My Projections Are All the Roots of the Holy Spirit

Chapter 327: Another Sword Immortal was born in the Immortal League

Chapter 327 Another Sword Immortal was born in the Immortal Alliance

 Hong Kong City, City Lord’s Mansion.

Lu Ziqing waved his hand, and his signature and special seal appeared on a pile of electronic documents.

As the city lord of the main city, he has to deal with countless things every day. If it were an ordinary person, I'm afraid he would really have to grow a head and six arms to cope with it.

However, Lu Ziqing is, after all, a real Jindan. Her physical strength is far beyond what anyone can imagine, and her spirit and consciousness have reached inhuman standards.

He can handle things dozens of times faster than ordinary people, and he is full of energy.

Of course, this is also the reason why he knows that his future is hopeless and no longer desires Nascent Soul. Otherwise, it would be impossible for a Jindan master who is in his prime and has a promising future to hold the position of city lord and have to deal with so many general affairs.

Even if you want to take up a temporary position and receive meritorious service, the most you can do is hold a deputy position in name only.

At this time, the day's affairs have basically been dealt with, and the remaining matters are not too important, or too important for him to make decisions alone.

When encountering such a thing, the first thing is to put it off until the matter resolves or disappears naturally.

The second is to involve more people in making decisions, so that in case of failure, more people will share the responsibility, and there will be people who will excuse him in order to protect themselves.

Lu Ziqing let out a long sigh, feeling a little helpless.

The dignified Jindan Master has transcended the world, but he is still wallowing in this world, which is helpless.

Whenever he thinks of this matter, he will envy the gods in the Immortal Alliance.

Perhaps, only when you reach that state can you truly act without any scruples.

No, even the true venerable God Transformation cannot do as he pleases, because there is more than one venerable person in the Immortal Alliance.

Perhaps only Li Mubai, the swordsman who was invincible in the world in the past and surpassed an entire era, could truly keep his word and be fearless.

However, there are only a handful of people like that, even in the history of the Immortal Alliance that spans tens of thousands of years and countless years beyond.

Lu Ziqing often fantasizes that it would be great if she was also such a super strong person.

But the reality is that no matter how hard he tries, Jindan Zhenren is always Jindan Zhenren. There is a world of difference between him and the God Transformation Zhenzhen. There is no hope of getting closer in this life.

Suddenly, a beep sounded from the watch.

Lu Ziqing glanced in surprise.

It can be said that he himself has a lot to deal with every day. In addition to dealing with the never-ending mundane affairs, he also has to take care of his cultivation to some extent.

Therefore, except for the fixed time for handling general affairs, he basically will not check the information in the watch.

However, there is one exception, that is, when there is information about the person he is following, there will be a special notification sound.

Lu Ziqing's consciousness turned and she immediately saw the content of the message, and then his expression became wonderful.

The battle of Fengshan Paradise has ended.

Xu Jun, the Daoist disciple of the Natural Dao Palace, showed great power on the battlefield, formed a formation with thousands of swords, killed the three-headed divine bird at the Golden Core level, destroyed the base camp of the demon clan, and was subsequently expelled by the power of the world.

This message does not have many words, it is just a very simple announcement.

With a sudden change of consciousness, he naturally understood.

But Lu Ziqing read it once attentively, and then again, falling into silent contemplation.

In fact, not many people care about the war in Fengshan Paradise.

Given the vast territory of the Immortal Alliance, wars outside the territory occur almost all the time.

The wars related to the core of the Immortal Alliance are all those extraterritorial wars personally presided over by Nascent Soul-level powerhouses. In particular, some battlefields may even have the presence of the True God Transformation Lord.

Therefore, a small extraterritorial war with only a second-order micro-law world cannot attract much attention at all.

It is because this battlefield is dominated by the Shuiyuan Star Hundred Arms Dao Palace, and also involves some shares of the Natural Dao Palace, so Lu Ziqing pays a little attention.

