My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 369 Living On A Deserted Island, The Start Of The Sky Is Muddled


Excruciating pain! !

All over the body, as if being delayed, the pain rushed from the whole body to the brain, squeezing the brain and waking Qin Ran from the coma.

When consciousness returned to his brain, what he felt for the first time was confusion, chaos, nothing, and then, the second time, there was blinding white light, broken space, raging wind tornado, rough sea waves, and endless void Dancing wildly in your head.

Then, he felt that he was in the turbulent flow of space and couldn't help himself.

Enduring the pain, he opened his eyes and found that he was lying in the sand, seeing the water flowing against his face, and his mouth and nose were full of sand.

"Where is this?" The question popped up in his mind.


"who I am?"

"What am I doing?"

After asking a question, it took a long time for the memory to drift out from the turbulent current far away.

He finally remembered: his name is Qin Ran, he is a clone of Yuanshen, he was sent here through an ultra-long-distance teleportation formation, the purpose is to check the safety of this place for the main body, and build a back road.

His mind went from being empty to slowly remembering his past and present lives, knowing who he is and what he wants to do here.

So there is only one question, where is this place?

Where exactly was he sent by the teleportation formation... Where is the destination of that one-way teleportation formation?

Qin Ran tried to control his hands and feet to stand up, but he found that he couldn't do it. He seemed to be paralyzed, and his body couldn't receive his control signals at all.

"So..." He looked at the sand under his face, endured the pain in his body and thought, "Am I going to be so aggrieved and drowned here?"

But soon, the pain on his body let him know that he was not paralyzed yet, and his brain could actually receive pain signals from his body.

Immediately afterwards, he also reacted. He is a primordial spirit avatar, and he is essentially composed of two parts, the primordial spirit and the water avatar. He does not have a substantial human body, so there is no possibility of nerves and paralysis.

"Thinking so slow..." He slowly came to his senses, "Probably the primordial spirit was also damaged during the transmission!"

"The primordial spirit is my brain. My brain is damaged, so I am now brain-dead."

"If the water body is drowned in the water, will this become an unsolved mystery in the practice world? It can be added to the collection of jokes."

"Well, during the transmission process, my brain was damaged, and my memory has problems. So am I Qin Ran? Or am I transmigrated from modern society. Is it possible that I am the main body, but was murdered by the clone."

"The memories in my mind are all other things, maybe they were instilled in me by someone with ulterior motives..."

Thinking about something in his mind, Qin Ran felt that his own mind gradually became more flexible, and the pain in his body also weakened. He tried to control his hands and feet again, and finally got a response.

It seems that Yuanshen's injury is gradually recovering.

"Is there a possibility that this is the background of the world of the heavens, and I am just an eighteen-line villain left in the world of cultivating immortals?"

"Is there a possibility that I am actually the reincarnation of some unlucky eighteenth life, and I will be drowned in this life?"

"Or, this is somewhere in my memory, and I'm a vegetable?"

"I might be a lunatic..."

The hands and feet moved slowly, from immobility to movement, from weakness to strength.

I don't know how long it took, Qin Ran finally turned over in the mud and sand, using both hands and feet, from lying in the mud to lying in the cement sand.

"Salted fish turned over...from lying down to lying down..."

He looked at the sky, the sky was blue at this time, and there were a few white clouds stretched against the blue background, erratic like fairy long sleeves.

"Oh, it's broad daylight, fine weather."

"But I'm still a salted fish."

After a long time, Qin Ran finally sat up from the mud.

At this moment, he realized that he had not fallen into that small mud pit, but...

Fell into the great, immeasurable, sea! !

The location he is at right now is the beach.

He looked forward, it was grass, it was green and lush forest, it was... an island.

He struggled to turn around, and sure enough, there was a boundless sea behind him.

The whistling sound of the sea breeze, the crashing sound of the sea waves, and the chirping sound of the seabirds flying by in the sky reached his ears, making him understand that all of this was real.

"Is it a game?" He thought again, "When I didn't realize that this was an island, I couldn't hear any sounds, and I couldn't get any clues. Once I knew where I was, I could get a lot of information at once."

At this time, his mouth also had a sense of taste, and he tasted the salty taste of seawater in his mouth; his nose also had a sense of smell, and he smelled the fishy smell of seawater brought by the sea breeze.

"So..." he thought, "Am I an npc, or a player?"

Sitting on the diving beach by the beach, Qin Ran rested for a while, gained some strength, and struggled to stand up from the water.

But his soul was injured after all. When he walked, he seemed to have a cerebellar insufficiency or a hangover, staggering, and his legs and feet were still weak.

He tried his best to walk ashore, but the waves behind him knocked him down many times. It took him a long time to walk for a distance of ten meters before he reached the dry place on the shore.

Sitting cross-legged on the shore, facing the sea, but without the warmth of spring, Qin Ran thought: "Where is this?"

This is obviously not the Lingnan Territory, because there is no sea in the Lingnan Territory.

He sat there for a long time before remembering to look for the map. Before the teleportation, these things were all prepared.

But when he lowered his head, he realized that he was naked, not to mention the Qiankun bag, and he didn't even have any clothes, all of which disappeared into the turbulent flow of space.

Even the naked body is not so perfect, because there are too many injuries on the body, and the bloody flesh has not recovered in time.

"Ah! Perfect!!" He sighed in his heart, "It's a messy start, not even a bowl, no clothes. You can't even be a beggar."

At this opening, Hongwu Great Emperor has to call "Wan Nima" directly when he comes.

Thinking inexplicably with grief in his heart, he suddenly found a reflective object in the sea, which was dazzled by the sun several times.

He couldn't help but stand up: "Damn it, Hu Luo Ping Yang was bullied by dogs!" The dignified Gold Core cultivator, who was stranded on a deserted island, had to be molested by a fisherman. Who can bear this?

Qin Ran was furious, stumbled, walked into the sea water again, reached out to pick up the reflective object for a look...

"Hey! There's still a bowl!"

This thing is nothing but the protective Magical Item prepared for him by the main body before he teleported, the Water Blossom Pearl. According to the standard of "Water Blooms Heart Sutra", the refined water-type Magical Item is a top-grade Magical Item, almost Magic Treasures.

Qin Ran stood on the beach, held up the water splendor beads, and looked through the beads to see the blue sky and the dazzling sunshine...

"Brother Zhongba, come back quickly, there is still more to play!"

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