My Projections Are All the Roots of the Holy Spirit

Chapter 362: Terrifying Sword Intent

Chapter 362: Terrifying Sword Intent

There are many demons in the Yama Realm.

In addition to the creatures who have practiced magic arts, there are countless native magic beasts.

Even in the endless sky, you will encounter demonic birds at any time.

Just five minutes later, a piercing alarm sounded.

Xu Jun raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "What's going on?"

The voice of the ship spirit immediately sounded: "Dear captain, we have discovered a third-level bird monster that is about to encounter our ship. Do you want to set it as a target?"

A third-level monster?

I have to say that this is a better opponent.

Although Xu Jun only has foundation building cultivation now, he is not an ordinary foundation building.

Xu Jun was about to nod, but something suddenly moved in his heart. He remembered what the ship spirit had done before, so he asked more: "How far is this monster from us?"

"Five hundred and twenty-six kilometers."

The muscles on Xu Jun's face couldn't help but twitch.


More than five hundred kilometers can also be described with the word "soon".

Could it be that this magical beast and the five-planet light shuttle are flying at the speed of light?

"How do you ensure that we can meet each other at such a long distance?" Xu Jun asked with some dissatisfaction.

Ship Spirit said without hesitation: "We can release pheromones specific to the monsters and let them come to the door automatically."

Xu Jun was startled and said: "You mean, our route and that of this monster are actually not consistent?"

The ship spirit seemed to be silent for a moment and said: "Yes, but if you are willing, we will definitely be able to meet it."

Xu Jun resisted the urge to roll his eyes and said, "Okay, don't waste time, just go with the flow."

"As you command, Captain."

The boat spirit seemed a little disappointed, but still carried out Xu Jun's order.

Xu Jun glanced at the 3D image secretly, but it still hadn't disappeared.

He stared and saw that within a certain range, there were red dots of different sizes. The largest red dot among them is the third-level monster that Shipling mentioned.

But at this moment, the distance between the two sides is indeed a bit far.

As for the remaining red dots, Xu Jun knew that they must represent monsters or foreign objects within the spacecraft's exploration range. I just don’t know why, but Shipling looks down on it.

"What is the maximum distance for one scan of our spacecraft?" Xu Jun asked curiously.

Of course he understands that the five-planet light shuttle's detective ability, which is the result of integrating the methods and technology of the Immortal family, is far greater than the range of his divine consciousness.

Perhaps only the fourth-level Yuanying Zhenren could reach this level.

Dear captain, our current maximum exploration range is 800 kilometers. "

Xu Jun gasped. Of course he understood the limits and shortcomings of spiritual exploration. In comparison, the performance of the five-planet light shuttle is simply excellent.

This thing is definitely a life-saving weapon.

At this time, the images in the sky were slowly changing.

Because the scale diagram is too small, the birds and spaceships do not move very fast, allowing Xu Jun to see carefully.

As he watched the spacecraft speed get faster and faster, it was almost perfectly missed by the largest red dot.

Suddenly, the big red dot in the 3D image turned and faced the side of the spacecraft.

Although Xu Jun was not a spaceship pilot, he could still see it. If this situation continues, perhaps they are indeed about to have a violent collision.

Xu Jun was slightly startled and said unhappily: "Ship Spirit, we are busy with things, so don't cause trouble."

However, this time the boat spirit's voice sounded immediately.

"Captain, I didn't release the pheromone. I don't know why it suddenly changed direction."

Xu Jun was slightly startled, but he knew that in this situation, Shipling would never deceive him.

So, why did this third-level bird monster suddenly change its direction and pursue it in hot pursuit?

Suddenly, the voice of the ship spirit came into the cabin.

"Dear Mr. Captain, are you still willing to take action personally?"

Xu Jun's eyes brightened slightly and he said: "Of course I am willing, prepare the universal cannon."

Soon, Xu Jun arrived at the bow of the ship.

Here, there is a huge gun mount with ominous functions. However, there are many dazzling lines engraved on the back of this gun stand.

Xu Jun's knowledge was already profound. He calmed down, read carefully, and soon found out how to control this universal cannon.

The control method of this giant cannon is very simple. As long as the power of the true meaning of the avenue is input, the formation engraved on the cannon will automatically activate.

Subsequently, the spiritual stones stored inside the base will continuously provide corresponding power, truly releasing the power of the true meaning of the avenue.

Although the power limit after the increase has not reached the fourth level, it is still a rare treasure.

Xu Jun stretched out his hand and pressed it weakly on a handle behind the universal cannon.

