My Practice Routine With My Confused Female Apprentice

Chapter 92 Divine Firmament Body Refining Technique

"Three ways?" The beautiful woman exclaimed, "Why are there three ways?!!"

In the simple cognitive view of the cultivator in this world, thunderstorms should fall one after another, but the latter one is stronger than the previous one... and it won't be too strong.

No one answered her, because no one knew why.

Only Ning Elder, who was at the front, was lost in thought, and horror flashed in his lowered eyes.

The incredible inference in his mind is being confirmed step by step.

Qin Ran got up and walked into the air, the "Shenxiao Body Refining Technique" in his body was running, and the golden light reflected by the Gold Core was on the surface of his body, making him look like a golden light.

Three blood-colored tribulation thunders slashed head-on, as if he couldn't make any resistance, as soon as he touched it, he was photographed.

He slammed straight down, his body piercing through the mud and rocks, and a deep hole was made on the ground.

"Why does he still want to use Tribulation Thunder to refine his body?!" The beautiful woman asked puzzledly, "Is he really that greedy?"

"It's not greed, it's too late." The jade-faced man saw it more clearly, "He wanted to save his spiritual pet, but he didn't pay attention to the time and intensity of the thunderstorm. It will be multiplied!"

"Did he die directly?"

The jade-faced man shook his head and said: "He has a deep foundation, and this wave of tribulation thunder will not kill him."

This wave is not dead, and it will not necessarily be the case later.

Qin Ran crawled out of the deep pit, his whole body was scorched black, all the hair on his body was burned off, and there was also a residual blood-colored lightning current on his body, which was the divine lightning that "Shenxiao Body Refining Technique" could not absorb.

He lay on the ground, opened his mouth, and smoke came out of his mouth.

"Zhuifeng..." He opened his eyes, and hurriedly looked for Zhuifeng. This tribulation thunder is too strong, so Zhuifeng is already dead, right?

Chasing the wind is not dead.

He quickly saw Zhuifeng at the edge, and there was bloody Jielei on Zhuifeng's body. He was lying there, whining in pain, with tears in his eyes, looking at him pitifully.

Qin Ran was heartbroken seeing it, but Zhuifeng was not dead after all. He took a deep breath, supported himself with his hands, stood up with his hands, and then walked towards Zhuifeng.

As he walked, the scorched skin on his body cracked and fell to the ground piece by piece, revealing the dark golden skin inside.

"He's not dead, his physical body is stronger." The jade-faced man sighed.

"That little White Tiger is not dead..." The beautiful woman sighed, she was a little curious, "What kind of blood is it?"

The jade-faced man shook his head, but he didn't know either.

"It should be the Xuanming Spirit Tiger..." Ning Elder was a little uncertain, "It seems to be Upgraded."

"Xuanming Spirit Tiger?"

"About seventh-level Demonic Beasts." Ning Elder added.

"Seventh-level Demonic Beasts?!" The beautiful woman exclaimed, this little cultivator of the Foundation Establishment period actually has seventh-level Demonic Beasts as spiritual pets? ! You know, the seventh-level Demonic Beasts are already infinitely close to cultivators at the stage of cultivating gods.

Zhuifeng was not dead, Qin Ran was a little thankful, he walked over, put his hand on Zhuifeng's body, Divine Sense leaned over...

Sure enough, Zhuifeng has the running track of "Shenxiao Body Refining Technique" in his body, and he is using the method of "Shenxiao Body Refining Technique" to absorb tribulation thunder to refine his body.

Although the Cultivation Technique is not perfect, Chasing the Wind is a success. After all, the person with the worst qualifications in Danfeng is not him.

"Good job!" Qin Ran praised with a smile.

"It hurts..." Zhuifeng cried.

"Absorb the Jie Lei and it won't hurt anymore..." Qin Ran comforted.

At the same time, he used Divine Sense to figure out Zhuifeng's exercise path, and compared with the original exercise route of "Shenxiao Refining Body Technique", he tried to optimize the Cultivation Technique for Zhuifeng.


The robbery cloud in the sky reminded again that the next wave of robbery thunder will come down soon.

Qin Ran looked up and found that the clouds in the sky were thicker, and he could clearly feel that Jieyun had pressed down a lot.

The next wave of tribulation thunder will be even stronger.

"Zhuifeng..." Qin Ran looked at Zhuifeng with firm eyes and said, "Let's do it again!"

If you want to live like ordinary people in this dangerous and unpredictable Immortal World, you need to spend more effort than ordinary cultivators.


As if being despised, the tribulation thunder roared twice again, and the clouds rolled over, becoming more intense!

After simply sorting out the Cultivation Technique for Chasing the Wind, Qin Ran turned around and flew into the air, with the Magic power running in his body, waiting for the next wave of calamity thunder to arrive.

Qin Ran's clothes were burnt to ashes during the first wave of thunderstorms, and only a Qiankun bag was saved by him, which would be thrown into the rubble by him; , and burned all the hair on his body.

So the picture at this time is that the dark and heavy clouds are rolling in the sky, the bloody thunder is puffing inside, and in the center of the black tornado, in the middle of the air, a naked man with a bald head looks up at the sky.

"He is..." The picture was so beautiful that the beautiful woman was afraid to look at it. She peeked at it and asked, "Is he finally going to normal Transcend Tribulation, or is he going to continue to train his body with tribulation thunder?"

The jade-faced man's face darkened, and he could see that Qin Ran still had to train his body.

"He's crazy!" he couldn't help cursing.

He is very optimistic about Qin Ran. In this remote fairyland, it is really rare to have such a cultivator with deep roots. Before, in his opinion, although this lightning tribulation was a bit strange, Qin Ran still had a chance to survive it.

But Qin Ran actually played like this...


Tribulation thunder falls, nine! !

"He's finished!" the jade-faced man shook his head.


The Gold Core in the body rotates rapidly, and the muscles and bones have Magic power rushing like a wave. Qin Ran raised his hand, and the clear dream of the Gold Core stage was cast like water, and a huge water-shaped shield appeared against the tribulation thunder.

Is Qin Ran stupid?

An idiot can't be a cunt.

Is Qin reckless?

Gou Bi is not qualified to be called reckless.

He is neither stupid nor reckless, so how could he do something completely unsure?

He definitely can't resist the nine tribulation thunders, but he can block part of it and resist part of it.

The thunderbolt strikes, bang! The water shield dispersed in response, but drop by drop of water blocked the thunder once again.

Blocked by the water shield, the nine tribulation thunders merged into one tribulation thunder, and its power was greatly weakened, only slightly stronger than the second wave of calamity thunder.

Qin Ran stood in mid-air, and when the thunder struck, he remained motionless, bathed in the bloody thunder.

After two waves of thunder calamity body training, his physical body is already strong enough, and it is not so difficult for him to practice the weakened third wave of thunder calamity at this time.

And below him, the escaping tribulation thunder rushed to Zhuifeng, and Zhuifeng stood up, with the "Shenxiao Body Refining Technique" running in his body, allowing him to absorb the tribulation thunder, quickly repair his injuries, and strengthen his physical body.

"What an exquisite escape method!" The jade-faced man praised again, "I thought he would die under this thunderstorm, but I didn't expect him to save a trick... It's really interesting!"

"His spirit beast is also cultivating the body with lightning..." The beautiful woman couldn't believe it, "Little White Tiger couldn't do it just now, but now he can do it. Could it be that he just changed the Cultivation Technique? He can Changed the Cultivation Technique of the Terran into the Cultivation Technique of the Demonic Beasts in such a short period of time?

"It's so terrifying!"

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