Xu Zhixie's moody and perverse temperament has a lot to do with his living in the volcano all year round. Fire poison accumulated in his body, staying in every corner of his body, torturing him all the time.

And for the sake of cultivation and forging swords, he couldn't leave the volcano.

Now, Qin Ran has given a plan that can help him get rid of the fire poison and avoid the torture of fire poison. Then, let alone helping to forge a sword, with his character, it is not impossible to call Qin Ran's father.

Seeing that Xu Zhixie agreed, Qin Ran directly took out the obsidian stone he had auctioned from the Qiankun bag, handed it to him, and said, "This is the main material. As for the other materials, please take care of them."

"Star obsidian..." Xu Zhixie took the star obsidian, weighed it, looked at Li Shiyin and said, "You cherish your apprentice and are willing to spend money, but you use such a precious material.

"Oh, no matter, since you are sincere, this old man will forge a peerless sword with you!" He laughed.

"Thank you, Master Xu..." Qin Ran thanked, and then said, "Please prepare all the medicinal materials on the pill recipe and give them to me as soon as possible, so that when you are casting the sword, I can simultaneously pill refining without delay."

"It's easy to say!" Xu Zhixie said, calling his tall Taoist boy, and handed the pill recipe to him, "Go to the cellar to find the medicinal materials on it, and give it to this little friend."

"Yes!" Daotong took the order and left.

At this point, the deal was concluded, Xu Zhixie forged the sword for Li Shiyin, and Qin Ran took the pill refining for Xu Zhixie.

"How many days does it take to cast a sword?" Qin Ran asked, "We will come here to pick up the sword and send the Medicine Pill along with it."

What these words mean is that if you pay the money with one hand and deliver the goods with the other hand, then you can exchange the sword for the pill. After all, Xu Zhixie's character is hard to be reassured.

Xu Zhixie naturally knew what kind of reputation he was, so he took a deep look at Qin Ran, the young man, and replied, "Star obsidian is not easy to melt, you have to let the furnace heat up for two days, and then add the formation... At least five days..."

"Five days?" Qin Ran nodded and said, "My pill refining is about the same time."

"Hahaha..." Xu Zhixie shook his head and laughed for a while, then he put away his smile and flew directly to the mountain, leaving a message, "In that case, I'm going to open the furnace now, Your Excellency, please do what you want."

The relationship between Qin Ran and Xu Zhixie changed little by little from Junior and elder at the beginning, to the "Your Excellency" that Xu Zhixie blurted out in less than ten minutes.

The change in between is Qin Ran's ability.

Xu Zhixie's emotions changed too quickly, Li Shiyin still couldn't adapt, the old man was still talking harmoniously with his master one second, why did he disappear the next second?

Qin Ran was adaptable, mainly because he thought a lot and didn't show his emotions on his face.

Seeing that Xu Zhixie was walking away, he turned around, looked at the two women who were still in the courtyard, and asked, "You two have been staring at us since just now, may I ask why?"

These two women are not thin-skinned, even if they were caught peeping, they didn't show the slightest panic. The girl smiled politely at Qin Ran, saluted Qin Ran, and said, "I've seen the senior."

Qin Ran nodded back at her, did not speak, and waited for her to explain.

"Junior Xuanqin, Zhao family, Zhao Yaqing, is familiar with the senior's disciple, that is, Miss Li Shiyin, and is an old friend." The girl smiled and replied in a gentle tone.

Xuan Qin Zhao? Qin Ran didn't know what Xuanqin and Zhao's background was, but he was not surprised when he saw this woman, she had a city in her stomach, and she was extravagant, so she was not a simple person.

As for getting acquainted with Shiyin...

He turned his head to look at Li Shiyin, but saw that Li Shiyin was looking at Miss Zhao Yaqing in front of her with her big eyes in doubt. She obviously didn't know her, or she didn't remember this person.

He looked at Zhao Yaqing again.

"Miss Shiyin is a noble person who forgets things..." Zhao Yaqing explained with a smile, "Three years ago, General Li Konghe had his 80th birthday. I followed my father to Li's house to celebrate his birthday, and we had a great chat with Miss Shiyin."

Li Shiyin stared at Zhao Yaqing carefully, and gradually got some impressions.

"Oh oh oh..." She remembered, "You are that stinky young lady, you like my big brother, right, and then I didn't allow it, and then I beat you up."

"?" A question mark appeared in Qin Ran's mind. He felt that something was wrong, but he felt that there was nothing wrong.

"I'm sorry, I was young and ignorant at that time..." Li Shiyin quickly apologized to Zhao Yaqing.

"It's nothing, it's been many years, I don't remember fighting with Miss Shiyin, I just remember we had a good talk." Zhao Yaqing still smiled, deeply.

This woman is a bit scary, Qin Ran looked at Zhao Yaqing, she couldn't not remember, otherwise she wouldn't remember Li Shiyin, remember to celebrate her birthday, but she acted so indifferently...

"Zhao..." Li Shiyin still couldn't remember his name, but she was very witty, she turned her head and said, "Miss Zhao, what are you doing here? Is it also practicing the natal sword? Oh, you also step into cultivation Are you on your way? What Sect did you enter? What is Cultivation Base..."

Zhao Yaqing waited patiently for Li Shiyin to ask questions like this, and then answered each question one by one: "Last year I entered Yuntianmen and took the sword path. Now I am in the Foundation Establishment middle stage. This trip is to find Master Xu Zhixie really wanted to forge a suitable natal sword. Unfortunately, Master Xu Zhixie refused..."

When she said this, she congratulated Li Shiyin, "Congratulations, you can ask Master Xu Zhixie to forge a sword!"

"Oh, it's nothing, it's just a sword!" Li Shiyin comforted, "Master Xu dare not, it's the same to go to other people..."

Zhao Yaqing is an extremely deep-minded person, she didn't show any emotions, she chatted with Li Shiyin with a smile for a while, until Daotong brought the medicinal materials and handed the Qiankun bag to Qin Ran, Qin Ran's master and apprentice left.

She walked out of the other courtyard with her own guardian Daoist, and looked at the figure of Qin Ran's master and apprentice going down the mountain along the road. She felt that the injury from three years ago was still aching again. Her eyes narrowed, finally showing fierceness.

"Star Obsidian..." She laughed fearfully, "It will be a good sword!"

"Miss, you mean..."

"This is at least a high-grade natal sword. Although it doesn't match my attributes, but..." Zhao Yaqing said, "I can force it."

She thought of the handsome young man who took one item after another from the Qiankun bag and convinced Xu Zhixie to forge a sword for Li Shiyin. The jealousy on her face couldn't be suppressed. She asked, "That idiot's What is the master Cultivation Base."

"It seems to be the Foundation Establishment stage." Her young nurse Daoist replied, "but it has a strong breath, or the Cultivation Technique used to cover up the Cultivation Base, it is probably also the Gold Core stage."

"Gold Core..." Zhao Yaqing pondered for a while, and then said, "It's okay, as long as it's not Nascent Soul, it's fine. We fight together, and it's also one-on-one. I can easily deal with Li Shiyin, and you obviously can't deal with her master." If you fall into a disadvantage, and then make a small plan, the advantage lies with me."

"Yes." The guard Daoist nodded in response.

There are no doubts and no way out in the poor mountains and rivers, and there is another village with dark willows and bright flowers.

"Hehe!" Zhao Yaqing sneered, "An idiot sent a sword by himself."

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