My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 37 Master, I'll Take You Fly

Tian Wenjin can complete the condensing cyclone and Yujian flight within two days; Li Shiyin can find the sense of air overnight and the sense of matter in the blink of an eye.

This is called Talent.

Qin Ran, it took him a month to familiarize himself with various classics, and after he knew the feeling of Qi, he spent another week to find the sense of Qi, and then spent half a year to condense the cyclone. As for the sense of matter, it was much faster than finding the sense of qi. He spent ten days reading various classics, and found the sense of matter in only three days.

This is called stupid.

Sometimes the gap between people may be greater than the gap between humans and dogs.

For example, at this moment, Qin Ran looked at a certain kitten who stole his teacher, and felt the qi scurrying in the cat's body. He had to admit that his Talent was far inferior to the cat.

Alas, no, it's not a cat, it's a seventh-level demon Wang Xuan Mingling Tiger.

Li Shiyin opened his eyes, saw the sword floating in front of him, and then turned on the Magic power, controlling its rotation jerkily.

The dreamy purple Star Magic power flowed from between her eyebrows, pulling out a long purple Ribbon in the air, and connecting it to the Star Sword. The Qingxing Sword slowly changed from a jerky rotation to a gentle swing, and then gradually opened up the distance.

After a while, it was the first realization that the Star Sword was too far away from the body, and Li Shiyin finally couldn't control it. After struggling in the air, he fell to the floor.

She got up and went to pick up the sword, danced a standard sword flower, turned around and put on a handsome pose, facing Qin Ran, and asked with a smile: "Master, do you think I am powerful?!"

Qin Ran looked at Li Shiyin. At this time, the cold light of the rainy day came in from the window and shone on her face, but it couldn't cover up her sunny smile. Her lips were red and her teeth were white. Her smile was extraordinarily bright.

"Boom!" He found Own's heart hitting his chest vigorously.

He quickly turned his head away, not looking at her, and said aloud: "There is nothing to be proud of. The mantra I passed on to you last night is the mantra for cultivating Divine Sense. Divine Sense is very helpful for Yu Jian's sense of things."

"Hmph, boring!" Li Shiyin stopped the pose and sat back on the sofa.

Qin Ran continued: "That unnamed formula is the ultimate mystery of our Danfeng. It has always been passed down to the first one..."

"Only pass on the first seat?" Li Shiyin grasped the point, "Does that mean I am the first seat of Danfeng's next generation!?"

"I'm not dead yet!" Qin Ran glanced at her, beckoning her not to interrupt himself, "This formula is very remarkable, because it can directly condense the Divine Sense of a low-level cultivator.

"What is Divine Sense? It is the perception produced by the soul after Nascent Soul transforms into a god. It is a sixth sense higher than the five senses of the human body. It may be the vision of the soul."

Qin Ran was quite admirable, "The person who created this Cultivation Technique is really a genius, and his understanding of soul, perception, and Divine Sense has reached an unbelievable level.

"I really can't figure out what is the principle behind it... As for the name of the Cultivation Technique, how did Danfeng get it, and what is the follow-up, I don't know anything. If there is a follow-up, maybe I can understand its inner meaning principle."

Li Shiyin couldn't understand it, but she could feel it was very powerful. She said, "Then master, I will help you with the follow-up in the future."

Qin Ran ignored her and continued the class: "The Spiritual Sense of a low-level cultivator can only circulate in the body, and only after it becomes Divine Sense can it be separated from the body. And the inner Spiritual Sense becomes Divine Sense, which is a qualitative change. Seeing The world is no longer the same. There will be qualitative changes in pill refining, practicing swords, refining weapons and enforcing arrays..."

"But Master, I don't think the world is different..." Li Shiyin questioned.

This dull guy has no self-knowledge, and Qin Ran didn't bother to scold her, he just said: "In addition to invisible changes to perception, Divine Sense can also directly manipulate things... You can try Divine Sense Yujian."

