My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 359 Qin Ran's First Experience Of Being A Playboy

"So..." On the wide street of Danyang City, Qin Ran asked Li Shiwen, "Why are you taking me with you?"

"This Danyang City..." Li Shiwen grabbed Qin Ran's shoulders, "My territory! What can't be done? Whatever you want, I'll take you there."

He said, shaking his eyebrows at Qin Ran, showing a smile that any man could understand.

Well, Li Shiwen with thick eyebrows and big eyes is really this kind of person, Qin Ran squinted at him and asked, "Give me an example?"

"Eat, drink, have fun, I can take you wherever there is in Danyang City. Think of me as the dignified Young Master of the Li family, I still have this face." Li Shiwen was quite proud, "Although Brother Qin, your intelligence, Cultivation Base Your strength beats me by 800 miles, but... you certainly don't enjoy as much entertainment as I do in this world."

Qin Ran looked at him and blinked, wondering how this guy got the confidence to talk about entertainment with a modern person.

"So..." he asked again.

To be honest, he really wants Li Shiwen to give him a long view now.

Li Shiwen stretched out his arms to embrace him, bent down, lowered his voice, and whispered: "According to reliable sources, Chen Shishi, the newest oiran of Tianxianglou, is still a baby...extremely beautiful, and proficient in piano, chess, calligraphy and painting...Hands are like silk, Feet like golden lotuses..."

Well, Qin Ran could hear clearly that this was to take him to a brothel... So he just looked at Li Shiwen silently, hoping that he could understand that he was his brother-in-law-to-be. He wants to take his prospective brother-in-law to a brothel!

"As the Young Master of my Li family, I will use some more money. Maybe you will have a chance to kiss Fangze." Li Shiwen raised his eyebrows with a lewd smile, "How about it?"

"Not so good!" Qin Ran rolled his eyes and said righteously, "Do you think I am the one who wants to go to this kind of fireworks place?"

Li Shiwen looked Qin Ran up and down, nodded, and said, "Scholars like you are all wretched and boring, and you like to stand out in brothels and spend money. Don't you?"

"No!" Qin Ran's eyes were very firm.

"Alas!" Seeing this, Li Shiwen sighed and let go of Qin Ran.

The two walked on the street for a while, when Li Shiwen suddenly remembered something, put his elbow on Qin Ran's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Speaking of scholars, I remember that Tang Yin held a poetry meeting today, saying it was a spring outing poetry meeting ...Oh, Tang Yin is the eldest son of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials. Shihui, are you interested in this?"

Qin Ran rolled his eyes, Shihui, asked him to attend a banquet as a remote mountain nerd... Was it a banquet? That is to kill him!

He didn't bother to say anything.

Li Shiwen said strangely: "This is a poetry meeting led by the ministers of the Ministry of Officials. There will be many highly talented Guozijian and Hanlin students to participate. You are quite talented and knowledgeable, but you also have a bad stomach. You can exchange knowledge with them, and you can also recite poems and compose poems." Yes, isn’t that bad? Don’t you scholars like stepping on the heads of other scholars to appear holy?”

What about exchanging knowledge, what about reciting poems and doing right things, and this still requires him to be a copywriter? Qin Ran shook his head again and again, he didn't want to be sorry to those great men in his previous life.

"Let me tell you, you are a stereotype. Not all scholars are like that, and scholars also have True Monarchs, not all are sanctimonious. Besides, I am not a scholar!" He and Li Shiwen said, "When I see Readers are annoying."

"I'm not a scholar..." Li Shiwen looked at him, and said, "There will be a lot of talented and beautiful women at the poetry fair. If you are not interested in talented people, what about the beautiful women? Spring outings and poetry fairs, those officials and courtesans, famous prostitutes, But they all like it very much.”

Qin Ran stood still and stared at him earnestly. After a while, he advised: "You said that you are a married man with a son, and you are Shiyin's big brother. Tell me this, you Do you think it's appropriate?"

"Men! Be broad-minded!" Li Shiwen didn't care, patted Qin Ran's chest with the back of his hand, and replied, "I don't want to take it home, take a look and play with it, it won't affect anything."

Hearing this, Qin Ran searched in his Qiankun bag, found a bottle of Medicine Pill, handed it to Li Shiwen, and said with a serious expression: "I think you will be infected sooner or later, and this bottle of Medicine Pill will be given to you. At that time Can save your life."

"It's not that exaggerated..." Li Shiwen said, and took over the Medicine Pill... The Medicine Pill of the cultivator, don't want it for nothing.

