My Projections Are All the Roots of the Holy Spirit

Chapter 211: The first thundercloud

Chapter 211 The first thundercloud


There seemed to be a light sound in the dantian.

It seemed to be the first sound after the creation of the world, and also the first light after the creation of the world, illuminating the entire Dantian.

That's right, Xu Jun's pubic area was lit up at this moment.

Before, whether he practiced the basic techniques of the Five Elements or used the sword spirit root to engrave the origin of the sword energy, he was using his spiritual power to look inside.

But at this time, he could clearly feel that his Dantian was lit up, completely lit up!

With the same mental power, he can sense everything in his Dantian more clearly.

This feeling was so wonderful that it made him forget to leave.

Then, the first electric arc appeared in Dantian.

Hey, this guy is quite good!

Before Xu Jun entered, Cheng Chen repeatedly told him many things to pay attention to.

The first one is that if you successfully guide the sky thunder into your body, you must pay attention to control it after generating the arc. Because the newly born arc is uncontrollable, just like an unfettered wild cat that just ran into the house, it will not obey your commands and orders at all.

To tame such a wild cat requires great patience and perseverance.

You must know how to pay equal attention to kindness and power, and how to use both soft and hard tactics, so that you can slowly control this arc like an arm and a finger.

However, sensing this arc that illuminated the entire Dantian...

Xu Jun really doesn't think it has anything to do with wild cats.

I recalled what Xu Fei did at the beginning.

Oh, the same is true for the electric arcs transformed by Xu Fei. As long as the transformation is successful, they will be obedient. If you let them go east, they will never face west. If you let them catch chickens, they will never chase away dogs.

In short, controlling these arcs seems to be a kind of innate power. The so-called cook Ding Jie Niu is easy to do, nothing more than that.

No special training is required at all!

Xu Jun used his mind to communicate with the arc and issued a transformation order.

As a result, the electric arc immediately circled and changed into various forms according to Xu Jun's thoughts.

Of course, Xu Jun, who has no artistic skills, can't figure out those more complex shapes by himself, let alone expect the arc to change.

However, after this attempt, Xu Jun found that he could indeed completely control the arc without the side effects Cheng Chen mentioned.

That being the case, what are you waiting for?

There is still so much mana lying in the dantian, so we can’t waste it!

The thunder and lightning power in the spiritual root moves me.

As Xu Jun's thoughts flashed through, the mana in his body suddenly began to boil. The mana quickly began to respond to the power of thunder and lightning, and then changed its form.

Xu Jun raised his hand again.

At this moment, he seemed to have turned into a thunder needle stuck on the earth.

In just an instant, a thunderbolt crashed down and landed on his arm, and then combined with the mutated magic power, it produced subtle changes, entered his body, and settled in his dantian.

The next moment, a second electric arc appeared in the dantian.

And this is also just the beginning. As more and more mana resonates with the thunder and lightning in the spiritual root, more thunder and lightning is attracted!

Gradually, the thunder and lightning in Shenxiao Cave began to gather towards this cave, and there were more and more of them.

That is to say, the door of the cave is closed, and outsiders cannot monitor the situation inside.

No way, there are indeed no cameras in this kind of training room. Otherwise, I'm afraid no one will be willing to come in.

Cultivation is a very personal matter, and no one wants to expose their trump card to the public.

Any teacher who has such an intention will be boycotted by everyone and will eventually have to step down in embarrassment.

Therefore, no one saw that as the power of thunder and lightning increased, the whole room turned into a sea of ​​thunder!

Countless thunder and lightning flashed across the room, and powerful lightning power filled every corner of the room.

The smart computer had already paid attention, but found that Xu Jun's aura in the room was stable, so he concluded that he was practicing some kind of powerful lightning method and stopped interfering.

Anyway, the power of Tianlei will not stop until someone's points are deducted.

Xu Jun stood on the spot, with lightning shining all around him, but his heart was calm because he had a feeling that everything was under control.

The arc in Dantian has reached 200.

However, at this moment, Xu Jun discovered something extremely embarrassing.

The mana in his body was gradually drying up... gone!

All his mana turned into arcs, but it didn't even fill the capacity of a thundercloud!

You know, Xu Jun is now a monk at the third level of Qi training.

The third level of Qi training!

But what does that thundercloud represent?

It represents a complete level of Qi training.

But now...

At this point, Xu Jun finally understood what a huge difference there was between the low-level immortal magic and the top level immortal magic.

The third level of qi training power in "Five Elements Basic Technique" is only one-fifth of the first thunder cloud in "Pure World Heavenly Thunder Sutra"!

