Chapter 353 Done

The world of Pixiu of body cultivation is in a dense forest.


An earth-shattering roar suddenly sounded, and then a colorful giant tiger jumped out.

This king of beasts is no ordinary beast. It is nearly ten meters long, with spotted hair swaying in the wind, and exuding a frightening and powerful aura.

Anyone with a little bit of cultivation can tell that this guy is definitely a powerful monster.

Of course it's impossible to reach the third level, but it's at least the second level.

In this jungle, it is definitely at the top of the food chain.

However, the giant tiger monster looked a little embarrassed at this moment. It did not stop after jumping out, but continued to run wildly, as if something was chasing after it.

Suddenly, a black shadow jumped out from behind like lightning and rushed up at a faster speed.


A roar from the human race resounded throughout the world.

However, after hearing this sound, the giant tiger not only did not stay, but ran away, as if he had used up all the strength to feed himself.

The tiger follows the wind.

When a giant monster tiger wants to escape, even if the pursuer is stronger than it, it is still extremely difficult to catch it.

Suddenly, there was a strange fluctuation in the space ahead.

The next moment, Xu Jun's figure appeared on the path of the giant tiger beast.

I just came to the physical cultivation world in a clone state.

As soon as Xu Jun opened his eyes, he saw a big insect running towards him.


Where did the extra meals come from!

Xu Jun didn't say anything, he concentrated his energy, used his magic fist, and punched it in the chest.

At this time, this giant tiger monster was running away in a panic, not caring about the situation of the two-legged beast that suddenly appeared in front of it.

If it were normal, with its caution, it might even do a little testing. But at this moment, all it could think about was how to escape the pursuit of the man behind it.

So, it pounced on him mercilessly, trying to kill this guy who was pretending to be a ghost.


One person and one tiger, two unparalleled huge forces collided fiercely.

Xu Jun's figure swayed slightly.

The physical strength of the second-level monster exceeded his expectations.

The head-on confrontation with the giant tiger monster was enough to throw Xu Jun away. The monster's extremely terrifying power seemed to be able to crush the entire world.

However, at this moment, the space magic body on Xu Jun's body was activated immediately.

Rock, rock, rock together.

Every time Xu Jun's body swayed, the terrifying impact force surged into the space body.

The power of the second-order giant tiger monster is indeed extremely terrifying compared to the human race. However, compared to the space body that is hundreds of meters long, wide and high, it is just a fraction.

I have never heard of any second-level monster that can threaten the space body.

What Xu Jun did at this time was to move the power of the impact with the giant tiger monster into the space body bit by bit.

The space body is indeed the ultimate change of the 360-dimensional limit body orifice.

In just one breath, Xu Jun's body had stabilized.

All the power of the collision just now was sent into the space body by him. Moreover, this power, which was enough to make him unable to stand firm, did not cause even the slightest ripple inside the space body.

This is only the power of the initial space, not to mention that there are also thunder space and sword energy space that have not yet been used.

At the same time, the giant tiger monster screamed, stumbled backwards, and staggered back.

The power of Xu Jun's punch was only inferior to it.

In this punch, Xu Jun did not use the power of the space body, otherwise the giant tiger monster would not be able to retreat as easily.


Suddenly, an extremely familiar feeling came over me.

Xu Jun turned his head to look, and immediately saw a sturdy man running towards them with majestic and powerful steps.

When he saw this big man, Xu Jun's eyes froze and he immediately recognized him.

Opposite him, Xu Yi's eyes widened and he looked at Xu Jun without blinking.

The two of them looked at each other, and this look seemed like a thousand years, and it seemed like it had passed by in an instant.

But just in this short moment when their eyes met, they both understood each other's identities and Xu Jun's purpose.

The two were silent for a long time, and Xu Jun finally raised his hand and said, "Fellow Taoist, it's been a long time."

Xu Yi smiled bitterly and said: "It turns out that I am a projection. No wonder I always dream. Sometimes when I wake up, I don't remember what happened."

An awkward smile flashed across Xu Jun's face and he said, "Fellow Taoist, I'm late."

Of the three projection worlds, Xu Jun’s favorite is the world of sword energy.

Because this world is his original secret, he cannot give up no matter what.

Next is the world of Leifa.

Because this involved his response to the thunder catastrophe, Xu Jun came repeatedly and continued to draw on Xu Fei's experience in making talismans, so that his ability to make talismans was also blossoming.

As for the world of physical cultivation…

Although this is also his own projection world, Xu Jun really ignored a lot of it due to various reasons.

Even if he entered at this moment, his motives were actually impure.

Xu Yi suddenly turned his head and glanced in the direction of the giant tiger.

That place had long since been emptied of demons, not to mention the giant tiger, not even a single tiger hair was left.

This giant tiger was quite smart and took the opportunity to run away when the two of them met.

Xu Jun's mouth twitched slightly and he said, "Do you want to chase me?"

"Forget it." Xu Yi said without hesitation: "When I chase it, I just have nothing to do and just run away. I will definitely encounter it again in the future."

At this time, Xu Yi was digesting various information from Xu Jun's clone.