"The spring outing poetry club will also invite musicians and dancers, and that guy Gao Yuanshan will go. The so-called elegant music, vulgar music, graceful dance, and beautiful girls." He put away the Medicine Pill and continued to ask, "You don't care about these things either. interest?"

Li Shiwen's enthusiasm made Qin Ran slowly react. This guy simply wanted to go to the brothel and wanted him to be an accomplice; it was also he who wanted to go to the Spring Outing Poetry Club, and he wanted to go to the poetry club to see girls, but he is a rough person, and it is really embarrassing to go to the poetry club... That's why this guy kept picking him up.

"You want to go?" He asked Li Shiwen righteously.

"Hi!" Li Shiwen shook his head and denied, "If you don't go, you won't go! Why do I want to go? I'm thinking of you."

"I'm a cultivator, with a pure heart and few desires. I don't care about the mundane world." Qin Ran said with a righteous face, "Don't use these to damage my Dao's just a waste of effort."

They all kidnapped his Little Sister, and the two of them were there in broad daylight like something, and they were still telling him that they were pure-hearted and ascetic, but Li Shiwen didn't believe a word.

But suddenly, he thought of something, he took a serious look at Qin Ran, and he said how he feels that Qin Ran is a bit abnormal today... Where is Qin Ran's upright look today?

He lowered his voice and asked softly, "Shiyin?"

Qin Ran glanced at him approvingly, and said to himself, "Not too stupid."

There is a sword fairy Little Sister in the family, and he dared to drag his brother-in-law out to flirt, but Li Shiwen can only be said to have hanged himself by the birthday man-enough.

Seeing Qin Ran's tacit expression, Li Shiwen was a little flustered. He looked around, looking for Li Shiyin's location.

But how could he find Li Shiyin? Many advanced cultivators of Cultivation Base failed to do so.

He struggled for a while, but he couldn't find Li Shiyin, but he calmed down, it was just a beating, could Li Shiyin kill him?

Thinking about it, Li Shiwen, who has thick eyebrows, big eyes and sharp edges and corners, is also upright. He said to Qin Ran: "I have heard the sound of poetry, brother Ran, you have learned the flute, and the sound of the flute is quite beautiful. Brother Ran has studied music. Coincidentally, I have some acquaintances in the Danyang Liyuan, how about we go to the Liyuan to listen to music and dance?"

This is an elegant matter, so that Li Shiyin will not catch it. Qin Ran finally nodded and said, "Very good."

So on the first day of Qin Ran's first experience of playfulness, he listened to music in Liyuan.

Then the next day, go fishing.

On the third day, listen to books in the teahouse.

...That is really not even dare to go to the casino.

But it was said that in the afternoon of this day, Li Shiwen took a few friends and Qin Ran to drink tea and listen to books at the Ximeng Tea House in Danyang City.

In fact, Qin Ran is not interested in storytelling or anything like that. But one reason is that they have no place to go, and the other reason is that the storytelling in the teahouse here these days is about the legendary story of the Northern Chu cultivator in the war against the invasion of Xuanqin. He really wanted to know if there was any story about him and his silly apprentice, so he thought it was interesting.

And what I’m talking about today is the story of Jiang Xiaobai, the legendary sword god of Northern Chu, and it’s coming to an end:

"... But that night, lead clouds were densely covered, as if tens of thousands of catties of pig iron were hanging in the sky.

Snow, fluttering like goose feathers!

Jiang Xiaobai sits on the head of Wuyi city alone, with one sword and one sword.

He was drinking, and the wine was as sharp as an ice knife, cutting it from his throat.

He is waiting for someone, who is a powerful enemy, to come and take his life.

He knew he was going to die today, but he didn't go, he was very calm.

Because he guards Wuyi City behind him.

A gust of cold wind blew, and the enemy sent nine cultivators. They are all terrifying powers that turn pills into babies.

Among them was a sword-wielding man who asked the sword god, "You are not from Northern Chu, and you have no grievances with Xuan Qin. Why did you sacrifice your life here for that mere mortal?"

The sword god raised his head, looked at the sword holder, and replied, "I am the number one sword god in Northern Chu."

"After you die today, no one will remember you anymore."

The sword god drank wine and sighed: "There are many people who are not remembered, and I am not the only one; so many people died in this city, I am not the only one. If others die, I will die too."

Xuan Qin has a divine light invincible, and persuaded Jian Shen: "I appreciate you very much. I will give you a chance to join Xuan Qin."

The sword god looked at him, spit at him, and said, "Scholars can be killed, but not humiliated. Why do you insult me?"

Those who control the divine light never speak again.

