My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 61 I, Li Shiyin, Am Not A Fool

Li Shiyin frowned and looked at Long Qiqi, suddenly feeling something was wrong.

If Long Qiqi hadn't persuaded her to say that people's hearts are vicious and the world is dangerous, although she felt that Qin Ran was being too careful, she was not prepared to disobey her master. Now that Long Qiqi persuaded her like this, she felt that if she didn't disobey her master, she would agree with her master. The master just agrees with Long Qiqi.

She, Li Shiyin, is not a fool. Her original plan was that since it is impossible to determine whether the world is dangerous or not, she will also be closed door training for the past few days, no matter whether it is dangerous outside or not, she will not go out It's over, but now...

She always felt that Long Qiqi was mocking her and cowardly, which made her very uncomfortable.

In addition, Li Shiyin is the kind who can't sit still. Forcibly locking her in the room is putting her in jail.

So she endured it for a day or two, and on the third day, she finally couldn't stand it anymore.

Anyway, what the Master said was pill refining for three days, so she will be out of customs today, and she is going out to play now, so it shouldn't have much impact! Thinking of this, she found a reason for herself, then got up and opened the door.

"Do you want to go out to play?" Long Qiqi asked excitedly, after waiting for three days, she finally let her wait.

Li Shiyin turned her head and saw Long Qiqi curled up like a silkworm chrysalis on the bed made of two chairs, poking her head out from under the blanket to ask her. The chair was asked by Li Shiyin from the old shopkeeper, and the blanket was given by the old shopkeeper.

"Playing?" She rolled her big eyes and said with a smile, "It's not for playing, I'm going out to investigate the local customs and customs, and collect information along the way."

Gather intelligence? Long Qiqi just wanted to laugh, but she held back because she made a request: "Can you take me with you? I can help you collect information."

"Collect information for me?" Li Shiyin was in trouble, because she didn't go to collect information at all, she just wanted to go out and play, "No need, I can do it myself." She refused with a smile.

She said and stepped out the door.

Seeing that Li Shiyin was about to leave, Long Qiqi became anxious. This was her last chance to escape, so she hurriedly threatened: "Then I will tell you, master, you went out to play secretly!"

Li Shiyin withdrew her foot from going out, she turned her head and said to Long Qiqi: "You...don't accuse a good person, I'm not out to play, I'm out to do serious things!"

But she didn't believe what she said, so she retracted her foot again. She looked at the vast and free sky outside the house, and looked at the hideous Long Qiqi inside the house, and fell into a tangle.

"If you take me out together, then we are accomplices, and I will definitely not report you." Seeing Li Shiyin retreating, Long Qiqi was overjoyed, struck while the iron was hot, and continued to fool Li Shiyin.

It's a pity that Li Shiyin is not an idiot, it didn't take long for her to realize it.

She laughed, hummed to Long Qiqi, and said: "Master didn't say that I won't let me go out to play." Her tone was somewhat smug.

As she said that, she ignored Long Qiqi and walked out the door.

"Ah! No~" Looking at the closed door, Long Qiqi only felt that the light that was shut outside the door was the light of her life. Since then, her life has been gloomy!

To escape from Qin Ran, that old and cunning dog, it would be as difficult as climbing the sky.

"Heaven! Oh earth! What evil did I, Long Qiqi, do? I have been ignorant for thousands of years, and once I was enlightened, I resolutely changed my human form in order to follow the path of immortality. I have never done anything evil in my life. , why are you doing this to me?"

Long Qiqi looked at the faint light that squeezed in through the crack of the door, and complained tearfully.

At this moment, the door was suddenly opened from the outside, and the figure in the light was obviously Li Shiyin, she walked straight over, picked up Long Qiqi and walked out, pretending to be old-fashioned and sighed, "Let's go together , it's pitiful."

"Huh?" Long Qiqi's tears were half streaming down, and she stopped thinking.

Li Shiyin walked with Long Qiqi in the bustling market, her steps were cheerful.

"Why did you go back again?" Long Qiqi still couldn't figure it out.

There was someone who bought a sword model nearby, Li Shiyin ran over, picked up a big knife and played with it in his hand, and said with a smile: "I have come out to play, how can I leave you alone in the room. You are alone in that room, just think about it. fear."

She waved the big knife twice with one hand, and said again, "The room is small and dark, it's uncomfortable."

Long Qiqi had a complicated heart, she wanted to deceive this silly girl, but this silly girl could stand in her place and think for her...

"She was so gentle, I cried to death."

So she said: "It's inconvenient for you to hold me and play, why don't you let me go!"

Li Shiyin looked at Long Qiqi, frowned and said, "But your Meridians are blocked by the Master, so you can't stand up!"

Long Qiqi blinked, pretending to be cute, and shyly said: "You can help me untie the Meridians on my legs...just untie the legs, I can walk, but I can't run."

Don't take Li Shiyin as a fool, she saw Long Qiqi's plot at a glance, this snake demon tricked her into unblocking her, she wanted to run away.

"Heh!" She sneered, "Don't touch your crooked thoughts, I won't help you get sealed!"

"Hey!" Long Qiqi sighed, this girl doesn't seem to be that easy to deceive.

After playing in the market for a while, Li Shiyin was still struggling, and after thinking about it, she took Long Qiqi to the side of the road and put him down because she had a baby in her arms, and said: "I only want to help you unseal the seal on your leg! I don't understand anything else!"

"Alright!" Long Qiqi nodded repeatedly, thinking, what a silly girl, as long as one part is untied, the whole seal will be destroyed, and other parts will be easy to deal with.

Li Shiyin then stretched out his hand, pressed his hand on Long Qiqi's leg, and then paused for a moment...

She raised her head, looked at Long Qiqi, blinked her eyes innocently, and said, "I...I don't know how to solve it."

"Ah?!!!" Long Qiqi was dumbfounded. She planned for several days and expended countless efforts, and she was about to succeed. Who would have thought, who would have thought that this product would not be unsealed! !

"Didn't your Master teach you?" She couldn't help asking.

"Cough... The Master has taught me... probably, I have an impression, but I can't remember clearly." Li Shiyin said shyly, "The main reason is that I can't tell the Meridians apart, the Meridians on my legs, I Not familiar with……"

"Where are the Meridians in other positions?" Long Qiqi was dying.

"I'm not familiar with it either." Li Shiyin whispered.

"Ah..." Long Qiqi despaired, "I really lost to you!!"

"I...I, I..." Li Shiyin apologized hesitantly, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

Long Qiqi shook her head, looked at Li Shiyin contemptuously, too tired to speak.

Li Shiyin picked up Long Qiqi again, and continued to walk forward, but she stopped walking, with some determination in her eyes, and took Long Qiqi to the side of the road to put him down again.

"I...I, Li Shiyin, am not a fool. What's the matter with your contemptuous gaze?" She gritted her teeth and thought, "Hmph, my master is a pill refining master, how could I not understand Meridians?"

She thought so, and said to Long Qiqi: "Don't worry, I am familiar with Meridians acupuncture points, but I can't tell them apart. I also have Divine Sense, which is enough to unblock you!"

Long Qiqi stared at Li Shiyin with her slender snake eyes, disbelief was written all over the pretty and lovely Loli's face.

"I...I'll prove it to you!"

As Li Shiyin said, Divine Sense separated from the body, and went straight to Long Qiqi's body, while reaching out and pressing on Long Qiqi's body.

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