In general, even if the human race wins this extraterritorial war, the benefits Lu Ziqing can get from it will be minimal.

Of course, losing the war and losing Fengshan Blessed Land would not cause any losses to him.

However, in this extraterritorial war, which was insignificant to the entire Immortal Alliance, it became important because of the addition of Xu Jun.

Xu Jun is the current Daozi of the Natural Dao Palace, and was also designated as the next principal candidate by Huang Kanzhenjun.

This identity made Lu Ziqing, the Lord of Rainbow City, have to be concerned.

Because once Xu Jun really takes charge of the Shuiyuanxing Natural Dao Palace, whether he can be re-elected as the city lord of Rainbow City is really a matter of words.

When she met Xu Jun for the first time, after learning that he had been promoted to the third-level formation master and had fought against five golden elixirs with a single force, Lu Ziqing knew that as long as this person did not fall, he would most likely become the future leader. The Lord of the Natural Dao Palace.

Therefore, he paid great attention to Xu Jun's issue.

He never withheld any benefits he could give Xu Jun.

However, when she saw this piece of information, Lu Ziqing still couldn't help but feel a storm in her heart.

After a long silence, Lu Ziqing pulled up Xu Jun's resume report.

This resume is not complicated, it just records Xu Jun’s life experience.

Because Xu Jun is not old, his resume is not long either. After winning the college entrance examination and entering the Natural Dao Palace, only four years had passed.

Four years!

It was during these four years that Xu Jun, a new student who had just entered Taoism through martial arts, successfully established his foundation in one fell swoop.

And he also displayed golden elixir level combat power in Fengshan Blessed Land.

Golden elixir level combat power!

Lu Ziqing read the information briefing again.

Kill the three-headed golden elixir-level divine bird, and destroy the demon clan's base camp with a thousand swords in formation.

Thousands of swords in formation!

Okay, it's true, Daozi's golden elixir-level combat power is not supernormal, but belongs to his regular combat power.

Thousands of swords forming a formation, that is the realm of swordsmanship that even most Jindan level sword cultivators dream of. But now, it was used by a foundation-building sword cultivator.

When she saw this message, Lu Ziqing really didn't know what kind of emotion she felt in her heart.

The Thousand Sword Formation in the Foundation Establishment Period, is there any similar record in history?

It seems that there really is such a thing.

Li Mubai, the most powerful swordsman in the history of the Immortal Alliance, used a thousand sword formations when he was building the foundation, and he also killed more than one third-level demon.


Lu Ziqing felt suddenly timid.

He vaguely remembered that even the Sword Immortal Li Mubai seemed to have carved out the origin of the Thousand Sword Qi and used the Thousand Sword Formation in the late stages of foundation building.

What about Seo Joon?

Four years, the early stage of foundation building.

Lu Ziqing stared at the watch, suddenly feeling that it weighed as much as a thousand pounds.

Could it be that a new Sword Immortal will be born in the Immortal Alliance?

No, perhaps this future achievement will be even greater than that of the Sword Immortal...

Lu Ziqing stopped thinking and didn't dare to think about it anymore. He took a deep breath, swept his consciousness, and opened an electronic file.

This is an equity transaction document that is still in the review stage.

Lu Ziqing's expression suddenly changed, and he immediately made a call.

"Why hasn't the equity transfer of Ziran Daozi been completed yet?"

"Sir, according to regulations, the equity transfer of Chengtou must be publicized for one month before it can be completed."

"Public announcement? Announcement is nothing. This is Huang Zhenjun's personal order. Does anyone dare to object? Implement it immediately."


"Also." Lu Ziqing thought for a moment and said, "Because of our mistakes, the equity transfer was delayed, and the City Lord's Mansion has to pay compensation."

"Ah, compensation?" On the other end of the phone, a young monk was dumbfounded, with a look of disbelief on his face.

"Yes, you should quickly set a standard and the highest level of compensation. Also, you should contact Zi Zizi's agent. I want to meet with him."


When the communication ended, the young monk looked at his watch and was speechless for a long time.

