Li Shiyin Closed Door Training.

Early the next morning, she entered under the old locust tree, the Closed Door Training room that Qin Ran specially built for her to practice.

This room has a formation that gathers Spiritual Qi and Star power, and it is specially created to adapt to Li Shiyin's "Nine Cycles Star Sword Technique".

So Li Shiyin wants Closed Door Training breakthrough Realm, here is the best choice.

Watching Li Shiyin walk into the Closed Door Training room, the flame of desire and expectation in Qin Ran's eyes was slowly suppressed by him, followed by complex calculations.

If Li Shiyin's Golden Core is successful, it will not only significantly improve her own combat power, but also significantly improve the combat power of Danfeng and Daojianmen.

Because although it is only the Gold Core period, Li Shiyin's Gold Core period is likely to be stronger than Lu Junxing's Gold Core period.

"If the silly apprentice Golden Core is successful, then with Lu Junxing, this trip to the Boundless Sword Sect will be more secure." Qin Ran thought to himself, "I don't believe that this land of immortality is better than these two. The evildoer is stronger."

To instigate rebellion against the Wuxian Sword Sect, no matter how you instigate the rebellion, you need someone to go to the Boundless Sword Sect to do it.

So, among Gu Yueming, Qin Ran and the man hiding behind Gu Yueming, who is the most suitable to do this?

Naturally it was Qin Ran.

And if you want to go to the Wujian Sword Sect to instigate rebellion against others, it is equivalent to running to them and hitting them in the face, how can you do it if you don't have any strength?

In addition, it is inevitable to go to a kendo sect like the Infinite Sword Sect to negotiate and instigate rebellion, and exchange of force is inevitable.

Therefore, if he could overwhelm the Boundless Sword Sect by force, then the ensuing rebellion negotiations would obviously be much easier.

Qin Ran originally planned to take Lu Junxing and Liu Baiyun with him, but now that Li Shiyin wants Golden Core, it is obvious that Li Shiyin is more suitable than Liu Baiyun.

Because Li Shiyin and Lu Junxing, one Gold Core period and one Nascent Soul period, can just have two Realm competitions with Wujian Jianzong.

"Two games?" Qin Ran mused, "Three games is better, let's have a Foundation Establishment disciple, win two out of three rounds, and have a face round. I just don't know who is better among the current Daojianmen Foundation Establishment disciples."

Thinking about these things, he sensed that Li Shiyin in the Closed Door Training room had officially started to practice, so he performed the magic step, turned around and left Danfeng, heading towards the main peak.

Li Shiyin is his disciple, so he just needs to take him with him when he goes, but Lu Junxing needs to invite and discuss in person, and also needs to say hello in advance.

Golden Core is a big deal, but for Li Shiyin... no one should believe that Li Shiyin can't even get Gold Core, right?

That silly boy Zhuifeng had already taken Li An out to have fun, Long Qiqi wasn't here, and Tu Shanyouyou didn't come down the mountain to see. Under the old locust tree, there were only Qin Ran, Yu Chizhen, and Zhang Junyi. .

Qin Ran went to the main peak, and Yu Chizhen returned to the room quickly, so only Zhang Junyi was still under the old locust tree.

He was sitting at the table reading a book, but his eyes were intentionally or unintentionally looking at the Closed Door Training room of Li Shiyin Closed Door Training.

He was very curious.

Zhang Junyi knew that the good-looking girl was the apprentice of the head of Danfeng, and also knew that the relationship between her and the head was a little strange, and also knew that the talent of this girl was extremely strong.

But, firstly, he was curious about why the apprentice could be with the master, um, like that, and secondly, he was curious about how strong Li Shiyin's Talent was.

He knew that he was Spiritual Roots, and he could already be said to be extremely talented. But he felt that there was still a considerable gap between him and Li Shiyin.

At the same time, he has never seen such things as Closed Door Training and breakthrough. This is the first time he has seen it, and it is indeed a bit novel.

Is Li Shiyin breakthrough, Gold Core or Nascent Soul?

"What are you looking at?!" Suddenly, a fierce voice behind him yelled at him, and when he turned around, it was his nominal master, but until this moment, there was no master who had spoken to him.

"I didn't see anything!" He quickly lowered his head and replied.

"It's because he's beautiful, so he has an idea in his heart, right?!" Long Qiqi sneered and said, "You humans are just so promising."

We humans? Zhang Junyi looked at Long Qiqi, could it be that this little master is not human? Oh, she looks so small, but she is so powerful, she really shouldn't be human.

