"That guy is like a savage, as if someone in the family is always poking him with a needle, he can't stay for a moment. How do I know where he is going?" Qin Ran replied casually.

The red fruit has been planted for two years, and under Long Qiqi's careful care, the stems and leaves are lush. But there is no meaning of blooming, Qin Ran is looking for the reason.

"Oh!" Li Shiyin sighed, "I don't care where he went. But he took Ping An with him."

"Bring peace?" Qin Ran shook his head and said with a smile, "There's no need to worry about that. If the two of you are together, you will be thankful if you don't bully others. What is there to worry about?"

Don't look at Zhuifeng as an idiot, but when he becomes an adult, conservatively estimated, he will also be a seventh-level Demonic Beasts, that is, the combat power of the cultivator early stage.

He is now a sub-adult, but with some supernatural powers learned from the Daojianmen mountain guard beast Jiaolong Aoyi, he has about the combat power of a Nascent Soul cultivator.

And in this fairyland, there are not many Nascent Soul cultivators, and there are even fewer people who go out and run around. Chasing the wind can almost be said to be invincible outside the mountains.

"I'm afraid that Zhuifeng will spoil Ping An's education." Li Shiyin sighed.

She stood next to the master, imitating the master, stretching out her hand to caress the leaves of the vermillion fruit.

Qin Ran thought about it, and it seems to be the reason. Li An is armed with Sword Qi, and he is an unstable devil in the world. If he is led by the lawless mountain king of Zhuifeng day by day, it is not sure what he will teach.

"That's right, you should find a chance to get them back." He said, "But you should pay more attention, teach Li An to control Sword Qi earlier, and let him go down the mountain earlier. Infants and young children should still grow up in a normal family environment , otherwise it is easy to have psychological problems.”

"Yeah. I'm teaching him as much as possible, and he's making progress. It shouldn't be long before he can control Sword Qi freely." Li Shiyin responded.

She turned her head to look at the master, and found that the master's complexion was not very good, so she asked, "Is there something wrong with Zhu Guo? You look worried, master."

"Actually, the growth is very good..." Qin Ran sighed, "But it just doesn't mean to bloom and bear fruit."

"Blooming?" Li Shiyin looked at the master's face and pondered for a while, then said out loud, "Master, I mean, is there a possibility... that this vermilion fruit has not grown up yet. It's not yet time to bear fruit .”

"An?" Qin Ran was taken aback, looked down at Zhu Guo, who was less than one meter tall, and fell into deep thought.

Not only did he seem to be weak, but his brain was not working very well.

Could it be...

Does the infinite clone of "Jiuji Yuanshen Demon Eater" have side effects?

In Daojianmen's mountain guard formation, Li An, who chased the wind with his bare buttocks, shouted loudly into the colorful darkness in the sky: "Dage... Dage..."

Li An sat on his neck, raised her hands to imitate, and also shouted: "The big pot...the big pot..."

They yelled for a while, the darkness tumbling, something woke up from the darkness, a tall black dragon head poked out from the darkness, in front of Zhui Feng and Li An, he asked sleepily: " Noisy, what's the matter?"

"Wow!" Li An felt very handsome when he saw the towering black dragon head, and he was so excited that he yelled "Yeah", and kept patting the head of the tiger chasing the wind with his little hands.

Feeling him, Ao Yi opened his sleepy eyes a little, revealing a pair of stunning dark golden vertical pupils. He saw the baby wrapped in Sword Qi, and asked Zhuifeng, "Who is he?"

"Dage, this is my new little brother!" Zhuifeng looked very proud, and hurriedly introduced him to Ao Yi, "I specially brought him here to meet you... born with Sword Qi, isn't he powerful?"

Ao Yi looked at Li An, he recognized the Sword Qi on Li An's body, it was the Sword Qi of the girl with a very high sword talent in Danfeng.

"What's his name?" he asked.

"Ping An..." Zhui Feng replied, "Li An!"

Also surnamed Li...

Ao Yi pondered for a while, then suddenly flicked his tail in the darkness, and flung out a pitch-black scale, which landed in front of Zhuifeng, and said, "It's my meeting gift for him."

"Hey!" Zhuifeng hurriedly opened his mouth, grasped the black dragon scale the size of a millstone, and whispered to Li An, "Another one."

Before coming to the mountain protection formation, he had already taken Li An to the main peak to meet Lu Junxing and Dong Zhongyuan, and he had already obtained two meeting gifts for little Li An.

"Thank you Dage!" He raised his front paws, and arched towards Ao Yi in a humane manner, "I wish Dage an early success!"

"The cauldron... the dragon!" Li An, who was on Zhuifeng's back, also cupped his hands in a naive manner, and said to Ao Yi.

"Okay!" Ao Yi was still sleepy, too lazy to care about these two treasures, and said, "If there is nothing else, then leave on your own... The old man still has to sleep."

"Yes, Dage. Excuse me. Let's go now!" Zhuifeng smiled, and got another gift. He put the dragon scales into the Qiankun bag, with four paws on top of each other, and went out of the formation happily run away.

He called Li An again, "Say goodbye to Dage."

"The cauldron... interview..." Li An said inarticulately.

Ao Yi narrowed his eyes and looked at Li An who was leaving, and said to himself: "Another Kendo seedling with good Kendo talent and better resources. Daojianmen should be prosperous! Daojianmen should be prosperous!!"

Zhuifeng brought Li An to the outside of the formation, and made some calculations with Li An: "Senior brother Lu carved a Sword Qi original source penetrates the bone for you, saying that it was for you to shape the bone of the sword; Senior brother Dong gave you a jade pendant. The effect of warming and nourishing the bones; Aoyi Dage sent the dragon scales, and you will have the materials to cast the natal sword in the future."

"Yeah..." It's just that Li An didn't understand anything, so he just smiled and yelled strangely.

"Where are we going now?" Zhuifeng stood outside the formation and looked inside the Daojian Gate. "Go to Shanhejian?"

He shook his head, "You are still too young to bear Brother Lu's Sword Qi."

He looked around, and suddenly saw Jianfeng towering like a cloud, and remembered that there were a few good friends on Jianfeng, his eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "Let's go to Jianfeng, there is your Tian Wenjin Aunt, Wenjin Aunt on Jianfeng Emphasizing love and righteousness, she must like you very much, and will give you many, many treasures. We can also go to Senior Brother Liu Baiyun, Senior Brother Liu Baiyun is a major disciple of Jianfeng, and he will not be stingy..."

As he spoke, he stepped on the wind and flew towards Jianfeng.

On the way flying to Jianfeng, he saw Qifeng again, rolled his eyes, and said to Li An: "After we come out from Jianfeng, we will go to Qifeng to block the door...Qifeng has a different relationship with your aunt. OK, let's go beat 'em up..."

He thought to himself, Li An is just a baby, and he shouldn't be held responsible for doing such bad things. At that time, Qifeng will be in distress and can't tell... he can't say that he was beaten by a baby!

It's just that he didn't think about it...

If they really blocked the door, Li An would not be held responsible. So who is to blame?

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