White Tiger suddenly appeared in the darkness not far from her. The big White Tiger swallowed her, and the darkness around her was swallowed by the big White Tiger, and she was engulfed by the darkness, and also entered the big White Tiger's mouth.

The big White Tiger held her in his mouth, jumped back, and jumped into the darkness, never to be seen again.

"Xuanming Spirit Tiger?" The boy in black stopped at the place where the big White Tiger disappeared. He put away his sword and frowned, "Has it been hiding here?"

"What a powerful escape technique." The young woman in red came over and sighed, "You are indeed the king of darkness."

When Zi Yi arrived here, he felt lingering fears: "This Xuanming Spirit Tiger is her spirit beast, and has been lying in ambush here all this time?"

He didn't notice the figure of Xuanming Linghu at all, if the Xuanming Linghu had attacked him just now, he might not be able to react.

"But it's not her spirit beast, it's her master, Qin Ran's spirit beast." The young woman in red laughed.

"Qin Ran?" Zi Yi asked, "I've heard you mention this name several times. Who is this?"

"A dying person." The boy in black said coldly.

Nor is he open-minded.

The young woman in red said: "The head of Daojianmen Danfeng, a pill refining master, is very powerful and extremely sinister."

"It's just a pill refining teacher..." Zi Yi said, and suddenly realized, "So you didn't just pass by by chance?"

"I'm worried that he won't die, so I'm here to help Ziyi fellow daoist." The boy in black said.

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