When he reached the ground, he had already vomited again. After all, Qin Ran slowly regained his senses, and his IQ regained the high ground.

He has been chasing Li Shiyin for so long, so the environment here...

They had probably reached the depths of the Hengduan Mountains.

"Send!" Qin Ran couldn't help shouting in his heart.

He has been in Daojianmen for twenty years, and Daojianmen is in the Hengduan Mountain Range, and he has never gone half step deep into the Hengduan Mountain Range. As a modern person in the initial stage of technological civilization, he has great awe of the world of cultivating immortals, and he never thought of exploring the dangers of this world.

did not expect……

It will reach the depths of the Hengduan Mountains in this way.

"Master..." When he was panicking, Li Shiyin called him over there again. He looked over and saw that in the bushes, the silly apprentice's face was pale, and he leaned on the branches and leaves and said to him weakly, "Master, I hand pain."

Just now, in order to save him, Li Shiyin directly caught it with his hands in a hurry, and that one blow might have broken his bones.

Qin Ran took a deep breath, told himself that he was the master, suppressed the panic and fear in his heart, then walked towards Li Shiyin, and at the same time comforted him: "It's okay, it's just dislocated just now... the master is here."

The dead branches and fallen leaves under my feet have been piled up for many years, layer after layer, and I don't know how thick they are. When I step on it, I can't even see my knees.

On rainy days, the dead branches and leaves are filled with water, like a swamp.

"Huh...huh..." Qin Ran kept adjusting his own breathing, reminding himself that he was still a cultivator, activated the Magic power, pulled out his feet vigorously, and quickly diverted water to wash off the things on his feet. The rotten leaves buried endless years, who I don't know what's in it either.

Putting water on the soles of his feet to make a layer of protection, he stepped on the surface of dead leaves and came to Li Shiyin's side with the effort of floating on the water.

The silly apprentice was not so much leaning on the branches and leaves of the bushes as she was falling down. She couldn't move anymore. At this time, she was completely soaked, and her bangs, which were usually fluttering, were wetly attached to her forehead. Her face was bloodless and extremely weak.

Qin Ran first took out a bottle of Dahuandan from the Qiankun bag, fed one to Li Shiyin, and said, "It's for trauma."

Li Shiyin ate the Medicine Pill with difficulty.

They fell from the sky. Qin Ran's body is already strong enough, but at this moment, he is suffering from dull pain. It is not known if there is any internal injury. However, Li Shiyin's body is not as strong as his. How is the injury. Worried about the dislocation of the skeleton Meridians, Qin Ran did not dare to move Li Shiyin at will.

Parting Li Shiyin's bangs, Qin Ran tried the temperature on her forehead, it was very high, it seemed that it was not just a trauma, but also the wind and cold entered her body. It's normal for a silly apprentice to be unable to withstand the rain, fright, and injury.

"Does it hurt?" he asked softly.

Li Shiyin nodded.

He then fed her a heart-warming pill and said, "It will relieve the pain."

Another invisible and colorless Magic power came out of his palm, mobilizing the water on their clothes and hair, converging into a big water polo, and the water polo opened again, enveloping them like a bubble, preventing them from being drenched in the rain .

"Can it run Magic power?" Qin Ran asked Li Shiyin again.

Li Shiyin shook her head: "I don't have any Magic power at all."

He then fed her an extremely high-quality Huiyuan Pill.

Huiyuan Pill enters the body, bringing the extremely pure Magic power, the Dantian cyclone rotates on its own, attracting the Spiritual Qi of heaven and earth to enter the body, and Dantian, who is depleted of Li Shiyin, gradually has Magic power.

"now what?"

Li Shiyin tried it, but when the Magic power moved, her whole body hurt, so she hurriedly stopped.

"It hurts," she said.

Although Qin Ran fed Li Shiyin the top-notch Dahuan Dan, but Li Shiyin's body is not ordinary. Her physical fitness has already surpassed that of ordinary people. It is precisely because of this that after she was injured, her recovery speed was very slow.

Qin Ran frowned, looked up at the sky, it was getting dark. As it was a rainy day, the sky darkened very quickly.

"We can't stay here forever, it's too dangerous." He said, at night, ordinary forests are dominated by beasts, while the forests in the Hengduan Mountains are the paradise of Demonic Beasts, they have to find a place to hide quickly, he asked again , "Can I go?"

Li Shiyin tried, but couldn't get up at all.

Qin Ran stretched out his hand, pressed on Li Shiyin's injured arm, and said, "I'll help you connect the bones first, it will hurt a lot."

"Yeah." Li Shiyin is not an ordinary woman, but she is not afraid of pain.

Qin Ran closed his eyes, and the Divine Sense drilled out between his eyebrows, and entered Li Shiyin's arm, observing the state of his texture and bones, and preparing for his bone setting.

Although it was the first bone setting, with the assistance of Divine Sense, there was still no problem, and he sent the bone back with just a "click".

He opened his eyes, saw Li Shiyin frowning, and asked, "Are you ready?"

Li Shiyin moved her hands slightly and nodded.

"That's good... let's find a place to hide and talk about it tomorrow." Qin Ran said.

"I...I can't move yet." Li Shiyin said.

Qin Ran took a deep breath, turned around, squatted down in front of Li Shiyin, and said, "Come on, I'll carry you on my back."

Li Shiyin's face, which gradually recovered its blood color, was obviously red. She looked shy, and then got up and lay on Qin Ran's body.

Qin Ran grabbed Li Shiyin's legs with his backhand, and lifted the silly apprentice on his back easily... Surprisingly, the silly apprentice, who was already tall and gradually plump, turned out to be very light.

Reminds him of a joke: a hundred catties of bricks may not be able to carry them, but a hundred catties of girls can carry them on their backs, and a hundred catties of gold can fly into the sky...

Against the bubbles, he found the Star Sword nearby. Qin Ran held the sword, carried Li Shiyin on his back, and walked through the tall forests stepping on dead leaves.

He felt something was wrong.

For example, the silly apprentice was seriously injured and couldn’t move or walk, so why did he climb onto his back all at once?

But he didn't want to think about it. When he came to this dangerous and cruel world of cultivating immortals, he had thought through a lot of things, so he didn't want to think through some things so thoroughly.

It's rare to be confused in life, isn't it good to pretend to be stupid?

In fact, the road in the virgin forest is not so difficult, if you can walk on the surface of dead leaves. In order to compete for the sunlight, those big trees grow thick and big, with luxuriant branches and leaves layer after layer, covering the under the trees tightly, only accidentally missing a little light...

Therefore, between the thick trees, there are only occasional bushes and weeds, and more of them appear to be very clean.

After walking for a long time, the sky had already darkened, but Qin Ran still couldn't find a cave or other terrain that could shelter him from the wind and rain;

After walking for a while, he suddenly came to his senses and looked at a thick tree trunk beside him.

The trees in the primeval forest grow very tall, tens of meters to hundreds of meters, and they are also extremely strong, with a diameter of several meters to tens of meters. if it is possible……

Qin Ran put Li Shiyin down carefully, picked up the Star Sword, and slashed at the wall-like tree trunk in front of him.


The sword seemed to have hit the iron stone.

Qin Ran took a deep breath, activated the Magic power, and cut off...


Finally it was chopped off.

He quickly used all his Sword Technique skills, and before the sky completely darkened, he cut out a hole with a diameter of about two meters.

Two adults squeezed in, somewhat reluctantly, but it was already dark and it was too late...


The night fell with terror, and there were terrifying beast roars. Qin Ran hurriedly picked up Li Shiyin and jumped into the tree hole.

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