In a battle between humans... or a battle between intelligent creatures, combat power, that is, strength on paper, is only one of the factors that determine the relationship between victory and defeat. On-the-spot response, environmental factors, IQ strategies, etc., are even more powerful than pure combat power. more important.

Immortal cultivators are also humans and intelligent creatures, and their battles also follow these guidelines.

It’s not that the Foundation Establishment cultivator must wait to die when it meets the Gold Core cultivator, it can only be said that the Gold Core cultivator has a higher winning rate. But the winning rate is nothing if it is pushed back from the result.

Of the Five Killing Blade Immortals, the strongest on paper is naturally Ma Ze, otherwise he would not be the boss. But unfortunately, he flew into the air as a target, and was killed by Li Shiyin with a Flying Sword. Followed by Wang Wu, but he was the first to be killed. Then there is Liu Er...

Liu Er is a body cultivator, and a body cultivator only refines the flesh. To put it in some impolite words, he is an idiot, a living target, a sandbag that can only be beaten...

No matter how skilled you are, you are still afraid of kitchen knives. No matter how strong the physical body is, it will eventually be broken by the Flying Sword technique.

However, among these five people, only Liu Er was able to face Li Shiyin head-on. The battle was the longest and the most intense.

It's not that Liu Er is as strong as Li Shiyin, it's just that Li Shiyin lost his sword and couldn't defend against Liu Er. She punched and kicked Liu Er solidly, but he was not injured...

Qin Ran watched from the side, seeing that Li Shiyin was always unable to break the defense, so he pointed out on the paper:

"Shiyin, with the same force, the damage caused to people by using a board, hammer, or gun is different. With the same force, hitting with the body, hitting with hands, or all concentrated on the fist will cause different damage. the same."

Both sides of the battle could hear what Qin Ran said, but Liu Er could only ask in his head: "What the hell are you talking about?" But Li Shiyin could understand to a certain extent.

"Usually you use your strength with your body, your legs, your waist, and your hands, but if you can concentrate all your strength on one point, on your fists. Hit people with your fists, but use all your strength Explode." Qin Ran was talking about modern boxing theories, but he was just copying what others said, and he didn't know how to say, "Hitting someone with your fist always hurts more than hitting someone with your palm."

Qin Ran knows what it is, but he can't do it; Liu Er can hear what is important, but he can't understand it; only Li Shiyin, she often listens to Qin Ran's lectures, she understands, and then she understands... …

She retracted her fist and came back, the stars all over her body gathered on her fist, making her fist light up, like the sun, she punched Liu Er, and the starlight exploded...


Liu Er was blown away with a punch, blood spurted wildly, and the place hit by Li Shiyin's fist was obviously sunken.

He fell to the ground, still not understanding, what is the mystery of Qin Ran's words, what is the secret of supernatural powers.

Li Shiyin chased after him, kicked his neck and broke his neck.

So far, apart from Zhang Shan, four of the Five Killing Blade Immortals had died, and they were all killed by Li Shiyin.

After killing Liu Er, Li Shiyin stood where she was, the boiling blood in her body gradually calmed down, the turbulent heart in her chest gradually calmed down, and her tyrannical brain gradually cleared up. She looked down at Liu Er, and said in her heart: "I killed you again. One person, I killed four people in one breath."

Qin Ran walked over. He looked at Li Shiyin and was silent for a while. Instead of comforting him, he ordered without emotion: "Go get a sword to make up the knife and make sure he is really dead."

Li Shiyin turned around and looked at him with a frosty face, while Qin Ran's eyes were flat.

After a while, Li Shiyin calmed down, went to look for Ma Ze, drew out the sword, and then walked over with Ma Ze in one hand and the Qingxing Sword in the other.

Walking up to Qin Ran, she didn't speak, and cut Ma Ze's neck silently, threw it beside Liu Er, and swung her sword across Liu Er's neck again.

"There are two more." Qin Ran said.

Li Shiyin went to bring Wu Qing and Wang Wu over again, and they both gave Wu Qing a sword. In fact, Wu Qing had been burned to charcoal by the geocentric flames, and he was inhuman, but she still brought it to Qin Ran and gave Wu Qing a sword.

