My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 66 Killing The Five Immortals

Xu Zhixie had a strange temper, and Qin Ran was not good at communication, so after the handover, the two had nothing to say.

Qin Ran quickly bid farewell to Xu Zhixie, took Li Shiyin directly down the mountain without saying any greetings.

Because of the sword's name, the atmosphere between the master and apprentice was a bit awkward, especially Li Shiyin, who was even more unhappy because of the wrong name of the sword. They didn't speak all the way, they were silent until they walked down the mountain. At the foot of the mountain, they saw Zhang Shan, Wang Wu and their good partners.

There were five of them, four men and one woman, standing in the middle of the road, the so-called...

Kill the Five Immortals!

There is a Jinsha Immortal Zhang Shan with a Jinsha sword, the Kuangyan Immortal King Wu of the Lion Heart Kuangyan Sword, the body cultivator kills Devil Immortal Liu Er, and the Wanjian Immortal Ma Ze of the Flying Sword, who cultivates the wood attribute Cultivation Technique Furong Fairy Wu Qing.

These five people, Qin Ran... don't know each other! But he did his homework these two days.

Ever since Li Shiyin let Zhang Shan and Wang Wu go, Qin Ran was on guard and left his marks on Zhang Shan and Wang Wu. After meeting them again at the Yuelai Inn, Qin Ran completely regarded them as Enemy, marked for danger.

Because it is already obvious that these five people are here for them...

As for the Killing Blade Five Immortals, it is actually a gang of five Scattered Immortals.

Repairing Immortal World is extremely dangerous. The purpose of holding a group is to keep warm, but also to...loot firewood from others, so it seems appropriate to use the word gang to describe it.

"All five people are here..." Qin Ran looked at the five people opposite and said to Li Shiyin, "It seems that we are very valued by them."

Li Shiyin also looked at the other side. She focused on Zhang Shan and Wang Wu who had been let go by her own hands. After a moment of silence, she said softly, "I'm sorry, Master."

If she doesn't let Zhang Shan and Wang Wu go, this will not happen now.

"In the end, it's just five Foundation Establishment Rogue Cultivators, and it won't have much impact. Just pay attention in the future." Qin Ran looked at Li Shiyin and said, "Take it as a lesson."

At this time, Wu Qing, the only female among the Five Immortals, came out. She smiled and said, "You two, we are here asking for money, so we won't hurt our lives."

This is the standard speech technique of the robbers. Neither Li Shiyin nor Qin Ran spoke, just looked at her.

"We want that sword..." Wu Qing pointed to the dreamlike sword in Li Shiyin's hand, and continued, "And about the practice method of Divine Sense."

Divine Sense? Only then did Qin Ran realize why Zhang Shan and Wang Wu followed Li Shiyin and Long Qiqi that day. He thought it was because of Li Shiyin's outstanding appearance.

When Wu Qing said this, Ma Ze behind her, the boss of the Five Killing Blade Immortals, suddenly pulled her, indicating that there was still a request. Then she remembered, and asked Qin Ran: "Are you the pill refining master?" ?”

Qin Ran nodded.

"Then we need five barrier-breaking pills." Wu Qing said.

Qin Ran bowed calmly and politely, and asked, "May I ask, do you have any other requests?"

Wu Qing looked back at the four companions, Zhang Shan thought for a while, raised his hand and said, "If there are more Spirit Stones..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ma Ze slapped him on the back of the head and cursed, "Stupid pig, that's fucking mocking us!"

Zhang Shan patted his head, which had been slapped stupidly by the boss, and realized it after a while. Then he became angry, pulled out the sword on his back, and cursed: "How dare you play us?!"

Ma Ze pushed him away, walked to the front and stood side by side with Wu Qing, and said to Qin Ran, "You don't want to eat a toast!"

Then he put the two middle fingers of his right hand together and drew it forward. The sword on his back flew out and was suspended in the air. Pointing at the two master and apprentice, he said again, "Now, leave the sword and the Qiankun bag behind. You can go."

