My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 407 Love You Mom Sells Twist Love

The head of the sect brought a group of Taoist swordmen to Danfeng. He looked at Danfeng who was now recovering, and couldn't help thinking of Danfeng in its heyday many years ago, and Danfeng that had been completely dilapidated a few years ago, feeling very complicated in his heart.

He looked at the disrespectful mentor and apprentice under the Parasol Tree tree, feeling... still complicated.

For hundreds of years, Danfeng went from bad to worse. He tried many times, but because Danfeng was just a side job for Daojianmen, he couldn't fight Zhishengu, which made a living from pill refining, and he couldn't save him. He had to give up.

Danfeng has been passed down for several generations, and even Wang Yuanyi died early. He has indeed given up on Danfeng. He really only regarded Qin Ran as the last pill refining master of Daojianmen. In particular, Qin Ran had entered Daojianmen for 20 years before, and did not show any outstanding features.

He threw Li Shiyin to Danfeng just as a free move. If Qin Ran has the ability to train Li Shiyin, then it will be good no matter what; if Qin Ran can't train Li Shiyin, the lonely man and widow are in Yifeng, and he tricked her into being his wife, which is considered his last tenderness to Danfeng; This can't be's just an old Golden Spiritual Roots disciple.

There are few geniuses, but not none. Genius without growth is nothing.

But he didn't expect that this move of idle chess would turn out to be a game of survival from a dead end, a game of no extreme prosperity, from which Danfeng changed, and Daojianmen was born from this.

But he also knew that the change in Danfeng did not lie in Qin Ran, but in Li Shiyin. But it's not about Li Shiyin's Talent, but because Li Shiyin activated Qin Ran, and the two produced some strange effects.

Thinking quickly, Gu Yueming couldn't help secretly praising his wise decision in his heart. In this move, he got a kendo genius full of talent; he got a pill refining master and formation master full of wisdom...even, he will get a Danfeng in its heyday, one, the Hengduan Mountains!

"Congratulations to our Danfeng sword fairy Golden Core..." He approached the pair of master and apprentice, congratulated with a smile, "Today's Transcend Tribulation, live up to your sword fairy demeanor! My Dao Jianmen has added a peerless sword build."

Li Shiyin held her master's hand with one hand, and grabbed the colored Razer with the other.

Seeing this, she let go of her master, dragged the colorful Thunder Snake forward, and saluted the master, facing more than ten people who came to Danfeng to congratulate her, she smiled generously and said, "Thanks to Sect's cultivation, I have the Cultivation Base I have today. I want to thank the master."

She looked back at her master, with a smile in her eyes, and said, "Let me know my master."

Gu Yueming looked at Li Shiyin, and saw that there was Sword Qi sharpness in his temperament, but also tenderness and gentleness. Seeing that she is generous, neither humble nor overbearing. Seeing that she is open-minded and has a clear distinction between likes and dislikes. Between advance and retreat, it is also well-mannered.

It is already peerless and independent, and has the appearance of a Great Master.

If she is a man, she must be a hero of sword and fairy who is unrestrained, generous, and wielding swords all over the world. Of course, she's a woman no different.

She can already be compared with Lu Junxing.

Gu Yueming looked back at Lu Junxing, and his heart couldn't help but stir.

For the next generation of Daojianmen, top talents like Wu Youlu Junxing and Li Shiyin also have mainstays like Liu Baiyun, Tian Wenjin, and Yao Qingke; Kind of... smart people.

He did know that Daojianmen should be prosperous!

The other people accompanying him looked at Li Shiyin and couldn't help sighing. That's the genius they've watched grow. They have seen her frizzy, jumping up and down, riding a White Tiger, arrogant and domineering inside and outside the Daojian Gate, and they often perform Sect tasks together.

Even like Tian Wenjin, she has seen her muddy and tanned; she has seen her wronged by her master. They also talked to each other on snowy nights.

Drink together, discuss swords together, discuss kendo together, perform tasks together, practice together, and grow together.

Now, they watched her set foot on the Gold Core avenue with one sword, and cut Heavenly Tribulation with her sword, with an invincible demeanor.

They all came forward to congratulate.

In fact, apart from Qi Feng, who was deliberately targeted by Li Shiyin, with her appearance and character, she actually has few enemies in the sect.

Who doesn't like bright and generous beautiful girls?

On such an occasion, with an alcoholic like Lu Junxing, drinking is naturally indispensable.

Qin Ran is also very happy today. He brought in the wine brewed in the past two years, and cooked the food and drinks himself.

And when we arrived at Danfeng, there were fascinated licking dogs like Dong Zhongyuan and Zhang Junyi, and there were stories around Tushan.

