Just as Zhang Liang thought, the entire huge empire existed because of that one man, as long as that man was done, the entire powerful empire would collapse in an instant. So there was the assassination of Bo Langsha.

And Xuan Qin is also a feudal dynasty with a high degree of centralized power, and also has an ambitious emperor, so as long as Zhao Zheng is killed, all the crises will disappear by themselves.


He never expected that before he could think of a way to enter the palace, Emperor Xuanqin would take the initiative to come out of the palace to find him.

At this moment, Qin Ran stood in front of Zhao Zheng, and finally realized that he had made a huge mistake... He still underestimated the enemy.

Sure enough, weakness and ignorance are not the most deadly, but arrogance is.

He thought that he was a cultivator, that he was just a water body, and that he was careful enough, but deep down in his heart, he still felt that this was a mortal country, and there was nothing worth noting about it except for the god-turning cultivator. He looked down on Modu with a condescending attitude.

So he should have this calamity.

Who said that the emperor of a mortal dynasty must be a mortal?

Is there such a rule? No.

It's just that everyone has always believed that the king of a mortal kingdom will only be a mortal, and cultivators are rarely interested in mortal power. Qin Ran also subconsciously thought so. He came from a world without Transcendent power, the question of whether the cultivator would be the emperor almost reached the blind spot of his thinking, he didn't even think about it.

But is it true that it has always been like this?

Yes, Zhao Zheng sitting at the tea table is a cultivator with a Cultivation Base. Qin Ran could see clearly that he was a cultivator of the Foundation Establishment late stage, and his foundation was quite solid, not weaker than the disciples of Tianjiao of Daojianmen.

Zhao Zheng made a cup of tea for Qin Ran and said aloud:

"In this world, mortal life is not life. Cultivator battles, Sword Qi magic is rampant, moving mountains and seas, destroying cities and countries, killing tens of thousands, millions, hundreds of millions of mortals. The life of mortals is like ants. For So, what does Qin fellow daoist think?"

Qin Ran walked to the tea table and sat down, taking the teacup from Zhao Zheng. He didn't know what Zhao Zheng was going to say for a moment, so he remained silent.

"Never mind accidental injuries in battle. If a cultivator is unhappy, he will destroy the mortal city; if there is a cultivator who wants to cultivate the evil way Cultivation Technique, he will capture hundreds or even thousands of mortals as a blood sacrifice. Regarding this, the former mortal Qin fellow How does Daoist think?" Zhao Zheng asked again.

Qin Ran was still not sure what Zhao Zheng wanted to say, he didn't mean to say that mortal life is also life?

He speculated for a while, and finally said: "Heavenly Dao rules are like this in this world. The body of the Gold Core cultivator is completely detached, and the soul of the cultivator is completely detached. When a Gold Core is swallowed, the cultivator and mortals are not in themselves. A species. The cultivator looks at mortals, just like mortals look at ants."

When Zhao Zheng heard Qin Ran's talk about scientific dialectics, he was stunned for a moment.

He asked again: "Cultivators used to be mortals. Good talents, such as Qin fellow daoist, are Gold Core cultivators before the age of thirty. At this time, your parents are still alive, and your brothers and sisters are still alive, so you think they are Is it an ant? Isn’t it the same species as you?”

Qin Ran didn't have any real emotions for his relatives in this life, and he didn't feel deeply, but he shook his head unconsciously when he thought of the relationship between Li Shiyin and her family.

"There are rules among folk gangs, and family members cannot be harmed, but there is no such thing among cultivators." Zhao Zheng said again, "So, in order not to affect ordinary people, cultivators with the best minds are just indifferent to fame and wealth, and live in seclusion in the mountains."

At this point, Qin Ran finally couldn't bear it any longer, and asked aloud, "What exactly does Your Majesty want to say?"

The two countries were at war, and the spies were caught, and instead of asking about the war, they asked about the cultivator... what a Xuanqin emperor, but he didn't ask about the common people and asked about ghosts and gods?

"Cultivators should have rules, and mortals should have dignity." Zhao Zheng poured himself a cup of tea.

Qin Ran vaguely grasped something, because he remembered that Emperor Xuanqin had something to do after unifying the land of the immortals, but he still couldn't figure out what he was going to do.

He looked at him, waiting for him to continue.

Zhao Zhengpin took a cup of hot tea, put the cup down on the table, and continued to pour tea for himself, while motioning for Qin Ran to drink tea, he said:

"If it weren't for you, Beichu would have been incorporated into Xuanqin now, and Yuntianmen would have been fully integrated into Mocheng. I just need to integrate the national power of the two countries and the sect of the two countries. The other five countries and other Sects have reacted, and they have no strength to resist. Just like the chariots and horses have started, all the praying mantises that open their hands in front of the wheels will be crushed to powder.

"You are not the first person to guess what I think, but those idiots either don't care, or bet that I can't do it, no one pays attention. You are the first person to see the whole process and know what I will do Unify the land of the immortals. You are a cultivator, but you have such a vision of the general situation in the world, it is amazing."

Qin Ran thought: "Because I know a person, that's what he did."

He asked, "I want to know what you will do after you unify the land of the immortal relics? What will you do to make the cultivator have rules and let mortals have dignity."

Zhao Zheng was holding the tea, consolidating his words, and then said: "To practice today, one must have Spiritual Roots. But there is no one in ten thousand who has Spiritual Roots among ordinary people. And these people only have Spiritual Roots, their virtues , The temperament is uncertain. A child who was brought to the world of The Weak are Prey to the Strong from the urine, what he will be like when he grows up can actually be deduced, but it is just another Devil with a strong and indifferent life.

"He who has talent and virtue is an ordinary person; he who has no father and no king is a cultivator.

"To make cultivator have rules and mortals have dignity, we must change this status quo. And to change this status quo, we need to practice not to emphasize Spiritual Roots.

"Spiritual Roots don't focus on what is important, moral knowledge. For example, students, knowing the wisdom, the higher the knowledge and the higher the Cultivation Base, can eventually be morally sanctified; for example, soldiers, defending the country, the greater the credit, the higher the combat power, and ultimately You can achieve Taoism through martial arts; for example, officials, governing and administering Taoism, the higher the official position, the higher the cultivation base, and eventually you can become a fairy with prestige."

Qin Ran listened, and had a little grasp of Zhao Zheng's thoughts.

"This is the result, but how can you achieve this step?"

Zhao Zheng drank another cup of hot tea, and said aloud: "I am going to turn the land of the Immortal Relics into a whole, gather all the Spiritual Qi, and use Heavenly Dao's will to realize what I just said."

"How to control Heavenly Dao's will?"

"Just create a new Heavenly Dao will." Zhao Zheng said lightly.

"How to make Heavenly Dao will?"

"Formation..." Zhao Zheng put down his teacup and looked at Qin Ran, "Qin Shouzuo, use formation. Set up a formation to cover the entire land of immortality."

Qin Ran picked up the teacup, his hands trembling, and it took him a long time to drink a cup of hot tea.

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