The same is true for Xu Jun. His eyes met Xu Yi's and he immediately received a large amount of information. He was reading it quickly.

The two people faced each other from a distance, each thinking deeply without making a sound.

After a moment, Xu Jun took a long breath and raised his head. He has read those memories and has a little understanding of Xu Yi's situation.

Xu Yi is now the well-deserved king of the mountain in this area.

Relying on the power of the space magic body, he ran rampant here, and it was like the arrival of a little devil star, causing the surrounding monsters to suffer a lot.

I don’t know how many demonic beasts died unexpectedly. This beautiful demonic tiger was just an unlucky tiger that Xu Yi encountered when he went out for fun on a whim and chased it here.

Xu Yi said loudly: "Since you are here, let's go home and drink."

Go home and drink?

Xu Jun was speechless.

When we first met, Xu Yi was a good little kid.

Why is it that now that I am older, I am not so cute anymore.

"Fellow Taoist, you and I are in a special situation, so it's better to be with fewer people."

Xu Yi was stunned for a moment, thought for a moment, and then nodded slowly.

In fact, even if Xu Jun followed him to the tribe, it would not be a big deal. But the former is cautious, and Xu Jun does not intend for the two of them to show their true colors in public at the same time.

Xu Jun said in a deep voice: "Fellow Taoist, I came here this time, firstly, to get to know you, and secondly, I want to understand a secret technique with you."

"Secret method?" Xu Yi said suspiciously: "We are all body cultivators of the three lines, so what secret method do we need?"

Xu Jun smiled bitterly and said: "So what about fellow practitioners from the third system? There are many people in this world who are better than us."

"Really?" Xu Yi opened his eyes wide.

With the space body in his body, Xu Yi is invincible among his peers.

As long as you don't encounter a third-level monster or a golden elixir monk, whoever encounters him will be unlucky.

"Yes, if you don't believe it, you can ask Grandpa Lin Mu. He has seen real strong men."

Xu Yi's eyes suddenly became surprised and sharp, even a little excited and eager to try.

Xu Jun blinked twice, feeling secretly shocked that he might have made a mistake.

He shook his head, stared at the other party, and sent over the secret method of disguise.

Xu Yi was startled for a moment, then calmed down.

He is a physical practitioner, but he is also a martial arts fanatic. After seeing the secret method, he immediately yearned for it.

Change your appearance, the true meaning of the road?

Gradually, Xu Yi's eyes suddenly lit up. He laughed loudly and said, "Okay, good stuff."

Seeing how happy he was, Xu Jun couldn't help but said: "Fellow Taoist, what are you happy about?"

Xu Yi put away his smile and said loudly: "My fellow Taoists don't know, it is getting more and more difficult for me to go hunting now. The monsters in this area can detect my traces from a distance, so it is getting more and more difficult for me." Got it." He waved his hand and said, "But with the secret method you gave me, as long as I practice successfully, I can become another person at any time. It will be much more convenient for hunting at that time."

Xu Jun was stunned and in disbelief.

I gave you a secret method, but you actually want to use this secret method to hunt?

Looking at Xu Yi's excited eyes, Xu Jun hesitated again and again, but finally did not speak.

Forget it, just be happy.

"Fellow Taoist, it's not easy to master this secret technique." Xu Jun said in a deep voice, "After all, it involves the true meaning of the Great Dao. Even this first step, completely integrating the true meaning of the Great Dao into the body, will stump me." most people…"

In fact, the first step in practicing the secret method is to understand the true meaning of the great road.

If you can't even comprehend the true meaning of the great road, this secret method will lose the prerequisite for cultivation.

However, both Xu Jun brothers have realized the true meaning of the great road, so naturally they will not be blocked by this level.

Xu Yi listened to the nagging of the main body and recalled the description of the secret method in his mind.

Oh, I want to integrate the true meaning of the Great Dao into every part of my body, so that this body can completely adapt to it.

This is quite a difficult process.

Xu Jun tried it once in the cave of Natural Dao Palace, and then there was a small storm.

Fortunately, he has the identity of Daozi, otherwise, the Supervision Department would definitely not easily let go of anyone who dares to provoke the school.

Xu Jun looked at the other party silently and said: "Fellow Taoist, there is no need to be impatient. This secret method is really difficult. It requires the true meaning of the Tao to be perfectly integrated into the body to achieve a complete change. Well, as long as you are in three... this, within ten years If you can master the secret technique, that’s it.”

ten years!

Xu Jun calculated it according to the time ratio of 1:12.

Even if it took Xu Yi 10 years to successfully practice in the Pixiu world of physical cultivation, it would only be equivalent to ten months in the original world.

Speaking of which, it was enough to scare Yuhui.

The reason why Xu Yi was given ten years to plan was because Xu Jun felt that among the three projections, Xu Yi's cultivation IQ should be the most mediocre.

It takes about three years for him, so Xu Yi should be able to triple it.

However, Xu Yi closed his eyes and sat cross-legged, seemingly falling into a state of silent retreat.

At this moment, even Xu Jun couldn't feel anything about his body.

Alas, at some point, it becomes inconvenient for the clone to enter.

