Tang Wanrou's hands on his side could not help clutching tightly.

At this time, Mo Zichen looked back at her and saw her with a stomach. He said attentively, "what are you doing standing there? Sit on the sofa and have a rest."

Tang Wanrou looked up and felt a warm current emerge in his heart.

Her eyes were red and looked at Mo Zichen. The speed under her feet didn't move.

Probably because he received too many cold eyes in this family and was suddenly concerned by people. The softest place in Tang Wanrou's heart was suddenly touched by Mozi Chen's words of concern.

Seeing her like this, Mo Zichen thought she was uncomfortable. He asked with some worry, "what's the matter with you? Did I just hit you? What's wrong with you?"

Tang Wanrou regained his mind and stared at the sky flower way: "it's all right, just sand ran into his eyes."

"Well, it's all right. Don't just stand there when you're pregnant. Sit quickly." Mo Zichen urged with concern again.

Seeing his insistence, Tang Wanrou's Yu Guang glanced at the position of the sofa, then quickly swept over the face of the master mother of the Mohist School and saw her unhappy face.

Tang Wanrou quickly waved her hand and said with a smile, "it's all right. G I'm standing. It's just for exercise."

In order to win favor in front of Mo Zichen, Mo Yuxin said hello to Mo Zehai, then went to Tang Wanrou and held her and said, "let's go. You still need to pay more attention to rest before your child can grow up healthily."

She put one hand on Tang Wanrou's arm and took her to the direction of the sofa.

Seeing Rong Wanxian's face, Mo Zehai came forward and directly picked her up, strode to the position of the sofa and put her down gently.

Tang Wanrou, who had just sat on the sofa, saw that the master mother of Mohism sat beside her and straightened up immediately.

Then he stood up like a sofa full of cactus thorns.

Because her movements were too sensitive, their eyes suddenly fell on Tang Wanrou.

Being stared at by several people, her whole body was unnatural. She walked on the bench and smiled, "I, I like to sit on the bench."

Knowing why she was, Mo Zichen said no more.

Instead, he took a meaningful look at Tang Wanrou, then sat opposite the master mother of Mohism and asked expressionless, "Mom, what's the matter with the child?"

The master mother of the Mohist school did not intend to tell Mozi Chen about it so soon.

But looking at the current situation, she couldn't hide it, so she opened her mouth and explained: "at that time, I didn't know when you would wake up. Mom was afraid that you might not wake up all your life, so she decided to marry you, and then used a special... To make her pregnant with your child."

"Are you blaming your mother for arranging this for you without your consent?" the master mother of Mohism continued with a touch of sadness on her face.

"No, mom, I don't mean that. I just want to make it clear that since the children have been born, I have nothing to say." Mo Zichen said in a tepid voice.

But Tang Wanrou pricked up her ears and wrote down their conversations one by one.

From his contact with Mo Zichen just now, Tang Wanrou is convinced that he is a person worthy of trust.

And through her judgment, if she works harder, she can win Mo Zichen's favor.

Mo Yuxin saw that several people didn't pay attention to her meaning, so he opened his mouth and said, "well, don't say that. Look at the news on the network."

"What's the matter?" Mo Zehai asked blandly.

Mo Yuxin said with a surprised look: "the web page is almost paralyzed. It is all negative news about Shi Chen's brother."

She took out her mobile phone and kept turning her fingertips on the screen to show them the negative news about Mo Shichen.

When Mo Zehai saw the news above, the only light left in his pupil suddenly darkened.

But from the beginning to the end, he didn't say a word.

Seeing this, the master mother of the Mohist School hurriedly took the mobile phone from Mo Yuxin's hand and pretended to be kind and said, "Yuxin, what do you say at this time? The reporters above know that they made it up indiscriminately. Who knows if what they said is true."

"It must be true. You can see the photos above clearly. A bunch of bodyguards bully them. Anyone can see that they are wrong." Mo Yuxin took a special look at Mo Zehai while talking.

Anyway, Mo Shichen is also his own son. The negative news about him will only embarrass him.

So the expression on his face was not very good at this time.

The master mother of Mohism glanced at Mo Zehai's face and saw him with a straight face and a faint happy look across his eyebrows.

But his mouth helped Mo Shichen speak: "a picture can't explain anything. We won't know what's going on until we asked him. Now many of those reporters and online reports are made up with a picture."

"Call him now and ask him what's going on." as soon as the voice of the master mother of the Mohist school fell, I heard the fierce voice of Mo Zehai.

Mo Zehai seldom lost his temper in front of them. Mo Yuxin was scolded by him and immediately closed his mouth.

The master mother of the Mohist family flattered and said, "you just came back to Liancheng. You'd better have a good rest first. The children are old. You know what to do. Moreover, Shi Chen hasn't bothered us since he was so old. This time..."

"I think he's spoiled by you. He's still president of Mohs. He doesn't clarify such a big thing, not even a notice from the company. Isn't he ruining Mohs's reputation?" Mo Zehai's voice was filled with anger.

Originally, he also considered allowing Mo Shichen to continue to serve as president of Mo for another five years. At that time, he arranged Mo Zichen to study and practice well around him.

Let him give way when the time is ripe.

But now when he turned on his mobile phone, it was full of all kinds of bad news and abuse about Mo Shichen, and even Mo's stock market fell for a time.

Looking at the stock market crash, Mo Zehai tightened his hand with his mobile phone.

"Dad, I'm sure big brother won't do such a thing." Mozi Chen said in a low voice with a hard face.

"You don't fight, do you?" Mo Zehai didn't fight as soon as he heard Mo Zichen intercede for him.

"Well, you've covered him up one by one. If you don't call me, I'll see if he's going to fly now." he found out the phone number sealed for a long time from his mobile phone and called Mo Shichen.

As soon as I dialed his phone, I heard the news that the phone had been turned off.

Mo Zehai's hand pressed slightly and directly crushed the mobile phone screen.

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