As for whether he has any thoughts about Li Shiyin... Zhang Junyi secretly shook his head. Because all his love in this life has been given to that white shadow, he will definitely not empathize with other women, and then fall in love with other women.

"No!" he replied, although his voice was small, but his tone was very certain.

And Long Qiqi could hear it, she couldn't help but looked Zhang Junyi up and down, a little surprised. Li Shiyin is so beautiful, Zhang Junyi didn't even think about it, could it be that this kid is not a womanizer?

Or is it that his mentality is so tough?

She thought that this guy was brought back by Qin Ran, and even wanted to take him as his own disciple, but Li Shiyin stopped him from becoming her cheap apprentice. And that guy Qin Ran can resist Tu Shan Youyou's temptation, and he can fall in love with him...

She felt that Zhang Junyi was a tough person, so she couldn't help but glanced at Zhang Junyi approvingly.

"It's best to have no idea, when she comes out from Closed Door Training, she will be the master of Dan Peak, and your first wife!" She sneered.

Although Zhang Junyi lowered his head, he had been peeking at Long Qiqi's reaction from the corner of his camera, seeing her praise for own, he was a little puzzled.

Because in his opinion, Li Shiyin was beautiful, but compared with his fairy sister in white, she was not even a little bit worse.

"Besides, I want to tell you solemnly. Then Li Shiyin is one of those extremely talented people, a swordsman genius who is unique in ten thousand, and one in ten thousand. He is the existence you look up to in this life." Long Qiqi was afraid of Zhang Junyi. Thinking about something she shouldn't have, she warned in a deep voice, "Do you know that this year's Daojianmen Tianjiao list, Li Shiyin ranked third in the Foundation Establishment period. The one ahead of her is the legendary Nascent Soul cultivator , the one behind her is the Gold Core cultivator whose fate is up to me.

"The longer you stay at Daojianmen in the future, the more you will know how powerful she is."

Zhang Junyi's heart trembled when he heard that, he had already overestimated Li Shiyin as much as possible. But he still didn't think that the girl who smiled brightly and ran around Danfeng was such a terrifying existence.

Much stronger than him.

"Did you know..." Long Qiqi stood with his hands behind his back, looked up at the position of Qifeng, and sighed, "The entire generation of Qifeng's disciples have been suppressed by Li Shiyin alone."

Zhang Junyi then raised his head to look at Qifeng, the peak vein in that distant place. A generation being crushed by one person?

There is longing and enthusiasm in his eyes.

"When her Golden Core comes out, I don't know what it will be like." Long Qiqi said again.

This Li Shiyin must have half the charm of his fairy sister. Zhang Junyi said in his heart.

"If you can have half of her demeanor... no, a tenth of her demeanor, I have to kneel down and thank Qin Ran." Long Qiqi said, "To be with such a talented Life is really disappointing. "

one tenth? half? Zhang Junyi secretly gritted his teeth, he wanted to be a peerless pill refining master.

"So don't read any more, and don't be so ambitious." Long Qiqi looked away and looked at the book in Zhang Junyi's hand, "Concentrate on memorizing all the Medicinal herbs, starting from the most basic ones."

After she finished speaking, she turned and left, and at the same time she threw a bottle of Medicine Pill on the medicine book in front of Zhang Junyi, "This is a bottle of Bone Tempering Pill, which is used to warm up one's aptitude and bones. Take two if you have nothing to do." pieces."

Zhang Junyi was taken aback, looked at the Medicine Pill bottle in front of him, and then looked back at the little master who was going to the research building, feeling a little strange in his heart.

To be honest, after coming to Danfeng for more than ten days, he has already discovered that this Danfeng is much better than he imagined.

Although the White Tiger named Zhuifeng wanted to be his boss, he really took good care of him; Li Shiyin, who was said to be a peerless genius by his master, was actually very friendly to him; the tree spirit in the willow tree was a bit naughty, But he is a cute kid after all; although the first seat has always been fierce to him, he can feel that it is strict and is cultivating him.

And the master who had always rejected him before, and the master who had never talked to him, now it seems that he is just cold-hearted and warm-hearted.

Dan Feng is a very good person. Regardless of whether the first seat can take him to revenge and destroy Zhishen Valley, this Danfeng is at least very good.

Watching the little master disappear over the research building, Zhang Junyi looked away, picked up the Medicine Pill in front of him, broke the jade seal and poured out one.

