"A monster wearing a mask, an armored figure, a claw dance, and a green-faced fang..."

"Blue Star before, what really happened??"

"In Jiang Lan's memory, why do these strange pictures appear?"

"Is this the gold content that requires a million exploration factors to explore? What role does Jiang Lan play in this picture? "

"Could it be that he is the figure in red armor, or is he one of those monsters?"

"Damn it! The truth of the fault line of the Blue Star civilization will not be that humans and these monsters died together, which is why everything in Blue Star was cut off, right? "

After seeing Jiang Lan's memory, the comments and posts on the memory forum immediately exploded!

In Jiang Lan's live broadcast room, the barrage of the audience is also churning wildly....

The special effects of the gift are dazzling!

And at this time the Blue Star Federation is official.

Professional biologists were also invited to watch Jiang Lan's memory live broadcast together.


At this time, Jiang Lan, who was exploring the memories of his past life.

Not yet knowing that he has attracted the attention of federal officials.

In the process of exploring memory, Jiang Lan's consciousness is also awake.

He was also in shock.

Isn't this Nima Kamen Rider empty me picture??

When did it become a memory of his past life?

What's going on here?

Did you say....

His past life was a Gurangi?

Or rather....

Is it empty me???

In Jiang Lan's doubts and shock, Jiang Lan's past life memory picture.

Fly fast playback.

The year has come to the year 2000.

An archaeological team came to the cave where the empty self fought and excavated the sarcophagus of the empty self.

After they opened the sarcophagus.

Found that lying inside was an incorruptible dried corpse!

And on the waist of this dried corpse, he also wears a very peculiar belt.

See this belt.

The experts of the Federation are crazy to take screenshots of the live broadcast screen.

Intuition tells them that this belt is not simple....

Followed by.

Jiang Lan's memory screen switched to the city.

A man who looked a little similar to Jiang Lan appeared in Jiang Lan's memory picture.

This is Jiang Lan's previous life!

And Jiang Lan himself was stunned!

Wang Defa??

How did Yusuke Godai become similar to himself?

Could it be that my past life was really empty!!

The man appeared in the memory picture, and Jiang Lan's memory live broadcast screen fluctuated significantly.

Viewers watching the live broadcast.

Immediately realized that this guy was Jiang Lan's previous life!

Generally speaking, when a memory person appears in his mind what he looked like in his past life, fluctuations will occur.

"Fortunately, Jiang Lan was a human in his previous life, if those terrible monsters, my suggestion is to strangle Jiang Lan immediately!"

"Human? So how could that terrible picture just now appear in his mind? "

"In short, Jiang Lan must be related to the person in the red armor, or those monsters!"

"This guy looks mediocre


"Mediocre, what are you kidding? This is the most outrageous memory I've ever seen, and monsters appear!! "

"I suspect that the fault line of the Blue Star civilization is related to these monsters..."


Blue Star Federation official.

"This should be Jiang Lan's previous life, and we need to focus on this person's actions next."

Zhang Qian, who was sitting in the main seat, slowly spoke.

The rest of the experts also nodded one after another.

Jiang Lan.

This is a man who may bring them the truth about the fault line of the Blue Star civilization....


After Jiang Lan's previous life appeared.

He rode a motorcycle to the archaeology laboratory of Seongnam University.

After arriving at the archaeology laboratory of Jonam University, he found his friend, Sakurako Sawato!

After a few reminiscences.

Jiang Lan said that he would also go to the ruins of Jiulang Yue to have a look.

That is, to excavate the remains of the empty sarcophagus.

"You're really the same old way, Jiang Lan..."

"I can't be idle for a moment."

Sakurako Sakura said to Jiang Lan with a smile.

Jiang Lan recalled this and realized that his previous life was definitely a shapeshifter of the empty self!

This Sakurako Sakurako even called her name directly....


Shouldn't his past life be called Yusuke Goyo?

Why is it also called Jiang Lan?

And he still looks similar to his current self....

Although doubtful.

But Jiang Lan didn't think much about it.

After finishing the reminiscence, Sakurako Sakura took out her mobile phone.

Ready to call the classmates who are exploring the ruins of Mount Jiuro, say hello, and tell them that Jiang Lan is also preparing news of the past.

But after dialing several calls in a row, Sakurako Sakura Sazawa found that none of the classmates over there answered the phone!

Jiang Lan's brows frowned slightly.

Vaguely aware that something was wrong.

"I personally went to the scene to see and called about something."

Jiang Lan explained to Sakurako Sakura Zedu, and immediately trotted downstairs, got on his locomotive, and rushed in the direction where the ruins were...


Jiang Lan directly screwed the throttle of the locomotive to the extreme, and at an extremely fast speed, he galloped towards Jiulang Yue.

For some reason.

There was always a strange feeling in his heart....

He didn't know it yet.

The students in the ruins have all been slaughtered by monsters.

After opening the sarcophagus, the people of the archaeological team directly removed the belt around the waist of the mysterious dried corpse.

Caused the previous void of my seal on the King of Gulangi to be invalidated!

Led to the resurrection of King Gurangi!!

The resurrected king of Gulangi not only slaughtered the archaeologists present, but even resurrected many of his former subordinates!!

A bloody storm.

It's about to be brewed....


When Jiang Lan came to the ruins.

He found that around the ruins, the police had long been surrounded by water...

All around were cordoned.

But the strange feeling in Jiang Lan's heart still didn't disappear.

On the contrary, when he saw the ruins, he always felt like he had seen it somewhere...

In order to find out the truth, Jiang Lan tried to infiltrate the police and enter the ruins through the police cordon.

But he was obstructed by the police officer, Kaoru Ichijo.

Before Jiang Lan could start his plan to pretend to be crazy and sell stupid and blend into the ruins, his eyes suddenly glanced!

I saw a police officer, holding an empty belt in his hand, walking out of the ruins and passing by Jiang Lan's side...

When the belt passed by Jiang Lan, it also shone with a fleeting bright light!

At the moment of the flash of bright light....

In Jiang Lan's mind, there was also a picture of Kamen Rider's empty self...

This scene.

Jean De is paying attention to the people in the live broadcast room....

Instant soberness!

The heart is extremely shocked!

Jiang Lan....

There is a great possibility that it may be the guy in the red armor...

Even if not.

That armor is also inseparable from him....


A picture that subverts all viewers, and federal experts, unfolds in the live screen....

Please look good!

Kamen Rider Sora My First Transformation....


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