After crossing the border of Xuanqin Kingdom, the further you go to where Xu Zhixie is, the higher the temperature will be. By the time the two riders and three people walked to the planned inn, the air temperature had already soared to more than 50 degrees.

The inn is called Jianlai Inn. It is located in a small town called Zhujian Town. It is less than ten miles away from the volcano outside Hengduan Mountain. The volcano is called Liben Mountain. It is an active volcano. On Liben Mountain, There lived a master swordsmith named Xu Zhixie.

Why is the temperature getting higher and higher? Because Qin Ran and the others are walking towards the volcano.

The two masters and apprentices dismounted in front of the Jianlai Inn. Qin Ran walked into the inn with Li Shiyin, holding the snake demon dragon Qiqi in his arms.

When we got to the counter, there was a shopkeeper in his sixties behind the counter, Qin Ran said, "I need two rooms."

Li Shiyin looked at Long Qiqi in Qin Ran's arms, and hurriedly objected: "Three rooms."

Qin Ran glanced at her, but didn't speak.

The old shopkeeper took out the account book, flipped through it, and replied: "Whether it is three rooms or two rooms, the upper rooms are gone, and there are two lower rooms, do you want?"

Are there so many people staying in the store? Qin Ran turned around and took a look at the lobby. There were indeed many people in the hall, most of them were cultivators, and their cultivation base was not low. He pondered for a moment, and said to the shopkeeper: "Yes, two lower-class rooms."

"How long will you stay?" the old shopkeeper asked.

Qin Ran handed over two Spirit Stones.

The old shopkeeper understood.

"Master..." Li Shiyin quietly expressed dissatisfaction.

Qin Ran glared at her, but didn't bother to pay attention to her.

The shopkeeper took the Spirit Stones, wrote down the account, and asked a boy to lead the horse.

"The horse is a fairy horse, please take care of it." Qin Ran reminded.

The old shopkeeper took the key from under the counter, and said with a smile: "The fairy horse is amazing again? Everyone here is asking Master Xu to forge swords. Which one is not a fairy master? Which mount is not a spirit beast? The fairy horse? "

He shook his head and led the way.

Qin Ran explained: "The fairy horse has a gentle temperament, so be careful of being bullied by other spirit beasts."

The shopkeeper led the way, turned around a few times, reached a door, opened the door, signaled Qin Ran to go in and check, and said:

"As I said just now, all those who come here are cultivators who come to forge swords. So I want to emphasize that fighting skills are not allowed in this inn. If you violate it, you will be responsible for the consequences!"

Qin Ran entered the room to check. The room was small and shabby, but it was clean. He nodded and said, "We are all serious cultivators and don't like to fight. Don't worry, the shopkeeper will."

"It's better that way."

As the shopkeeper said, he opened the door of the next room again, and when Qin Ran went in to check, he said:

"The fellow daoist came from a long way. He must be tired. I looked at the room carefully. If you are satisfied, you can rest. I don't want to bother you. If you have anything to do, you can find me at the counter."

"The shopkeeper is busy!" Qin Ran replied.

As the shopkeeper left, Qin Ran looked at his back with an unsure expression.

"What happened to Master?" Li Shiyin asked.

"The shopkeeper called us fellow daoists..." Qin Ran said.

"And then?" Li Shiyin didn't understand.

"The shopkeeper is also a cultivator, and the Cultivation Base is so advanced that I don't understand it." Qin Ran replied.

"Oh!" Li Shiyin nodded, "The old man is also a cultivator."

It was still early today, Qin Ran checked both rooms, left Long Qiqi in the room, took Li Shiyin out, and went directly to Li Benshan to meet the swordsmith Xu Zhixie.

Xu Zhixie lived on the volcano to intercept Li Benshan's fire-forged sword in the center of the earth, but the environment on the volcano is conceivable. Those who come here to seek swords either have Magic Treasures to cool off the heat, or they themselves are advanced generations of Cultivation Base, who are not afraid of the hot volcano.

Qin Ran's Cultivation Base is not high, so he naturally belongs to the category of people with Magic Treasures, Magic Treasures or something, Qin Ran prepared in advance, he was thinking about another thing...