The Medicine Pill fell into the palm of my hand, it was hot and hot.


Zhang Junyi couldn't help being stunned. This bottle of Medicine Pill is not the Medicine Pill that the little master casually threw to him in order to buy people's hearts, but a bottle of Medicine Pill that was specially refined for him.

The master didn't come to see Li Shiyin off just now, but went to help him with pill refining.

A warm current slipped through his heart, his heart was warm, and he felt his eyes a little sour. Since his family was ruined by Zhishen Valley seven years ago, he has been wandering in the world for six or seven years, and he has seen all kinds of warmth and coldness. It has been a long, long time since he has felt such kindness.

Holding the Medicine Pill in his hand, he stared back at the research building and the place where the master practiced for a long time.

Zhang Junyi's bamboo house has not been built yet. The main reason is that Qin Ran asked him to build it himself. Li Shiyin and Zhuifeng were very enthusiastic, but they were ordered not to help by Qin Ran, so not only was his house not built, but only had a foundation.

He read the book all morning, went to the kitchen to find something to eat at noon, and took a sickle to the back mountain to chop bamboo.

The load-bearing beam of the bamboo house was short of one, so he had to cut a thicker bamboo.

After the load-bearing beams are in order, he can start to build the basic structure of the bamboo house. Once the basic structure is set up, the subsequent tasks are very simple.

The road up the mountain has been walked by Zhang Junyi for so many days, and a faint path has appeared. There was no way to go up the mountain, but the more he walked, the more he found a way.

Just like going up the mountain, chopping bamboo was unfamiliar to Zhang Junyi, but he became proficient after chopping a lot.

He just started chopping bamboo, and the sickle was broken as soon as he chopped it down. After a day of tossing, people were tired, so they chopped off three or four bamboos that were as thick as fingers.

But now he can quickly find the bamboo he is going to chop today, and he goes there with the knife, finds the right angle, uses the right strength, three times, five divisions, and two, and it doesn't take long to chop down this bamboo as thick as a sea bowl.

And compared to when he first came to Danfeng, his body has also improved a lot.

Although he is still very thin, he has actually begun to grow flesh. His figure didn't seem to have changed, but he conservatively estimated that he had gained more than ten catties.

After the bamboo was cut down, he skillfully cleaned the bamboo branches, and then cut off the back section that did not need bamboo joints, and then dragged the bare bamboo down the mountain.

Halfway down the mountain, when he reached the position where he could hear the roar of the waterfall, he stopped and looked at the shallow road leading to the waterfall at his feet, which was also the way he walked out. After hesitating, he put it down I picked up the bamboo and walked down the road to the waterfall.

In fact, apart from meeting Fairy Sister by chance on the first day, Zhang Junyi never saw her again after that. Although he would come here every day to wait.

He just walked over habitually today. As much as he wanted to meet the fairy sister, he didn't have that much extravagant hope.

If you can meet a fairy sister, is it a fairy sister?

Then, he walked to the waterfall, and saw the fairy sister standing on the other side of the waterfall thinking.

Zhang Junyi was very excited, ran over, raised his hands and shouted: "Sister Fairy!"

Unexpectedly, Sister Fairy raised her head and saw him, she couldn't help frowning, she just turned around and left.

"Hey!" Zhang Junyi yelled again, he didn't know why Sister Fairy would treat him like this, "Sister Fairy, it's me! Don't you remember me?"

However, Sister Fairy didn't stop at all, and soon disappeared into the mist splashed by the waterfall.

Zhang Junyi raised his hands and froze on the spot. He didn't know what he did wrong, and he didn't understand why the fairy sister ignored him.

Obviously... She was also tempted by him before, right? !

He couldn't understand: "Why did she treat me like this?"

Are women such cruel people? Is this the kind of heartless and ungrateful person?

He feels that he is not in love. There is nothing to love. He watched the waterfall rushing down, and he had the urge to jump down.

Tu Shan Youyou has been suffering recently, because her formation deduction always makes mistakes and progress is slow.

What's even more uncomfortable is that when she encountered insoluble formation problems in the past, she would go to the waterfall to rest for a while, look at the scenery, feel the nature, and relax.

But now suddenly there is an inexplicable person waiting for her there every day.

If she hadn't known that he was Qin Ran's new student, she would have killed him long ago.

Now she can't even go to the waterfall.

"Oh... there are so many annoying people, this one is especially annoying!" She covered her face and sighed.

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