Li Shiwen guarded an important passage, but there are many passages up and down the tower. Early Xuan Qin soldiers entered the city from other places and opened the city gate.

Xuanqin soldiers have already poured in from the city gate, and the battle line has moved from the top of the city to the inside of the city...

Xuanqin Central Army, under the banner, on top of the heavily guarded chariots and horses, Xuanqin Generalissimo Zhao Li stood on a high place, watching the Xuanqin soldiers pouring in from the city gate, thinking: "It's over!"

Wuyi City is over, and Northern Chu is also over.

At this time the city has been broken, only to kill!

"The general situation is over..." With a smile on the corner of his mouth, he said these four words slowly.

But before he could finish his sentence, something happened suddenly.

Suddenly, more than a dozen thick purple Sword Qi flew out from the top of Wuyi City, and several times of "咻咻咻" chopped down all the equipment that Xuan Qin had attached to the city wall.

The Sword Qi didn't stop after beheading the equipment. The sword peak turned around and inserted vertically in front of the city gate, closing all the city gates, separating the inside and outside of the city for the Xuanqin army into two sections.

That Sword Qi is really terrifying, all Xuanqin soldiers who tried to get close to Sword Qi were strangled into blood foam by the sharp Sword Qi.

All of a sudden, Xuanqin's army stopped and retreated sharply. Under Wuyi city, with such a battle situation, a large open space was left.

Then there was a clear and clear female voice resounding from the top of Wuyi City, spreading throughout the entire Xuanqin army: "This is the end!"

The voice echoed in my ears, making me intimidated. Zhao Li looked up to the top of Wuyi City, and saw a huge majestic White Tiger standing on the city wall, and on top of that White Tiger, there was a woman in white clothes holding a sword, and the caller was that woman.

"Who is that?" He asked left and right.

I didn't know the left and right, so I sent someone to go to the bottom of the city tower and ask, "Who are you?"

Li Shiyin responded loudly: "I am Li Shiyin of Northern Chu! The guardian of Northern Chu!"

Her crisp voice resounded through the darkness and spread throughout the Xuan Qin Army. The voice was originally very nice, but in the ears of Xuanqin's army, there was a great majesty, which made Xuanqin's troops feel fear, the formation was slightly chaotic, and they all took a few steps towards the retreat.

"Li Shiyin, Li Shiwen?" Because the horse was frightened and the car swayed, Zhao Li also swayed, and he asked aloud, "Could it be that she is the cultivator of the Li family... the Li Shiyin that Ya Qing said?!"

No one knew the answer, and no one answered him.

He thought for a while, and finally realized that a powerful cultivator was indeed beyond his ability to deal with, so he asked the left and right: "Where is the cultivator in the formation?"

Someone came forward and knelt down, saying: "The cultivators who traveled with the army today... are all dead."

Zhao Li thought of the purple fireworks that bloomed in the sky before, and saw the purple Sword Qi in front of the battle, and only then did he know that those cultivators were probably killed by Li Shiyin.

Fortunately, he didn't care about the life and death of the cultivator at all, just like the cultivator didn't care about the life and death of ordinary people, he said to the left and right: "Please come back to the camp..."

It doesn't matter whether the cultivator is dead or not, Wuyi City must be captured tonight.

Then someone rode back to the base camp to invite the cultivator. But before the cultivator came back, someone rode up from behind and handed him the military information.

Zhao Li took a look at the military information from the rear, and found that it was the document that Ziyi Elder asked him to withdraw.

"Retreat?!" He almost didn't come back up in one breath.

It's been here tonight, and the situation is like this, it's just a one-shot, let him retreat? !

Zhao Li was burning with anger, the veins in the corners of his eyes were bulging, and he tore the Chinese book in his hand into pieces.

None of these so-called cultivators are reliable!

But... in the end...

He looked at the terrifying Sword Qi in front of Wuyi City, and still gave the order to retreat.

Now without a cultivator, we really can't beat Wuyi City.

Li Shiyin also breathed a sigh of relief as the Xuanqin army gradually retreated from the former army. If Xuan Qin really wanted to bite the bullet and continue to attack, then it is unknown how many people would die.

She had no problem with killing the enemy, but she still felt that unnecessary killing was unnecessary.

"They retreated, so they probably won't come back in a short time?" Li Shiyin asked.

"Are you asking me?" Zhuifeng asked her back.

"Okay..." Asking Zhuifeng is like asking in vain, Li Shiyin jumped off Zhuifeng's head and said, "I'll go and see Li Shiwen, you just stay here and don't move around."

"Ah? It's right here?!" Zhuifeng opened his eyes wide, unable to believe that this was the treatment of a lifesaver and a person who played a major role in this battle.

Li Shiyin was a little embarrassed, but the chasing wind was too big, and it was really difficult to place him in the city. She thought about it, coaxed a child, and said: "You are so majestic here, and the Xuanqin army will be terrified when they see you. You Think, a person is a city.”

After thinking about it, Zhuifeng seems to be the same, he is here to intimidate the enemy, he is indeed very majestic.

It's just that the city wall is not wide enough, so he has to be more cautious to get down.

After coaxing Chasing Wind, Li Shiyin unfolded Movement Technique and flew into the city.

The inside and outside of the city were cut off by her with Sword Qi, and the Xuanqin soldiers who stayed in the city were quickly killed and captured, and the fighting in the city was coming to an end.

Regardless of the trivial battles, she went straight to the City Lord's Mansion in the city and found Li Shiwen.

Li Shiwen was seriously injured and almost died. She used the Medicine Pill to save her life, but she also fell into a coma and was lying in a bedroom at this time.

When she arrived, Yu Chizhen who came to take care of Li Shiwen had just arrived.

When Yu Chizhen saw Li Shiwen's appearance, all her worries and fears, and all her emotions in the past few months, burst instantly. She lay on the bed and cried bitterly.

Seeing Yuchi's real appearance, Li Shiyin didn't know what to say for a while, so she had to wait for Yuchi to finish crying, then went to help her up, and comforted her: "He's injured a little bit, but he won't die."

Yuchi really sobbed and complained, "He really wants to die."

She looked at Li Shiwen sobbing for a while, then turned around and asked Li Shiyin, "How is Xiaomai?"

"Li An is fine, I'll leave it to my master to take care of her." Li Shiyin replied.

Li Shiyin trusted her master very much, and knew that the master would take good care of the child, but Yuchi really didn't, she wanted to say something, but she didn't say it.

Li Shiyin helped her to sit down on one side, and comforted her: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, Big Brother will wake up soon, Xuan Qin will also retreat soon, and everything will return to its original state."

It's just that Yu Chizhen followed the Northern Chu army all the way back here, but he didn't have much confidence, and just shook his head silently.

"With me here, everything will be fine." Li Shiyin promised.

Yuchi was really depressed and didn't want to talk, Li Shiyin started talking several times but didn't continue, so Li Shiyin stopped talking.

The two sat opposite each other in this bedroom, Li Shiyin occasionally got up to check Li Shiwen's condition, and when he found something bad, he took out the Medicine Pill and gave it to him, and sat back down when his condition was stable

She walked around the room occasionally, only feeling that the night was extraordinarily long.

I don't know when, the faint light came in from outside the window, Li Shiyin sensed it, looked outside, it was dawn, and there were fine and small snowflakes falling from the sky.

"It's snowing," she said.

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