Suddenly, Xu Jun felt enlightened.

As long as he inputs a trace of the true meaning of the avenue, that's it.

However, Xu Jun still endured it. He raised his head and silently watched the actual shooting process of 3D images.

Sure enough, the largest red dot, a third-level flying monster, had discovered them and chased after them as fast as possible.

You know, Xu Jun was riding a spaceship.

Although its speed is far from reaching the limit, it is still fast enough even if it maintains the speed of an ordinary spaceship.

However, the speed of the third-order flying monster behind him was not slow at all, and it was getting closer and closer.

Xu Jun's eyes flashed slightly, and he looked at the biggest red dot with some surprise.

I don't know if it was because of the distance, but when the flying monster chased here, Xu Jun suddenly sensed it.

It was an extremely strong feeling of disgust.

He suddenly turned his head and looked in a certain direction. And this direction is exactly where the flying monster is.


This guy really didn't do anything because of Ship Spirit.

It was because it sensed his own existence that it rushed over in a hurry to kill him.

Xu Jun pondered for a moment and immediately understood the reason.

Humans and demonic cultivators are actually born to be on opposite sides.

Under normal circumstances, when the two parties meet, it will definitely be that they are disgusted with each other, and fighting and killing will be nothing more than childish matters.

Not only that, there are some special individuals in both races who have extremely strong perceptions of each other.

Once the opponent's existence is discovered, he will be killed even if he is desperate.

In the past, when Xu Jun was studying, a demonic disaster broke out in Zixia City.

After learning the news, the Immortal Alliance at that time definitely sent out a relatively powerful force to kill this demonic cultivator at all costs.

There is no reason, just because he knows the existence of the other party, he will not let go of this demon cultivator even if it costs countless lives of his own race in a community.

Now, Xu Jun has also tasted this.

The flying demon chasing after him didn't know how it sensed Xu Jun's presence.

It immediately judged that Xu Jun was not a member of the Yan Demon Realm, and Xu Jun also possessed the most hated thunder magic power of the demon clan.

That's why this third-level bird monster suddenly turned around and pursued it closely.


Xu Jun murmured in his mouth. The moment he sensed the other party's existence, he immediately and inexplicably understood the entire cause and effect relationship.

Perhaps this was because the maliciousness released by the other party was too strong and not covered up at all, so Xu Jun could sense it.

However, since the other party is here, let’s come!

Soon, the third-level flying monster was getting closer and closer.

The 3D image suddenly changed, and the appearance of the flying monster appeared in front of Xu Jun's eyes.

Xu Jun could see clearly that this was actually a magic eagle.

The huge black body is twenty meters long, and when a pair of wings are spread out, it has the appearance of covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

Although this size is nothing compared to a spaceship, it shows no sign of weakness.

After getting closer, it immediately opened its huge beak, and a terrifying black flame spurted out, attacking the spacecraft.

This guy actually took the initiative to attack.

However, at the next moment, the five-planet light shuttle that was flying at a normal speed suddenly accelerated its speed.

For such a huge spacecraft, under normal circumstances, whether it is accelerating or decelerating, it will take a certain amount of time to act as a buffer.

The larger the monster, the more difficult it is to turn around.

However, the five-planet light shuttle is not limited by its size at all. When it wants to accelerate, it completes the process in one fell swoop.


In an instant, the demon fire attacked the scene, but it burned Lonely.

The huge spaceship actually avoided this attack with speed.

Xu Jun looked solemn and said: "Is this demonic fire very powerful? What kind of damage will it cause to the spacecraft itself?"

The voice of the ship spirit immediately rang out: "Captain, don't worry, this level of magic fire cannot break through the protective cover of this ship."


Xu Jun was in a daze and asked in confusion: "If you can't break through, why are you avoiding it so quickly?"

The ship spirit also hesitated for a moment and said: "Since we can avoid it, why should we bear the enemy's attack?"


Xu Jun was speechless for a long time after hearing this. Yes, I was speechless.

Although your attack cannot break my defense, since I have the ability to dodge it, why should I suffer this attack?

If the five-planet light shuttle is replaced by a monk, this logic is completely correct.

However, it is amazing that a spaceship can have such autonomous consciousness.

"Dear Captain, the target has been locked, please attack."

Xu Jun quickly calmed down and placed his hand on the control panel of the universal cannon. Just enter the true meaning of the avenue here.

As soon as his mind changed, the true meaning of the Avenue of Wind was immediately entered into it.

