Qin Ran has been here for half a month, but the Sect Leader of the Boundless Sword Sect still hasn't come back.

I don't know if the Sect Leader of the Boundless Sword Sect has also gone to Tianhai Territory.

However, even if the Sect Leader of the Infinite Sword Sect did not see him, Qin Ran was not in a hurry, and he stayed in the Infinite Sword Sect safely. Coming to the Infinite Sword Sect is like coming home.

After all, he is not a doppelgänger of an unbalanced mood. He never lacked patience. He is as steady as an old dog.

In the room, Qin Ran was sitting at the table by the window, sorting out the "Water Magic Spiritual Planting Technique" transmitted from the avatar.

He first copied the original version of the water method and spiritual planting technique from his mind, and then made side notes and eyebrow comments on the technique according to his own understanding.

After so many understandings, when he returned to Jianmen, he could directly start experimenting with the water method and spiritual planting technique.

And on his desk, in addition to the "Water Method Spiritual Planting Technique" he is sorting out, there are two thick books "Water Method Pill Refining Editor-in-Chief" and "Sky Sea Territory Formation", and another The book is a little thin, but he solemnly put it aside alone, "Imagination on Cultivating Pill Refining Teachers in Formation Virtual Space".

In the half month since he came to the Boundless Sword Sect, Qin Ran has continuously received the memories and information transmitted from the avatar of the Tianhai Territory.

The avatar was originally his avatar, and the primordial spirit of the avatar was his primordial spirit. When the avatar learned it, it was actually him who learned it.

... If this avatar doesn't even have this ability, then what's the use of learning this Cultivation Technique?

Therefore, in addition to the actual physical materials obtained by the avatar over there, other things, including perceptions, memories, ideas, etc., can be obtained from his side.

The avatar was wrong, his pill refining level and formation level did not exceed the main body. His level has improved, and his body has improved accordingly; the level of his body has improved... none of his business.

Then there is another point that the avatar is wrong, that is, the most useful thing for Danfeng is not necessarily the "water method and spiritual planting technique", but it is very likely that the old devil Shenhua used to test his sealed space. That sealed space itself.

You know, that sealed space can pill refining, learning, assessment, and the continuous regeneration of medicinal materials. Isn't that a formation space dedicated to cultivating pill refining masters?

With this space, is there any pill refiner that cannot be cultivated?

However, the idea is good. When Ontology re-examined it here, it discovered that the formation space may not be purely composed of formations, but there are other means, which are likely to be some kind of high rank Magic Treasures. So it is quite difficult to reproduce such a formation space.

He was tidying up when there was a knock on the door of the room.

"Come in." He shouted, put all the books on the table into the Qiankun bag, and pressed his hand on the book he was writing.

After he finished speaking, someone pushed open the door, walked in, closed the door, and walked towards him.

He knew who it was just by hearing the footsteps, and he didn't put away the book he was pressing.

Someone walked up to him, first put a food box on the table, then she turned around and walked behind him, immediately after, there were two soft, warm things squeezed on both sides of his shoulders, finally, a pair of White, soft and tender hands stretched out in front of him, gently covering his eyes.

"Master, guess who I am?" A clear and soft voice asked him.

"Hmm..." Qin Ran hesitated, thought for a while, and asked, "Zhefeng?"

"Wrong!" The voice suppressed a little laughter, maybe she was thinking, the master is so stupid, he can't even figure it out.

"Could it be..." Qin Ran said seriously, "Jiang Qin?!"

"I'll give you another chance." Actually talking about another woman? ! The sound became clearer and the softness was gone. It was obvious that she was a little angry.

"It can't be Yoyo!!" Qin Ran said in shock.

"Master!!" the voice yelled, "What are you guessing? Yoyo didn't even come to the Boundless Sword Sect!"

"Yes! Who is that?" Qin Ran thought for a while, shook his head and said, "I can't guess."

"Hum!" The voice snorted angrily, and let go of Qin Ran's eyes. The owner of the voice ran out from behind Qin Ran, and ran to the opposite side of the table.

She presented her graceful and graceful figure in front of Qin Ran, but her beautiful and soft face was puffed up, and she stared at Qin Ran with wide eyes.

"Ah!!" Qin Ran exclaimed in shock before realizing, "So it's my precious Shiyin?!

"Why didn't I think of that?"

"You did it on purpose!" Li Shiyin stared at Qin Ran and said.

The angry look of the silly apprentice was so cute, Qin Ran couldn't help laughing when he saw it.

Don't say that the silly apprentice started with the heaven-defying question of "Master, guess who I am", just say that the footsteps after she entered the door, Qin Ran could hear her footsteps; With the fragrance of her body, Qin Ran could smell her scent; she leaned against his back, and the soft big bear also let him know that it was her big bear, he was very familiar with it.

