Tang Wanxin blushed, hurriedly retracted his hand, but said angrily, "who let you play rogue in broad daylight."

Mo Shichen stretched out his hand to close the window and pulled up the curtains on it. He asked meaningfully, "can you play rogue at will when you can't see your fingers?"

Tang Wanxin's ears turned red and stretched out his hand to support Mo Shichen, keeping a certain distance from him.

Just then, the car suddenly braked.

"Ah..." Tang Wanxin exclaimed.

Mo Shichen quickly stretched out one hand to hold her in his arms, the other hand tightly grasped the things around her, and then gently comforted: "it's okay, don't be afraid."

Tang Wanxin's hands tightly grabbed his clothes and nodded.

After the car calmed down, Mo Shichen clicked the switch on the top of the car, and the baffle in the middle rose slowly.

His eyes narrowed slightly, looked at the front, and then asked seriously, "what's the matter?"

Gu qinzhen looked back at Mo Shichen: "someone deliberately hit our car. You're sitting in the car. I'll go down and have a look."

Mo Shichen nodded: "rest is safe."

Just as Gu qinzhen got off the bus, Mo Shichen glanced around the outside with cold eyes, emitting an incomparably cold breath.

Holding Tang Wanxin's subordinates tightly.

"What's the matter outside?" Tang Wanxin asked suspiciously.

Mo Shichen put out a hand in the position of her eyes and said gently, "it's all right."

A moment later, Tang Wanxin pushed Mo Shichen around him, worried and said, "go down and have a look. I'll be fine here."

"No, I'm here with you." Mo Shichen looked at the surrounding situation vigilantly.

Seeing that he insisted, Tang Wanxin didn't continue to say anything, but leaned quietly on Mo Shichen.

After closing the window, the sound insulation effect in the car is very good, and the noise outside is blocked out of the car.

So at this time, everything outside seemed to have nothing to do with her. She curled up quietly in Mo Shichen's arms and closed her eyes.

Gu qinzhen and several bodyguards got off to check the man's injury.

"Turn him over." Gu qinzhen said to the people around him in a heavy voice.

The bodyguard in a black suit nodded respectfully, then came forward and turned over the man lying in front of their car.

Gu qinzhen looked up and threw a look at the bodyguard.

The bodyguard understood, put his finger on the man's neck, and then Gu qinzhen nodded gently.

"Take him to the car behind and take him to the west district hospital." Gu qinzhen's eyes lightly swept over the man.

"Yes." the bodyguard started to carry the man on the ground.

But not far away came a confused cry: "ah Hui, what's the matter with you?"

Several people looked along the voice and saw a middle-aged woman with a little boy running in the direction of the man lying on the ground.

The woman knelt directly on the ground, fell on the man and cried, "ah Hui, what's the matter with you? Get up quickly and let's go home together."

The little boy also followed her mother's action, hugged the man on the ground and cried, "Dad, Dad..."

Before long, a group of people surrounded their car and blocked the road.

The woman cried more fiercely. She suddenly got up from the ground, pointed to the car and scolded: "come down, hit my husband, and want to secretly get him away. Is it irresponsible?"

"I tell you, as long as I'm here, you don't want to leave here today." the woman stood directly in front of the car and opened her hands.

Gu qinzhen stood quietly and watched the woman's self-care interpretation.

After a long time, seeing that no one came down on the bus, the bodyguards nearby were silent. The woman had no choice but to scold Gu qinzhen: "you say you look like a human model. You want to sneak away when you hit someone. Can you live up to your conscience?"

Then the woman suddenly put on tears, and the committee was wronged. When the woman lowered her head to wipe her tears, she glanced at the watch on her wrist.

Seeing that it was still a long time, he continued to scold Gu qinzhen: "don't think that if you don't talk, you can think that nothing has happened. Please help me tie them up and don't let them run away."

The little boy lying on the man heard his mother's excitement and the cry became louder. He lay on the man and shouted with a cry: "Dad, Dad, get up quickly. You promise to go home tonight and make dumplings for me. Get up quickly. I'll be obedient and don't make you angry. I'll also study hard, know more words and earn a lot of money to support you when I grow up. Dad, will you get up quickly?"

The little boy's little hand kept pushing the man on the ground, and the middle-aged woman reached out and hugged the little boy in her arms.

The thin mother and daughter snuggle together and look very distressing.

Gu qinzhen was holding a board. At this time, five or six bodyguards in black stood behind them, looking at them from a commanding position.

In the eyes of those onlookers, Gu qinzhen at the moment is like a black and evil force bullying the weak.

Most of the onlookers had children at home. When they saw the little boy crying so heartrendingly and speaking so sensible, they all blamed Gu qinzhen.

But seeing that Gu qinzhen was not an easy target, no one stood up for their mother and son.

The little boy shouted several times, but the men were indifferent. Finally, he cried loudly and couldn't pronounce clearly: "Dad, Dad..."

"The child is really poor. He has no father at such a young age."

"Yes, it's hard to watch his father die!"

"Who do you think they are, who should be so domineering in Liancheng?"

"Keep your voice down. It's said that only Mohists can drive such a car."

"Is that the president who raised Mohs enterprise management at a young age?"

"Without some means, how can we manage such a large enterprise? Let's not do so many things. They can deal with Mohist bumping into people casually?"

There were all kinds of questioning voices in the crowd.

The woman holding the little boy suddenly stood up from the ground, fiercely jumped at Gu qinzhen, and scolded with murderous eyes: "you return my husband's life."

"Ah..." the woman wailed.

Before her hand touched Gu qinzhen, she was kicked away by the bodyguard behind him,

The woman fell heavily and sat on the ground, holding the injured place and rolling on the ground in pain.

"Kill and kill, come and save us, who will save our poor mother and son." a long time later, the woman raised her hands and kept patting her thighs, crying and scolding while wailing and lying on the ground.

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