My Projections Are All the Roots of the Holy Spirit

Chapter 374: Secret Disciple of the Five Thunder Sect

Chapter 374 The Secret Disciple of the Five Thunder Sect

Thunder projection world.

In a bright cave, countless thunder and lightning suddenly shone, making the entire cave shine like daylight.

After a long time, the endless thunder gradually disappeared, revealing Xu Fei's somewhat puzzled face.

In front of him, there was a light shield that completely protected him and the table in front of him. Although the torture of the lightning power just now was terrifying, it didn't hurt him at all.

Because this light shield not only protected his entire body, but more importantly, it also included the items on this table.

A set of talisman supporting tools, a stack of blank talismans of various levels that are either finished or blank.

It is precisely because of the protection of the light mask, otherwise, the loss just now would not be too small.

More than twenty years passed in a blink of an eye.

Because of the revenge, Xu Fei no longer had the tension of racing against time. He wants to travel around the world and see the famous people in this world.

But in fact, he has been here for more than twenty years.

It was not that someone forced him to do it, but he practiced the art of talismans on his own and gradually became addicted to it, thus becoming indifferent to foreign objects. It seemed that more than twenty years had passed in the blink of an eye.

He may not have any shocking talents in the way of talismans, but he still surpasses most ordinary monks.

He devoted twenty years of his time to making great progress in the art of talismans.

Xu Fei picked up the first- and second-level low-level talismans at his fingertips without any effort.

However, when it came to drawing the third-order talisman, it was not so smooth.

Ordinary third-level talismans are just fine. After Xu Fei becomes proficient, he can guarantee a success rate of more than half.

However, when encountering a third-level thunder talisman...

In short, accidents can happen at any time. When he drew the third-level thunder talisman just now, because of a slight loss of control, the talisman exploded midway, and the terrifying power swept through the cave instantly.

In other words, he had been prepared, otherwise, a large amount of supplies would have been lost.

Shaking his head slightly, Xu Fei sighed softly.

Drawing the Thunder Seal Talisman is still too difficult.

Let alone 100% success in drawing, it is impossible.

In fact, once he draws the third-level lightning talisman, he will feel inadequate every time.

Its success rate is so impressive that people can’t bear to look at it.

To be specific, it may not be possible to succeed even once in a hundred times.

And if it fails...

If he didn't have the Holy Body of Heavenly Thunder and had super control over thunder spells, he would definitely have a huge headache.

However, this is the success rate under normal circumstances.

If abnormal means were used!

Taking a deep breath, Xu Fei's eyes suddenly became sharp.

He spread out the talisman paper again, and as his mind turned, a strange true meaning of the great avenue was suddenly born in the thunder sea.

A flash of lightning flashed.



In an instant, Xu Fei's mental thoughts seemed to have entered another time and space. In his eyes, everything became extremely slow.

Time, the true meaning of the road!

At the same time, his wrists were already being drawn.

One stroke, two strokes, three strokes...

The massive amount of spiritual power is burning at an indescribable speed.

As if in the blink of an eye, the feeling that everything in the world has slowed down has receded little by little.

However, the Thunder Seal Talisman, which was impossible to complete in normal times, had been successfully drawn before the true meaning of the Avenue of Time dissipated.

Thunder Seal Technique Talisman, Level 3!

Although one can practice Thunder Seal Technique by building foundation.

However, once the thunder seal technique is successfully drawn, it will definitely be a third-level talisman, not a second-level one.

Glancing at the talisman in his hand, Xu Fei let out a long sigh.

It’s really, really difficult!

This talisman is the best among the best, both in terms of appearance and power.

Even if you are a master of talisman, it is not easy to draw such exquisite works.

With Xu Fei's talent in the way of talismans and the time he spent practicing.

Even if he has the knowledge of both worlds, it is impossible to draw it as he pleases.

However, with his own understanding of the world of Immortal Alliance, Xu Fei found a way and put it into action.

That is to comprehend the true meaning of the Great Way of Time, and with this true meaning existing, start drawing the talismans.

Sure enough, when the true meaning of the Avenue of Time unfolded, Xu Fei's success rate in drawing the talismans was almost 30%.

Because under the blessing of the Avenue of Time, Xu Fei's spiritual mind has completely entered a wonderful state, and nothing seems to be difficult for him.

It is indeed not difficult to successfully refine a few talismans.

However, once without the assistance of the true meaning of the Avenue of Time, it would be an impossible task to complete the third-level talisman smoothly.

Suddenly, Xu Fei's face darkened, and with a flick of his wrist, he received a transmission note.

When his consciousness swept away, he was a little surprised, and murmured: "Ten years, has it passed so quickly? Hey, although I don't want to go out, it is so close anyway... let's go and take a look."

