For these, Tang Wanxin, they just listened and didn't explain more.

After all, some things are not very glorious to say.

I was worried that after they left, those people would come to trouble Grandma Li.

Since they are silly and crazy, this may be a good choice for their children.

"Late heart, I'll take you up the mountain later." Grandma Li suddenly said.

"OK, please." Tang Wanxin smiled.

Grandma Li got everything ready early. She got up and killed a fresh chicken.

"It's all from the same village. Why are you always so polite?" Granny Li smiled helplessly.

A touch of warmth rose in Tang Wanxin's pupil. She looked at Grandma Li with gratitude.

While packing up, Tang Wanxin counted the contents one by one.

Tea, wine, a whole chicken, pastries, fruit, squid, scented paper, candles, etc.

There are many of them, but Grandma Li won't let her pay for them.

"Grandma, these things..." Tang Wanxin said shyly.

"These things are ready-made at home. Just take them." before Tang Wanxin finished speaking, Grandma Li said.

Knowing her kindness, Tang Wanxin didn't say much.

She doesn't like it when she refuses too much.

He said with a smile, "then I'm not polite."

Grandma Li was also happy.

When they set out, it was about 7:30 in the morning.

Because little guys, they are curious about everything in the mountain.

Therefore, they walked for more than half an hour before they arrived.

Grandma Li pointed to the grave full of weeds: "this is your grandmother's cemetery."

Tang Wanxin looked in the direction she pointed.

The tombstone is only made of a random piece of wood. The weeds on the head of the tomb are half a person high, far exceeding the height of the tombstone.

At this moment, Tang Wanxin felt that the tip of his nose was sour and astringent.

At the same time, the grievances, resentments and dissatisfaction with them were intertwined in my heart.

She took the sickle prepared in advance, half knelt in front of grandma's grave and removed the weeds bit by bit.

"Xinxin..." Mo Shichen whispered.

Tang Wanxin squeezed out a bitter smile: "I'm fine."

Then he lowered his head and continued weeding.

Grandma Li looked at Tang Wanxin and was distressed.

They helped to weed out the grass around the grave.

After it was done, Tang Wanxin silently put those sacrifices in front of the grave.

She did not cry or cry, but was unusually quiet.

While sifting tea for her grandmother, Tang Wanxin said in a warm voice, "grandma, I'm sorry. It took so long for me to come back to see you."

"Dad never mentioned to me how you died, only occasionally heard that you were ill and left."

"I don't know if it's because who said something to you that you left in such a hurry."

Her tone was very light, as if her grandmother was still alive and they were talking about family.

But Mo Shichen knew the pain in her heart.

He stepped forward, reached out and took her in his arms, patted her gently, silently comforting.

She looked up with a smile and said happily, "grandma, I want to tell you a good news. I found my happiness. He is mo Shichen. Like you, he loves you very much, so you can rest assured there."

Then, Tang Wanxin turned back and waved in the direction of the two small families: "Mengmeng, Sasaki, come quickly."

She held the two little guys in her arms and continued, "do you see? These are our children. They are twins. Her sister's name is Xinmeng and her brother's name is Ruizuo."

Then she bowed her head and said to the two little guys, "call too milk."

"Too milk, we came to see you." the two little guys said in unison.

Tang Wanxin asked two little guys to Sift some tea for her grandmother, and then let them play aside.

The two little guys could see their mommy. They were sad and behaved exceptionally well.

Mo Shichen also came forward to sift tea. He was very grateful to his grandmother for cultivating Tang Wanxin so well.

He said in a low voice, "grandma, don't worry over there. With me, you won't let anyone bully her, let alone wronged her."

He spoke with certainty.

Tang Wanxin looked back and touched his deep eyes. Her face suddenly turned red and a touch of warmth rose.

Several people stayed there for almost an hour before they took back their things.

This time I just know the way.

When going down the mountain, Tang Wanxin asked, "grandma, who buried grandma?"

Grandma Li suddenly looked at her in surprise and asked, "don't you know?"

"What do you know?" Tang Wanxin wondered.

"When your grandmother was buried, you were there. Why didn't you know?" Granny Li was even more surprised.

"Ah?" Tang Wanxin couldn't help exclaiming.

She didn't show up. Why did Grandma Li say that.

Then she hurriedly asked, "I didn't come. I don't know about grandma's burial. Do you remember wrong?"

"It's impossible to remember wrong. At that time, I saw you dressed very well. I asked you if you were late. At that time, you nodded and said yes." Grandma Li said confidently.

Seeing her like this, Tang Wanxin can't help being suspicious. The only possibility is that the man is Tang Wanrou.

But why did she lie to others that she was herself?

A series of questions popped up in her mind.

Seeing that she was a little haunted, Granny Li asked painfully, "have you forgotten?"

Tang Wanxin's lips closed tightly, and then shook his head: "I was really not there at that time. Maybe that person was my sister."

Then she asked, "grandma, do you remember the scene at that time? Can you tell me about the days when grandma was ill?"

"I can't remember some things very clearly." Grandma Li was also puzzled.

"Nothing, just say you remember." Tang Wanxin continued to ask.

The faint feeling in my heart that grandma's departure is not so simple.

"After you were picked up by your father, you came back several times. At first, your grandmother was very happy, but then several times, I don't know what happened. Your grandmother always said she would drive you out," said Li.

"What else?" Tang Wanxin frowned.

Grandma Li looked at her suspiciously and then asked, "don't you remember these?"

"Grandma, do you know that there is a sister who looks like me?" Tang Wanxin asked.

"I don't know that." Granny Li shook her head.

Then Tang Wanxin got other information from Grandma Li.

There were many doubts in her heart. She looked back at Grandma's grave.

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