When Dong Zhong Genichi arrived at Danfeng, Li Shiyin, who was holding the colorful Nine Heavens Thunder, didn't see him. He first saw Tu Shan Youyou, who was more immortal than a fairy, in white clothes in the air.

His eyes straightened all of a sudden, his mouth opened wide, and saliva flowed out just looking at it. Much like a dog.

When Lu Junxing yelled at people to drink, he had already cheekily ran to Tu Shanyouyou's side.

"Fairy, long time no see, you look better."

After so many years, Dong Zhongyuan already knew that Tu Shan Youyou was a Fox Demon.

But, I'm a cultivator, why should I fight?

How can mere racial differences hinder a great love? can, at least should try.

"Look at the peach blossoms on the shore withered, it must be because I felt ashamed of myself when I saw you." He smiled suavely, thinking he was romantic.

Tu Shan cast a sideways glance at him, and said expressionlessly: "The Peach Blossom Forest is where I practiced the Wanli Peach Blossom Formation. Now that the peach blossoms are gone, I can no longer practice the formation. I have to wait until next year."

Dongzhong Genichi paused, and said with a flattering smile, "It's just peach blossoms, so don't worry about the fairies. I'm going to call someone to help the fairies plant peach blossoms; lay down the formation, and keep the peach blossoms from fading all year round."

"My peach blossoms are all carefully selected by me to meet the needs of various formations. They are extraordinary peach blossoms." Tu Shan said leisurely, "Besides, you come to Danfeng to plant trees and set up formations. Guess whether Qin Ran will Killed you?"

"It's fine to cut me off, as long as Taohua meets the fairy's request." Dong Zhongyuan said quickly, "I can plead with my little uncle..."

When Dong Zhongyuan and Tu Shanyouyou had a "happy talk", there was a forgotten little cultivator standing humblely by the river, mourning alone. On a hot day, he was shivering from the cold wind.

Originally, the weather was fine today, and Zhang Junyi succeeded in Foundation Establishment, which was a great joy in his life; he met the fairy sister who made him dream again, which was another great joy happy event.

But he never thought that the success of his Foundation Establishment was not even a fraction of Li Shiyin and Uncle Li's. All the people from the sect came to Danfeng, all of them were big men, and they all congratulated Master Li. Don't remember him at all. The first seat can't remember him, and his master can't remember him either.

Of course, this is actually tolerable, because that is Uncle Li, someone he respects very much, and the Golden Core is indeed more important than the Foundation Establishment. Not to mention a proud son of heaven like Uncle Li.

But the latter matter, he couldn't stand it...he couldn't stand it!

The fairy sister who had been in love with him for hundreds of years in his dream was actually talking and laughing with other men. Some even frowned coquettishly, and even lowered their eyes impatiently, as if flirting.


This is how a thirteen or fourteen-year-old boy with a spring heart can deal with himself?


Zhang Junyi felt that his world was shattered at this moment. His dreams were shattered and his soul was lost.

The one who talked to the fairy sister was also a senior with advanced Cultivation Base. The senior is handsome, suave and suave, with a very extravagant demeanor. Compared with it, he is so abject and humble.

He has just started Foundation Establishment.

The prince and the beggar.

He should not be on the bank, he should be drowned in the bottom of the river.

He didn't even have the right to take another look at the scene of their happy conversation. He doesn't deserve it.

"Yeah, how well they match." He turned around and looked at the reflection of own in the river, feeling his heart was broken piece by piece, the pain made him unable to breathe, "How dare I blaspheme in my heart?!"

Life, but that's all. He had just had a bright life, and it was dark again.

He took a step forward, the river wet his shoes.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" At this moment, someone suddenly slapped him on the shoulder and asked him, "There are so many delicious things over there, don't you want to eat them?"

He turned around, and there was a White Tiger standing upright, slightly taller than him. At this time, Little White Tiger was gnawing on a cow leg with one paw, and patted his shoulder with the other paw. The paw that slapped on his shoulder was also stained with oil, making his shoulders soaked in oil.

"I... I'm not hungry." He whispered back.

"Not hungry?" Little White Tiger muttered, chewing something in his mouth, "You can eat if you are not hungry! Who said you can't eat meat if you are not hungry?"

"……Poor appetite."

"Hi!" The little White Tiger squeezed him, turned him half a circle, and walked towards the old locust tree with his arms around him, "It's all about appetite, just eat and eat. You have to follow your wind Brother, you can't eat, you can't do it."

He just launched the Foundation Establishment, boasting that he has strength even if he doesn't have strength. But under Brother Feng's claws, he has no resistance at all. Brother Feng playing with him is no different from playing with locust tree leaves.

He was forced to come under the old locust tree. One step closer to the fairy sister...and her men.

