Chapter 198 The Battle of Swordsmanship

 Water element star, natural palace.

Guan Ziqian reviewed a document in front of her. She pondered for a long time and finally made up her mind.

His consciousness connected to his watch and sent out the two documents provided by Xu Jun.

Half a day later, the latest version of "The Way of the Strange Sword" was officially released.

There are countless monks in the Immortal Alliance, but according to statistics, the monks who choose sword cultivation are undoubtedly the largest number.

Of course, the gap in force value between sword cultivators is also the largest. Top sword cultivators and ordinary sword cultivators are two completely different creatures: heaven and earth, clouds and mud.

However, no matter what, once the two major kendo magazines are published, they will immediately attract much attention.

There is no way, the base of attention is too large, even if only a very small number of people read it, it adds up to a number that cannot be ignored.

What's more, sometimes the people who pay most attention to you are not necessarily your fans, but your enemies!

Sword cultivators who practice the way of the king's sword are certainly not enemies. But this does not prevent them from reading "The Way of the Strange Sword" and finding information that is useful to them.

Being eclectic and learning from the strengths of others has always been what humans like to do most.

Sword cultivators are naturally no exception.

However, whether they are practicing the Way of the King Sword or practicing the Way of the Strange Sword, they all feel a little confused after opening the latest edition of "The Way of the Strange Sword"!

There is a big title on the home page.

"The Secret of Ten Swords that Can Make a Picture"

Author: Xu Jun, Zhen Yulian.

Recommended instructor: Guan Ziqian.

The sword energy becomes a picture?

In the circle of sword cultivators, this is not a secret, but a realm that every sword cultivator who practices the King of Swordsman dreams of.

However, this title is a bit sensational.

Can ten sword energies be condensed into a picture?

After all sword cultivators have mastered sword energy, if they choose to follow the path of King Sword, then the first words their teacher teaches them is.

A hundred swords make a picture!

A hundred swords can make a picture.

But this article subverted their understanding.

However, what really surprised all the sword cultivators who practiced the Way of the King Sword was that this article was actually published in "The Way of the Strange Sword".

Such explosive content is actually in "The Way of the Strange Sword"?

Suddenly, this article was like pouring a ladle of cold water into boiling hot oil, and it started to boil completely.

In the office of the executive vice president of the Natural Dao Palace.

That precious puppet was handling official business. Although the content on the screen changed rapidly, Jin Dan's powerful consciousness was enough to ensure that he would not miss any information.

Suddenly, a message from Jin Yuanxing's Hundred Arms Palace caught his attention.

As soon as he looked at the source of the message, he knew that it was a letter from his old friend, Master Ou Changwu, the dean of the Kendo Branch of the Hundred Soldiers Dao Palace in Jin Yuanxing.

The two of them were monks of the same generation. After mastering the sword spirit, they unanimously chose the way of the king's sword.

For hundreds of years, the two encouraged each other, and both became Jindan Zhenren, and they were also important figures in their respective Taoist palaces.

It can be said that in their lifetime, they all have the opportunity to break the pill and transform into an infant.

Therefore, the two of them are not only close friends who have cherished each other for hundreds of years, but also have huge interests in each other's families.

Of course he would read the letter from an old friend as soon as possible.

However, after opening the letter, the puppet couldn't help but be stunned.

Then, a powerful aura began to spread from the puppet's body. Most of Ye Zhenren's consciousness has been transferred at this time.

Ou Changwu's letter is very simple. It is a very tactfully worded letter of condemnation!

An article recommended by Guan Ziqian, the dean of the Kendo Branch of the Natural Dao Palace (Shui Yuan Star), was published in "The Way of the Strange Sword".

This is actually a very common thing.

Master Guan Ziqian was originally one of the chief editors of "The Way of the Strange Sword", so he naturally had the right to recommend and publish articles.

However, the content of this article is truly appalling.

Ye Wanqing just glanced at the title of this article, and he felt the urge to vomit blood.

"The Secret of Ten Swords that Can Make a Picture"

Without even looking at the content, Ye Wanqing knew that this must be about the swordsmanship that Xu Jun displayed in the ring that day.

After looking over it at a glance, it turned out to be true.

This article was written by Xu Jun, and it even revealed the method of how to make a picture of ten swords without reservation.

But unfortunately, it was just as Ye Wanqing expected.

Apart from Seo Jun, it is simply impossible for anyone else to do it.

Because if you want the ten swords to complete the picture, then the power of these ten swords must be greatly improved.

The sword energy produced by the ordinary ten sword energy sources simply cannot meet this standard. Therefore, Xu Jun took a trick and incorporated part of the power of Sword Qi Rusi into it.

With the ten swords as the basis, the sword energy is pulled like a thread, and this is how it is possible to create such an unprecedented realm of swordsmanship.

But looking at the Immortal League, besides the freak Xu Jun, who else can master the sword energy like silk during the Qi training period?

What's more, if someone really masters Sword Qi Rusi, wouldn't it be better for him to just follow the path of Qijian?

Why bother studying the Way of the King's Sword?