After watching Li Shiyin finished, Qin Ran raised his hand again, wrapped Zhang Shan, who was pretending to be dead not far away, in bubble wrap, brought it to Li Shiyin, and said, "Kill him too."

"Ah..." Zhang Shan woke up instantly, turned over and knelt down, crying, "Don't kill me, please, don't kill me!!"

"Master!!" Li Shiyin stared at Qin Ran and shouted.

Qin Ran remained silent.

At first, Li Shiyin felt that Qin Ran was like a big brother next door, very gentle and considerate; gradually, she found that this big brother was a bit dark, but also knowledgeable and gentle; then, she found that he was very cautious, Deep down in my heart, I was always terrified and pitiful.

Up to now, she thinks Master is scary.

The master has always said that Xiu Immortal World is dangerous, dark and terrifying, but maybe it is not this Xiu Immortal World that is scary, but the master, this master who is too dark in psychology and acts cautiously to the point of perversion!

She stabbed forward with a sword, and the Qingxing Sword pierced through the bubble film and Zhang Shan's heart, and Zhang Shan's crying and begging for mercy stopped suddenly.

"You are a devil!" she said.

She put the Qingxing Sword back into its scabbard and walked forward.

"Stop!" Qin Ran shouted behind him.

She stood still.

Qin Ran took out the corpse powder from the Qiankun bag, handed it to Li Shiyin, and said, "Destroy the corpse, wipe out the trace."

Li Shiyin took a deep breath, gritted her teeth and looked up at the sky. The clouds in the sky were red, like blood.

She turned around, walked over, grabbed the corpse powder from Qin Ran's hand, and sprinkled it on the corpse.

She watched the corpse powder erode the corpse, as if an invisible monster in the space was eating the corpse, the corpse disappeared little by little, and soon disappeared, leaving only clothes on the floor.

"The clothes are burned." Qin Ran said, "Give me the Qiankun bag."

Li Shiyin burned all the clothes, picked up the Qiankun bag, and threw it at Qin Ran.

Qin Ran changed the space formation of the Qiankun Bag, causing the Qiankun Bag to be annihilated by the space.

"This is what to do after a murder. All the relics of the corpse are destroyed. Don't be greedy for the property in the Qiankun bag." Qin Ran said, "Don't leave any clues."

Li Shiyin looked at the flames of the clothes, and said nothing with a sullen face.

"After the battle, as long as you don't find a safe enough place, you must quickly adjust your state." Qin Ran continued, "Be prepared for the next battle that may come at any time!"

The flames from the clothes were reflected in Li Shiyin's pupils, but she still didn't speak.

Qin Ran felt pity in his heart, and sighed in his heart, but on the surface, he raised his hand to bring out a ball of water, poured it over Li Shiyin's head, and said in a cold voice: "At the same time, clean up the foreign objects on your body, such as blood, wounds, marks, etc. thing."

Li Shiyin was drenched all over, her soft long hair stuck to her face and back, and she didn't run the Magic power to dry it, she just stood like that and didn't speak.

"Cultivating the Immortal World, that's it. You either don't do it, or you don't do it." Qin Ran finally sighed, "You don't want to kill people, but you have to protect yourself."

After saying that, Qin Ran fell silent.

The two masters and apprentices, Li Shiyin looked at the fire with a sullen face, Qin Ran looked at Li Shiyin silently, did not speak, and shivered coldly, the atmosphere was silent and scary.

Until the clothes were burned and the flame disappeared, Qin Ran noticed something and looked up into the sky.

Two black dots appeared in the distant sky, and someone flew over.

He hurriedly took out Dahuandan and Huiyuandan from the Qiankun bag and handed them to Li Shiyin.

Li Shiyin didn't pick up the Medicine Pill, and followed him to look over.

Two people flew over there, two women, one girl and one young woman.

"Eat the Medicine Pill..." Qin Ran said, "Ready for the next battle."

"A more difficult battle!"

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