Chen Mengyin said angrily, "what does she want to do?"

After hearing this, Tang Wanxin couldn't help worrying: "is it because she still has a grudge against previous things? If so, you should pay attention to it recently. Don't go here tonight. We're almost the same size. You wear my clothes."

"And the loss of fragrance that has recently appeared is also related to her. Most of the perfume series she produces is centered around manipulation."

Chen Mengyin also nodded: "it's best not to let me meet her, otherwise I'll make her look good."

"Be careful. Now I don't know who is behind her, and she's in the dark and we're in the light. We have to be careful."

Tang Wanxin has seen Jane Youlian's methods. She can do anything for her own interests, otherwise she won't be expelled from the school by her master.

"The current situation is bad, so you should be careful in everything you do." Gu qinzhen pushed his glasses and said in a not light but not heavy voice.

"The water comes and the earth covers up, and the soldiers will meet. It's just a Jane Youlian. What about someone behind her? She can turn the sky over?" Chen Mengyin said angrily.

She wanted to see what Jane Youlian wanted to do this time.

The biggest overlord of Liancheng is the Mohist school, and Mo Shichen is the president of the Mohist school. The five-year election is coming, and the people behind her are most likely other candidates of the Mohist school.

"I'm afraid the people behind her don't want to die." Mo Shichen's voice was cold, but increased.

The two little guys sitting on one side were eating and listening, and then they looked at each other.

Mutual understanding!

Tang Wanxin heard what Mo Shichen said, and his heart couldn't help feeling a burst of uneasiness.

Perhaps he had guessed who was behind Jane Youlian early in the morning, so he sent so many people to guard the Mohist manor.

Chen Mengyin looked back and said to Tang Wanxin, "ah Qin, I decided not to go today. I will accompany you in the Mohist school until Jian Youlian is caught and I will move away."

"OK, so we can take care of each other." Tang Wanxin immediately agreed.

As soon as her voice fell, she felt a sudden chill behind her, which made her shiver uncontrollably.

Tang Wanxin looked back and saw that Mo Shichen had a face, and his whole body was as cold as the ice sculpture just coming from the Arctic circle.

She showed a flattering smile to Mo Shichen, then quickly took back her eyes and directly ignored his eyes.

Just secretly praying for myself at the bottom of my heart. I hope Mo Shichen won't toss tonight.

Chen Mengyin said, "by the way, doctor Gu, check ah Qin."

"HMM." Gu qinzhen took the medicine box and walked towards Tang Wanxin.

When he examined Tang Wanxin, his eyebrows suddenly wrinkled, but he soon put away his expression, took back his utensils, and then looked up at Shi Chen.

Gu qinzhen explained: "everything is very good. There's nothing wrong. It's just that you should pay attention to a light diet at ordinary times, and don't do intense exercise."

"Thank you." Tang Wanxin nodded his thanks and was secretly happy. With Gu qinzhen's words, she could threaten Mo Shichen and let him be gentle to herself.

"You're welcome. According to what I said, as long as you promise not to do it again within a year, your heart can be repaired slowly." Gu qinzhen explained and packed his things.

After cleaning up, he got up with the medicine box on his back: "nothing, I'll go back first. The hospital has something else to do."

Mo Shichen nodded lightly.

He went out. Seeing this, Chen Mengyin hurriedly got up and followed him. He smiled and said, "doctor Gu, I'll take you."

Gu qinzhen knew what she wanted to say, so she nodded.

Before Chen Mengyin could speak, Gu qinzhen said, "she has recovered very well. Now she has been transferred to the ordinary ward. If you want her, go and have a look."

Chen Mengyin paused after listening: "it's all right. I won't go and see it, so as not to add trouble to you. I'm sorry about the last time."

"It's not your fault," Gu qinzhen said with a smile.

Chen Mengyin also smiled brightly: "that's also because of me. Have they gone to the hospital recently?"

"After they went to trouble last time, the hospital investigated the cause of the matter and issued a notice that the hospital banned them from entering."

Listening to what Gu qinzhen said, Chen Mengyin felt very happy.

The smile on his face was deeper: "it should be like this. Such a bad aunt can't go into the hospital to harm the people!"

"You hate her very much?" Gu qinzhen smiled.

Chen Mengyin shook his head: "it's not very annoying, but I don't know why there are such scum in this world. I just can't like it."

Looking at the light on her face, Gu qinzhen couldn't see through it. Chen Mengyin was obviously angry to death, but he turned around but didn't care.

He put away the smile on his face and said calmly, "you can't live for your sins. Finally, you'll find yourself."

"Well," Chen Mengyin said softly.

The two people get along like friends because the little girl has a lot of contact with her medical treatment.

Chen Mengyin suddenly thought of her receipt of the court summons. She hurriedly said, "Chen Yifa, they sued me for the money. You should pay attention to it yourself so as not to come to you in a fucking frenzy."

Gu qinzhen was stunned. He didn't expect Chen Yifa to do such a thing.

But on second thought, it's not impossible for him to have such a wonderful mother. After all, people are separated from each other. It's hard to say what it is like.

He looked up, a pair of deep eyes showed a touch of tenderness: "can I help you?"

Chen Mengyin waved his hand and said with an indifferent smile: "no, how can I bother you to deal with such small things that can't be on the table? Your hands are still used to save people. This is what you should do. Like that scum, I should clean it up."

"Well, let me know if you need help. After all, I'm also one of the witnesses." Gu qinzhen smiled.

Chen Mengyin nodded: "well, I'll trouble you then."

They said and soon came to Gu qinzhen's car.

Chen Mengyin waved to him and said with a smile, "well, I'll send it here. It won't take up your time."

Gu qinzhen's eyes crossed from her, looked at the Mohist villa and asked faintly, "are you sure you want to stay here as a light bulb?"

"Well, yes, I want to stay and protect my babies."

She has long been used to the love show between Mo Shichen and them. Anyway, she still has two little guys to accompany.

Gu qinzhen thumbed up and said with a smile, "you're so powerful. It's estimated that you can stand it."

Chen Mengyin chuckled, "thank you for your compliment!"

"I'll go first." Gu qinzhen turned and entered the car.

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