Qin Ran fell asleep, but not completely.

After all, he was in awe of the Hengduan Mountains, so how dare he fall asleep in the wild without any precautions?

As soon as there was movement on the ground, he noticed the abnormality and woke up.

"What's going on?" The tree hole was still shaking continuously, Qin Ran was a little panicked, "An earthquake?"

But he didn't need to dwell on it for too long, soon, the clear sound of the herd trampling the ground gave him the answer.


Apparently, a large group of Demonic Beasts ran past the giant tree they were in, heading somewhere in the forest.

The herd of beasts didn't seem to notice the tree hole. Qin Ran's frightened heart gradually calmed down, and then he paid attention to the cause and effect of what the herd of beasts did. He listened carefully. The direction the leopard left.

What kind of Demonic Beasts are the herds of beasts? There is no light in the darkness, Qin Ran can't see clearly, but he always feels that there is something wrong.

The keen perception brought by Divine Sense told him that the group of Demonic Beasts was not in the right state, a little berserk.

Of course, although Qin Ran felt that there was something wrong, Qin Ran still didn't intend to investigate. Walking in the dark in the primeval forest is no different from courting death.

Not long after, the herd of beasts completely passed away. The roar of the herd of beasts disappeared in the distance, and the darkness suddenly became silent. Never been here.

The night in the primeval forest shouldn't be so quiet, and something went wrong in the Hengduan Mountains... Qin Ran didn't dare to sleep anymore, he stared at the outside, but there was only darkness outside, and he couldn't see anything.

"Perhaps it's time to practice a pupil technique." He thought to himself.

The tree hole was very cramped, and she was sitting and sleeping with her legs bent. Li Shiyin slept very uncomfortably, and suddenly twisted her body, tossing and tossing for a long time, finally found a comfortable position, smacked her lips, and her breathing gradually became even.

After Li Shiyin finished tossing, Qin Ran continued to watch outside vigilantly. This girl knew how to find a place, her upper body was lying in his arms, her head resting on his thigh, curled up, although it was not as good as a bed, but she fell asleep on her side in this tree hole.

The girl's body fragrance filled the entire tree hole, the smell was warm and hot, sweet and sweet, very pleasant smell, Qin Ran sniffed lightly, and felt the girl's soft body on her thigh, inexplicably, in this dark virgin forest , he felt a sense of peace... the feeling of home.

In the primeval forest, there is darkness outside the tree hole, and there are Demonic Beasts, which is dangerous, but at this time, Qin Ran has a wonderful sense of comfort, snuggling under the covers and listening to the sound of rain on a rainy night.

"Because of her?" he asked himself in his heart.

No one gave him an answer, but he began to enjoy the fragrance. He stroked Li Shiyin's hair with his left hand and put his right hand on Li Shiyin's back. He gently hugged the girl's soft body to make her sleep more comfortably.

Qin Ran looked at the darkness outside again, and suddenly no longer felt the danger inside.

He began to think that before Li Shiyin came, his life was boring and boring. Although he had planned every step of the future so that he could safely conceive a baby until the Nascent Soul period, that kind of life was really too boring. He was too afraid of the world, so he made an escape plan;

After Li Shiyin came, although everything was disrupted, the focus of his life was completely on Li Shiyin. Little by little, his future was no longer clear, but... he felt hopeful.

"Is this raising a daughter or raising a wife?" He teased himself in his heart, "Did he take in an apprentice..."

Qin Ran began to recall the plot of "The Legend of Condor Heroes" in his mind, um, is this a sex-changed version? If that's the case, wouldn't he be killed by a female succubus...


Suddenly, there was a light in the darkness outside. The light was very dazzling, Qin Ran closed his eyes subconsciously, and then raised his eyes to look over there, under the giant tree over there, there was something glowing, vaguely, looking like Lingzhi Mushrooms or ginseng.

"Longevity medicine?" Although he hadn't seen it before, Qin Ran's mind told him so, and then he was pleasantly surprised that he, Qin, also missed Heavenly and Mortal Treasures sometimes.

He hurriedly got up and wanted to pick it up, but The next moment just sat down...

But it wasn't because of anything else, just because his thigh was numb from Li Shiyin's pressure.

But this sitting made his mind sober. Don't say that it can't be some kind of longevity medicine, even if it is, with his character, he will definitely not just pick it up like this, at least, he will make a few plans first.

That was by no means a magic medicine, he realized that it was definitely a trap, because he was unconsciously deluded just now.

"Huh..." Qin Ran exhaled lightly, secretly recalling Dan Feng's nameless formula to stabilize his mind.

After a while, the light and shadow of other medicinal materials appeared in the bright light, Qin Ran remained unmoved, after a while, a sword and a medicine cauldron appeared inside, Qin Ran remained unmoved, after a while, The light and shadow slowly receded.

A beautiful and enchanting woman absorbs the light and reveals her body. She has white skin, a perfect face, plump breasts, a soul-stirring waist, straight buttocks, and slender legs. Her whole body is flawless. Not perfect.

The light and shadow approached her, and she turned sideways, like a peacock spreading its tail, revealing a graceful figure, captivating.

Qin Ran stopped reciting formulas silently, but said aloud: "The world is like me, chaotic and enlightened. I am the Universe..."

But even so, he still didn't stop standing up; after a while, he felt the heat in his nasal cavity again, and blood flowed out.

He wanted to get up again, and have a good night with the woman under the tree, but he put his hands on the hole and still didn't get up.

The woman stood under the tree for a long time, seeing that Qin Ran still had no intention of coming out, the light was completely dimmed, and in the darkness, a charming and moving voice said a disdainful word:

"A coward with a lustful heart but no guts."

Before the light and shadow faded, Qin Ran saw the woman turn around, with a few fluffy tails growing out of her buttocks, then her upper body bent down, her body grew fur, and she turned into a fox shape, jumping away towards the depths of the darkness .

"It turned out to be a Fox Spirit!" He breathed a sigh of relief, "There are already five tails."

Five-tailed demon fox, at least Nascent Soul early stage strength.

As for why the Fox Spirit didn't break into the tree hole directly... Qin Ran is not very clear either.

And to ask whether Qin Ran can resist the temptation of Fox Spirit, the answer is no.

Then why can't he bear to go out? Because he is afraid.

That's why Fox Spirit said he was a "coward with a lustful heart but no guts". Her charm technique has worked, but he just won't go out, so she left directly, no longer wasting her efforts in vain .

Fox Spirit is gone, the danger is gone, but...

Some dangers are not eliminated.

Since then, I have been refusing to sleep for a long time. Qin Ran couldn't help taking deep breaths, and even recited "if the heart is as clear as ice, the sky will not be shocked", but it didn't help. The girly fragrance that he thought was warm just now had turned into some kind of deadly poison.


Li Shiyin turned over and fell down with an elbow.


Qin Ran let out a cry of pain, and then the whole world became honest.

This night was weird for Lu Li, but also extremely dangerous. It was really long. Qin Ran waited for a long time, but he still couldn't wait for the dawn. He has been tense nerves, staring guardedly.

After a long time, the darkness in the forest was gradually visible, the world was a little bit clearer, covered with a layer of gray, and then, there was light.

It was finally dawn.

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