Amazing omnipotence is already the last form before the ultimate of the empty self.

Further up, it's the ultimate form.

Jiang Lan watched Kamen Rider Sora Tokugaku in its entirety before crossing over, so for the next clip.

He already knew.

Top of a snowy mountain.

The black angel is crying, and the white demon is laughing maniacally.

Although soon Jiang Lan's empty memory will come to an end.

But Jiang Lan still chose to suspend the live broadcast at this time.

Jiang Lan has been exploring for more than twenty hours in a row this time, even the donkey of the production team is not so livery!

If he didn't pause his exploration, Jiang Lan's body would also be overwhelmed!

Now he has not inherited the ability of the sky me, and he is still an ordinary person.


Inside Jiang Lan's room.

The sleeping cabin slowly opened, and Jiang Lan, who had been exploring his memory for more than twenty hours continuously.

Slowly wake up from the sleep pod.

After waking up, Jiang Lan found that he already had tens of millions of deposits in his account!!

See the long string of numbers in your account.

Jiang Lan also sighed deeply, some time ago, he was still worried about rent.

I can't even afford to eat instant noodles.

Now he has become a multimillionaire, and as long as he does not squander this money at will, he will not spend it in this life.


Exploring memories can change people's destiny!

After reading the account, Jiang Lan logged on to the forum by the way and read the post.

[Jiang Lan again? Dingding has become stronger!! Amazing all-round morphological analysis! 】

[Energy comparable to a nuclear explosion, it can be limited in scope and limit the direction of impact!] 】

[Grapevine, it is said that the military side will take action against Jiang Lan next, and it is very likely that Jiang Lan will join the military department!! 】

【Me! Jiang Lan's cousin! Transfer me three hundred yuan for a taxi, and when I get home, I will ask my cousin to transfer it back to you!" 】

[Jiang Lan's memory exploration, the strongest monster ever! ] 】

The first dozen posts specified are all about Jiang Lan.

No doubt.

Jiang Lan has become the most concerned person in the memory exploration forum.

As for Li Yi and Delise and the others in front, they all looked a little bleak in the face of Jiang Lan's heat.

However, among the massive posts, another one still caught Jiang Lan's attention.

[Jiang Lan is absolutely impossible to inherit the ability of his previous life, maybe he who has this memory can only become a guinea pig in the federal research room! ] 】

Jiang Lan clicked on this post and took a look.

The poster who found this post was an anonymous person, and the reason why he was sure that Jiang Lan could not inherit the ability of his previous life was also very simple.

That is because Jiang Lan's previous life ability was too heaven-defying.

That kind of ability will definitely not appear in this era!

The discussion under this post is also very intense, with tens of thousands of comments in just a few hours.

"It makes sense, Jiang Lan's ability in his previous life is indeed very likely not to appear again..."

"Don't underestimate Jiang Lan, whether he can inherit the ability of his previous life, everything depends on the end of Jiang Lan's memory exploration!"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! The devil knows what Jiang Lan of this era will do if he obtains the ability to defy the sky in his previous life!! "

"I think it is necessary for the Federation to intervene to prevent Jiang Lan from inheriting the ability, otherwise there is a high probability that uncontrollable factors will appear at that time!"

One comment after another came into Jiang Lan's eyes.

Some people support Jiang Lan, naturally there are people who oppose Jiang Lan, and there are even many who scold in the comment area!!


Jiang Lan found that these scolding were all using the same sentence.

And they are all three no accounts, no avatars, no names, no works, and the new number that has just been registered and logged in....

Looking at this, Jiang Lan understood what was going on.

I was invited to attack by the water army!


Who the hell would invite the trolls to attack them.

After thinking about it, there was only one person in Jiang Lan's mind, that is, Li Yi, and only he had a motive!

Before the memory exploration began, Jiang Lan had already understood Li Yi!

The second eldest of the Li Foundation, there is also an eldest brother, Li Yang.

Li Yang has been very good since he was a child, and Li's training focus is completely on Li Yang's body.

And Li Yi, because of his mediocre grades since childhood, was not valued by the family.

In this eccentric environment, he developed an extremely serious jealousy....

Now that he has become a memory exploration forum, the most concerned person has stolen his limelight, and it is reasonable for him to find a water army to hack himself.

After figuring it out, the corners of Jiang Lan's mouth rose slightly, and a sneer appeared on his face...


After Jiang Lan glanced at the time, he put down his mobile phone.

Now the time is already past three o'clock in the morning, and Jiang Lan, who was originally planning to go out to eat...

I had no choice but to change my plans and cook my own meals.

Jiang Lan got dressed, pushed open the door, and just walked out of the room....

Then he heard footsteps moving around the living room.

And the footsteps are still very light, like someone walking barefoot in the living room....

Jiang Lan frowned!

In the middle of the night, walking barefoot in the living room, this Nima will not be a thief, right???

Jiang Lan casually picked up a fruit knife in the room, and then came to the living room and turned on the light directly....

It's good that this doesn't turn on the lights!!

As soon as the lights are turned on....

Directly let the fruit knife in Jiang Lan's hand fall to the ground with a bang...

Because, people walking around the living room.

It's no one else!

It's Izzy's best friend!!

Aguilera, no, Natsuki Hana!!

The most important thing is....

She had no clothes on....

Feilu's 18th anniversary brand upgrade to give back to readers! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: August 10th to August 20th)

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