He tidied up, put away his things, and waved to the back before leaving the cave.

Suddenly, everything in the cave returned to normal. And at the entrance of the cave, a mist surged, making it difficult to find it.

Xu Fei dodged and quickly left the mountain range.

However, he didn't really go far. Instead, he made a big circle and headed towards the mountain forest next to him.

When Xu Fei's figure reappeared, his image had changed greatly, turning into an old man who looked very old.

Although basically no one in the world of immortality cares about age, monks with such appearance are still relatively rare. Therefore, Xu Fei appears in this identity to ensure that no one can think of him.

"Fellow Taoist, stay here."

Two people suddenly appeared in front of him. They were also foundation-building practitioners. They were staring at Xu Fei, as if they would fight if he answered wrongly.

Xu Fei stopped and Leng Ran handed over an invitation.

The expressions of the two people changed suddenly, and they said respectfully: "It turns out to be Senior Hu, please come in."

Naturally, Xu Fei would not reveal himself to others by his real name. He used the pseudonym Hu Xin to deceive others.

This place is actually a small and remote trading place for golden elixir monks.

Those who know about this place are definitely the most powerful people at the Golden Core level.

As for how Xu Fei knew it, it can only be said to be fate.

He himself was not far away, concentrating on practicing and drawing talismans.

Suddenly one day, more than twenty Jindan-level monks gathered nearby.

Although they had tried their best to be careful, so many powerful people gathered in one place. It was impossible for Xu Fei, who was barely a neighbor, not to know.

So Xu Fei, who was bold and careful, rushed over.

When they first met, there was a little unpleasantness between the two parties. When the other party saw Xu Fei's outstanding foundation building skills, he looked even more disdainful.

However, after receiving a golden elixir-level thunder spell, the other party immediately became polite.

So, Xu Fei knew something.

A place he randomly chose to stay turned out to be a famous trading place.

However, those who know this place and are willing to come and trade will at least have a guaranteed gold elixir.

Here, all major golden elixirs can be exchanged for what they need.

After confirming Xu Fei's Jindan-level identity, the organizer immediately invited him to join the trading venue in a friendly manner.

Ten years ago, it was his first time to participate. Because he learned the news too late, Xu Fei didn't get many useful things in exchange.

Of course, that's because he doesn't have any treasure worth trading.

But this time it was different. Ten years of preparation gave him confidence.

"Senior Hu, please come here."

One of the foundation-building monks respectfully led the way, occasionally glancing at Xu Fei secretly.

He likes to hide his cultivation and pretends to be a foundation-building monk, but he is actually a powerful golden elixir-level thunder cultivator.

That's right, I met the senior Hu in the data.

But why does this senior like to pretend to be a foundation-building monk so much?

This thought flashed through his mind, but he did not dare to think about it further.

Because the elders of the master's sect have repeatedly warned that those who can be invited to participate in this trade fair are real strong gold elixirs, and you must not try to pry into their secrets.

"Haha, Fellow Daoist Hu, I haven't seen you for ten years, but you still have the same style."

In front of him was a middle-aged male cultivator with a long beard. His smile seemed to have a reassuring charm.

This is the organizer of the trading venue, Jindan Sanxiu Liao Ran.

This name is very popular among casual cultivators. Even among the ancestors of the sect's golden elixir, few dare to provoke him.

Xu Fei had a fight with him ten years ago, and was immediately recognized and invited by him to join the trading conference.

Xu Fei nodded slightly and said expressionlessly: "Fellow Daoist Liao, it's been a long time."

Liao Ran waved his hand, and the foundation-building monk who led the way bowed and turned to leave. "Fellow Daoist Hu, this time a total of twenty-four fellow Taoists have accepted the invitation and come here separately. The specific trade fair will start on time at noon the day after tomorrow." Liao Ran said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Hu, before the official start, are you willing? How about accepting some private deals?"

Xu Fei glanced at him silently.

Private transactions.

This is not difficult to understand. In this world, the number of truly good things is always scarce.

After someone reaches the level of Jindan, he can be called the king and ancestor in most places. Especially for casual cultivators, golden elixir is basically their ceiling.

Therefore, what is worthy of their collection and what they need is rare.

Once these things are taken out at the trading conference, no one can say that they will be able to exchange them if they need them.

However, if it is an exchange between two or three people in a small private area, the resistance will be much smaller.

Of course, the smaller the range, the smaller the chance of being able to redeem what you like.

Therefore, everyone has their own considerations as to how to choose.

Xu Fei pondered for a moment and said: "Liao Daoyou, you said this to me alone, right?"

Liao Ran chuckled, with no shame on his face, and said: "Liao has put a lot of effort into organizing a trade fair of this scale every ten years. If there were no benefits at all, do you think Liao would be like this?" Are you trying your best?"

