"This is the catastrophe of Yinhuo, and there are also nine ways, which are designed to burn people's bodies!" Ning Elder explained to everyone on the cloud,

"The Yongquan point on the soles of the feet, the perineal life-death orifice, the Laogong point on the palm, and the Baihui point on the top of the head are for the Four Extreme Realm; Qi Sea, in the sandalwood, for the sea of ​​consciousness, is for the foundation of the Dao; the inner palace, the body shell, is for the physical body. This fire is designed to burn people's vital points, it starts from the vital points and ends at the vital points, it cannot be extinguished, it can only be resisted with the body."

"Resist with the physical body? His physical body is so strong..." the beautiful woman said, "Surely there is no problem?"

"It's hard to say." Ning Elder shook his head. "After all, this is a calamity of extermination. It's hard to judge how powerful it is. But if you compare it horizontally from the previous thunder calamity, who can resist the last one?"

Everyone on the cloud recalled that earth-shattering blood-colored thunder column just now, and they all fell silent.

They are all the arrogance of the Lingnan Immortal Sect, and the Cultivation Base Talent is the top existence in this world, but when they think about it, if they are under such a tribulation, can they survive?

The answer given is no.

Then, if the calamity fire was as terrifying as the previous calamity thunder, and they couldn't even take advantage of it, they knew that they couldn't bear it either.

In the middle of the air, Qin Ran put the chasing wind down, so that the chasing wind fell to the ground without being affected by the fire. He activated the Movement Technique and sat down in the Lotus Position in mid-air.

The fire of Yongquan was still burning, and the fire of Laogong started again, followed by Perineum and Baihui.

Qin Ran sat there cross-legged, with raging flames burning all over his body.

He operated the Cultivation Technique, repaired the physical body, and recalled "Shenxiao Body Refining Technique" in his mind, deconstructing its basic principles, hoping to apply it to Jiehuo.

Water and fire, who restrains whom?

It's hard to say, because... whoever is stronger is the one who restrains!

Unfortunately, Qin Ran is the water Spiritual Roots, and the Magic power circulating in his body happens to be water attribute Magic power... Moreover, he is in a weak position.

Therefore, he was restrained by Jie Lei in terms of attributes.

In this case, what can Qin Ran do?

He can only use the mildness of the water attribute Magic power to repair the texture scorched by the fire, but he dare not directly contend with the fire. He only repaired it after the fire was burned.

If it can be pulled like this all the time, that's not bad.

Unfortunately, it didn't take long...

His Qi Sea is on fire.

There was a flame in Qi Sea, which made his Magic power, which was already beyond his means, completely muted.

The Four Extreme Realm was burned by the fire, and there was no Magic power to repair it, the Qi Sea fire, the sandalwood fire, and the sea consciousness fire.

There is a burning man in mid-air, there is no sound of people struggling and moaning, no sound of fire burning and bursting, everything is silent.

But it is as if a desperate man has reached the extreme, rushing silently into destruction.

Zhuifeng watched from below, his eyes full of worry, he walked around, but he couldn't help much.

The body is also on fire...

"Alas..." Ning Elder sighed, "It's over."

Whether it's the Outlander, the Taker, or the Heavenly Devil, it's over.

The deadliest thing is never the violent thunder, but the silent flame.

"The thunderstorm has passed?" The five-tailed demon fox let go of her paws covering her ears, pulled her own head out of the ground, and put her drooping tail back up. She looked dirty in the direction of Heavenly Tribulation, where there was still A black cloud enveloped, "Is the baby in here?"

After all, she still hesitated. The danger perception engraved in the blood of Demonic Beasts made her feel dangerous. She didn't go to Jieyun...she didn't go fast...

The fire in mid-air was still burning silently. Zhui Feng was walking on the ground. At a certain moment, he suddenly stopped and looked up at Qin Ran.

"Dad won't die, will he?!"

The more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, so the wind picked up under his feet, and he rushed towards the fire in the sky...


In the silent Heavenly Tribulation enchantment, suddenly there was the sound of electric sparks running, startled Zhui Feng, stopped hurriedly, looked into the sky, only saw the human-shaped flame in the air, it was originally silent It was burning without waves, but now, the flames became more intense, they were beating, and there was an electric current flowing.

"Dad isn't dead yet?"

Zhuifeng was relieved and went down to the ground.

"What's the situation?" asked the beautiful woman in the distance.

The jade-faced man frowned, uncertainly: "That seems to be tribulation thunder?"

"Thunderstorm? How could there be thunderstorm?"

"Or is it the remnants of the previous tribulation thunder?"

Thunderbolt, the thunder and lightning on the fire intensified, and the flames were also disturbed.

"Have you noticed..." Ning Elder suddenly noticed something unusual, "The Jiehuo is decreasing?"

"Really?" Jing Ning Elder reminded, and everyone on the cloud took a closer look, and someone suggested, "The person is dead, and there is nothing to burn?"

"It doesn't look like..." The jade-faced man shook his head.

When a person is burned, the body should become smaller, and the flame as a whole will become smaller because of this, but the situation over there is that the flame has become smaller, but the overall body shape remains the same.

It looks like the flames have been absorbed by people!

"No way!" He suddenly opened his eyes wide, and he recalled the previous picture of Qin Ran training his body with calamity of lightning, "He is not training his body with calamity of fire, is he?!"

When the jade-faced man said this, everyone on Yunshang also thought of the Tribulation Thunder body training just now, and thought it was possible.

The beautiful woman raised a question: "Could it be that he had anticipated and knew that there would be a calamity fire, so he also prepared the Cultivation Technique for body training?"

Who would have thought that there would be fire after robbery? This seems unlikely.

The jade-faced man hesitated to speak. He remembered that Qin Ran changed the human body training method to the little White Tiger's body training method before, but for a moment...he felt that another possibility was more likely, that is, to discover After the calamity fire, Qin Ran temporarily modified the Jielei body training method, and practiced the Jiehuo body training method based on the same principle.

But... this is also difficult to accept? He shook his head.

However, Qin Ran did just that!

Even further, he optimized this Cultivation Technique in a short period of time, and he can train his body even without Magic Power to carry Spiritual Qi.

Why? Because he has made enough preparations, he is familiar enough with this thunder calamity body training method, and he has studied enough Cultivation Technique...

When Qi Sea was burned, there was no magic power in his body, so he had to seek change if he wanted to survive.

It was under such circumstances that he discovered that there was another kind of energy in his Qi Sea Dantian.

That is……


In his Gold Core, especially his natal Magical Item Kyushu Dingzhong, there are still a lot of Tribulation Thunder left. He tried to use the modified Cultivation Technique to drive Jielei, and then...

It worked!

Although Jielei is not milder than Magic power in Meridians, and it is quite painful, but this method is feasible. His body has just been tempered with Jielei, so why should he be afraid of this little Jielei?

Even, it is more effective to use Jielei to drive Jiehuo to refine the body than Magic Power to drive Jielei to refine the body...

The calamity fires became less and less, from blazing and vigorous to a few struggling piles, and finally disappeared.

Qin Ran opened his eyes, with flames still in his eyes, he smiled at Zhuifeng, "It's all right!"

"He found the only way to break it." Ning Elder said.

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