There was nothing wrong with their approach. They followed the procedures completely. No matter which level of the Immortal League they got, they couldn't find any faults.

Before, the city lord never urged me, but why now...

The young monk's heart moved slightly, and he immediately began to check the recent news.

After a moment, he found the latest information.

Looking at this piece of information that was not yet popular, the young man took a deep breath.

The foundation of Jindan’s combat power?

Still so young…

No, there are thousands of swords forming a formation, a thousand swords forming an formation! !

The young monk completely understood and understood the city lord's good intentions.

It is true that I and others were negligent and should be compensated to the highest standard. But what should be compensated?

The young man felt deeply distressed.

Perhaps, you should contact Daozi's spokesperson.

Golden elixir level combat power?

Thousands of swords in formation!

In the Natural Dao Palace, Guan Ziqian looked at this message and clenched his fists involuntarily.

Mom, I worked so hard to seduce him to learn the art of strange swords. Why is this kid just not enlightened? He must go to play the Thousand Swords Formation?

Hey, I was clearly supervising him all the time, but I didn't see how he was in seclusion to engrave the origin of the sword energy.

Moreover, this boy has learned so many things, such as physical training, lightning techniques, formation techniques, and recently the way of talismans and so on. He was already so distracted, but he still managed to figure out the source of a thousand sword energy.

At this moment, Guan Ziqian felt a deep sense of frustration.

When Xu Jun first mastered the third-level formation, Guan Ziqian also broke into the formation, and felt the sword energy permeating the psychedelic formation.

But at that time, the sword energy was hidden in the formation. For a formation idiot like her, it was extremely difficult to distinguish the difference between the sword formation and the psychedelic formation.

But recalling it at this moment, Guan Ziqian had a vague guess. Perhaps, on that day, Xu Jun had already completed the Thousand Sword Formation.

When he was just promoted to the third-level formation master, he immediately used Thousand Sword Formation?

Such a talent,

Such a talent!

Such a talent...

She finally understood that hard work might not be worth mentioning in the face of true talent.

However, Guan Ziqian was unwilling to give in.

You already have such a talent, why not work harder on the way of the strange sword?

You must know that the way of the strange sword is the true way to reach the sky that leads directly to the supreme sword.

That kind of scattered and messy King Sword Way is just a charade.

No, I must let Daozi return to the right path and let him understand that only the way of the strange sword is the ultimate sword.

But what can be done to make Xu Jun, who has completed the Thousand Sword Formation, change his mind?

Just when Guan Qianqian was suffering from a splitting headache, his watch suddenly lit up. A long-lost communication appeared on the watch.

After Guan Ziqian saw it, he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

After entering Wudao Cliff, Zhen Yulian, who had been missing from all the time, actually sent her a message.

My thoughts moved slightly, and the video was connected.

The 3D video image in front of me reveals a beautiful face that is full of charms and brings disaster to the country and the people. However, there is a hint of coldness in this face, making it difficult for people to get close.

"Master." Zhen Yulian nodded slightly and said, "This disciple is out of seclusion."

"Okay." Guan Ziqian's eyes sparkled and he asked, "How do you feel?"

Enlightenment Cliff is a holy place for enlightenment in the Kendo branch of Shuiyuanxing Natural Dao Palace. Every thirty years, a sword energy is born for students in the academy to gain enlightenment.

For all sword cultivators, this is a rare opportunity.

The time for enlightenment at Wudao Cliff varies from person to person, but generally speaking, most of them take about two years. However, it has been more than three years since Zhen Yulian entered Wudao Cliff.

Of course, this is not the longest period of time in history, so no one will get sick and rush outside.

Because the longer it takes to realize the Tao, the greater the harvest will be.

If it weren't for the individual's own limits, the sword cultivators would probably have died of old age on the Cliff of Enlightenment.