Xu Fei nodded slightly and said, "Yes, it should be."

Organizing more than twenty Jindan-level monks to participate in such a private trade fair is a huge test for the organizer's connections and strength.

If there were not enough benefits, and Liao Ran was not an idiot, how could he be so careful.

Liao Ran said solemnly: "Thank you for your understanding, Fellow Daoist Hu, so what Fellow Daoist Hu means is..."

Xu Fei thought for a while and said: "Fellow Daoist Liao, my cultivation is still shallow and I don't have many treasures on my body. I'm afraid I may not be able to catch your eye."

Liao Ran waved his hand and said: "Fellow Daoist Hu, I remember that the last time you participated, you took out three talismans, which caused a sensation in the whole audience."

The corners of Xu Fei's mouth twitched slightly, and he was confused when he recalled the scene when he first attended the trade fair ten years ago.

Ten years ago, although he agreed to participate, he just had the mentality of watching the excitement and gaining knowledge.

Because Xu Fei in this world really doesn't have anything good in his hands.

However, at a trade fair, he can't really watch it from beginning to end without participating.

So, he reluctantly took out three talismans.

This is the only thing left on him, three third-level fine thunder seal talismans.

Among these three exquisite talismans, they are Thunder Seal Technique and Sky Thunder Flash. Thunder Seal: Thunderstorm and Thunder Seal: Electromagnetic Pulse.

At that time, he was still exploring the method of drawing talismans on the Avenue of Time, so he didn't have many thunder seal talismans on his body, only these three.

As for the other third-level talismans, he naturally has a few on him, but compared to the third-level thunder seal spell talismans, they are not on the table.

He originally thought that these three thunder seal talismans would give him a long face, so that people would not suspect that he was a fake.

But in fact, the appearance of these three third-level thunder talismans detonated the trade fair that day.

Almost all the golden elixirs present expressed their interest and favor for these three talismans, and all made their quotations in accordance with the rules.

At that time, Xu Fei looked calm on the surface, but in his heart he was horrified.

After careful consideration, he chose three of the offers and received three third-level treasures that, although he had no use for, were worth hoarding.

In fact, Xu Fei really wanted to exchange for some side-effect-free elixirs that could be used in the foundation building stage.

However, after asking everyone in the room, no one could provide a foundation-building elixir that matched the third-level treasure. Therefore, he had no choice but to accept these obviously more precious things.

When parting, Liao Ran once said that if possible, he hoped that Xu Fei would provide more high-quality third-level lightning talismans at the trade fair in the next ten years.

Xu Fei was noncommittal at the time, but he had worked very hard in the past ten years.

Hearing Liao Ran's old story mentioned again, he hesitated and said, "Fellow Daoist Liao, are you still interested in that kind of talisman?"

Liao Ran laughed dumbly and said: "Of course I am interested. All these years, Liao has been waiting to see through the autumn water."

Xu Fei raised his eyebrows and finally couldn't help but said: "Fellow Daoist Liao, I have something to ask you."

Liao Ran smiled and said, "You're welcome, Fellow Daoist Hu, please speak."

Xu Fei said seriously: "You trade such precious third-level treasure materials for third-level talismans, won't you feel at a disadvantage?"

This was something he wanted to ask ten years ago.

I didn't ask at that time, thinking that I would have a ten-year buffer and I could inquire about it myself.

But he didn't expect that during the ten years he practiced hard in the cave, he never left the door or took a step forward. In the blink of an eye, another ten years passed, and he inquired about ghosts.

But now that Liao Ran still showed great interest in the third-level thunder talisman, he no longer hesitated and asked directly.

Liao Ran looked at Xu Fei strangely, as if he was thinking about something.

Xu Fei's face darkened and he said, "If Fellow Daoist Liao has any concerns, just don't say anything."

Liao Ran waved his hands quickly, sighed and said, "Fellow Daoist Hu, please don't misunderstand me. Liao just doesn't know where to start."

Xu Fei said in a deep voice: "It doesn't matter, I can wait."

Liao Ran smiled bitterly and said, "Okay, then I'll speak frankly." He paused and said, "Fellow Daoist Hu, if I'm not mistaken, your appearance should be disguised."

Xu Fei remained silent and admitted.

Liao Ran continued: "Those of us who participated in the trade fair have agreed in advance that we will not inquire about each other's true identity and origin. However, we all know the identity of Daoist Fellow Hu."

Xu Fei's eyelids were twitching, but he couldn't figure out when he did something so outrageous that his secret was exposed.

