Tang Wanxin's voice just fell.


Another loud noise came over her head, panic screams and the sound of things collapsing around her.

Tang Wanxin squatted down in panic under the protection of those bodyguards.

A large amount of sand, stone and dust on the top of Tang Wanxin's head directly buckled them at the same time.

The originally spacious place suddenly collapsed into ruins.

Then, the lighting on the ceiling also darkened for a time, flickering, looking like the place that only appears in ghost films.

Tang Wanxin was stunned. She wanted to open her eyes and have a look.

However, a large amount of dust in the air was fiercely inhaled into their lungs. Tang Wanxin coughed. She immediately raised her hands and arms to cover her mouth and nose. Because her eyes could not see, her hearing was better than that of ordinary people.

Her ears kept hearing the frightened cries of the children and the crazy footsteps of those people.

She didn't know what was going on outside. Her mind was full of the safety of the two little guys.

I don't know whether the two little guys have gone down, whether they are injured, safe or not!

Their shadows kept coming to mind. Xu Cong's voice suddenly sounded in his ear: "young lady, let's escort you away first."

Tang Wanxin tries her best to calm down. These bodyguards are brothers who live and die with Mo Shichen. Now others are in first aid, and she can't cool these people's hearts outside.

She covered her nose and asked with concern, "are you all right?"

"We're all right," they replied in unison.

Then Xu Cong opened his mouth and continued, "it's not safe here. If you don't leave again, it's likely to be dangerous."

When hearing this sentence, Tang Wanxin's heart shrank tightly, her hands kept clenching, and her nails went deep into her palm. At this time, she didn't feel any pain.

Finally, Tang Wanxin made up his mind and said, "OK, I'll go with you."

After hearing her instructions, several people were a little relieved and took action to clear the collapsed road.

"Mo Shichen, what should he do?" Tang Wanxin asked vaguely while listening to their voices of moving bricks and stones.

Xu Cong looked back at the door of the intact emergency room and explained: "the hospital is made of steel frame structure, which is not easy to be blown up. The emergency room where President Mo and his company are located is made of multi-layer protective steel plates, and the bank's special bulletproof materials are added."

Seeing that Tang Wanxin's face was still worried, he continued: "I've sent a helicopter. As long as president Mo's operation is successful, he will be picked up. There is a special channel leading to the outside in the emergency room."

After hearing Xu Cong's careful analysis, Tang Wanxin a hanging heart, which was slightly put down.

At the other end, the bodyguard came forward, carefully supported Tang Wan and said, "go, they're clearing the road in front. I'll take you out."

For these people, their lives were given by Mo Shichen, so at this time, they were all determined to send Tang Wanxin to a safe place.

Several people escorted Tang Wanxin all the way to the safe passage.

They looked at the bombed stairs with holes everywhere.

Then he said to Tang Wanxin, "the road ahead is difficult. We'll carry you down."

"Help, help me..." a weak old woman's voice suddenly sounded in the corner of the stairs. Her voice was full of helplessness.

This was one of the many people she met. Those people felt tired when they saw her legs pressed against the slate. No one was willing to help her.

Grandma's legs were numb and unconscious. Her muddy eyes stared at several people with expectation.

She wailed in pain and waved one hand at them.

Tang Wanxin heard the old lady's voice, and his eyes were suddenly covered with a thick mist.

She suddenly remembered her grandmother's helpless and sad appearance when she knew she was killed.

Tang Wanxin felt uncomfortable. The tip of her nose was sour.

Then she reached out and pushed the bodyguard next to her and said, "I can go by myself. Go and help the grandmother."

Their eyes passed on the old man and looked at Tang Wanxin with some hesitation.

Seeing her, she didn't drive without saving her grandmother. Several people ran like an old man quickly.

Find a way to move the stone slab pressed on her leg.

But the slate was too big. Several people tried it several times and didn't mean to move it.

When the old lady saw them struggling, she looked at the building that could collapse at any time, and burst into tears.

She cried, "come on, good boy, don't move. Let's go. I'm an old lady in charge of the car. It's worth my life if I die here today. Go quickly."

Hearing the old lady's persuasion, several people were suddenly stunned. They were children without family and never felt the warm and cold care between family affection.

So when I heard her say this, my nose couldn't help getting sour.

Tang Wanxin's heart has an unspeakable taste.

She seemed to find the feeling of her grandmother in the old man.

"Don't move. There are so many of us who can save you. Don't worry." Tang Wanxin's voice was full of nasal sounds.

Probably she felt guilty about her grandmother, so she became more and more persistent to her grandmother at this time.

The old man raised his hand and wiped his tears silently. He said anxiously, "go, go, I don't want you to save me. If you don't go here, it will collapse. You will all die here."

She became a little excited at last.

But no matter what she said, several people imagined that they were crazy and tried even harder to save her.

Xu Cong quietly looked at the current situation and said, "you guys lift the slate together, and then I'll drag the old lady out here. Will it be better?"

After hearing the suggestion, several people immediately adjusted the plan and said, "OK, read three together."

"Don't bother. My leg has been stuck below. You go. It's not worth burying for me, an old woman. You're still young. Don't do anything stupid in your good youth." the old man was moved by the actions of several people, and she said to several people in a hurry.

Tang Wanxin suddenly came forward, took the old man's hand and said, "grandma, don't worry, we're with you, you believe us."

The old man was stunned when he looked at Tang Wanxin. A moment later, she came back to her senses, clenched Tang Wanxin's hands tightly and said, "I believe you, I believe you, that's..."

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