For tens of thousands of years, countless sword cultivators have proven one thing at the expense of their own lives and cultivation. Except for the Sword Immortal Ancestor, no one can master both paths.

The power of cultivating both of them is indeed boundless, but at most it can only make you invincible at the same level during the foundation building period. Not to mention Nascent Soul, even the Golden Core realm cannot be broken through.

Therefore, once you have mastered your sword skills to the point where your sword energy is as silky as silk, your path will naturally become dark and you will never be able to change your course.

But now, there happened to be another Xu Jun, and he not only studied two subjects, but also excelled in both.

Ou Changwu wrote to him, firstly, hoping that he would confirm the matter.

The second was to accuse him. As the executive vice-principal of the Natural Dao Palace (Shui Yuan Xing), he actually allowed such a blockbuster article to be published in "The Way of the Strange Sword".

Judging from the title, it is clearly about a picture of the Ten Swords, so it should be published in "The Way of the King of Swords" no matter what.

Now, "The Way of the Strange Sword" has taken the lead.

Although Ou Changwu's words were not so fierce, because of this, Ye Wanqing felt his face burning.

Recommended by: Guan Ziqian.

Damn it, this old witch has no moral ethics.

The next moment, the powerful aura on the puppet's body faded away like a tide.

After the upper cave opened, Ye Wanqing's real body traveled out for the second time in a short period of time, turning into a sword rainbow and heading towards the Kendo branch.

Within a moment, Ye Wanqing entered the dean's office aggressively.

Guan Ziqian had already made tea, and she was not surprised that Ye Wanqing came to visit.

As long as this article is published, it will inevitably be known to Ye Wanqing. It actually came as a surprise to her just now.

"Principal Ye is here. I'm a rare visitor. Please have tea."

Ye Wanqing's expression turned ugly and he said, "Dean Guan, you should know why I'm looking for you, right?"

Guan Ziqian smiled and said, "Principal Ye, please tell me."

Ye Wanqing flicked his wrist, and an image appeared between the two of them. It was the article published in "The Way of the Strange Sword".

"Dean, do you need me to say more?"

"Haha, Principal Ye, is there anything wrong with this article?"

"You are asking questions knowingly." Ye Wanqing said angrily: "This is an article written by Xu Jun, why did it come to you?"

Guan Ziqian said calmly: "Xu Jun is a student of our Kendo branch. Of course, I have to make the final decision on the articles he writes."

Ye Wanqing snorted coldly and said, "It's up to you to make the decision, but why does the title involve the Way of Wang Jianzhi?"

Guan Ziqian smiled and said, "You can't blame me for this. Xu Jun wrote it himself."

In fact, when Zhen Yulian handed over the article, Guan Ziqian also hesitated.

Because she knew that such an article involving both the Tao of Qijian and the Tao of King Sword would not be a problem no matter which kendo magazine it was published in.

However, if this name is used in "The Way of the Strange Sword", it will definitely cause an uproar.

The best way is to change the name to something that seems to be related to the Way of the Strange Sword, then the popularity will be much less.

However, after careful consideration, Guan Ziqian still sent it word for word.

He just wanted to let everyone know that the new generation of sword cultivator Hope Star has chosen the way of the strange sword!

Ye Wanqing said coldly: "No, this article must be renamed."

"Sorry, I can't change it." Guan Ziqian said without giving in.

"It's fine if you don't change the name. It must be published in "The Way of the King's Sword" at the same time."


Ye Wanqing was startled and his eyes were a little suspicious. When did this woman become so easy to talk to?

Guan Ziqian said slowly: "Xu Jun is currently in the secret realm of Guangshui. It will be a month before he comes out. You can wait until he comes out before contacting you. I don't think he has the guts to reject you as the vice principal."

Ye Wanqing was furious, how could he forget this matter!

"Since he is not here, as the dean and recommended tutor, you have the right to authorize it on his behalf."

Guan Ziqian shook his head slightly and said, "This is his business. I will not make any decisions for him."

Seeing Ye Wanqing's cold eyes, she added: "By the way, my disciple Zhen Yulian has gone into seclusion at Wudao Cliff, and you can't find her either."

Ye Wanqing took a deep breath and realized that he was really being plotted this time.

Suddenly, he looked down at his watch, and his head suddenly felt as big as a bucket.

Jindan masters from all over the country who had similar status to him and also practiced the way of King Sword seemed to have made an appointment and called him in groups.

Looking at the list of names, Ye Wanqing felt his scalp numb.

With a heavy stomp of his foot, his figure flashed and turned into a sword rainbow, disappearing instantly.

Guan Ziqian smiled and looked at his watch.

On it, Master Jin Dan, who also had many ways to practice strange swords, sent her a congratulatory letter.

In this round of battle between the two sects of swordsmanship, the swordsmanship won a complete victory.

So, Guan Ziqian enthusiastically issued another order.

Xu Jun's other manuscript was published three days later while the iron was hot. If it was published again just when the first one had just subsided, it would inevitably have an even greater impact.

Haha, the new generation of Xianmeng Jianzi must belong to the way of Qijian!

(End of chapter)

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