Xuanqin had infinite vitality and survived a hundred battles and asked the Sword God: "Do you regret it?"

"No regrets."

The Sword God said: "If you shrink back today, your heart will die; if you fight, your body will die. If you advance, you will die, and if you retreat, you will die. Waiting for death, will the country die?"

Immediately it was a big battle.

The Sword God has seventy-two Flying Swords, and the enemy general has nine. Eight-way Flying Sword fights one cultivator, and the sword god fights nine people alone.

It is the Flying Sword all over the sky, piercing the sky, heavy snow falling, heavy rain falling, and great sun falling; it is the countless supernatural powers that shatter the earth, the earth dragon turns over, and the Demonic Beasts perish.

The sword god has a hundred and eighty swords, and the sword god also has a limit, and eventually the magic power is exhausted and he dies.

On that day, bloody snowflakes fell all day in Wuyi City. "

After talking about the death of Jiang Xiaobai, the sword god, everyone in the teahouse felt sorry for him, and there was a moment of silence, everyone was sad.

Qin Ran turned to look at Li Shiwen, only to see that Li Shiwen also had a serious face and sad eyes, probably remembering the real scene of Jiang Xiaobai's death that night.

The storyteller in the hall said this, took a sip of tea, Xingmu patted it, "pa", and said: "There are outstanding people in Jiangshan, and they will be the Northern Chu. The death of the sword god, the heaven and the earth are sad, but whether it is extremely peaceful, Just when Xuanqin was about to break through Wuyi City..."

He paused, and said loudly, "The Sword Immortal is coming!"

This sound seemed to sweep away the sadness in the hall, and hope and light reappeared in the teahouse. Who doesn't know their peerless and invincible Li Jianxian in Northern Chu?

"Pass the torch! This old man continues to tell the story of the sword fairy Li Shiyin!" The storyteller smiled.

"But this Li Shiyin is still quite young, she is a girl from our Danyang City. You may have seen her mischievous..."

Speaking of Li Shiyin's story, the atmosphere in the teahouse suddenly became cheerful.

Qin Ran listened, thinking of the dazed appearance of the silly apprentice, he couldn't help but feel a little strange. The silly apprentice he saw was also a peerless sword fairy in the eyes of others.

In his eyes, he is a foolish and cheerful man, but in the eyes of others, he is also a hero who saves the country and saves lives.

This so beautiful, it always makes him smile.


A good day ends with seeing Cheng Nan.

Cheng Nan was escorted into this teahouse by several people. Those people were obviously not ordinary people, but Qin Ran didn't know them, he only knew Cheng Nan.

Those young masters entered the teahouse and caused a great commotion. Li Shiwen frowned and looked over, and immediately recognized the identities of those people.

The stage was talking about how Little Sister saved the country and the common people. He didn't want to pay attention to those young masters, but unfortunately...these young masters came for him.

As soon as they entered the teahouse, they looked up and searched around, and found the location of Li Shiwen and Qin Ran's private room, and then went straight to this side.

Qin Ran frowned, and said to Li Shiwen, "Come to see you?"

"They are all dandies in Danyang City..." Li Shiwen and Qin Ran introduced, "The one who was surrounded in front and taken advantage of, you have seen it, is the son of the first assistant Cheng Lixue, Cheng Nan, who was engaged to Shiyin before, because You, Shiyin unilaterally tore up the agreement four years ago;

"Following him is Xiang Hui, the little brother of the great general Xiang Ji. Xiang Ji is a general launched by His Majesty to check and balance our Li family, so the Xiang family is naturally opposed to our Li family, and the relationship between me and Xiang Hui is also different. He was easily suppressed by me before, but after the Hengduan Mountains incident, I have been decadent for many years, and he has some momentum;

"Next to Xiang Hui is Tang Yin. He was the one who held the spring outing poetry meeting a few days ago. Then there is Mi Hua, the eldest son, and Tian Boming, a student of the Imperial Academy.

"In a word, they are all trash who were suppressed by me before. In the past two years, I have found a sense of superiority in me, and my momentum has recovered.

"It's probably because they knew I was back and came to suppress me in time... Heh, they also brought Cheng Nan with them."

Li Shiwen looks unreliable, he is a fool like Li Shiyin, but in fact he is not a fool.

First of all, he is the number one villain in the capital, the best of his generation; second, he sees politics and the situation clearly, and is not a simple person at all.

... Of these evil young ladies who grew up under the emperor's feet, probably only Li Shiyin is really naive. But after Qin Ran's training over the years, Li Shiyin is no longer naive.