The most important thing is, besides own silly apprentice, who else can make him not put away the "water method and spiritual planting technique" on the table?

I don't know why, girls always like to play such boring games, so he will play with her. Then girls really can't afford it.

"Huh! Master is a villain!" Li Shiyin glared at Qin Ran twice before giving up.

She squatted down at the table, leaving one head to rest on the table, with both hands on the table, playing with Qin Ran's inkstone, pushing it to the right and to the left.

She is obviously a married young woman, but she is still too cute. She was even cuter than when she was a girl because she was more feminine.

Qin Ran took the brush and tapped it on her little nose precisely, giving her a little black nose.

The silly apprentice puffed up his face in anger, and narrowed his eyes to warn Qin Ran. But her expression with a little black nose is really cute and playful. Qin Ran couldn't help laughing "hahaha".

"Master, you are so boring!" Li Shiyin could hide, but there was no need, she took the opportunity to reprimand Qin Ran, "I'm a lot older, can you be more mature? You're still so childish!"

Qin Ran tilted his head triumphantly, and then put the pen on the inkstone to prevent the bad habit of the silly apprentice from playing with the inkstone.

He pushed the ink stick to the stupid apprentice again, and said: "No, grind the ink for the master."

"Who wants to sharpen ink for you?" Li Shiyin said, picked up the ink stick, carefully placed the brush on the pen stand, and then held the ink stick in one hand and rubbed it in the inkstone, with her head tilted on the table , looking at her master with both eyes.

"What delicious food did you bring me?" Qin Ran took the food box that Li Shiyin brought, opened it in front of her, and a sweet scent came out from it.

"The boiled lotus root soup..." Li Shiyin pouted and smiled, looking at the master proudly, "I went to their back kitchen to cook it, but I used the lotus root from our Danfeng."

"Why are you so thick-skinned?" Qin Ran poured himself a bowl of hot soup and asked Li Shiyin with a smile, "Do you know that you are a guest? What do you mean when you go to someone's kitchen to cook? Your name is Jiu Occupy the magpie's nest, call the anti-customer the main."

"Then don't drink it." Li Shiyin rolled her eyes.

Qin Ran took a sip, the sweet taste filled his entire mouth, he smacked his lips beautifully, and replied: "Why don't I drink the soup my precious apprentice made for me?"

He took another spoonful of soup, fed it to Li Shiyin's mouth, and asked, "Do you want to try the soup made by my apprentice?"

Li Shiyin looked at him helplessly, opened her small mouth, and put the whole spoon in her mouth.

"Hey, you don't think it's dirty, I used the spoon." Qin Ran said in distaste, and asked eagerly, "Is the soup made by my apprentice good?"

Li Shiyin opened her mouth and spat out the spoon, and asked, "The soup your apprentice made? Then who am I?"

"Aren't you my wife?" Qin Ran asked.

He scooped up another spoonful in the bowl with a spoon, blew on it, and prepared to drink it.

"Hey, you don't think it's dirty, I swallowed the spoon." Li Shiyin looked at him and said disgustedly.

"My wife smells fragrant all over, I don't dislike it." Qin Ran replied with a chuckle.

Li Shiyin rolled her eyes again: "I let you say everything."

"We came here to fight, why do you still bring lotus root?" Qin Ran said while drinking the soup and chewing the lotus root, "Tsk! The lotus root in Danfeng is really sweet, next time you can give your mother some go back."

"Didn't you teach me this, Master?" Li Shiyin asked.

"I taught you so many things, so you learned to cook?" Qin Ran asked back.

"Hmph!" Li Shiyin was dissatisfied, "Is there anything else I haven't learned? I'm a genius."

Qin Ran pushed the "Water Magic Spiritual Planting Technique" in front of her and asked, "Do you know this?"

Li Shiyin glanced at the book, seeing the densely packed words on it, and the elixir sketched in simple strokes, she immediately felt her eyes hurt.

"Ah!" She screamed, "Master, my eyes hurt, and I can't read clearly...Master, master, take it away, I'm going blind."

Seeing Li Shiyin's eyes closed and pretending, Qin Ran said, "Ah yes, you have also learned acting."

He took the book away.

After rubbing some ink, Li Shiyin stood up, sat on the table with her plump buttocks sideways, her tender white fingers dipped a drop of dark ink into the inkstone, she leaned over, and put her ink-stained fingers in front of Qin Ran, Said in a tired voice: "Husband, my servant has polished the ink for you, do you want to try it?"

Qin Ran raised his eyes, glanced at Li Shiyin's intentionally graceful figure, and looked at her charmingly smiling eyes, his heart beat hard, and he squeezed out hot blood.