"Oh..." Li Shiyin looked at Qin Ran without losing her skin. She closed her eyes and found her little bit of Divine Sense in the sea of ​​consciousness. Flying Sword is controlled by Magic power in the way of controlling the sword.

But as soon as Flying Sword started, it fell hard!

"Hiss..." Divine Sense bounced back to the Sea of ​​Consciousness like a stretched rubber band. Li Shiyin let out a cry of pain, covered her forehead, and shouted, "Master, master, it's too heavy to hold!"

"Can't you catch it?"


Qin Ran was puzzled. When he first practiced Divine Sense, the imperial envoy weighed more than seven or eight catties.

Li Shiyin's Talent is so much higher than him, why can't he even pick up this Flying Sword?

"Could it be that my talent in this aspect is higher than the stupid apprentice?" Qin Ran shook his head, he had a vague guess in his heart, but he was not sure.

"If you can't use Divine Sense to control the sword, forget it, wait until your Divine Sense is stronger." He comforted, "Anyway, the enhancement of Divine Sense to your perception will also greatly help your Magic power to control the sword. "

Li Shiyin's head hurt after a while and then it stopped. She patted her forehead and shook it again. The feeling just now was really uncomfortable.

When the Qingxing Sword fell, the tip of the sword was pointing downwards, piercing the ground for a small section, and fixed there.

Qin Ran pulled it up and handed it back to Li Shiyin. Looking at the sword pit on the wooden floor, he felt a little distressed, but he just said:

"With the physical sense, you can practice Yujian flying. You can practice it yourself, it's similar to skateboarding, and you will get better with more practice."

"Skateboard?" Li Shiyin took the sword, looked outside, and pouted, "Master, it's raining!"

"You can go to the second floor to practice." Qin Ran said.

"Oh yes!" Li Shiyin nodded, and ran to the exercise room on the second floor with the Star Sword in her arms.

After watching Li Shiyin disappear into the stairwell, Qin Ran sat down on the sofa. He looked at Zhui Feng who was sitting on the coffee table, and stretched out his hand to signal him to come over.

Zhuifeng licked his paw, but still jumped onto Qin Ran's lap.

"I'm not surprised that you can cultivate..." Qin Ran put his hand on Zhuifeng's fur, and said to Zhuifeng, "But what Cultivation Technique do you want to practice?

"So what is your attribute? Dark attribute? But I have never heard of Dark Spiritual Roots. Then, your Meridians are different from ours, can you cultivate human Cultivation Technique?"

"Meow~" Zhuifeng called out.

Qin Ran looked down at him, and Zhuifeng looked up at him, one person and one cat looked at each other, Qin Ran knew what Zhuifeng wanted to say, but he couldn't understand.

"Dage, do you speak Chinese well?" Qin Ran held up Zhuifeng and smiled, "So, I still have to teach you how to speak."

"Meow!" Zhuifeng yelled twice.

Qin Ran understood this sentence, it was the students' dislike of going to class from the bottom of their souls, and what Zhuifeng said was definitely "don't".

"Hey hey hey..." So Qin Ran laughed pervertedly, put his face on Zhuifeng's fluffy neck, dawdled, sucked a couple of mouthfuls, and said, "Little cat, the more you resist, the more excited I get! I I must teach you to speak, and I must teach you to speak Chinese!"

"Meow meow..." the cat tribe cursed.

Qin Ran was sucking on the cat, and Zhui Feng was desperately struggling. Suddenly, there was a sound of ping-pong-pong on the second floor, followed by Li Shiyin's scream:

" me..."

The sound of glass shattering, and Li Shiyin's screams became clear at first and then faded away.

"It's over, the silly apprentice is flying away!" Qin Ran was startled, and quickly threw away Chasing Wind, opened the window, and looked up. Under the cloudy sky, in the rain, Li Shiyin was like a kite with a broken string, staggering into the sky Float away.

The situation was critical, Qin Ran didn't have time to think about it, so he cast Movement Technique and chased after him.

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