Qin Ran was not interested in the other villains in the capital, so he took a second look at Cheng Nan, and then he realized that this guy was the legendary "Xiao Yan" whose engagement was divorced. He just realized that four years ago, the silly apprentice made "Nalan Yanran" just for him.

It seems that when he was harboring evil intentions, the innocent-looking apprentice was also not pure in his mind.

He was tricked by her... well, that's right.

A few young men from Danyang pushed Cheng Nan into this private room, violently smashed open the door, and rushed in, filling the private room.

Li Shiwen's friends stood up immediately and confronted Xiang Hui and others who had barged in.

Xiang Hui leisurely crossed Cheng Nan, stood side by side with Cheng Nan, put his hand on Cheng Nan's shoulder, looked at Li Shiwen and said with a smile, "Ah! Li Da Young Master, long time no see you! How are you?"

"Thanks to His Majesty's blessing, I am in good health." Li Shiwen leaned back on the chair and replied to Xiang, "Then, Young Master Xiang, may I ask what is your business?"

"When I passed by the teahouse, I heard Li Shiyin, the sword fairy, being talked about in the teahouse..."

At this time, the storyteller just said: "The young Sword Immortal secretly ran out of Tiance Army's garrison, overcame all kinds of difficulties and dangers, crossed thousands of mountains and rivers, and came to Daojian Gate.

"At that time, Daojianmen is holding the Asking Ceremony once every fifty years..."

"...Shiyin and I have been friends since we were young, childhood sweethearts, so we hurried in to join us." Xiang Hui laughed and pointed at Cheng Nan, "Besides, Brother Cheng is also engaged to Shiyin!"

Cheng Nan's face changed slightly when he heard this, and he looked at Qin Ran quietly. But Qin Ran had a calm expression on his face, as if he didn't hear Xiang Hui's words. He secretly pulled Xiang back, hoping that he would not pull him when he wanted to die.

But how could Xiang Hui pay attention to his opinion?

They made Cheng Nan the boss, probably because he is a cultivator with strong force value, so they gave him to be their boss.

Cheng Nan is actually their sword and their shield.

"As soon as I entered the teahouse, I saw Brother Wen, and I immediately came to say hello to Brother Wen with Xiao Nan." Xiang Hui said with a smile on his face.

"My greetings now. I'm fine." Li Shiwen said, "You can go out now."

Xiang Hui paced over and said, "It's been a long time since we saw each other, why don't you catch up on the old days? I'm very happy to see Brother Wen's state is different from before."

Does Li Shiwen have a good temper? Obviously not good. When this guy met Qin Ran for the first time, he dared to become Little Sister in a fit of rage and raised his gun to the mighty cultivator.

If Li Shiwen before the Hengduan Mountains, Xiang Hui dared to jump like this, and pressed so hard, he would have been thrown downstairs long ago; now Li Shiwen has gone through the baptism of ups and downs, calmed down, and is still very calm at this time.

But calmness is calmness, and things should be done and things must be done.

Angry in his heart, he didn't show any joy or anger on his face, and asked Xiang Hui, "How do you want to reminisce about the old days?"

Xiang Hui walked up to Li Shiwen, he was standing, and Li Shiwen was sitting. He looked down at Li Shiwen, reached out and patted Li Shiwen on the shoulder, and said with concern: "It is said that Brother Wen fought bravely on the battlefield and rushed to the front line bravely.  … Are you not injured?"

This action belongs to the superior's concern for the inferior, but it is quite humiliating when it is placed between Xiang Hui and Li Shiwen.

Li Shiwen looked up at Xiang Hui, laughed, and patted Xiang Hui's hand on his shoulder with the other hand. He is in a really good mood now, and he gave Xiang Hui one last chance. He asked, "You want to know, do I Can you still fight?"

Xiang Hui and the three little friends behind him belonged to the kind who were suppressed by Li Shiwen for 20 years, and then Li Shiwen was suddenly severely depressed and depressed, and they suppressed them in turn for four years.

In the past four years, they have forgotten how they were beaten by Li Shiwen in the first twenty years, and they even forgot what their last name was.

Xiang Hui also laughed and asked, "Brother Wen, can you still fight?"


Before he finished speaking, such a voice suddenly sounded in the private room.

The sound came suddenly and frighteningly, causing a moment of silence in the private room.

They heard the storyteller outside say: "After many trials, Li Jianxian passed the final assessment and entered the core area of ​​Daojianmen, asking the Great Hall..."


After being quiet, there was a howl of pain. One second, Xiang Hui was arrogant and arrogant, and the next second he folded his arms and knelt down in front of Li Shiwen.