"Is it better than soup?" he asked.

"Just try it and you'll know." Li Shiyin raised her eyebrows.

Qin Ran opened his mouth to enclose her index finger, and the ink left a little black around his lips.

The delicate, lovely, glamorous young woman sat on the desk with her bulging and graceful body sideways, leaned her upper body towards herself, and fed herself ink with fingers like shaving onion roots. Qin Ran sucked her fingers, He looked up at him. eager to try.

The finger was touched by the tongue, itching, as if the heart was being touched, it was also itchy, Li Shiyin lowered her eyes and looked at her husband. Her tender body went limp.

Once Jinfeng Yulu met...

Between the newlyweds, a look is like a thunder that triggers Earth Fire.

Qin Ran stood up with Li Shiyin's fingers in her mouth, put her hands on the table, followed her legs, and knelt down on her knees.

It can be foreseen that, if there is no accident, some things that do not fit the sect temperament of Jianzong will happen immediately above this ten thousand zhang peak.


Of course, accidents will definitely come.

A heartless and angry tiger slammed open the door of Qin Ran's room, shouting: "The Sect Leader of the Boundless Sword Sect is back...to...?"

He opened his tiger eyes and saw the picture inside the house:

"Shiyin sat sideways on the table, twisted her body, supported the table with one hand, and stuffed her finger into Dad's mouth with the other. Shiyin's eyes were watery and her face was flushed."

Of course, this is not the point, the point is:

"His father held Shiyin's finger in his mouth, put his hands on the table, kneeled on the table with one foot, and stood on the ground with the other..."

Anyway, his dad looks weird. Like a dog, or rather like him.

Zhuifeng was stunned, and the people in the house were also stunned, for a while...

"Ahhh...why can't I see my eyes?" Zhuifeng raised one paw to cover his eyes, turned around, and went out limping on three legs, "Ah! I didn't see anything, Dad ,I promise!"

He closed the door easily.

Li Shiyin came back to her senses, quickly withdrew her fingers from Qin Ran's hand, and turned her head away, feeling overwhelmed with embarrassment.

In broad daylight, it is a bit embarrassing to be found out by the tiger child of the family.

Qin Ran's cheeks were thick, he just blushed, stepped back and stood up, and asked, "Should we continue?"

"Continue your size!" Li Shiyin raised his hand and patted him on the head.

Then Qin Ran had quick eyes and quick hands, and grabbed her hand that was trying to go back. He stretched out his other hand, held her buttocks, and hugged her with strength.

"Master!" Li Shiyin shouted coquettishly, "What are you doing?"

"What's the matter, why are you still embarrassed?" Qin Ran hugged her in his arms, lowered his head, and kissed her rosy cheek dearly.

Li Shiyin struggled in his arms: "Why are you embarrassed? I don't have one?!"

She said again, "The Sect Leader of the Boundless Sword Sect is back, and he must see you, so hurry up."

"Heh, he will see me if he wants to see me? Don't I have no face?" Qin Ran smiled disdainfully, hugged Li Shiyin a little harder, and Li Shiyin stopped struggling. He hugged Li Shiyin and sat down on the chair, saying, "I Holding my Xiangxiang's wife to read a book, red sleeves add fragrance, isn't it good?"

"What if the matter is delayed?" Li Shiyin hesitated, "Master, don't let the momentary anger cause you to mess up the important matter."

"Ah! Did you really teach Master a lesson?" Qin Ran looked down at Li Shiyin who was serious in her arms, lowered his face, and rubbed against her arms, "My Shiyin has grown up."

Li Shiyin's arms were itchy, and she laughed "giggle". After a while, she hugged Qin Ran's head to prevent him from moving. With a red face, she said seriously: "I am not just a sword fairy, I am also a good wife of a generation!"

Qin Ran tilted her head and lay her pillow in Li Shiyin's soft embrace. Her soft hand was stretched across his face. He looked at her with a serious smile and thought she was so cute.

She is cute when she is silly, and she is also cute when she is serious.

"Stupid girl." He laughed, "Will Master be the kind of person who forgets righteousness because of small gains?

"Master is intentional. This is a negotiation strategy. Tomorrow, you have to read it carefully and learn it."

Li Shiyin straightened her head, held Qin Ran's head up, smacked "mua" on his mouth, and said with a smile, "I knew it, my master is the best."

It was as if honey was flowing through Qin Ran's heart, so sweet, he bent down and kissed Li Shiyin.

The house is as warm as spring, with warm words, and outside the window, there are cliffs and cold winds like knives.

The cold wind gusts passed through the window and did not enter, making the window "clang clang".

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