Today, all the bodyguards who helped rescue came out of it.

Xu Cong came forward and asked in a low voice, "have you seen president Mo?"

The bodyguard's face changed slightly. They shook their heads lightly: "Mo always came out earlier than us. It should be outside now."

Their eyes looked through the crowd and didn't see Mo Shichen.

Xu Cong said, "no, the ink is still inside. Go and find it."

When they heard the command, they turned and ran inside.

As soon as they took a few steps, they saw a little girl in Mo Shichen's arms and hurried outside.

"Mr. Mo, are you all right?" They gathered around and said with concern.

Mo Shichen walked hastily. He said in a warm voice, "save her."

Xu Cong took the little girl from his hand and turned to the medical staff.

He wanted to leave, but his wrist was pulled by something.

Xu Cong lowered his head and saw the little girl's hand holding his sleeve tightly.

"Thank you, big brother..." she said weakly.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine." Xu Cong simply comforted.

When the two little guys saw Mo Shichen coming out of it.

Tang Xinmeng quickly ran forward, hugged Mo Shichen's long leg and said, "Daddy, you finally came out."

Her voice was crying. Her eyes were red and she looked up at him.

Mo Shichen was a little tired, but he still said with a smile: "it's not in the way. Let's go home."

Then he signed the hands of the two little guys and walked in the direction of Tang Wanxin.

Just a few steps away, his voice sank and fell straight down.

"Daddy..." the two little guys exclaimed in unison.

"Mr. Mo!" Xu Cong also shouted, and then strode forward.

Xu Cong reached out to hold Mo Shichen, but he didn't let him fall to the ground!

"What happened?" Tang Wanxin asked anxiously.

"Mo always fainted." Xu Cong said openly.

Tang's face changed slightly: "it should be inhaled too much perfume." then he added, "help me to pass."

The bodyguard led Tang Wanxin to Mo Shichen.

She crouched down and smelt the perfume from her clothes.

She was surprised. Perfume was poisonous.

A woman's figure crossed Tang Wanxin's mind, but she was too busy at the moment.

"This perfume is distributed to those patients, they are all in the poison of perfume."

The followers heard the instructions of Tang's late heart, and immediately put the perfume in good order.

But the families of those people seemed to distrust Tang Wanxin.

They said, "we don't need your stuff. Your perfume almost killed my family."

"Who knows if your perfume will die after it is used?"

"If my husband has something good or bad, you'll wait for me!"

They scolded angrily.

Tang Wanxin pursed her lips. She knew that once bad ideas were preconceived, it was difficult for them to understand.

She opened the perfume and put it directly on the nose of Mo Chen.

Mexico will stop breathing, so he won't have much perfume.

And the fragrance of Tang's late heart was made to her by the previous leaf, which could solve all kinds of perfume poison.

But after he inhaled the perfume in her hand, he soon came to his senses.

"Why are you so stupid? You know there's danger and run in?" Tang Wanxin whispered in his ear.

She was really worried that if she inhaled too much, it might damage the central nervous system. In that case, he would be finished

Mo Shichen took her worries into his heart. He smiled and said, "I don't go in. How can you bear so many lives!"

Tangwanxin pass.

She didn't get up until she made sure he didn't hurt his brain.

I'm sorry that today's news release has brought such a disaster to everyone. It's our company's dereliction of duty

Tang late heart raised the perfume bottle in his hand, and the volume raised a few points: "the perfume you just sucked inside is poisonous. If you don't use the antidote in time, it may cause nerve damage and cause irreparable damage."

Listen to the discussion that the servants are eager to try.

She continued: "you just saw it. My husband woke up after using it. I can't harm him, so you can use it safely."

"Perfumes will pass qualified tests before they are sold, and even if they are not effective, they will not hurt people."

"Today is our company's new product launch. We have prepared for a long time and look forward to it. If we want to sell defective products, we won't be stupid enough to sell them today, and so many reporters do it!"

Tang Wanxin said a lot in one breath.

Those consumers who originally complained about her began to change for a time.

Perhaps, I don't know who shouted first: "perfume has problems."

These tycoons have more things than others.

So they cherish their lives more.

Those people thought over the causes and consequences carefully. It is really impossible for Tang's enterprises to do so.

Coupled with the name of master Tang Wanxin so, they began to believe what Tang Wanxin said.

"What are you doing? Do you want to die?" there was a woman's scolding in the crowd.

Her voice is not big, but Tang Wanxin listens very clearly.

Then came a man's voice.

He deliberately whispered, "this is the antidote. If you are late, your brain may break down. How can you manage the company if it breaks down?"

The man's voice said that it was as thin as a mosquito at last, probably because he felt that he was the first to waver and was ashamed to believe Tang Wanxin's words.

The woman listened to him and was silent. She didn't want anything to happen to the man.

After all, I've been used to prosperity in my life. I can't bear to lose such a life suddenly.

They were silent for a moment.

When the woman's voice sounded, she said tentatively, "why don't you try? The president of Mohs enterprise also used it. It should be all right."

Tang Wanxin has said everything that should be said. It's their business whether they want to do it or not.

Xu Cong called the police.

At this time, the people in the police station are taking evidence to understand what happened.

"The child helped me send it to Mengyin." Tang Wanxin said to Xu Cong.

She knew that such a big thing had happened to the company that they had to go to the police station.

"OK," Xu Cong replied.

Tang Wanxin promised the two little guys that they would go home to accompany them in the evening. Only then did they skillfully follow Xu Cong to Chen Mengyin's house.

Mo Shichen accompanied Tang Wanxin to the police station.

Because of Mo Shichen, the people in the police station are conscientious.

They carefully asked Tang Wanxin about the company.

Seeing their trembling appearance, Tang Wanxin couldn't help laughing and said, "it's okay. Just ask if you want to ask."

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