Both the master and the apprentice went out, and when they came to the grass outside, they suddenly discovered a very important problem...

"Master, let's go to forge swords, shall we fly over or walk over?" Li Shiyin asked.

This question stumped Qin Ran immediately, he stood still, not knowing how to answer.

In order to forge a good enough natal sword for Li Shiyin, he made a lot of plans, but...he doesn't seem to have thought about it yet.

He is afraid of heights, dare not fly too high, and prefers to run on the ground with magical walking, but the silly apprentice can't use magical walking, so she can only fly.

Imagine that scene, he is running on the ground, the silly apprentice is flying in the sky, he is like a sheep, and the silly apprentice is a shepherd dog, God, that picture should not be too beautiful.

After thinking for a while, although he felt embarrassed, Qin Ran still said: "Go down the mountain first, there are people selling fairy horses at the mountain gate, we can go on horseback."

"Okay!" Li Shiyin nodded and asked again, "Then how do I go down the mountain?"

Qin Ran opened his mouth and replied, "I will use the magic step, and you will go down with the sword."

In this way, Li Shiyin called out the Star Sword, jumped on it lightly, and the Magic power in his body circulated.

Standing on the sword, she turned her head and smiled at Qin Ran: "Master, then I'll go first! Waiting for you at the mountain gate..."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Qin Ran to reply, she flew into the sky with a sound of "Wuhu", the light of Star Magic power shining all over her body, she drew an arc, and flew down the mountain like a meteor.

"Pay attention..." Qin Ran hadn't uttered the word "Quan" before Li Shiyin had disappeared. He sighed, what a wild child, he was so tired.

He turned around and shouted into the house: "Zhuifeng, watch your home, we'll be back in a few days."

For some reason, Zhuifeng didn't come out to see them off, at this time Qin Ran yelled, and Zhuifeng only responded with a "meow", his voice was vague, as if something was stuffed into his mouth.

Another worry, Qin Ran wondered whether the most dangerous thing for this family would be chasing the wind...

But before he left, he didn't want to go back to check again.

"I'm tired!!"

Qin Ran looked up to the sky and sighed, and immediately performed a magical step and went down the mountain along the stone road.

There are five hills in Daojianmen, all of which are surrounded by a large mountain guard array. In front of these five hilltops, a small hole is exposed in the mountain guard array, which serves as the gate of Daojianmen.

Although for high rank cultivators, the mountain gate is just a decoration, they like to go high and high, always enter and exit from a certain place in the sky with an identity token, or some sneaky people like Qin Ran like to stealthily Mi's going in and out from a place where no one is around. It seems that Xiuxian Sect's portal is like taking off pants and farting pants. It is not necessary, but in fact, there are very few high rank cultivators and dog goods. Daojianmen For such a large sect, there are more ordinary disciples in the gate, and it is daily to enter and exit through the mountain gate.

The mountain gate of Daojianmen has people coming in and out all the time, and there will be many people gathering inside and outside the mountain gate.

Disciples either gather together to chat, or come and go in a hurry, or quarrel with each other, or go in and out of the mountain gate. In short, there is a lively scene inside and outside the mountain gate.

Outer Sect disciple Wang Ren just passed the test last month and was able to enter the Dao Jianmen, and was fortunate to set foot on the immortal way.

At this moment, he was discussing with his companions how to avoid the damn bird and steal the elixir. As he spoke, he raised his head by chance, and suddenly saw a stream of light coming from the mountain gate at high speed.

"Flying Sword! Brother Inner Sect?" Wang Ren looked envious.

To fly with the sword, Cultivation Base, Cultivation Technique and the sword are indispensable.

He, Wang Renbai, has entered Dao Jianmen for more than a month, and now he has not even found the sense of energy... This time he went to gather medicine, it is precisely to honor the master, so that the master can teach him again and find the sense of energy as soon as possible.

As for Yujian flying, when will he be able to Yujian fly?

"I'm afraid it will take decades..." Wang Ren thought to himself, "The practitioner Yu Jianfei just entered the mountain gate decades earlier than me."

The stream of light in the distant sky crossed an arc and fell to the ground in front of him. The dreamy Star-like Magic power light dispersed, revealing the figure of a tall woman.

The woman in white clothes and long hair, tall and graceful, with a cool temperament like a lotus, with Star on her feet and Galaxy Cluster on her back, is indeed a female sword fairy.

She raised her hand, and the long sword flew back into her hand like a swimming fish. With the long sword back in its sheath, she stood still, like a green lotus left in the world, waiting for something.