"In such a situation, don't be naive." Qin Ran took the opportunity to have a class with Li Shiyin, "They can't let people go, they repair the Immortal World to do things, pay attention to killing the grass and roots, and avoid future troubles. Otherwise, what should we do if we retaliate in the future? What about Sect's revenge? So, in this case, lay down your weapons, and you will definitely die."

He pointed to Ma Ze and the Flying Sword on his head again, and said, "This is the Flying Sword technique, the so-called Flying Sword technique of taking the head of a thousand-mile Flying Sword, I really wanted you to learn this.

"Facing the enemy at this time, what needs to be considered is the weakness of the Flying Sword technique. So what is the weakness of the Flying Sword technique? It is the ability to fight in close quarters. The sword master who practices the Flying Sword technique focuses on Magic power practice, soul, and Divine Sense , Mind, and consciousness practice, but practice lightly on the body, once they are approached, it is a dead end."

Seeing that the two masters and apprentices on the opposite side ignored him, and instead talked there, using himself as a teaching material, Ma Ze's face became extremely ugly, he motioned to the brothers behind him, and said: "Just kill, FMD, the five of us, The two of them, what the hell are they doing with those processes?!"

"I've said that fucking!" Liu Er tore off his clothes, revealing muscles as solid as rocks, and cursed, "You guys insisted on doing those tricks."

"This person is a body cultivator, with great melee and defensive abilities. As for the long-range means, I haven't found out. His compatibility matches yours, and he will be your formidable enemy. I will deal with it at the end. I will replace it for you later. Hold him down."

Qin Ran and Li Shiyin continued to analyze, "Have you seen that woman? She is a wood attribute Spiritual Roots. Wood attribute cultivators usually practice one or two ways to restore vitality, either for themselves or for comrades in arms, so she is your root. Priority kill target.

"As for Wang Wu and Zhang Shan, you have personally fought against each other a few days ago, so I won't say much."

While they were talking, Zhang Shan, Wang Wu, and Liu Er had already walked over. Ma Ze's Flying Sword was eagerly flying above his head, ready to shoot at him at any time, while Wu Qing had a green light shining on him, obviously already activated the Cultivation Technique up.

"Remember, the order of beheading is Wang Wu with the fire attribute (because Wang Wu will limit my strength), Wu Qing with the wood attribute, Ma Ze with the Flying Sword, Zhang Shan with the sword in his hand, and finally Liu Er!" Qin Ran spoke quickly, and Li Shiyin gave the final explanation.

"I know!" Li Shiyin put the Muran sword into the Qiankun bag, took out the Qingxing sword, and walked towards Zhang Shan, Wang Wu, and Liu Er. The Qingxing sword was unsheathed, and there was a star shining on her body.

Qin Ran behind her raised her hand, and a bubble flew out, enveloping Liu Er, and the bubble flew up, floating in mid-air.

The bubble was extremely tough, Liu Er punched and kicked it, the bubble couldn't stop deforming, but there was no sign of bursting.

Before the battle started, one person was exiled. Ma Ze's face was a little ugly. He held the sword formula in his hand, and the Flying Sword above his head flew out, heading straight for the bubble.

Seeing this, Qin Ran's figure flickered, and a water figure jumped out of his body. The water figure jumped up and flew towards Ma Ze's sword.

The sword came straight, and the water man didn't hide, he let the sword penetrate into his body. After the sword pierced, he reacted quickly, grabbed his hand, and pinched the Flying Sword, trapping it in his body .

In this way, one person is not exiled, but one person is exiled, and one person is disarmed.

Li Shiyin looked at the sky, and knew that the work of the master had been done, and the next thing was her work...

She looked at Zhang Shan who came with a sword, and Wang Wu who was on fire. The blood of war belonging to the Li family boiled in her body, and the fighting spirit in her eyes was ignited!

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