At the Mohist manor.

When Mo Shichen returned home, he saw Tang Wanxin sitting in the restaurant eating with two little guys.

Zuo Zuo couldn't eat by himself because he hurt his right hand.

Tang Xinmeng scooped up a spoonful of rice and blew it: "ah, brother, open your mouth."

Tang Ruizuo kept a straight face and stared at the rice Tang Xinmeng sent to his mouth. It was stained with sticky saliva. He said disgustingly, "just blow. Can you not spit on it?"

Retracting the rice into her bowl, Tang Xinmeng looked at it. It was really stained with her saliva. She was curious. Obviously, she was very careful. For Tang Ruizuo's sake, she stuffed a mouthful of rice into her mouth.

Then he scooped a full spoonful of rice again, fanned the rice with his hand, puffed his cheeks, and said indistinctly: "brother, this meal..."

Tang Ruizuo had a habit of cleanliness since childhood. Looking at the dripping saliva on the spoon, he couldn't help but help his forehead and said to Tang Wanxin powerlessly, "Mommy, give me the spoon and I'll eat by myself."

Because Tang Xinmeng's mouth was full of rice, seeing Tang Ruizuo say so, he immediately said excitedly: "no, brother, I didn't blow the rice. There was no saliva on it."

Tang Ruizuo smoked wildly at the corners of his mouth and said contemptuously, "you've eaten. I don't want to use the spoon you've eaten."

"Oh, use mine. I'm useless for a while." Tang Xinmeng quickly ate the rice in her mouth and then said.

Tang Ruizuo looked at the full table of food and shouted, "Goo Goo..." hungry.

At this time, another discordant voice sounded.

"Burp ~" Tang Xinmeng rubbed her stomach and suddenly burped.

Tang Ruizuo immediately looked at her with a dark and calm face.

Feeling the contempt from his brother, Tang Xinmeng spit out his tongue at him naughtily and muttered to himself, "feed you, you don't eat. Anyway, who is hungry knows, hum."

Obviously, someone has been pestering to feed himself in order to express his gratitude. As a result, every time he blows, he puts it in his mouth, and finally he doesn't eat!

After listening to Tang Xinmeng's words of course, Tang Ruizuo's heart collapsed and he was seriously considering whether he could not recognize such a stupid sister.

Tang Wanxin smiled at the two little guys, took a new spoon, sat down next to Tang Ruizuo and fed him.

When Tang Wanxin scooped a spoonful of rice and handed it to Tang Ruizuo, the spoon in his hand was taken over.

Tang Wanxin looked up and saw Mo Shichen looking at them gently.

"Daddy..." the two little guys shouted in unison.

"Ah..." Mo Shichen answered, glancing over Tang Ruizuo's wound, stretched out his big hand and rubbed gently on the heads of the two little guys.

Knowing what Mo Shichen wanted, Tang Wanxin got up and gave him his place. He bypassed the table and sat down next to Tang Xinmeng.

"Daddy, why don't you tell us the story of deer and tiger tonight? My brother and I really want to know what happened to the last deer." Tang Xinmeng looked forward to Mo Shichen.

"Well, before telling the story, you should first tell daddy what you would do if you were the deer." Mo Shichen said to Tang Xinmeng and handed Tang Ruizuo the spoon of good rice.

Tang Xinmeng nodded happily.

Tang Ruizuo looked at the rice that Mo Shichen handed to his mouth. His expression was cold. His face turned red and stared at the rice without opening his mouth.

"Aren't you hungry? Daddy feeds you." Mo Shichen raised his hand, looked at Tang Ruizuo and asked him to open his mouth.

Tang Ruizuo was fed by Mo Shichen for the first time. He felt that he was so old that he had to be fed. He always felt a little embarrassed. He blushed and stretched out his hand to get the spoon in Mo Shichen's hand.

But he was tightly held by Mo Shichen: "Daddy, I can eat by myself, and my left hand is the same."

"Brother, your face is so red and hot." Tang Xinmeng, who was on one side, poked his finger on Tang Ruizuo's face and exclaimed.

Tang Ruizuo looked back at her angrily and said angrily, "eat your meal well and don't touch me."

Tang Xinmeng took back his finger, put it in his mouth, thought for a moment, and poked Tang Ruizuo's face: "it's still hot. Mommy, daddy, is my brother sick? If I'm sick, I'll go to the hospital for an injection. Eat quickly, brother."

Tang Ruizuo's little red face turned black when he was told by Tang Xinmeng.

Tang Xinmeng looked at it, pointed to Tang Ruizuo's face, and immediately exclaimed, "Mommy, my brother's face will change color. Now it's so black, Meng Meng is so afraid."

Tang Ruizuo helps his forehead. He is so stupid that he can't bear to look directly at such a sister. Don't look away and ignore her. He's afraid that if he says another word to Tang Xinmeng, he may die suddenly!

Tang Wanxin's eyes wandered around the three people funny. Seeing Tang Xinmeng's serious nonsense, he couldn't help laughing.

At the same time, she also sighed silently. Tang Xinmeng didn't know who she was like. Of course, Tang Wanxin was the first to deny her genes. She didn't think she was like this when she was a child.

"You, shut up." Tang Ruizuo squeezed out a few words from his teeth, and then stopped looking at her.

"Eat, daddy, eat faster." Mo Shichen carefully sandwiched some of his favorite dishes on Tang Ruizuo's rice and sent them to his mouth.

Tang Ruizuo glanced aside, opened his mouth and allowed Mo Shichen to feed himself.

The surface looked very calm, but his heart was already excited and cheered, but he was embarrassed to show too obvious, so he pretended to eat calmly.

Tang Xinmeng looked at it with boundless envy. He blinked his big eyes and looked at Mo Shichen feeding Tang Ruizuo.

Pouting, he said sweetly, "Daddy, Mengmeng is hungry. I also want daddy to feed me. Just now I've been feeding my brother. I didn't eat anything."

The corner of Tang Wanxin's mouth secretly smoked a few times. Is it really good for her daughter to lie in front of her face?

"Mengmeng, you're a big boy now. You have to eat by yourself. My brother wants daddy and mommy to feed him because he's injured." Tang Wanxin said while wiping Tang Xinmeng's mouth.

Tang Xinmeng still looked at Tang Ruizuo with envy and whispered, "I knew I was hurt, so Daddy can feed Mengmeng."

After listening to Tang Ruizuo, the whole small face was covered with black lines. He stared at Tang Xinmeng and looked at her like an idiot.

Tang Wanxin was also speechless. The little guy was full of things all day. He pretended to be unhappy and said, "Mengmeng, don't say such words in the future. Mommy doesn't want to see any of you hurt."

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