My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 89 This Lightning Tribulation Is Very Ordinary

Cultivator breakthrough Realm will lead to lightning calamity, which is well known to all Immortal World cultivators.

The explanation they gave was that the cultivator plundered the opportunity of the heaven and the earth in the process of practice. The cultivator is to the heaven and the earth, just like a flea is to a beast. A cultivator is a thief, a robber, or a parasite, so heaven and earth will punish them.

How to punish?

Robbery and killing when strength grows is a good way of punishment.

As for thunder and lightning, it is the most rigid and yang, and it is most suitable for punishing cultivators.

But Qin Ran thinks that statement is somewhat idealistic and unscientific.

He gave a scientific point of view, he thought:

Heaven and earth are not benevolent, they regard everything as a straw dog. In fact, heaven and earth have no subjective will, and there is no such idea of ​​punishment. When a cultivator breakthrough Realm will be struck by lightning, it is just an objective law. It is related to the conservation of mass energy, Something like the constant speed of light.

He gave a conjecture, saying:

When the cultivator is promoted, it will absorb a lot of Spiritual Qi at one time, and too many changes in Spiritual Qi will cause weather changes. The weather changes will cause stratus clouds to be gathered by Spiritual Qi around the cultivator, and then the clouds will collide, generating lightning, which happens to be the cultivator Right in the very center, that's why it was struck by lightning.

Based on this theory, he also proposed many Transcend Tribulation solutions, such as copied Faraday cages and lightning rods, such as using a clone to replace the real body at the center of the thunder disaster...

So he was not worried about Lei Jie.

Of course, he wasn't worried about the Golden Core either. What he was worried about was the 0.20% chance of failure and possible accidents.

Gathering Qi Sea Magic power and condensing Gold Core is very simple for Qin Ran. After all, his control over the Magic power in his body is, so to speak, the same as controlling his own hand to turn over. Simple.

I saw Qin Ran Lotus Position on the boulder, closed his eyes, and operated the Cultivation Technique, which was the beginning of the Golden Core.

The Qi Sea cyclone in the body rotates, driving the Magic power in the Qi Sea to rotate together, his foundation is extremely strong, the Magic power in the Qi Sea is as rough and majestic as the sea, and his Qi Sea is like a real sea.

Right now, the Magic power rotates with the wind, and the whole Qi Sea is moving, its momentum is huge, and the sound comes out of the body, rumbling like the sound of the tide, like the sound of the sea waves, it spreads far away, and can be heard on the snow-capped mountains.

This kind of sound is still intensifying. At first, it seemed to be waves caused by a breeze. Gradually, the breeze turned into a squall, hurricane, and tornado. Listening to this sound, I can imagine the overwhelming scene of hundreds of meters high waves in my mind. . The so-called overwhelming.

Qin Ran's brows suddenly frowned. The Magic power in Qi Sea seemed to be beyond his estimation. Although it was not out of his control, it was a bit difficult for him to control it. The time it took to condense the Golden Core seemed to be A little bit more than planned... right?

The night gradually faded, the sun rose from the snow-capped mountains, and the dazzling light reflected by the white snow shone here. Qin Ran sat cross-legged on the boulder, and on the edge of the boulder, when the darkness faded, a small White Tiger appeared, He squatted there, tilted his head, and looked at Qin Ran suspiciously.

"What the hell is Dad doing?"

The sun crossed the sky, the moon rose, and in the darkness, a group of black shadows jumped onto the boulder with a snow rabbit in its mouth. He lowered his head, bit the snow rabbit, and took two bites...

"Bah, bah,'s not tasty, let's give it to Dad." He brought the snow rabbit to Qin Ran's side.

The moon sets, the sun rises, and the snow-white chasing wind lies there, lazily.

"I'm so hungry! When will Dad wake up..."

At night, Zhuifeng was very hungry, so he went to hunt another unknown bird. He returned to the boulder with the bird in his mouth, and plucked the bird's feathers with his beak, biting out the feathers one by one.

"Oh...annoying! When will Dad help me?"

But at this time, suddenly the wind blew up!

The wind came suddenly, and it came from around this boulder. Zhui Feng raised his head suddenly, his black eyes glowing in the darkness revealed fierceness, and he patrolled around, vigilant.

The wind is getting stronger and stronger, rolling the clouds in the sky, the situation changes suddenly, and the black clouds gather quickly.

In Qin Ran's body, the entire Qi Sea has been turned upside down for two days, and at this time, there is finally a change.

The central cyclone suddenly settles, it spins and shrinks suddenly, and converges to the most central point, which becomes the most central point of Gold Core, the point where the soul returns to, and the very beginning point, the origin of all things, the origin of Tao, The oneness of all things in life, the oneness of Dao begets oneness.

And at this moment, a mysterious fluctuation started from that point, the fluctuation spread, passed Qi Sea, Qi Sea's Magic power no longer rotated, settled down, came out of the body, and spread to the outside world.

After the Magic power settled down, at a certain moment, it suddenly collapsed towards the most central point...

And with the collapse of Magic power, Qi Sea created a vacancy, Cultivation Technique operated on its own, and Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi was absorbed into the body to make up for the vacancy.

The Spiritual Qi of heaven and earth is absorbed crazily, and the outside world will have a wind. As the Magic power in the body collapses faster, the faster the Spiritual Qi is absorbed, the stronger the wind outside the body...

And at the very beginning, the fluctuations that came out when the first "one" of Gold Core was born spread far, far away. This fluctuation is generally invisible to ordinary people, but if there are high rank cultivators and high rank Demonic Beasts nearby, they can still be noticed.

For example, a certain five-tailed demon fox on top of a snow mountain.

"What is this?" She froze for a moment, this mysterious fluctuation, "Daoyun? Have Heavenly and Mortal Treasures appeared?"

She became excited, her five fluffy tails spread out, like a peacock, and then she landed on all fours, and quickly ran over to the place where the wave came from.

When she got closer, she saw a vision in the heaven and earth over there, the wind-blown layer of clouds hung upside down, and there were electric snakes with purple and gold swimming in the clouds.

"Thunder Jie?" Her charming and slender fox eyes widened, "Has my chance arrived?"

Without thinking too much, she rushed in against the wind.

For example, a certain vanguard force is exploring in the Hengduan Mountains.

The leader, Elder, is a stern middle-aged man in his forties. He is riding a cloud, leading six disciples of the Immortal Sect to investigate the specific reason for the outbreak of the Extreme Devouring Willow. At the moment when the wave came, He frowned and stopped suddenly.

"Ning Elder, did you find anything?" A young man with a handsome face asked in time.

"Someone is at the Golden Core!" Ning Elder said in a deep voice.

"Golden Core?" A beautiful woman smiled, "What's worth noting about Golden Core."

"This person has a deep foundation and is not inferior to you!" Ning Elder looked around at Yunshang disciple and said seriously.

"Oh?" The jade-faced young master became interested, "There are such characters in this remote place of the Immortal Relics, and they are indeed worth seeing."

Ning Elder followed the direction from which the wave came, and rode away on the cloud.

They soon approached, and saw the vision of the sky and the earth with the lead cloud hanging upside down, and there were purple and gold electric snakes swimming inside.

"Purple Thunder?" The beautiful woman laughed, "It's just Zi Xiaolei Jie who made such a big commotion?"

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