He is the Spiritual Roots of Water!

In this environment, it is thankful that he can exert half of his usual strength.

Passing a fire-dispelling pearl to Li Shiyin, he and Li Shiyin emphasized: "Shiyin, this trip is dangerous and unpredictable, but my strength has been greatly suppressed by the volcano, have to be 12 points up , be ready to fight or flee at any time."

Seeing Master's serious face, Li Shiyin also became serious, she nodded and said: "Don't worry Master, I will definitely protect you."

Although Li Shiyin had become serious, Qin Ran still felt that it was not enough.

In addition to his shyness, another reason is that the last time he came to Xu Zhixie, it was his master Wang Yuanyi who brought him here to refine the Magical Item of his natal life. He was the protected one, but this time, he It is for him to protect the apprentice.

He felt that Li Shiyin didn't know the seriousness of the problem, so he said again: "Shiyin, if a villain in the mortal world commits a crime, there will be laws, systems, and morals to sanction him and punish him. But in the world of cultivating immortals...

"The cultivator is powerful and has a long lifespan. No one will follow the legal system and moral principles. The world of cultivating immortals is a world of doing whatever they want, a world of extreme chaos, and a world where The Weak are Prey to the Strong! So the villains in the world of cultivating immortals ... No, people in the world of cultivating immortals committed a crime, and no one will punish him.

"If a powerful cultivator from the Transformation Stage or Indistinguishable Dao Stage appears to kill us now, then he will not pay the slightest price. We are dead when we die. The world of cultivating immortals is such a world, do you really understand?"

"Ah? Really?" Li Shiyin actually thought that she would face such a world as Qin Ran said when she was just apprenticed to her teacher, but her teacher was Qin Ran, and Qin Ran was so kind to her. The life of cultivating immortals made her think that the world of cultivating immortals is Immortal Qi and beautiful.

Now that Qin Ran was speaking carefully, her concept changed again. She nodded her head heavily and replied, "Master, I understand."

Seeing that Li Shiyin finally had this kind of perception, Qin Ran felt relieved.

As for repairing Immortal World, is it as dangerous as Qin Ran said?

In fact, there are, Qin Ran is just a little exaggerated. What is exaggerated is not the degree of sinisterness of the cultivators, but the degree of danger, because there are too few high rank cultivators, and if they do not have enough benefits, they are too lazy to kill people.

Walking out of the town, about eight kilometers away from the volcano, Qin Ran saw no one around, ran to the rocky beach by the side of the road, took out the array, and arranged a formation as quickly as possible.

"Master, what are you doing?" Li Shiyin followed and asked curiously.


"What formation to arrange?"

Qin Ran thought for a while and replied: "If we are really hunted down here, it means that we have nothing to do with the enemy and can only run for our lives. So here is a teleportation formation. After it is activated, it will randomly teleport 100 kilometers away. distance."

"Not sure about the direction?"

"Uncertain direction..." Qin Ran said, "They were all hunted down, so naturally they wanted to take a route that they didn't know."

Continue to walk towards the volcano, Qin Ran will set up a formation every two kilometers, and every time he arranges one, he will explain to Li Shiyin: "This is the killing formation, this is the transformation formation, this is the psychedelic formation, this is the poison killing formation." Array..."

After setting up the poisonous killing array at the foot of the mountain, we are about to go up the mountain. Qin Ran looked at Li Shiyin's flushed face, and said, "I'm going up the mountain now, and finally check whether the Medicine Pill and talisman seals in the Qiankun bag are intact, and then check the status of the body and Magic power. Whether the Star Sword can be used normally..."

After Li Shiyin checked everything, Qin Ran handed Li Shiyin a Medicine Pill and asked Li Shiyin to take it: "This is Baidu Pill. I developed it according to the working principles of various poisons, and it can detoxify most of the toxins."

Li Shiyin was convinced, and then followed Qin Ran to climb up the volcano. She looked at Qin Ran's back and clicked her tongue in admiration:

"Master is really exaggerating!"

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