My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 438 I Don't Know How Many Surprises You Have

Before the Zhishen Valley, Wu Lan took Tianchenjian Sect to visit the Zhishen Valley Elder who was in charge of the reception.

"Elder, hold the sword Elder Wu Lan in Tianchen Jianzong." He held the sword and saluted Elder in Zhishen Valley.

All the disciples behind him bowed to Elder Zhishengu.

Zhishengu Elder nodded, and replied, "I am Zhang Wei, and welcome Tianchen Jianzong to Zhishengu."

"Zhang Elder is polite." Wu Lan smiled, with a respectful attitude, and greeted, "May I ask how many Sects there are in the valley now?"

"Dozens of them." Zhang Wei said with a smile, "Tianchen Jianzong went all the way to Zhishen Valley to help us. We are very honored. Wu Elder, is the journey going smoothly?"

"It's been a smooth journey." Wu Lan replied, laughing and praising again, "Zhishen Valley, the Medicine Pill Sacred Land in the land of immortal relics! Which cultivator can use the Medicine Pill? And which Sect can't come How about helping Zhishengu?"

"Elder was joking." Zhang Wei smiled conceitedly, and asked again, "Recently, the Hengduan Mountains are really not peaceful, and Sect is often intercepted and killed. Zhishengu has sent people to hunt them down many times, but they have returned without success. It is exhausting." Haggard. Has the Tianchen Sword Sect ever been intercepted by villains?"

"Interception?" Wu Lan shook her head repeatedly when she heard the words, and laughed sarcastically, "There are still people doing such dirty things in the grand battle between Sects!

"However, pickled people do pickled things. I, Tianchen Sword Sect, are all sword cultivators, and my combat power is strong. Naturally, the rats dare not come and kill us. Don't worry about it, Elder."

Only then did Zhang Wei suddenly realize, "I didn't think carefully. How dare those people who are waiting to face Tianchen Jianzong Huanghuang Sword Qi?!"

As soon as his words fell, someone in the Tianchen Sword Sect team suddenly coughed loudly, coughing "bang bang bang", as if they wanted to cough up their heart, liver, spleen and lungs.

Zhang Wei looked into the team and saw a young cultivator coughing while covering his mouth. He was coughing so hard that his hands were all red.

He was shocked, and asked with concern, "What's the situation with that little friend?"

Wu Lan looked back and saw that it was Leng Ya, his face darkened, but he quickly smiled again and explained, "It's okay. He's just a kid who is eager for quick success. He strayed off the road while practicing Qi Circulation. Rest for two days , recuperate and recuperate, and will not delay the next battle."

"Hey! What did you say?" Zhang Wei waved his hand and said, "Elder's words are wrong! Human life is greater than the sky. The health and safety of disciples should be the first priority. How can we not pay attention to it?"

He took out a bottle of Medicine Pill from the Qiankun bag, handed it to Wu Lan, and said, "This is a bottle of Aiki Pill, which can regulate Magic power and Meridians. It should be good for him."

"How embarrassing is that?" Wu Lan smiled, took the Medicine Pill, and said, "Thank you Zhang Elder for your concern."

Zhang Wei waved his hand to signal that he didn't need to pay attention, then he recruited two disciples from behind, and said with a smile to Wu Lan, "Elder Wu, you know that there are a lot of cultivators here to help Zhishen Valley this time. There are too many people, we are worried. If something goes wrong, I have to make a personal record."

As soon as this operation was performed, although Wu Lan was still smiling, it was obvious that the smile was not on the surface, and the color of his eyes kept changing, changing in the direction of perseverance.

What does this mean? Do not trust them Tianchen Jianzong? Want to register like a prisoner?

They came all the way to help, and they were still suspected? !

What's the point?

Is this the hospitality of Da Sect and Zhishen Valley?

So proud! So swaggering! Such contempt! !

Wu Lan was angry in his heart and angry in his eyes.

Seeing this, Zhang Wei added, "Don't be overwhelmed, Elder Wu, this is something that must be recorded in every Sect."

The situation is stronger than people, plus, this is the task assigned to him by the Sect Leader.

Wu Lan inhaled secretly, suppressed the unhappiness in her heart, forced a smile, and said, "Okay!"

The disciples of Zhishengu came forward with a pen and paper, ready to record the information of Tianchen Jianzong.

"Tianchen Jianzong, Yanhan's first sword sect." Zhang Wei reminded with a smile, "Heaven, the sky of the sky; Chen, the star of the Star."

The disciple wrote down the name of Tianchen Jianzong.

