Can you help me see which company's product this is, and by the way, help me find out who has sold this earring? " She gave a detailed account.

Chen Mengyin took the earring from her hand and looked at it carefully.

Then he asked with a slight frown, "where does this come from? What do you want these things for?"

Tang Wanxin told Chen Mengyin about the origin of this earring.

After hearing this, Chen Mengyin looked at her with a dignified face.

She asked softly, "what's the matter, grandma? Didn't she leave only after she was seriously ill?"

"Listen to Grandma Li over there. After I left Xiaozhou Village, Tang Wanrou used my identity to come back to see grandma several times. At first, grandma was very happy, but later she was always driven out by grandma." Tang Wanrou was a little sad.

Her mind is so confused. After all, these things have passed for a long time, so it's hard to trace the cause.

"If Tang Wanrou hadn't told grandma something deliberately angry with her, grandma wouldn't have kicked her out in front of so many people." Tang Wanxin continued.

Chen Mengyin's eyebrows were tightly wrinkled into a Sichuan character.

Some words dare not speak directly in front of Tang Wanxin.

Because she knows how important grandma is in Tang Wanxin's heart.

Her guilt towards her grandmother can't be healed in her life.

Chen Mengyin stretched out his hand and took her, comforting her: "don't think about it. I'll check what's going on. When the results are available, I'll tell you."

Tang Wanxin nodded lightly and told her about meeting Li Shishi.

"That girl's name is Li Lele. She looks like me when I was a child. I don't think it's a coincidence." she whispered.

Chen Mengyin looked at the distance and was silent.

The earrings had better be a coincidence. If Tang Wanxin finds out that grandma's death has another reason, she will kill. That person's heart has everything.

And what she said about Li Lele is similar to her. Just find out who the child's mother is.

After a long time, Chen Mengyin said, "give it to me. You can treat your eyes at ease."

She looked back at Tang Wanxin and didn't wait for her to speak.

Chen Mengyin continued: "I heard from doctor Gu that your eyes are not in good condition. Why didn't you tell me about it earlier?"

"It's not that many people are worried. That's it. Let it be." Tang Wanxin shrugged indifferently.

"You can't see. How can you be so indifferent? Or I'll call ye Shen and ask him to ask about his resources." Chen Mengyin said anxiously.

"No, I owe him too much. I'm afraid I can't give it back to him in my life." Tang Wanxin hurriedly stopped.

"Who made him so willing for you?" Chen Mengyin said with a sigh.

She admired Ye Shen for loving a person to the bone marrow, but she was not paranoid. It was enough for him to look at each other from a distance.

She can't do this free and easy.

And like Ye Shen, she also hopes ah Qin has a good life.

Chen Mengyin took back her thoughts, stretched out her hands and took Tang Wanxin's face and looked carefully.

"What are you doing?" don't look puzzled.

"Don't move, let me see your eyes," said Chen Mengyin.

Tang Wanxin lowered his head somewhat guilty: "don't make trouble, my eyes are all right, don't look."

Chen Mengyin turned her face around.

When her eyes touched Tang Wanxin's eyes, she was suddenly stunned.

Tang Wanxin's eyes were covered with thin blood, like thorns in the bushes.

"What's wrong with your eyes? Let's go. I'll take you to the doctor." Chen Mengyin said, and he was going to pull her out.

Tang Wanxin reached out and pulled her.

With a bitter smile, "it's useless. I know my eyes. They say they want to change the retina, but I don't want to change other people's light."

"But what about you? What about your eyes? Do your dreams, your efforts and your achievements have to be wasted?" Chen Mengyin said finally. Her voice was a little hoarse.

Suddenly, she felt that God was unfair.

It was not easy to see that Tang Wanxin could be with his favorite people, but the disaster did not end one wave after another.

Tang Wanxin knew that Chen Mengyin was worried about herself, so she came forward to comfort her: "it doesn't matter. My smell is so good. Maybe I can make some special achievements in this regard."

"There's a saying that when God closes a door for you, he will open a window for you. Maybe all this has been arranged."

Chen Mengyin looked at the relieved smile on her face and felt even more uncomfortable.

She could not help but Tucao: "what make complaints about the chicken soup is less."

Then she added, "I also heard that God closed the window while closing the door!"

Tang Wanxin sneered: "it's too great. God won't do it."

Her Yu Guang saw that Chen Mengyin was still angry.

She then restrained the smile on her face, took her hand, smiled and comforted: "well, I promise you will actively cooperate with the treatment. As long as the matching is successful, I will have an operation immediately."

After listening to her words, Chen Mengyin eased down: "this is what you said."

"HMM." Tang Wan nodded his head gently.

A moment later, she whispered, "put the earrings here first. Help me check. If you have the results, remember to tell me at the first time."

"Leave it to me. Don't worry," Chen Mengyin promised.

In the jewelry industry, it is not difficult for her to find the sales information of this commodity.

She spread out her palm and looked at the earring again.

The outside of rose gold is inlaid with red dazzling gemstones in the middle.

It's a good product. It's also printed with serial number on the back. It should be a limited edition.

Chen Mengyin went through it in her mind.

They stayed in the garden for a long time before returning to the villa.

The other side.

Mo Shichen stood in front of the window and looked at the direction of Tang Wanxin's return.

He took his cell phone and put it in his ear: "how's the pairing?"

Gu qinzhen was on the other end of the phone. His face was a little dignified and said, "I tried today, but I didn't have a suitable one."

"Then keep looking and expand the scope of the search." there was a trace of anxiety in Mo Shichen's voice.

They don't have much time left. If they can't find it again, I'm afraid he can't really save Tang Wanxin's eyes.

"I've ordered it," Gu qinzhen said.

He hesitated for a moment and continued: "there are several children whose parents want to sell their eyes at a high price!"

Mo Shichen's pupil cream.

"Don't use it," he said

He also has children. Even if the parents of those children are cruel, he can't want them.

If one day Tang Wanxin knew, she would be very sad.

He doesn't want her to spend the rest of his life with self blame.

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