Mo Shichen held the two little guys in his arms and let them sit on their legs.

Then turn on the computer and show their proposal scene in front of them.

Seeing the sudden in front of him, Tang Xinmeng's face was filled with a sweet smile and murmured to himself, "this Mommy will like it very much."

"This is just a draft drawing, and the people in the design department will refine it again." Mo Shichen took the satisfied expressions of the two little guys into his eyes one by one.

"Well, that's how I like it." Tang Xinmeng's pupils glittered against the picture on the computer.

It's a pity that I didn't see the situation when their daddy and Mommy Got the certificate before. Now when I saw the marriage proposal ceremony that their Daddy made up for Tang Wanxin, I instantly felt that their mommy must be the happiest woman in the world.

The two little guys who were just angrily trying to find a way to punish Mo Shichen had already left this behind.

Tang Xinmeng propped his face with both hands, suddenly thought of something, and asked with some doubts: "Daddy, you don't work in Mohs enterprise, can't we live here in the future?"

"Daddy's grandmother left this house for us, so no matter who comes, they can't rob a place." thinking of her old man, Mo Shichen felt ashamed of her old man.

If he had known that she didn't have much time, he should have accompanied her well.


Mo Shichen looked down at the two little guys. If he could, he also wanted to take the two little guys to show her to the old man.

"Wow, Tainai gave us such a big house." Tang Xinmeng said in surprise.

Looking down at the two little guys in his arms, Mo Shichen put away his melancholy mood, and his voice responded gently: "HMM."

"It's very kind of grandma, but it's a pity that we don't have fate with her, otherwise we can thank her well." Tang Xinmeng said with some regret.

This is probably the best for their parents among so many people, and it is thanks to grandma that daddy and Mommy can get together again.

Tang Ruizuo, who had been silent for a long time, raised his head and looked at Mo Shichen. His handsome face was full of seriousness: "Daddy, will your grandparents let me change my name with Mengmeng after you finish your wedding with Mommy?"

"No matter what your surname is, it's daddy's baby. Others have no right to ask or force you to change your surname." Mo Shichen hugged the two little guys' wrists harder.

He also had no right to ask. Tang Wanxin worked so hard to give birth to their two little guys, brought them up in the most difficult time, and carefully trained them.

Now the two little guys can have such a sensible, all thanks to her, so he won't ask for a change in the child's surname unless Tang Wanxin herself asks.

"Well, although we love daddy very much, we also love Mommy very much, so daddy should love Mommy more like us. Oh, he even loves her a thousand times a hundred times more than us..." it's not easy for Tang Ruizuo, who has always been silent, to say these words.

Mo Shichen's eyes raised a strong warmth, nodded and promised: "you are all daddy's favorite people, and we will not be separated for a lifetime."

"Well, we love you too." Tang Xinmeng lay in Mo Shichen's arms and said coquettishly.

"Well, we are a loving family!"


A moment later, Mo Shichen released a hand and put it in the position of the mouse. His index finger kept rolling on it.

He re planned the gardens of Mohist manor. At the moment, the blueprint above shows the scenery that will appear after planning.

The two little guys stared at the plan on the computer, and their eyes flashed a bright light.

Tang Xinmeng stretched out her index finger, pointed to the picture above and said, "what flower is this?"

"That purple is lavender, this pink is rose, over there is carnation, this is Phalaenopsis, sunflower, and this is Epiphyllum..." Mo Shichen said again, pointing to the flowers above.

Then a little away from the farthest peripheral area of the villa: "these places are ready to plant peach trees, pear trees, apricot trees, plum trees, osmanthus trees, etc."

Tang Xinmeng looked at the sea of flowers and trees above, and the smile on his little face could not be concealed.

She climbed down from Mo Shichen's legs, stood beside them and said: "Those flowers can make me make a lot of good perfume with mummy, and then there will be bees coming, so we can also invite people to keep bees. I heard that honey can also beautifying skin care. This can make mummy eat more flowers at that time, then the flowers will definitely have a lot of honey then, then you can make cakes with honey, ice cream, soft drinks, pudding..."

Tang Xinmeng said a pile of food, exactly what she liked to eat.

Then she suddenly thought of something and asked happily, "Daddy, can you eat a lot of peaches and pears then?"

"Yes." Mo Shichen stretched out a finger and gently scraped on the tip of her nose.

"Oh, then you can also eat fresh fruit, which can be directly made into fruit salad or canned fruit." Tang Xinmeng said happily, sticking out his tongue and licking the saliva from his lips.

Obviously, it is a very emotional place, but it has been told by Tang Xinmeng that it has become an ecological plantation and an agricultural civilization place where you can eat a lot of pure natural pollution-free food!

Tang Ruizuo also jumped down from Mo Shichen's leg and couldn't help pumping: "there's nothing wrong with those trees bearing fruit, but the premise is that you don't light up the flowers when they bloom. If there are no flowers, you can only eat tree poles at that time!"

"I'm not so stupid. At that time, I can let daddy buy the flowers he needs." Tang Xinmeng is immersed in the world of eating at the moment, and those in a good mood don't quarrel with Tang Ruizuo.

Seeing her appearance, Tang Ruizuo gently shook his head and gave her a hopeless look. This is probably God's ability to eat goods.

Mo Shichen looked at the two little guys funny. He didn't think too much before. Unexpectedly, Tang Xinmeng's mind was so thin that he added a few more strokes to his planning.

He made some subtle adjustments and additions in his mind.

Then he turned off the computer, took the hands of the two little guys and said, "well, this matter should be kept secret from your mommy. When your mommy's eyes can see it, shall we give her a big surprise?"

Tang Xinmeng put out a hand to cover his mouth, and then nodded heavily.

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