He was about to leave with Tang Wanxin, but Tang Wanxin clasped Ye Shen's wrist with his back hand: "elder martial brother ye, what happened just now, you might as well explain clearly before you go."

In the past, Tang Wanxin didn't want to have any dispute with her fellow senior brothers and sisters, but now it's different. As long as Jane Youlian has a little harmful heart, she will let everyone know that Jane Youlian is fundamentally bad.

And Tang Wanxin's words changed Jane Youlian's face.

She was really going to sprinkle boiled water on Tang Wanxin's scalded place just now, so that Tang Wanxin's hand would be wasted directly.

Now she felt her mind was pierced by Tang Wanxin.

She hurriedly explained, "Tang Qin, you don't have to be weird there. If you don't want to give me advice, why plot a simple thing."

Tang Wanxin walked slowly forward: "everyone who gets along with elder martial brother Ye knows that elder martial brother Ye never quarrels with others and has a good temper. If you can let him beat you, you must have done something to touch his bottom line."

She turned and faced Zhao zhecai: "master, ah Qin is afraid to do something you don't like today. I don't want to put it out like this. If sister Jian didn't do anything just now, I'm willing to apologize to her, but if she really had any evil intention, I hope master can deal with it by herself. After all, if the disaster stays here, it will only harm others and yourself."

Zhao zhecai stared sternly at Jane Youlian with a straight face.

Jane Youlian had never seen Zhao zhecai's expression, and she was shocked.

She turned to look at the others with a touch of doubt in their eyes.

As Tang Wanxin said, ye Shen never makes friends with others. Even the elder martial sisters who have been with him for the longest time have never seen him so angry. Jane Youlian must have stepped on a person's bottom line by letting him slap.

As everyone knows, the bottom line of Ye Shen is Tang Wanxin.

"What are you looking at me for? I didn't do anything. She just had nothing to do." Jane yelled angrily.

"A Feng, go and tune out the surveillance video in the fragrance mixing room and put it on the big screen." Zhao zhecai leaned over and frowned tightly.

Li Feng, the assistant behind him, walked out of the flavorer quickly.

Jane Youlian had a bad feeling in her heart, but her pride and self-esteem did not allow her to panic.

She straightened her back, passed the people in the fragrance mixing room one by one and said, "what do you think I would do to her? Can I do anything under your eyes when so many people are here? Why do you all target me? What did I do wrong?"

"Sister Jian, don't worry. If you find out what's going on, Shifu will naturally give you justice." Tang Wanxin said coldly.

Jane Youlian took a step towards her. Ye Shen quickly moved over and stood in front of Tang Wanxin, looking alert.

"I don't want you to get close to her."

"Ye Shen, you..."

At this time, indoor videos were put on the four walls of the fragrance mixing room.

The character in the picture happens to be Jane Youlian.

She was holding a large bottle of perfume in her hand, and the hot mouth of the bottle was steaming in the mist.

Her eyes were filled with evil cold intent. When she came to the heart of Tang's late heart, the perfume bottle she held was tilted towards Tang's late heart, which was the action of splashing water.

Just at this moment, ye Shen appeared, pushed Tang Wanxin away, and then clasped Jane Youlian's wrist.

The perfume that Jane and lotus held in her hands fell instantly, and pressed her hand with pain, holding her hand.

Li Feng was very eye-catching. He played it five times in a row. On the sixth time, Jane Youlian shouted angrily, "enough, don't play it again."

Ye Shen clenched his fist and stared at her: "you still have a face."

Jane Youlian didn't open her face. She simply tore her face and said, "I didn't really spill it on her. She wasn't hurt, as for you."

"Another Lotus!" Zhao zhecai scolded in disappointment.

Tang Wanxin turned around and faced Zhao zhecai and said, "master, it's lucky that elder martial brother Ye was here just now. I survived this disaster. If elder martial brother Ye wasn't present, I don't know what my hand would be like."

Zhao zhecai looked at Tang Wanxin's left hand, trembled slightly, and clenched his hands.

Jane Youlian is the female student who has been with him for the longest time. She will always be the first to appear around during the new year's festival. He didn't deal with her two years ago. She also read old love, and now

He could no longer find any reason to protect her.

She went too far.

"From now on, don't call me master." Zhao zhechai put his hands behind him and turned around.

When Jane Youlian heard this, her eyes opened wider than the brass bell.

She walked quickly towards Zhao zhecai, put her hands on Zhao zhecai's arm and said, "master, what are you... What are you talking about? I'm your eldest disciple, you..."

Zhao zhechai shook off Jian Youlian's hand and shouted angrily, "it's no more than three. This is the second time. Don't call me master again. Don't say you were my student when you go out, otherwise I will investigate all responsibilities. Go."

Jane Youlian stepped back stunned, looked down at the hands thrown away by Zhao zhecai, and when she looked up, there was a trace of angry ferocity on her face: "Well, well, now that you have Tang Qin, you don't need me anymore. You all despise me. I'll go, I'll go, but I have a word here. One day, Tang Qin will kneel at my feet and crawl out of the city like a dog. As long as there is my territory, there will be no shelter for Tang Qin. I'll make you regret."

She pulled off the tag on her chest, took off her sterile clothes and stared at Tang Wanxin fiercely: "Tang Qin, don't forget the bet between us. In a month, I will let everyone know that you are just a humble dog."



Zhao zhecai strode forward, raised his palm and patted Jane Youlian's face.

Then there was an angry roar: "get out!"

The crowd stared at Zhao zhecai with wide eyes and gaping.

For the first time

Their master was angry.

Jane Youlian covered her beaten face. She was also frightened and lost her voice for a moment, staring at Zhao zhecai in a daze.

"Jane Youlian, you and I are a teacher and apprentice. I advise you to leave a bottom line for yourself, otherwise you will harm others and yourself." after saying this, he raised his finger to the direction of the door, and his voice trembled violently.

Jane Youlian stumbled back and her tears fell.

She was unwilling to stare at Tang Wanxin.

Today, she was expelled from the school because of her.

Destroy her. She won't let her go.

She clenched her lips, cooled her eyes slowly, and said, "what's great about you? I can still live well without you."

After that, Jane and lotus turned around and put all the perfume spices on the table, which were almost ready to be made, all pushed to the ground.

Inside the room, there was a loud noise of "splitting".

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