Zhen Yulian said solemnly: "Master, I feel that I have gained a lot." She hesitated and said: "The disciple has broken through to the middle stage of foundation building, and has basically mastered several tips for turning sword energy into a python. As long as he practices for a period of time, he should be able to Initial application.”

The sword energy turns into a python?

Guan Ziqian's eyes suddenly lit up.

In the Way of the Strange Sword, the power of the sword energy transformed into a python is huge, far more powerful than the sword energy turning into silk.

Generally speaking, if you want to cultivate the realm of swordsmanship to this point, you must at least be in the late stage of foundation building.

That's right, even the simplest sword energy transformed into a python, its power is definitely not comparable to that of sword energy like silk. As for the kind of sword that Guan Ziqian once released, integrating his own flying sword into the python of sword energy, that is a realm of swordsmanship that even Jindan sword cultivators may not be able to master.

If compared with the Way of the King's Sword, even if it is not as powerful as a formation of a thousand swords, it is at least equivalent to the power of eight or nine hundred swords.

Zhen Yulian herself had just broken through to the middle stage of foundation building, but she had touched the threshold of turning sword energy into a python.

With such talent in swordsmanship, she is worthy of being her heir, she is simply the natural number one...

Guan Ziqian frowned slightly, then thought of Xu Jun, and couldn't help but sigh. Even she had to admit that there was still a gap in talent between the two people, and the gap was not small.

Zhen Yulian said with some surprise: "Master, are you... unhappy?"

Guanzi Qianru woke up from his dream and said quickly: "Hey, of course I'm happy. You went to Wudao Cliff this time, and you went to the right place. Haha, maybe in a few decades, this Kendo branch will be in your hands. ”

Zhen Yulian shook her head slightly and said, "Master, there is someone more suitable than me."

Guan Ziqian's expression suddenly became quite strange and he said, "Who?"

"Xu Jun." Zhen Yulian said slowly.

Guan Ziqian looked helpless and said, "Yulian, you have just left isolation and haven't contacted the outside world yet."


"Well, you can look at the school network information in recent years and search for Xu Jun." Guan Ziqian said quietly: "This child has been spotted by the principal, and it is not our college's turn."

Zhen Yulian was slightly surprised. What was the master talking about?

She let go of her consciousness, entered the campus internal network through her watch, and searched for Xu Jun.

Suddenly, more than 10,000 pieces of various contents rushed towards her, almost filling her consciousness.

Fortunately, the strength of practitioners is far superior to ordinary people, and Zhen Yulian is the best among them. Therefore, her consciousness flashed rapidly and she read at the speed of flowing water.

After a long time, Zhen Yulian took back her consciousness.

There was a look of confusion in her eyes.

What did I see just now?

Seo Jun has already established the foundation?

He also became the current Daozi of the Natural Dao Palace.

In the Shui Yuan Xing San Dao Palace Classic, he won the championship in two major events.

A third-level formation master?

Golden elixir level strength?

The King of Swordsman's Way is a rare opportunity for thousands of years to form a formation of thousands of swords in the foundation building stage!

Designated by Principal Huang as the popular candidate for the next principal...

who I am?

How long have I been in retreat at Wudao Cliff?

Why do you seem to have been abandoned by the world in the blink of an eye?

Zhen Yulian was silent for a long time, still finding it difficult to accept.


In the Institute of Physical Education, Zhongli looked at the information on his watch silently, and his mind was full of thoughts.

When Xu Jun was building the foundation, he had witnessed it with his own eyes and had seen the unparalleled space body.

Although Xu Jun had already demonstrated the origin of Qian Dao Sword Qi at that moment, Zhongli Zhili always believed that the spatial body was Xu Jun's greatest foundation.

However, looking at the latest battle report this time, his heart was inevitably a little shaken.

Could it be that Xu Jun really wants to become the second sword fairy Li Mubai?

Although the emergence of another Sword Immortal from the Immortal League is also a very outstanding thing. Being able to dominate an era is a huge benefit to the Immortal Alliance.

However, if this person who can defeat an era is not a swordsman, but an eternal and unparalleled physical training master, it is still acceptable!