...His palm was crushed to pieces by Li Shiwen! !

What is Li Shiwen's current strength?

It is the limit of mortals!

Give him a pair of wings, and he can overwhelm most Foundation Establishment cultivators!

Is this something Xiang Hui can provoke? !

But Xiang Hui is the evil young man in the capital, even though he was sweating in pain and screaming loudly, after screaming, he was still able to give orders: "Cheng Nan, what are you waiting for?!"

Cheng Nan looked at Qin Ran who was still calm, and remained silent.

Li Shiwen stood up from the chair, his tall figure intimidated everyone in the private room, including Cheng Nan, they finally recalled the horror of being dominated by Li Shiwen.

He squinted at Xiang Hui who was kneeling on the ground, and asked, "Xiang Young Master, can we fight again?"

"If you still want to get Li Shiyin back, Li Shiwen is your only hope." Tang Yin said suddenly, and said to Cheng Nan, "Women are all cheap, you can't get her back if you cry and beg and kneel." You can only force her, force her with force, threaten her with profit, and restrain her with emotion. Since you can't get her heart, you can use various means to get her body."

He whispered in Cheng Nan's ear like a Devil, "Twisted melons are not sweet, but they can quench thirst. You can control Li Shiwen to blackmail Li Shiyin. You are a cultivator... a powerful cultivator, can't you even get a woman?" ?”

Cheng Nan looked back at him, only to feel that the repressed things in her heart were lifted, and darkness ran out from inside.

But he looked at Qin Ran again, gritted his teeth, and desperately suppressed the darkness in his heart.

"Do you know why Li Shiyin doesn't like you and wants to abandon you?" Tang Yin continued, "It's because of your submissive and indecisive cowardly appearance. She is the woman you love the most in your life and the most precious thing in your life Even such a person is not worthy of your change, try your best...

"Say, what else can you do?"

Cheng Nan's eyes were a little red. He looked at Qin Ran and thought, I might fight to the death with him.

"It's a good thing that Li Shiyin didn't marry you..." Tang Yin said, "It would be a waste of heaven for such a beautiful girl to commit herself to you!"

Cheng Nan clenched his fists, his thoughts were surging...

At this time, the storyteller outside said: "At the beginning, Li Jianxian studied under the first sect of Danfeng, and wanted to learn the technique of pill refining; after that, she suddenly learned Sword Technique..."

"Danfeng? Pill refining?" Cheng Nan raised his head suddenly, looked at Qin Ran with a pair of blood red eyes, and asked, "pill refining master?!"

He saw a trace of panic flashing in Qin Ran's eyes, and even though Qin Ran hid it well, he still saw it.

Qin Ran maintained a calm expression, and also said: "I... I am a Gold Core cultivator!"

It's okay if he doesn't say it, but he looks guilty when he does. This moment ignited the darkness in Cheng Nan's heart!


There is a sword out of the sheath!

Cheng Nan stretched out his body and stabbed at Qin Ran with a sword.



His sword stopped.

He looked over carefully, his sword was caught by Qin Ran with the middle and middle fingers of his left hand!

He tried hard, but found that he couldn't advance, and he couldn't retreat.

"The first cultivator I've seen in my life who was fooled by mortals..." Qin Ran looked at Cheng Nan with a smile in his eyes, "You really taught me a lot.

"Well...not all of them. A cultivator is a mortal with Transcendent power. If the heart cannot keep up with the power, it is indeed easy to be eroded by the darkness in the heart. This should be within the scope of my understanding."


With his fingers, he cut off Cheng Nan's sword, looked at Tang Yin, and said with a smile: "It's better to say, I admire this brother. You have accomplished what I really wanted to accomplish. A mortal can kill the cultivator with his mouth."

"There are still masters?!" Tang Yin looked cold and looked at Qin Ran. Fear arose in my heart.

"Interesting!" Qin Ran smiled, but shook his head regrettably.

He got up and walked forward, leading Li Shiwen out of the teahouse.

Behind him, the storyteller was still saying: "Li Jianxian grew up from an immature sword cultivator. Her master carefully taught her to forge a sword for her. There is a saying that it is easy to cast a sword in the hand, but difficult to cast a sword in the heart. Her master But on the way to forge her a sword in the middle, he forged a sword in her heart..."

A few days later, Xiang Ji Little Brother Xiang Hui, Tang Yin, the son of Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Mi Hua, the eldest son, and Hanlin scholars fell ill one after another. There was no doctor for Yaoshi, and he died of suffering from illness for more than a month.

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