Of course, Xu Jun also knew that this was because Xu Fei had the Holy Body of Thunder, so he raised the ceiling of "Jingshi Tianleijing" to the limit.

Generally, Lei Xiu who practices the "Pure World Heavenly Thunder Sutra" will definitely not be so exaggerated.

But even so, the gap between these two immortal arts is so big that it is obvious at a glance.

Sensing the two hundred obedient arcs in his dantian, Xu Jun felt like he couldn't stop. He knew that if he missed today, it would be impossible to have such an unscrupulous transformation arc.

However, even if you want to continue now, there is nothing you can do.

Could it be that I really want to give up?

However, at this moment, the sword spirit root moved slightly.

Later, Xu Jun was surprised to find that the sword energy origins engraved in his Dantian began to release power.

Oh my god, there is such a reverse operation!

After the origin of these sword energies is engraved, mana also needs to be instilled. Only when the mana is filled can it be released as desired.

In a sense, the existence of these sword energy sources is like a huge mana storage, in which mana is stored in advance. If necessary, the mana from the sword energy source can be extracted at any time and supplied in reverse.

Of course, once this is done, the sword energy in the origin of these sword energy disappears.

It needs to be filled again before use.

But now, of course, arc absorption is more important.

Xu Jun controlled the sword spirit root without hesitation, extracting the mana from the sword energy source one after another, and continued to absorb the arc to his heart's content.

I don’t know how long it took, but when the number of arcs reached 980, a voice suddenly sounded in the cave.

"Dear student Xu Jun, Lecturer Cheng Chen's points are about to be deducted. He is no longer able to continue paying. Should he stop the transmission of thunder and lightning power, or use your credits to continue paying."

Although Xu Jun is transforming the arc, it does not mean that his spiritual thoughts are closed to the outside world.

So, he immediately heard this sentence and said immediately: "Use my credits to pay."


Subsequently, more thunder and lightning power was deployed.

When Xu Jun entered school, he enjoyed the treatment of a candidate for Daozi, with 10,000 credits a year.

In addition to purchasing a Silver Moon Cold Light Sword in advance, he only spent a small amount of money, and now he still has thousands of credits.

No matter how expensive these lightnings are, Xu Jun is determined to pay all the credits.

Finally, the thousandth arc was successfully achieved.

At this moment, Xu Jun's Dantian once again experienced earth-shaking changes.

A full thousand arcs quickly gathered together, entangled and blended with each other. At this time, they are like a huge and dangerous explosive bag. If you are not careful, it will explode completely and destroy everything.

However, Xu Jun's mood did not fluctuate at all.

With the sword's heart being bright, it was impossible for him to panic.

What's more, in my memory, this kind of situation has never happened before.

Xu Fei smoothly condensed the thousands of arcs into thunder clouds without any guidance.

These thunder clouds can be obedient in Xu Fei's body, but there is no reason why they wouldn't be able to do it in Xu Fei's body.

Sure enough, when Xu Jun followed Xu Fei's instructions step by step, these violent arcs suddenly became compliant.

It's like changing from a raging mad dog to a well-fed Pekingese that acts coquettishly in its owner's arms.

Xu Jun could **** off as much as he wanted, even if he was in one hundred and eight positions, without even the slightest resistance.


After a while of kneading and pressing, a thousand arcs finally converged into a whole.

They turned into a huge thundercloud, floating in the Dantian, and exuding a terrifying aura.

However, when Xu Jun's mental strength leaned over, he once again felt that caring feeling.

That’s right, you’re still your own good baby, that’s fine!

Xu Jun was relieved and continued to transform.

However, just as he converted 50 more arcs, a feeling of great terror suddenly surged in his heart.

Oh, it turns out that the limit of the arc I can transform is Xu Fei's current limit?

It cannot exceed the power of projection!

Xu Jun was a little dissatisfied. This was putting the cart before the horse.

He ended this practice with a curse, "Forget it, since it is my projection, we are all a family."

The family doesn’t have to worry so much.

However, this time, the Dantian was completely empty.

A large amount of spiritual power is needed to make up for the lack of sword energy, which is a big expense.

After expressing his intention to Zhinao that he no longer needed the power of thunder and lightning, the thunder and lightning in the cave gradually disappeared.

Xu Jun glanced at his watch.

Wow, how come the credits from the original nine thousand have become only two thousand.

How many points did I use?

Xu Jun suddenly felt a little afraid to go out and meet people.

I owe another chapter, the fourth update today, sorry.

When the number of votes in the middle of the month is less than 145, Bai He will definitely return it.

Sir, please forgive me.

(End of chapter)

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