My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 35 Dan Feng's Ancestral Formula Without A Name

Li Shiwen went back alone.

He came in a hurry, left in a hurry, and took away nothing but a beating... Oh no, he also took a bottle of Huoxueshengjiwan, he really didn't want it, but this Medicine Pill The effect is really alluring.

But he has been here and existed after all, so he has some influence. Especially for Li Shiyin, because of his arrival, he lost the mood to continue digging the lake.

Li Shiyin went back to the house to take a shower, changed into a beautiful dress, climbed to the corner of the second floor, sat there, staring into the distance in a daze.

Looking out from here along the small river beside the house, there are grasslands on both sides of the small river, and in the middle of the grassland, there is a deep pit... The deep pit was dug out bit by bit by her own hands, and further outside, there is a forest, and the small river disappears In the shadows of the trees, the vast forest is outside, far, far away, there are intertwined mountains... Li Shiwen's Tiance Army is stationed in the mountains.

At some point, Qin Ran came up, hugged Zhui Feng, sat next to Li Shiyin, and followed her gaze into the distance.

Chasing the wind jumped out of his arms, stepping on the tiles and jumping around, a cat was laughing silly.

"Master, is my brother's garrison over there?" Li Shiyin asked Qin Ran without looking back.

"It's probably in this direction, but I haven't been there, so I don't know the specific situation." For Li Shiyin, Qin Ran always answers every question.

"Master, is it really necessary to cut off the fate of the world?" Li Shiyin asked again.

Qin Ran was silent for a while, then replied:

"If you don't cultivate your mind, then the cultivator is just an ordinary person with powerful power. You don't know people from the motherland, but you should know how dangerous it would be if an ordinary person possessed great power. It is conceivable that he His desire will be countless times his power. A powerful cultivator is too dangerous in the mortal world, not only for himself, but also for ordinary people, especially his relatives."

"How could I hurt my parents?" Li Shiyin was puzzled, "Even in this world, I still try my best to cultivate my mind. Is this not okay?"

"The enemy of a cultivator can only be a cultivator..." Qin Ran said, "You will not harm your relatives, but your enemies will. At that time, your relatives will be your greatest weakness, and you will only harm others and yourself."

"Then what if I don't reveal my own Cultivation Base?"

"This involves the story of standing out from the flock and Mao Sui's self-recommended." Qin Ran said, "A crane stands in the flock, and people can see it at a glance; put an awl into the pocket, and it will soon pierce the pocket and reveal it. "

Qin Ran's words were simple and easy to understand, and Li Shiyin understood. She drew back her feet, hugged them with both hands, and rested her chin on her knees.

"Master, have you already cut off the ties of the world?" She suddenly asked, "Master, you are only twenty-four years old, and your parents must be young too."

This question made Qin Ran sigh, his parents in this world are naturally still alive. However, he is a lonely ghost from the Otherworld, and he left home to practice at the age of five. His parents have far less affection for him than his master who died five years ago.

He naturally cut off the fate...

"Hmm." He responded.

Li Shiyin turned her head to look at him, shook her head and said, "I don't believe it."

Qin Ran did not argue.

"Where are you from, Master?"

"Northern Chu people."

"Master, are you from Northern Chu?!" Li Shiyin became interested, "Where are you from? Is it far from Danyang?"

"It's far from Danyang..." Qin Ran said, "It's not far from the Hengduan Mountains."

Li Shiyin's melancholy came and went quickly, and Qin Ran easily led her to Yunmengze.

They sat on the tile eaves for a long time, watching the sun go down the mountain.

The orange halo filled the sky, the ground was red, and the grass, tiles, and people were all splashed with red ink. Qin Ran's hair turned red, and Li Shiyin's skirt turned red.

It's time to make dinner.

Qin Ran patted his buttocks and stood up, ready to go downstairs, but before he went downstairs, he remembered something, turned around and said to Li Shiyin: "I see that when you hit your brother, you can freely retract and release your strength..."

Halfway through his speech, he stopped for some reason. Li Shiyin was curious, looked up at him, and saw him turn his head unnaturally.

"Huh? What happened?" She looked around, only Zhuifeng was rolling in the afterglow of the setting sun.

The apprentice has grown up, and the thought slipped through Qin Ran's mind. The apprentice who should become Vajra Barbie did not change in that direction, but the place where it should develop has accelerated...Compared to when he asked the Great Hall to see her before, The figure is much slimmer.

"Cough!" He hurriedly got rid of his dirty thoughts, and continued, "Your Realm should be almost stable, and you can practice supernatural powers and spells."

"Can I learn to fly with Yu Jian?"

Li Shiyin didn't know that she was squatting there with her clothes ruffled, while Qin Ran was standing, and when she looked back, she saw a smear of whiteness on her chest. She is happy that she can learn spells.

"Well, yes, you must learn to fly with the sword..." Qin Ran nodded with his back to Li Shiyin, and said, "Cultivating the Immortal World is too dangerous, and the means of escape must be given priority."

"Hey?" Li Shiyin was taken aback, isn't Yujian a means of fighting?

"So you have to learn escapism first. Since you like sword control, you should learn sword control first." Qin Ran said, "And after you have the life-saving magic power, you still need a combat magic power, so you have to learn one at the same time." Sword Technique."

After listening to Qin Ran's words, Li Shiyin pondered, and glanced at Qin Ran from time to time. She seemed to have discovered another shortcoming of the master besides fear of heights, that is, being cowardly...conservative, the Master seems to be too conservative.

""Nine Cycles Star Sword Art" is seriously incomplete, and there are not many supernatural powers left, but there are both sword control and combat Sword Technique." Qin Ran looked at the red sunset and spoke, and did not dare to look at Li Shiyin, but he did not find Li Shiyin strange look,

"I remember that there are two Sword Techniques recorded on it, one is called Star Reaching Sword, and the other is called Receiving Starlight Technique. You can choose one of the two Sword Techniques to practice. A person's energy is limited, and our time is limited , don’t be greedy.”

With limited energy, Li Shiyin could understand, but she didn't know why time was also limited. Puzzled, her little head nodded ignorantly.

"Well, that's it." After Qin Ran explained, he jumped up and jumped off the tile.

But he fell into the air, and he didn't know what he thought of, so he used the Movement Technique to fly up, came back to the tile, and then looked at Li Shiyin in deep thought.

"Master, what's wrong with you?" Li Shiyin was puzzled, stood up, and came over to test the temperature of Qin Ran's forehead to see if he was sick.

Qin Ran shook his head, finally made up his mind, and said, "In that case, I will pass on this formula to you."

"What formula?"

Qin Ran didn't speak, raised his hand, and pointed at Li Shiyin's forehead, Divine Sense carved a seal, and sent a formula to Li Shiyin's Sea of ​​Consciousness.

Li Shiyin stopped suddenly, closed his eyes, and saw some golden words in front of him:

The first division of chaos, the universe is vast. The evolution of heaven and earth, the sun and moon Star. All things are fixed, like the universe. The first division of chaos...

"Master, what is this?"

"The method of Soul Refining..." Qin Ran said, "The method of Soul Refining passed down by Danfeng's ancestors."

This is why Qin Ran had Divine Sense only during the Foundation Establishment period.

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