Tang Wanxin's eyes were slightly red, and tears swirled in her eyes. She forced out a smile and said, "Mengmeng, shall we go together to cheer you on, Aunt Chen?"

Tang Meng swept her eyes and received her bitter meaning from the bottom of her eyes: "Mommy, don't be sad. Aunt Chen doesn't want to see us like this."

She put her little hand on the corner of her lips and made a raised expression on the corner of her mouth: "Aunt Chen often says that you should be happy to live. As long as you have no regrets, you can leave at ease."

The past events with Chen Mengyin flashed in Tang Wanxin's mind.

She has done so much for them, but now she has become them because of her own harm.

"It's all mommy's fault. What they said is not wrong. I'm a broom star. Well, why must I come back for revenge? Now everyone's family is ruined." Tang Wanxin said with some pain.

Mo Shichen came forward to hold her in his arms and comforted: "don't say that. No one wants to see such a thing happen. It's not your fault."

When Tang Xinmeng saw Tang Wanxin for the first time, he shouted in some panic, "Mommy."

"Mommy is fine, but she is in a low mood. Don't be afraid, Mengmeng." Mo Shichen is busy comforting.

Xu Cong picked up Tang Xinmeng and gently comforted her back.

"No, if it weren't for me, my father wouldn't become a vegetable, Mengyin wouldn't experience such a knot of life and death, and Gu qinzhen wouldn't know it, so there wouldn't be today." Tang Wanxin's mood became particularly excited.

As she spoke, she looked pale and put her hand over her heart.

Seeing this, Mo Shichen hurriedly comforted: "relax, relax, take a deep breath. Don't think about that first. She will be fine. You should be good. Your heart can't have anything."

Tang Wanxin's hand covering his heart was tight again and again, and the feeling of drilling heartache swept away.

There was only one word left in her mind, pain!

Mo Shichen looked at her lips and turned white. He hurriedly picked up Tang Wanxin and hurriedly said to Xu Cong, "call a doctor, call a doctor!"

Several people hurried into the elevator.

Mo Shichen also seemed to be flustered: "Xinxin, how are you now? Is it painful?"

"Medicine, mommy has medicine in her bag. Get her medicine quickly." Tang Xinmeng's voice sounded.

Mo Shichen thought that she had medicine with her.

"Hoo Hoo..." Tang Wanxin's breathing became heavier.

Mo Shichen squatted down with Tang Wanxin in his arms, freeing up a hand and quickly rummaged through her bag.

"Where's the medicine? Damn it." Mo Shichen scolded.

"I'll come." Xu Cong saw Mo Shichen's trembling hand and came forward and said.

Mo Shichen can't calm himself. He can't let Tang Wanxin have any accidents.

"Find it quickly." he moved aside and said to Xu Cong.

"Pain!" Tang Wanxin breathed heavily and whispered in Mo Shichen's arms.

Mo Shichen reached out and wiped the cold sweat from Tang Wanxin's forehead: "just wait a minute. If it hurts, bite me and bite hard."

He put his hand on Tang Wanxin's lips.

Distressed, anxious, afraid, lonely and other uneasy emotions rush to my heart.

At this time, his head was blank and said incoherently, "you'll be fine. You'll be fine. You'll be fine."

"Found it." Xu Cong took out a bottle of medicine from the corner of his bag and said to Mo Shichen.

And now.

Tang Wanxin also fainted.

"Heart?" Mo Shichen patted Tang Wanxin's face and exclaimed.

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