"Leading the Elder, Wu Lan holding the sword Elder of the Tianchen Sword Sect..." Wu Lan suppressed his anger and forced a smile to introduce the Tianchen Sword sects to his disciples one by one, "This is Yu Qingshan, the Sect Leader disciple of the Tianchen Sword Sect, No. Three... this is the inner disciple Lengya of Tianchen Sword Sect..."

Zhishengu's disciples finished recording, and asked Tianchen Jianzong to leave the Blood Essence imprint on own's name. Guaranteed to find a specific person by name.

Having suffered such a great humiliation, Tianchen Sword Sect was able to enter Zhishen Valley under the leadership of Zhishen Valley disciples.

After all the members of Tianchen Sword Sect had entered the mountain guard formation, Zhang Wei smiled, motioned to the disciple who recorded the information just now, and said in a low voice, "List Tianchen Sword Sect as a key observation sect."

"Are there people from Daojianmen among them?" Hearing this, the disciple's face was heavy, and he marked the name of Tianchen Jianzong in red.

"The disciple who vomited blood just now obviously suffered an internal injury, a battle injury! Not a practice injury. How could they deceive my eyes?" Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes and said, "The Tianchen Sword Sect must be related to the Five Swordsmen in the Hengduan Mountains. Xiu has fought. I have fought against sword repairs of that level of combat power, except for one minor injury, there are no other casualties, and they are hiding it, there must be something wrong."

"I understand." The disciple nodded, "The inspection was not strict before, which caused a lot of irrelevant cultivators to get in Zhishen Valley, especially cultivators from Daojianmen. From now on, I will definitely not allow any cultivator from Daojianmen to enter Zhishen Valley!"

"Huh! Daojianmen..." Zhang Wei smiled contemptuously, "I only play tricks behind my back. Conspiracies and tricks? But crooked ways! In the face of absolute strength, it's all a joke!"

In Zhishen Valley, in the small building where Tianchen Jianzong resides, Wu Lan's room.

Wu Lan sat on the chair, looked at Leng Ya standing in front, and asked aloud, "Is the injury better?"

Leng Ya shook his head and said weakly, "The sword seriously injured my internal organs last night, and I couldn't recuperate for a while. It's still the same now."

"Then why didn't you say it earlier?" Wu Lan almost didn't hold back, but fortunately he calmed down in time, and he asked again, "You said earlier that you were seriously injured, and Sect has its own Medicine Pill to heal you."

"I thought I could suppress it..." Leng Ya replied in a low voice.

"Do you think you can suppress it?" Wu Lan closed his eyes, and after a while, he said, "Come on down! Make good adjustments and try to catch up with this war."

"Yes..." Leng Ya responded, turned around and was about to leave, but before leaving, he turned back and asked, "Elder, will Zhishengu suspect us?"

"What do you suspect?" Wu Lan opened her eyes and looked at Leng Ya.

"It is suspected that we are on the side of Daojianmen." Leng Ya frowned and analyzed, "Then they will monitor us and target us. Even, if a war breaks out, they will arrange dangerous tasks for us."

"Are we from Daojianmen?" Wu Lan asked.

"No." Leng Ya shook her head.

"Then what are you worried about?"

Leng Ya understood. I have a clear conscience.

"For my generation of sword cultivators, only with a pure sword heart can we go further." Wu Lan and Leng Ya criticized, "Your heart is too complicated!

"Go to Closed Door Training by yourself, don't come out until you have no distractions!"

"Yes!" Leng Ya saluted, "Thank you Elder for your advice."

After the ceremony, he turned and left.

Behind him, Wu Lan looked at his back and shook her head secretly. This disciple's thoughts are too complicated, and he is destined not to go far.

In the Immortal Cave of Gu Yueming, the main peak of Daojianmen, Qin Ran, who was sitting on a chair next to him, suddenly opened his eyes, and reported to Gu Yueming, who was sitting cross-legged on the futon, "Master, there is news from the main body, and A primordial spirit avatar has infiltrated Zhishen Valley."

Gu Yueming laughed loudly when he heard the words, "Okay! If you sneak into Zhishen Valley, Zhishen Valley will definitely become a mess!"

"Zhishengu has actually noticed something, and what I can do will be limited." Qin Ran shook his head, "It will be good if we can complete the second step as planned."

"It's okay, I'm relieved to have you here. Zhishengu is nothing more than a chicken and a dog." Gu Yueming said what Qin Ran had pretended to say before.

Qin Ran paused when he heard this, and wanted to say that it was what he said to comfort him, but he still didn't refute it in the end.

Instead, continue to report "The head, the main body said that there are very few Sects coming to Zhishen Valley now, and the Zhishen Valley is almost assembled. So our first step has also been completed.