According to the above explanation, Xu Jun did not go all out, but only released the power equivalent to the initial stage of ordinary foundation building.

As soon as this power left Xu Jun, he immediately sensed it.

The array pattern on the universal cannon lit up, and even the base below began to heat up slightly.

Surging energy poured into the barrel from the base, and all the formations became dazzling at this moment.

The exposed muzzle suddenly lit up with a strange rune.

That's right, when the universal cannon completed its blessing and increased its power to the third level peak, it actually condensed a rune.

Then, Xu Jun's eyes were in a trance, and the rune suddenly disappeared.

Then, a rune suddenly appeared on the black magic eagle behind it.


There was a loud noise, and the rune exploded instantly.

In the void, a terrifying and violent wind suddenly rose up.

The strong wind swept across the entire territory in an instant, forming a huge storm with the third-order magic eagle as the center.

So strong!

Even in the spaceship, Xu Jun sensed the terrifying power released by this rune at this moment.

A third-level peak-level wind spell that contains the true meaning of the great avenue.

This is definitely much more powerful and dangerous than the ordinary third-level peak attack.

Even this Demon Eagle, which has reached the third level, is unable to compete with it.

Its tens-meter-long body seemed to be caught in such a storm without any resistance.

In the 3D image, this magic eagle flapped its wings desperately in the endless storm, using all its strength to stabilize its body. But every time he succeeded, he was blown down by a stronger storm.

In the blink of an eye, its huge body had lost its balance, swaying in the wind and becoming embarrassed.

Xu Jun's eyes were shining. The power of the universal cannon was so powerful that just one blast of wind spells could force a third-level monster into such a predicament.

If it had been a second-level monster, it would have been torn into countless pieces by now.

Of course, the reason why such a brilliant record can be achieved is because this third-level monster is not at its peak.

If it were a veteran golden elixir expert like Hu Xin, things would be different.


Xu Jun suddenly discovered that the progress of the five-planet light shuttle had not stopped, and the powerful storm was actually rumbling in the direction of the spacecraft.

As for this unfortunate third-level monster, it couldn't help being wrapped up and moved forward together.

Can the power of the magic blasted by this universal cannon still travel with the ship?

Gradually, the body of the third-order magic eagle in the storm was damaged. Its feathers began to fall off, and wounds of various sizes appeared.

But at this moment, it has reached its limit.

After all, it is a third-level monster, and even such a powerful Dao True Intention spell cannot kill it with one blow.

However, Seo Jun is not only capable of one blow.

He reached out and placed his hand on the console again.

Five Elements, the true meaning of the Great Way of Fire!

The same power from the initial stage of foundation building was released, and the spiritual stones in the base were consumed at a rapid rate, releasing terrifying power.

After the formation patterns on the cannon were transformed and blessed, another fiery red rune floated above the muzzle outside.

Suddenly, the third-order magic eagle caught in the storm began to struggle violently. It also seemed to sense a strong sense of crisis. The hairs on its body seemed to stand on end, and surging magic was released from its body for free.

At first, under the attack of the storm, although the Demon Eagle suffered some minor injuries and seemed a little embarrassed, it was not life-threatening.

But this moment, it's different.


The moment the muzzle rune disappeared, a raging fire burned fiercely on the Demon Eagle's body.

The fire was so sudden and violent, like divine fire from heaven, it quickly spread to every inch of its body.

Seen from a distance, this is a huge fireball that suddenly appears in the sky. The fire is burning fiercely, as if it is releasing every bit of power in its life at this moment.

"Hoo, ho, ho..."

The storm that had already begun to weaken became more violent at this moment, as if it had returned to its glory.

Wind supports the power of fire, and fire borrows the power of wind. The true meaning of the two great avenues of wind and fire are perfectly blended together at this moment.

The demon eagle opened its mouth and let out a shrill scream. Its body trembled violently and it flapped its wings desperately, trying to escape from this terrifying environment.

However, the power in the storm and fire trapped it tightly, and no matter how hard it struggled, it was all in vain.

half an hour.

The spacecraft continued to move, only dragging behind it a huge and terrifying fireball that was constantly squirming and making a thrilling wailing sound.

The fireball burned for half an hour before slowly weakening and finally dissipating.

When the fireball was completely extinguished, the body of the demon eagle was completely burned and disappeared.

It didn't turn into dust, but pieces of flesh that had been burnt and destroyed all the vitality continued to fall down along the way, until all the vitality of the Demon Eagle was gone.

