The equity transfer agreement of thunder was immediately printed in Tang Wanxin's eyes.

Her pupils widened angrily, looked at Mo Shichen in shock and asked, "do you want to give me all your assets?"

Mo Shichen smiled at Tang Wanxin's exaggerated expression, stretched out his hand and pinched her tall nose: "fool, mine is yours, yours is mine, isn't it normal for his wife to be in charge?"

Tang Wanxin couldn't help but smoke at the corners of her mouth. Her math has never been good. It's estimated that she won't understand so many assets transferred to her name.

He closed the contract directly and said helplessly, "you'd better manage it yourself. I can't manage Tang. I'm afraid you'll transfer these to my name today and I'll lose all the money tomorrow."

"You like it. If you want money, you'll lose it. Anyway, I don't mind being a jobless vagrant at home." Mo Shichen said indifferently.

Tang Wanxin put the contract back into his hands and scolded: "loser."

Although she said so, the corners of her mouth couldn't help rising, and the joy in her eyes went straight to the bottom of her heart.

"It's enough for me to have you. Everything else is just a cloud of the past."

"Since you have said that yours is mine and mine is yours, it's the same whether you sign it or not, so don't be so troublesome." Tang Wanxin smiled sweetly.

Mo Shichen said it several times. Seeing that Tang Wanxin was so persistent, he stopped talking about it.

Put the contract aside, and then took Tang Wanxin's hand and went out.

As soon as I came downstairs, I saw two little guys sitting in the living room.

Seeing the two men coming down from upstairs, Tang Xinmeng climbed down from the sofa with a wheezing voice and cried, "good morning, daddy and Mommy."

Tang Wanxin walked downstairs with a smile, squatted down and spread out his hands.

Tang Xinmeng quickly got into her arms.

Holding her clothes tightly with both hands, the little face rubbed back and forth on her, and said wrongly with a small mouth: "Mommy, I thought I'd never see you again."

Mo Shichen: "

Tang Ruizuo pulled her out of Tang Wanxin's arms with a fleshy hand.

Speechless said: "what is never seen again, you crow mouth, can't you say something good?"

Tang Xinmeng's black, millet like eyes blinked innocently and looked thoughtful: "is there anything wrong?"

After that, he broke away from Tang Ruizuo's hand, and then rushed back to Tang Wanxin, holding her cheek in both hands, and continued his just affectionate confession: "Mommy, do you know how reluctant I am to you, as long as I think of separating from Mommy and daddy, I feel distressed!"

Tang Wanxin's forehead danced happily. Her puzzled eyes looked at Tang Ruizuo.

Ask with eyes where Tang Xinmeng learned these words.

Tang Ruizuo shrugged helplessly, then spread his hand and said he was unable to explain.

Mo Shichen covered his face and couldn't bear to look straight at him.

His little princess began to learn sweet words when she was so young. She can still grow up.

Secretly vowed to let her watch less messy romantic dramas in the future, so as not to harm the millennium!

Seeing that Tang Wanxin didn't respond, Tang Xinmeng looked back. Tang Ruizuo and Mo Shichen kept changing their faces and pretended to be angry and said, "don't make trouble. I'm talking to Mommy. Can you be affectionate and invest a little?"

After that, Tang Xinmeng's affectionate eyes continued to look at Tang Wanxin, his small hand down and holding her Mommy's chin.

Then he straightened Tang Wanxin's face, made her face to face with her four eyes, and cleared her throat: "let's leave them alone, let's continue."

Tang Xinmeng opened her mouth, her small face suddenly twisted together, thinking for a long time, some embarrassed hehe smiled and asked, "Mommy, where did I just say?"

Tang Wanxin: "

After a pause, he repeated what Tang Xinmeng had just said to her again.

But at this time, she had forgotten what lines to say next.

The little pink face, sometimes confused, sometimes tangled, sometimes serious, sometimes suddenly discouraged, kept changing on Tang Xinmeng's face.

Just when he was ready to continue speaking with great ambition and pride, she was excited and forgot what to say later. Finally, she hung her head silently and breathed a long sigh of loss.

Tang Wanxin: "

Mo Shichen: "

Tang Ruizuo: "

Seeing the speechless appearance of several people, Tang Xinmeng turned angrily and bowed discontentedly at Tang Ruizuo: "hum, it's all your fault. I finally forgot all the lines I memorized."

"It's been brewing for a long time. It's all mixed up with you."

Standing in front of her, Tang Ruizuo looked at her indifferently, as if it had nothing to do with him for half a dime: "why don't you say you're stupid and can't remember it after reciting it for so long, and I don't know if students like you will be angry with them."

Tang Xinmeng saw that he didn't know how to repent. He put his hands on his hips and posed as a bitch: "Why are you like this? I'm teaching you how to deal with people. If you are like this, the boat of our friendship will turn over."

Tang Ruizuo looked up, glanced at her like an idiot, and said slowly from his mouth, "fool, I'm your brother, not your friend. Where's the friendship boat..."

Then he crossed over from her side, went to Tang Wanxin, raised his face and asked, "Mommy, go and have breakfast, or you'll have another stomachache."

Tang Wanxin smiled and stretched out her hand to pinch his flesh face. Looking at the family together, she didn't have to separate. Her heart was warm: "OK, listen to Zuo Zuo."

She straightened up, glanced over Tang Xinmeng's small face, and felt funny when she saw her angry little appearance, her face bulging like a dolphin.

When she thought of Mo Shichen saying that she would transform her home into a miniature training ground and that it would take a few days to start training, she felt that she would spend the rest of her time with them.

Let them make up for the childhood they didn't have before.

She walked up to Tang Xinmeng slowly, put one hand on her head, rubbed it, and said in a soft voice: "Mengmeng is good, will Mommy play games with you after breakfast?"

Tang Xinmeng's lost eyes suddenly brightened when she heard of playing games.

She rubbed her legs excitedly, cheering and saying, "Mommy, I want to play with bubble water. The bubbles are so beautiful."

She wanted to play this when she was very young, but mommy was always afraid of her eating the water into her stomach, so she didn't let her play.

Later, seeing that Tang Wanxin worked so hard every day, he gradually forgot to play these things.

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