"Ontology is taking Junxing and the others back. When he comes back, the second step of the plan will be started."

"Come back?" Gu Yueming nodded, "It's fine to come back. He has brought the hope of the next generation of Daojianmen. There should be no accidents. I am so worried that I can't sleep every day."

"It's time for the second step..." He finished speaking, and asked again, "How many avatars have you entered Zhishen Valley now?"

"The avatar of the primordial spirit, four paths." Qin Ran replied, "The body of water, twelve paths."

"Okay, okay!" Gu Yueming laughed again, "Sixteen Qin Ran are in the Zhishen Valley, so the Zhishen Valley must be turned upside down?"

"Master!" Qin Ran had to remind me aloud, "My actual combat power is actually very low, and the combat power of my avatars is even lower, so no matter how many avatars enter, they will not be able to have an actual impact on Zhishen Valley by virtue of their combat power. The reason why I sent so many clones is to confuse the public and prevent accidents."

He asked in a deep voice, "Master, do you remember what is the key to our second step?"

"The key to the second step?" Gu Yueming came back to his senses and remembered the business, "Medicine Pill! The key to the second step is the Medicine Pill. Zhishengu uses the Medicine Pill to win people's hearts, and we use the Medicine Pill to divide people's hearts." .”

"Yes!" Qin Ran nodded and said, "I sent my avatar into Zhishen Valley just to pill refine the Hengduan Mountain Alliance and further weaken the strength of Zhishen Valley.

"My pill refining level is not weaker than that of Zhishengu. I will deconstruct the Medicine Pill distributed by Zhishengu, and then refine the exact same poisonous pill, and then mix the poisonous pill into the Medicine Pill of Zhishengu distributed in the middle.

"It doesn't need much, as long as a small number of cultivators die because of Zhishengu's Medicine Pill. Zhishengu's reputation will be ruined in half, and Zhishengu's Medicine Pill will no longer be able to play its original role in buying people's hearts. Everyone will think when taking Zhishengu Medicine Pill, whether this pill is a fatal poison.

"It takes a lot of time, a lot of manpower, and a lot of material resources to build a building of integrity, but it only takes a moment to destroy it. Now Zhishen Valley has gathered most of the Sects in the land of immortality. This is when their popularity is at its peak. However, extremes lead to opposites, and this is also their most dangerous time.”

Hearing this, Gu Yueming couldn't help but sigh for Zhishengu, it's a bad move. How could Zhishen Valley have an enemy like Qin Ran?

But he still couldn't figure it out, "Why is your pill refining level so high? You can deconstruct the Medicine Pill in a short time, and then copy the Medicine Pill? Isn't your pill refining level much higher than Zhishengu?"

Qin Ran smiled when he heard the words, and there was a bit of contempt in the smile. To say that Zhishengu’s strength is native chicken and tile dog is a bit of pretense; but he said that Zhishengu’s pill refining level is native chicken tile dog, but it is the real truth.

Although his original pill refining level is not low, it is on par with the powerful pill refining masters in Zhishen Valley. But... Ever since Tianhaiyu's avatar got the inheritance of Shenhua Laomo, his pill refining level has been flying for a long time on a rocket, and now, he can completely beat Zhishengu.

For him now, the conditions that restrict him to refine the elixir are only the elixir and the Cultivation Base.

"About pill refining, I do have some confidence." He and Gu Yueming said.

Gu Yueming looked at Qin Ran and shook his head unconsciously. He found that he couldn't understand Qin Ran more and more.

Originally, Qin Ran was very simple. He could see through it at a glance, but he was just a Pill Refining Master with some talent. But when he started to get in touch with Qin Ran, he discovered that Qin Ran was hiding very deeply. He was an insidious, cunning, or resourceful pill refiner. After further contact, he found that he still didn't understand much, the level of Qin Ran pill refining was much higher than he imagined.

Every time he thought he understood Qin Ran, Qin Ran told him, no, you don't understand me far.

While he was sighing, Qin Ran spoke again...

"In war, it is one thing to find a way to kill the enemy. On the other hand, you have to find a way to strengthen your own strength." Qin Ran continued, "I can't help you in a fight, and it's too late for pill refining. But there is one more thing I can help with something."

and also?

Gu Yueming felt a little numb.

How many surprises did he not know?

"What?" he asked.

"Formation!" Qin Ran said, "I still have a little understanding of formation. The main body is in a hurry to come back and come back to set up the formation. Sect Leader, please prepare the formation materials in advance."

"Oh!" Gu Yueming nodded dumbly, "Very good, not bad."

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