If you are a demon cultivator, you will naturally not miss this rare third-level demonic beast body.

But to Xu Jun, this thing is just useless and tasteless, so just throw it away.

However, because of the existence of this huge fireball, Xu Jun's journey was extremely smooth.

This is flying with a living third-level magic beast, and everyone can see that this third-level magic beast is being tortured. It resists desperately but is powerless.

Such a terrifying scene is enough to make any monster tremble with fear.

Along the way, according to the ultra-long-distance monitoring of the ship spirit, at least five or more third-level monsters discovered the spacecraft, and showed their covetous and spying attitude.

However, once they saw the big fireball behind the spacecraft, they immediately turned around and ran away without even half a second's hesitation.

The fireball transformed by the demon eagle was like a huge warning sign, scaring the **** out of all the demons who had thoughts about the spaceship.

Not only that, even though the Demon Eagle's body was gone in the end, it still left a terrifying evil aura.

The evil spirit that remains after the death of a third-level monster is still powerful enough, and its deterrence is enough to make any monster retreat.

As a result, Xu Jun never encountered any trouble during the rest of the trip until the spacecraft arrived at its destination smoothly.

"Dear Captain, you have arrived at your destination, please give us the next instructions."

Xu Jun said in a deep voice: "Open the hatch, I want to go out."

"Okay captain, a friendly reminder, there is an extremely powerful energy source nearby, I suggest you proceed with caution."

Xu Jun was slightly startled and said, "Show it."

"Sorry, this powerful energy source is too sharp and cannot be realized."


Xu Jun immediately understood that the energy source that the boat spirit was talking about should be Kendo Xu Jun.

However, with the detective ability of the five-planet light shuttle, it is impossible to realize the appearance of Xu Jun, a swordsman?

This is too ridiculous.

The hatch opened and Xu Jun flew out without hesitation.

Then, he felt the surging sword intent in the distance.

This sword intent was so huge and terrifying that it even affected the nearby space.

Xu Jun looked from a distance, and what he saw was that the space was filled with ripples, giving people an illusory and unreal feeling.

Even though he knew that these sword intentions could not hurt him, Xu Jun still had goosebumps on his body.

What a strong sword spirit!

This sword intention has even reached the point where it can affect space.

A thought suddenly came to Xu Jun's mind, could this level of sword power really be achieved by a foundation-building monk?

I'm afraid even Guan Ziqian, Ye Wanqing and others may not be able to do it.

After a moment of careful perception, Xu Junruo realized something.

Sword intent is an indispensable threshold for all sword cultivators to grow.

Generally speaking, sword cultivators can initially grasp some of the essence of the sword's intention when they have completed the painting of a hundred swords, or when their sword energy is as silky as silk.

However, the sword intention at this time is just the sword intention and basically has no attack power. At most, the sword cultivator's mental strength will be improved to a certain extent and his will will become stronger.

And as the sword cultivator's strength continues to improve.

After forming a formation of thousands of swords, transforming the sword energy into a python, etc., you can gradually form your own sword intent.

The sword intention at this time is the sword cultivator's real trump card.

If the sword intention is integrated into the sword formation, the power will be greatly increased.

After that, the sword cultivators will gradually refine their sword intent and make it stronger until they reach the state of great achievement.

Once the sword cultivator's sword intention is perfected, he can try to condense the infant.

The Nascent Soul of the Sword Cultivator is the Infant of Sword Intent!

At this time, the sword intent released by Xu Jun, a swordsman, has reached a level comparable to that of the late Jindan.

However, his cultivation level is only in the late stage of foundation building.

Xu Jun felt silently, and he had a vague understanding.

If we look at personal swordsmanship alone, Kendo Xu Jun cannot compare with veteran swordsmen such as Guan Ziqian and Ye Wanqing.

However, the origin of the sword energy engraved by Xu Jun, the master of swordsmanship, has reached more than 7,000.

This is an extremely terrifying number.

Quality is not enough, quantity is needed.

Therefore, when more than 7,000 sword energy were superimposed, the sword intention of Xu Jun, the sword master, changed strangely, pushing the power of the sword intention to a new height.

At this moment, Xu Jun was extremely enthusiastic, and he seemed to have seen his future.

Suddenly, the terrifying sword intent in front weakened at an unparalleled speed. In just a moment, all the sword intent dissipated.

Kendo Xu Jun's figure floated over from a distance, but his eyes were looking at the five-star light shuttle at Xu Jun's feet, and there was a hint of envy in his eyes.

(End of chapter)

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