This side is very lively, but it has nothing to do with him; this side is closer to the fairy sister, but it has nothing to do with him... Maybe it has something to do with it, which makes his heart hurt even more.

"Come on! Brother Feng rewards you with this crystal pig's trotter!" He was still sad alone, when Brother Feng patted a pig's trotter with his greasy paw. He passively caught it again.

"Eat more, grow stronger, don't be as small as your Master." Brother Feng said, his master slapped the back of the head, but Brother Feng was fearless, and continued, "Be like your Brother Feng, In the future, she will be as big as your brother Feng. With one paw, I will press that little bitch under the paw. She is not as big as your paw."

His master threw another flying kick, jumped up and kicked Brother Feng on the chin. Brother Feng suddenly realized and said to him, "She is your master, so you shouldn't call me Brother Feng. You should call me Uncle Feng... No, no, you should call me Uncle Feng!"

Listening to Uncle Zhuifeng's thoughts, Zhang Junyi stuffed the pig's trotter into his mouth. The taste is still very good. As he gnawed, he watched Uncle Zhuifeng being beaten by his master.

He admired Uncle Zhuifeng very much, no matter how his master beat him, he was as unmoved as a mountain, and he gnawed on the cow's leg without being affected at all.

When his master was tired from beating, he walked up to him and warned: "From now on, you will call him Brother Feng."

Before he could respond, Uncle Zhuifeng pushed over a cup of black unknown liquid, and said, "Danfeng's special happy water, Uncle Feng invites you to drink it. From now on, you will call me Uncle Zhuifeng."

He couldn't help but hesitate.

"What do you think I am not older than her?" Uncle Zhuifeng hurriedly lowered his voice and asked.

Zhang Junyi's expression froze, and he deeply agreed. When Uncle Zhuifeng returned to his normal figure, he was as tall as a house. And what about his Master? The average size of a seven-year-old child.

He couldn't help but nodded.

"Well, not bad!" Uncle Zhuifeng nodded with a smile, and said, "Father said, it's's something to teach."

"What is what?" Zhang Junyi asked, what else is called?

"Forgot." Uncle Zhuifeng said casually, turned around and got on all fours, and walked into the cabin, apparently to get food again.

However, Zhang Junyi couldn't help but stop biting the pig's trotter when he saw Uncle Zhuifeng's front paws on the ground. He lowered his eyes and saw the flower branches and soil of the locust tree on the pig's trotters...

"You just nodded, right?!"

But misfortunes never come singly, at this moment, his master's gloomy voice came from his ear. He looked over, her master was sipping a glass of peach juice with a straw, his eyes turned into vertical pupils, staring straight at him.


This feeling is like being stared at by a snake... Could it be that his Master is really not human?

With cold sweat running down his back, he nodded, then shook his head hastily.

"What do you mean by nodding and shaking your head? You're stupid!" The master gave him a sideways glance, and turned away, ignoring the idiot. "Stop interacting with that stupid tiger! Otherwise you'll become stupid!"

Zhang Junyi stared blankly at his master walking away, unconsciously gnawing on the pig's trotter.

There are many people in Danfeng, all of whom are very interesting, but that person in white is just one of them.

"Come on, let's see your current strength." Someone in the crowd suddenly shouted, and then he stepped into the sky.

He looked up and knew that the man was called Lu Junxing, he was amazing, as powerful as Uncle Li.

And as Lu Junxing flew up, he, Uncle Li, also flew out of the crowd and drew his sword. The two clashed at high altitude.

It should be a competition, a sparring, or even a show-like fight. The sky is full of Sword Qi, the mountains and rivers, the dark night starry sky, very beautiful, without the slightest murderous or aggressive intent.

Sword Qi can actually do this!

He was shocked and felt that the world had been refreshed.

"Here, meatballs..." Uncle Zhuifeng's voice came, he tilted his head, and handed a plate in front of his eyes, "Quick, I stole it while Dad was not looking. It's delicious."

He took the plate, and saw Uncle Zhuifeng holding a whole roasted lamb with his other paw.

Uncle Zhuifeng sat next to him on the ground like a human being, gnawed the whole sheep, and watched the Sword Qi confrontation in the air, and said to him: "They are all ostentatious, hard-working, not lethal. I will tell you Say, I can beat them both alone."

He looked back and saw that the tiger fur on Uncle Zhuifeng's face was full of grease, his long beard flicked, and the oil splashed everywhere, and Uncle Zhuifeng was chewing on the sheep bone again.

He didn't believe it at all.

In particular, at this moment, the chief seat shouted from behind: "Zhuifeng, did you steal the leg of lamb again? It's not cooked yet..."

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