My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 64 The Evil Fall Of The Female Sword Fairy

"I'm sure!"

Wang Wu held the saber and slashed, a wild lion roared vaguely, a flame came out of the saber, and slashed directly at Li Shiyin.

Li Shiyin dodged, avoided the flames, looked up and saw Wang Wuchao rushing towards herself, she squeezed her fists with both hands, and yelled softly:

"Starlight, blast them!"

A little bit of Star light shines on her fist, and there is another faintly visible Star bond behind her.

Wang Wu came over and slashed straight down, Li Shiyin dodged again, a little easier than before.

"What's going on?" Wang Wu realized something was wrong, "She seems to be stronger than before?"

The sword cultivator lost his sword and then became stronger?


However, before he had any more doubts, Li Shiyin had indeed become stronger, and the doubled stronger Li Shiyin had already slammed his fist into his face with his bare hands, directly smashing his center of gravity to the side. Staggering, he deftly separated his knife with his elbow, came in close to him, smashed his elbow on his ribs, and then without stopping, punched his waist and abdomen two or three times, punched him in the sandalwood two or three times, and finally pushed him with his knee Note the inner thighs to finish.

After this severe beating, perhaps Wang Wu's Magic power is still sufficient enough to allow him to cast many spells, but...

His body doesn't allow it anymore.

Without Li Shiyin's further action, he could no longer control his body and fell down.

"This is the sword cultivator?" He couldn't figure out what went wrong, "This is clearly the body cultivator!"

At the entrance of the alley, Zhang Shan was covered in sword wounds, was bleeding profusely, and had lost his fighting power. Li Shiyin went to drag him over and put him with Wang Wu.

"Take your shuttle away." She and Wang Martial Dao.

"Huh?" Wang Wu was taken aback. The beginning of the words meant that they didn't intend to kill them?

Because he died, the shuttle would lose control and disarm itself.

But when he was in a daze, Li Shiyin kicked him in the face, "I told you to close the shuttle, didn't you hear me?!"

Wang Wu's heart trembled, and he hurriedly retracted the shuttle. After many years of cultivating the Immortal World, he has keenly realized that the female sword fairy in front of him is probably a newcomer. There is a chance to survive.

"I don't have eyes..." Li Shiyin pulled the Qingxing Sword from the wall, checked it carefully, and found no scars, then retracted the scabbard, and then kicked Wang Wu and Zhang Shan each, "The idea is to hit my aunt-" Heads are coming!"

After speaking, she turned and left with the sword in hand.

"Just leave like this?" Wang Wu asked in his heart, not only did he not kill them, he didn't even remove his hands and feet, and he didn't even torture them?

Just as he thought this in his heart, Li Shiyin, who had walked to the alley, paused, turned around and walked back.

"I knew it wouldn't be that simple..." Seeing Li Shiyin coming back, Wang Wu breathed a sigh of relief. If he left like this, he wondered if there was some terrible conspiracy.

"Hey..." Li Shiyin walked back in front of Wang Wu and Zhang Shan, took out a porcelain bottle from the Qiankun bag, poured out two big redemption pills, and handed one to Wang Wu and Zhang Shan, "This is my master's alchemy. The Da Huan Dan is of very good quality, and the injury will heal in a short while."

"Although I hit you, you should hit..." She hesitated for a moment, feeling a little embarrassed, "Don't take it to heart."

Wang Wu was stunned, this is not a newcomer, this is simply an angel, this is Saint, the Virgin Mary... huh? Who is the Virgin Mary?

Li Shiyin scratched her head, wanting to say something to comfort the two, but she was too embarrassed to say it, so she got up and left.

The Li family has a family tradition of killing enemies with thunderbolts, but giving preferential treatment to captives, because captives belong to the weak...

Well, I always feel that there is something wrong with Li Shiyin's understanding of their family style... The enemies are all killed, so where are the prisoners?

Li Shiyin walked out of the alley with the sword in her arms, turned around and walked towards the direction of the Yuelai Inn, but after taking two steps, she stopped. She realized, was there a familiar figure from behind just now?

She hurriedly turned her head to look, and saw a thin black figure on the other side of the alley.

The figure was looking into the distance, and he didn't know what he was looking at.

But Li Shiyin clearly recognized that it was her master Qin Ran!

"Master?" She tried to call out.

"Huh?" The figure responded.

What a Master! !

So she panicked and asked, "Master, why are you here?"

Qin Ran turned around, looked at Li Shiyin's nervous face, and asked, "Why can't I be here?"

"Aren't you pill refining?"

"The Medicine Pill is ready!"

"Then..." Li Shiyin lowered her head and said, "Then you saw it?"

"I've seen it all."

"Master..." Li Shiyin elongated her tone and began to act coquettishly, "They provoked me first, not me wanting to hit someone."

Qin Ran's face pulled down instantly.

Li Shiyin became even more flustered, and hurriedly explained: "Really, they did it first. Long Qiqi and I went here to rest, and then Long Qiqi ran inside and never came out, so I went in to find..."

As she was talking, she remembered that Long Qiqi had been lost by herself, so she was speechless.

"Alas..." Qin Ran sighed. He looked at the two people in the alley who had quickly recovered from their injuries after taking the Medicine Pill, and shook his head, "You don't know where you went wrong."

There was an ups and downs in his hand, but in the end he didn't make a move.

"...You should kill them as quickly as possible, then destroy the corpses, stay away from the scene, and leave no trace." He watched Zhang Shan and Wang Wu flee from the other side of the alley, and said softly.

"Should I kill them?" Li Shiyin was taken aback, Master is blaming this?

"It's not necessary..."

"They haven't gone far..." Qin Ran closed his eyes and sensed Zhang Shan Wang Wu's position, "You still have a chance."

Li Shiyin does not reject killing, but she thinks that innocent people should not be killed indiscriminately. She shook her head and said, "Master, there is no need."

Qin Ran opened his eyes, looked deeply at Li Shiyin, and after a while, he said, "Then go back."

"But..." Li Shiyin said, "Long Qiqi escaped."

"Run away." Qin Ran went first, "It's just a snake demon."

After all, the silly apprentice went through a thrilling battle. To appease her, Qin Ran took her to play around for a while, ate some food, and returned to Yuelai Inn when it was almost time.

And the moment they pushed the Yuelai Inn away, Qin Ran stood still, and he looked towards a certain place in the lobby.

Li Shiyin, who was following closely behind Qin Ran, did not expect that Qin Ran would stop suddenly. Concentrating on eating the skewers, she bumped her head on Qin Ran's back, and then she followed the master's line of sight to look in suspiciously, and saw that On the side, five people were discussing something intensely.

Zhang Shan and Wang Wu are suddenly among them!

"Master?" she whispered.

Qin Ran didn't reply, and walked forward with a calm expression.

Li Shiyin felt uneasy, and walked with Qin Ran.

She was worried that the five of Zhang Shan would make a move, but they didn't make a move until they walked through the lobby, but the five greedy eyes kept looking at them unscrupulously.

"Divine Sense Cheats...Natal Sword..."

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