After Tang Xinmeng pasted the post it note on his face, he tore off several more and wanted to paste it on Tang Ruizuo's face.

Seeing her driving, Tang Xinmeng hesitated for a while before taking back the post it note in his hand.

She rummaged through the small schoolbag on her chest. From the inside, she found two duck tongue hats and put the pink hat on her head.

In addition, the black one was put on Tang Ruizuo's leg and asked, "brother, remember to put on your hat when you get off."

After that, he looked back at the other things in the bag, took out two spectacle frames and put them on himself. They were in the style of a little white rabbit, and the spectacle frames of another big gray wolf were put on by Tang Ruizuo.

Although they want to see Mo Shichen and see his current situation, the two little guys are also very aware of the danger outside.

That's why Tang Xinmeng had to disguise herself so carefully.

Tang Ruizuo put his hand on the steering wheel and opened it solemnly. He looked back at Tang Xinmeng and saw that she blocked her face with post it notes, leaving a pair of big eyes exposed outside. The funny little appearance couldn't help laughing: "Mengmeng, it's easier for you to attract other people's attention if you paste yourself like this."

Tang Xinmeng stretched out his fleshy hands, touched his face and asked suspiciously, "really? But otherwise, iron was found by others to be the two of us. What if he took us away? Won't he be unable to see daddy and mommy in the future?"

"Just wear your hat and spectacle frame. Pull off the post it notes, and then paste some dust and mud on the ground on your face. That's all right." Tang Ruizuo whispered.

Tang Xinmeng lowered her head and looked at her small schoolbag. Her eyebrows wrinkled slightly. Her voice was full of displeasure and said, "but it's so dirty. Mommy will swear when she knows."

"Mommy won't know. We'll just look at them from a distance. They won't find out."

Tang Ruizuo said reluctantly. Seeing that the road ahead had reached the crowded city center, he picked up the black hat on his leg and put it on his head.

Although driving with a hat will affect the line of sight, compared with other dangers, Tang Ruizuo still chooses to wear a good hat.

He doesn't want to sneak out with his sister. He can't escort her home well at that time.

The car driven by the two little guys is a little bigger than the toy car. Walking in the driveway is particularly eye-catching.

Pedestrians on both sides of the road looked at their small cars one after another, and those driving on the road saw two little guys in the car and gave them a lane.

It's just for whose children they are. They came running on the road in a toy car. They were worried and stared at them curiously. There were many people who vaguely felt that they were and lovely.

Tang Ruizuo completely ignored the eyes of those people outside. Seeing the lane they gave way to, he kept plugging and overtaking on the road.

Quickly left the sight of those people.

Tang Xinmeng asked with some worry, "brother, will those bad guys find us when so many people stare at us?"

"Don't worry, I won't let those track us." Tang Ruizuo grimaced, stepped on the accelerator, and soon they came to the back door of the hospital.

Tang Ruizuo found a humble grass and stopped the car. Two small bodies ran down from the car.

"Mengmeng, please slow down." Tang ruizou took Tang Xinmeng's hand and walked towards the hospital.

Before coming, Tang Ruizuo searched Gu qinzhen's consulting room with a computer.

Two little guys took the elevator and went directly to the third floor.

As soon as I got out of the elevator, I saw Tang Wanxin sitting on the stool in the corridor, his hands tightly folded on her forehead and waiting anxiously.

Time looked up at the door of the emergency room and stared at it tightly.

Tang Xinmeng saw that Tang Wanxin was haggard and wanted to go out and hold her.

Just as she stepped out of her short leg, Tang Ruizuo went back and said to her, "what are you doing?"

"I, I want to go out with mommy." Tang Xinmeng lowered her head and bit her lips.

Seeing her wronged look on her face, Tang Ruizuo's anger immediately disappeared, lowered his voice and said softly, "if you go out now, Mommy's heart will only be more chaotic. She is already worried about daddy. If she knows that we run out secretly, she will be very angry, and Mommy's heart is not good. What if it stimulates her?"

Tang Xinmeng raised her head. A pair of bright eyes immediately caught a layer of light fog. She tightly bit her lower lip and stared at her eyes to prevent herself from crying.

She turned her head and looked at the door of the emergency room. She was quiet for a moment, but she was silently cheering for Mo Shichen.

Tang Xinmeng put her hands together on her chest and whispered a prayer. She believed that her father was so good that it would be all right.

Seeing her sadness, Tang Ruizuo raised a hand and put it on her head, gently rubbed it, and gently comforted: "don't be afraid, we'll be here with Daddy, and he will be able to get through this difficulty."

"HMM." Tang Xinmeng nodded heavily, then turned his eyes full of tears and looked at Tang Ruizuo again.

Seeing the firmness on her brother's face, her pupils also flashed a light.

An hour passed.

When Tang Wanxin saw Mo, Chen had not come out of the operating room. Her body trembled uncontrollably.

She tried to stand up by holding the edge of the stool, but her leg softened and fell back to the stool.

Xu Cong, standing beside her, came forward to hold her and asked, "are you okay?"

Tang Wanxin waved his hand and asked, "hasn't he come out yet?"

Xu Cong's eyes fell on the door of the emergency room, then turned back and said, "no, it's still in rescue."

"How long has it been?" Tang Wanxin's heart suddenly seemed to be knocked heavily by some heavy object, and he was uncomfortable and out of breath.

Xu Cong raised his arm, looked at the watch on his wrist and said, "I've been in for nearly two hours."

Tang Wanxin breathed slightly after listening.

He opened his mouth, but at last he couldn't say anything.

Put your hands on your knees, but your legs can't help shaking.

Seeing this, Xu Cong asked softly, "how are you? Let me buy you something to eat."

"Nothing, I'm not hungry." Tang Wanxin waved his hand.

At this time, she couldn't eat anything. Her mind was full of things about Mo Shichen's rescue.

With the passage of time, Tang Wanxin felt uncomfortable. She wanted to go in with him. There was only one door, but Tang Wanxin felt that they were far away.

She was so afraid that this door would become the separation of yin and Yang between them.

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