After thinking for a long time, Zhongli worked hard to collect a lot of information, packaged it all and sent it to Xu Jun.

These materials are all kinds of legends from ancient times.

In that era when only oral traditions were spread, there were no sword cultivators or Lei Xiu at all.

Those who truly dominated the ancient times were all great monsters who dominated in the flesh.

Among these great demons, only every ten thousand years or tens of thousands of years will a peerless great demon be born who can open the 360 ​​great apertures of the heavens and create a space body.

Moreover, the lifespan of these great monsters is much longer than those of the same level.

Zhongli Zhili didn't know how Xu Jun would feel after seeing this information, but he did his best.

In addition to everyone in the Natural Dao Palace, more people who may or may not recognize Xu Jun know the name Xu Jun through various channels.

Before this battle, although Xu Jun was also very famous and was remembered by countless swordsmen, they hoped to guide Xu Jun to embark on the path of practicing the way of the king sword or the way of the strange sword.

Except for the sword cultivators, the real big guys may not remember this name.

The Immortal Alliance is too big and has been passed down for too long. Therefore, countless talented monsters have appeared in the Immortal League throughout the ages. Their talents are not the strongest, only stronger.

However, not every talented monster can eventually stand out and become a baby.

Those talented monsters who can be remembered were initially favored by countless people. However, there are not even one ten thousandth of those who can reach the fourth level or higher in the end.

It is natural that many big guys choose to ignore Xu Jun for the time being.

Because no one can guarantee whether Xu Jun will encounter any difficulties in his growth and fall.

At that time, their investment will be completely wasted.

Therefore, unless they are allowed to see stronger potential or combat effectiveness, those who have seen countless geniuses will not be really tempted.

But this time it was different. Xu Jun showed golden elixir level combat effectiveness when he was just promoted to Foundation Establishment.

What's even more terrifying is that what he relies on is not a magic weapon or other foreign objects, but a formation of thousands of swords!

The sword formation of Li Jianxian who once defeated all the strong men of his generation without defeat.

Looking at Xu Jun's entry into Taoism through martial arts for only four years, many people could no longer sit still.

Tianyuanxing Natural Dao Palace.

Zhou Qi slapped the table hard, almost turning it into powder.

Hey, I already knew that this kid Seo Jun would definitely stand out. But I still didn't expect that his talent was so terrifying, and that he had already achieved such achievements in just four years.

In the past, if I could have persisted, would I have been able to keep him on Tianyuan Star?

No, how could such a peerless talent be allowed to live on the Shui Yuan Star?

For such a talented person, only the True God Transformation Master can be his mentor.

Thinking of this, Zhou Qi opened his watch and asked to see Principal Yuanying.

A few days later, the principal of Tianyuanxing Natural Dao Palace, who had been in seclusion for many years and had no knowledge of worldly affairs, came out of seclusion and met with the contemporary Tianzun.

Waves of undercurrents, good or bad, are happening in various places within the Immortal Alliance. In addition to the human race, there are also strong men from other races who also learned the news.

On a high mountain shrouded in clouds and mist, a huge Dapeng with half of its body covered in clouds and mist slowly opened its eyes.

"The human race actually cut off my direct bloodline, **** it!"

Below, there are countless prostrate Dapeng birds, their bodies trembling. In front of this super monster, even the third-order Dapeng demon clan must lower their noble heads at this moment.

"The genius of the human race, a thousand swords in a formation?"

"Yes, Ancestor, the children who were lucky enough to escape this time reported that the genius of the human race definitely used the Thousand Swords Formation."

The big demon was silent for a long time, seeming to be remembering something, and the aura on its body was even more trembling.

"Has another Sword Immortal appeared in the human race? This time, we can't make any more mistakes."

"Spread this news throughout the three realms of humans, demons, and demons, so that all living creatures know that another Sword Immortal has been born in the Immortal Alliance."

"Yes, ancestor."

(End of chapter)

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