What is she waiting for? Wang Ren thought to himself, subconsciously felt that no one in this world was worth waiting for her.

He secretly looked at her face:

That cold and pretty face...

and many more!

Wang Ren was stunned suddenly, and when he looked at the face carefully, he felt familiar, then... Isn't that, it seems to be, is that Li Shiyin who they participated in the apprenticeship ceremony together last month?

"Ah... ah!" He moaned inexplicably, his gaze retracted as if being pricked by a needle.

He remembered that at the apprentice acceptance ceremony, when he was sure that he was accepted by Daojianmen, he thought Own had a bright future and was about to become a fairy.

Among the people who came to apprentice together, Li Shiyin and Tian Wenjin were the most beautiful. He thought, should he accept Li Shiyin as his companion or Tian Wenjin as his companion? Perhaps, if they begged, he could accept both of them reluctantly.

But now...

"What's the matter with you?" The fellow brother asked him.

"Nothing." He shook his head.

"Do you know that Inner Sect senior sister?"

"do not know!"

"It's also..." the senior brother said, "How could you know such a person? It may not be an inner disciple, but a direct disciple."

"Personal disciple?" Wang Ren was completely stunned.

Li Shiyin landed on the ground, put away his sword, glanced at the crowd passing by, but didn't recognize them, felt bored, and sighed inwardly: "Master is too slow!"

The master is obviously very strong, but he can't fly, so she has to find a way to cure his fear of heights.

She planned in her heart, Qin Ran finally came running, she saw Qin Ran from a long distance, waved her hand hurriedly, signaled her own position, and shouted: "Master!"

Qin Ran walked slowly towards her.

"Master, you are so slow!" she complained.

Qin Ran glanced at her and didn't answer.

Wang Ren was not far away, secretly watching Li Shiyin. When he saw Li Shiyin's cool and cold image instantly turned into a courteous one, and then saw Qin Ran's young appearance, he couldn't help cursing in his heart: "No wonder you can control the sword so quickly, it turns out that he is a slut who is trying to fawn on senior brother Inner Sect! Disgusting! !"

However, no one noticed him in the crowd.

Qin Ran led Li Shiyin through the crowd, out of the mountain gate, and bought two fairy horses at the small market outside the mountain gate.

It is said that where there are people, there are Rivers and Lakes, where there is demand, there is supply, and where there is business, there is killing.

In places like outside the mountain gate, people often need transportation tools, Medicine Pill, Magical Item, talisman seals and other things when going out, so some people sell them specially;

Many people who come back need to sell Demonic Beasts inner alchemy, refining materials, Cultivation Technique, Medicinal herbs and other things, so some people specialize in buying them.

Some sects need to be more face-saving, this kind of place is conveniently far away, and some sects don’t matter, this kind of place is conveniently located at the mountain gate. But there will always be such a place.

The two fairy horses cost more than a hundred Spirit Stones. Qin Ran and Li Shiyin each led one, walked through the market, and came to the main road outside. Li Shiyin touched the snow-white fur of the fairy horse and said with a smile: "Okay beautiful!"

While joking, she got on her horse and went.

Seeing Li Shiyin getting on the horse, Qin Ran suddenly realized something, so she asked Li Shiyin calmly, "Can you ride a horse?"

"Hey! Master, I grew up on horseback. The so-called proficiency in bowing horses..." Li Shiyin was quite proud, "In terms of equestrian skills alone, Li Shiwen's equestrian skills may not be as good as mine!"

Two - I'm forced, how can the children of Jiangmen not know how to ride a horse? Qin Ran suddenly panicked.

After Li Shiyin finished speaking, she also came to her senses. She looked at Qin Ran, her big eyes curved into crescents with a smile, and she asked, "Master, don't you know how to ride a horse?!"

"Cough!" Qin Ran didn't answer, and imitated Li Shiyin's posture just now and got on the horse. He thought to himself, with his own physical fitness, isn't a little fairy horse easy to catch? How can riding a horse be difficult for yourself!

He remained calm and said, "What's so difficult about riding a horse? How could it be that I can't?"

"Master, there are many skills in riding a horse..." Li Shiyin blinked her big eyes, and kindly reminded her, but her appearance, no matter how you look at it, is not good intentions, but evil.

"Heh!" Qin Ran sneered.

"Master..." Li Shiyin skillfully drove the horse around Qin Ran, showing off, she smirked, "Do you want me to teach you?"

"Hmph! No need!"

I, Qin Ran, have the backbone, even if I never know how to ride a horse all my life, fall off the horse and die in the wilderness, I don’t need an apprentice to teach me how to ride a horse...

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