Liao Ran was always paying attention to Xu Fei, and when he saw something strange on his face, he quickly said: "Fellow Daoist Hu, we have no other intentions. It's just that since you took out the third-level thunder series fine talisman, we want to pretend that we don't know your origin. It’s also impossible for the Five Thunder Sect.”

Xu Fei was stunned for a moment and looked at the other party deeply.

Although he couldn't understand at all in his heart, why he must be a member of the Five Thunder Sect when he took out the third-level thunder-type fine talisman. But since the other party had this misunderstanding, of course he knew what to do.

Making a fortune in silence is the choice of normal people.

However, he still pretended to cough slightly and said: "Fellow Daoist Liao, I am not from the Five Thunder Sect."

Liao Ran nodded repeatedly and said: "Yes, yes, I made a mistake. It's not the Five Thunder Sect."

However, looking at the look on his face, everyone knew that he didn't mean what he said.

Xu Fei thought for a while and said straight to the point: "Fellow Daoist Liao, I wonder why you have such a misunderstanding?"

Liao Ran was stunned, his eyes became more and more strange, and he thought to himself.

Could it be that this boy is a genius disciple of the Five Thunder Sect who doesn't care about general affairs?

When he thought of this, his expression became solemn.

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind, but he finally decided that he could not be offended, absolutely not.

As for killing people and seizing treasures, he had never considered it at all.

It’s not that I don’t want to, I just don’t dare.

"Hey, Fellow Daoist Hu, as we all know, only the third-order thunder talisman masters of the Five Thunder Sect can successfully refine the third-order thunder talisman in this world. And the third-order fine thunder talisman... should be the fourth-order thunder talisman of the Five Thunder Sect. It’s the masterpiece of the great master of the Thunder System Talisman.”

Xu Fei was completely stunned.

His head was buzzing a little.

How is this going?

Doesn’t the third-level thunder talisman belong to the third-level talisman?

Why can only third-level talisman masters from the Five Thunder Sect be able to refine it?

Also, the third-level exquisite thunder talisman was actually pushed to the fourth-level talisman grand master.

Xu Fei immediately understood that there must be some information gap between himself and the other party, which caused such a huge misunderstanding.

However, his strong mental power still allowed him to maintain his apparent calmness and said, "How did Fellow Daoist Liao know?"

Liao Ran chuckled, becoming more and more certain that this young man disguised as an old man must be a member of the Five Thunder Sect, perhaps a super genius like the hidden Holy Son of the sect.

Although this kind of genius is not well-known, he is the seed of Nascent Soul. When he goes out, he must be protected by a strong person.

Their cultivation is extremely high, but their experience is often insufficient. However, as long as they can achieve Nascent Soul one day, then all the efforts will be worth it.

"Fellow Daoist Hu, you are a thunder magic monk yourself. You should probably understand that drawing thunder talismans is much more difficult than drawing ordinary talismans."

Xu Fei thought about the process of learning talismans and nodded slightly.

It has to be said that the difficulty of drawing thunder talismans is not much greater, but vastly different.

The activity of thunder method is far stronger than any attribute. Moreover, the ultimate of thunder magic is the thunder of heavenly tribulation, and I want to seal the power of thunder in a talisman.

Without strong enough control, it is simply delusion.

Xu Fei was able to draw other third-level talismans, but when it came to the third-level thunder method, he was at a loss.

Without the assistance of the true meaning of the Avenue of Time, he might not be able to successfully draw even one, let alone any exquisite third-level thunder magic talisman.

Liao Ran continued: "When the thunder method reaches the third level, it is the golden elixir level, and the golden elixir will attract the thunder of heavenly calamity. If you want to draw this level of thunder method into a talisman, it is difficult in one word! And except for five Except for the secret method of Lei Zong, no one can draw the unruly third-level thunder method into a talisman."

He said faintly: "As for the third-level exquisite products... Haha, as far as I know, if there is only one, it may be really the handiwork of a third-level talisman master of the Five Thunder Sect. But if there are more than three..."

Seeing his confident smile, Xu Fei immediately understood.

It seems that the other party has identified his origin.

No matter what, he didn’t say anything anyway, it was all their guesses.

Xu Fei immediately decided to make a sawed gourd himself.

"Ahem, Fellow Daoist Liao." Xu Fei was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "Didn't you just say that you wanted to hold a small private trade fair? You don't know how to do it?"

Liao Ran laughed and said: "It's very simple. How about I invite another friend and the three of us do a transaction first?" He paused, patted his chest and assured: "Don't worry, fellow Taoist, if something unexpected happens, Liao is willing to shoulder the responsibility."

Xu Fei breathed a sigh of relief and said slowly: "Okay."

Liao Ran was overjoyed that he had finally caught up with the secret disciple of the Five Thunder Sect.

(End of chapter)

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