In desperation, Xu Jun had no choice but to stand here and protect him.

Ten days passed like this.

Suddenly, a surging power was suddenly released from Xu Yi's body.


This is the force of a violent wind.

When this power began to be released, Xu Jun even felt a chill to his bones.

The true meaning of the Avenue of Wind?

Xu Jun was a little surprised. Xu Yi had long mastered the true meaning of the Avenue of Wind, but what does it mean when he suddenly releases it now?

Their eyes met in the void.

Xu Jun instantly received a message from his eyes.

Xu Yi has completed the physical integration of the true meaning of the Avenue of Wind.

Uh, what does this mean?

Xu Jun's eyes changed little by little.

Completely integrated into the true meaning of the body's path?

Are you kidding me?

Countless thoughts surged into Xu Jun's heart, and he only had one thought left, how could this be possible.

Wanting to perfectly integrate the true meaning of the great avenue into the body is a difficult process of exploration.

Xu Jun initially estimated that even if it were him, it would take at least about half a year of exploration to complete it.


Xu Jun took a deep breath, released his consciousness, and instantly connected with Xu Yi.

That is to say, the two of them are one body, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to achieve this step.

Later, Xu Jun's consciousness entered Xu Yi's body and began to sense the situation in his body.

Huh, eh? Huh!

As he explored his spiritual consciousness, Xu Jun kept making inexplicable exclamations.

The inside of Xu Yi's body is in the typical state of a strong physical practitioner. However, every corner of this body is filled with a power called "wind".

Xu Jun is also the master of the true meaning of the Avenue of Wind, so he can clearly distinguish that this power is the true meaning of the Avenue of Wind.

The next moment, countless experiences and skills poured into Xu Jun's mind.

As a result, Xu Jun completely understood how to integrate the true meaning of the Avenue of Wind into the body.

Xu Jun even had a feeling that he could do this at any time as long as he wanted to.

But, can it really be done?

Xu Jun's heart moved slightly, and the power of the wind he felt began to operate.

Soon, this power entered the body, and after entering for a while, it suddenly encountered strong resistance.

Xu Jun's body is made up of 360 celestial bodies, and it is extremely powerful and indescribable.

But the more powerful the body is, the more difficult it is to transform it.

It is precisely because of this that the transformation of Xu Jun's body in the cave of Natural Dao Palace failed quickly.

But at this moment, at the moment when resistance was born, Xu Jun already had a solution in his heart.

Wisps of wind power spread out. They no longer forcibly transformed, but turned into stragglers, avoiding frontal resistance, and began to encircle and suppress them from all directions.

This is like a war, and the strength of both sides is actually almost the same.

If Xu Jun chooses to attack head-on, he will definitely succeed, but it will be time-consuming and labor-intensive, killing one thousand enemies and only losing eight hundred.

But at this moment, with the support of Xu Yi's experience, Xu Jun chose to spread his attack.

It feels like an evenly matched encounter between two sides, but one side is a fixed computer program, and every step follows a predetermined program layout.

But these layouts have all been exposed and known to the other party in advance.

As a result, the other party began a targeted reverse layout.

Any idiot can see the outcome.

After a short moment, all resistance disappeared, and the true meaning of the wind moved towards the next step with even more powerful power.

Xu Jun sat down cross-legged and silently circulated the true meaning of the Avenue of Wind, beginning to integrate into his body.

In Xu Jun's perception, this process is quite long and extremely difficult.

However, what surprised him was that no matter what kind of resistance he encountered, he could still find a solution in the experience passed down by Xu Yi.

The more Xu Jun performed, the more frightened he became.

How is this going?

He had always thought that Xu Yi's talent for cultivation was mediocre, and he only relied on his special physique to stand out.

But now it seems that my situation is too small.

Finally, when the last resistance disappeared, Xu Jun clearly felt that he had completed the first step of the secret method.

The true meaning of the avenue is completely integrated.

Opening his eyes, although he didn't know the passage of time when he was practicing, he had grasped a little bit of the true meaning of the Tao of Time, so he naturally had a strong balance in his heart.

Twenty days.

It only took him twenty days to complete the first step of the secret method.

This time is almost unbelievable. However, compared to Xu Yi's day... Xu Jun felt that people's talents are indeed different.

Xu Yi has been staying here, and they each guarded the other while they were immersed in practice.

Seeing that Xu Jun had finished his practice, Xu Yi said calmly: "The demonic body."

"Ah, what?" Xu Jun asked suspiciously.

Xu Yi said: "I feel that my demon body is very suitable for this secret method."

"Demon Holy Body." Xu Jun murmured.

He remembered that Yuhui once said that this secret method was modified from some forbidden method.

So, what is this taboo method?

"Okay, keep working hard." Xu Jun nodded slightly and said solemnly.

Sure enough, as Xu Yi said, this secret method is particularly suitable for Xu Yi's demonic body.

Therefore, when Xu Yi was practicing, he basically had a smooth journey without encountering any obstacles.

A year has passed by in a blink of an eye.

During this year, not only did Xu Yi succeed in practicing, but Xu Yi also achieved great success because he gained enough experience.

(End of chapter)

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