Chapter 377 Visiting an old friend

 The news of Daozi's release spread quickly throughout the Dao Palace as if it had wings.

So, in the next few days, Xu Jun met several teachers with whom he had excellent relationships.

The first person to bear the brunt was naturally Guan Ziqian from the Kendo Branch.

When Xu Jun came to the Kendo branch, he not only met the dean Guan Ziqian, but also her close disciple Zhen Yulian.

When they saw Zhen Yulian, the two looked at each other and smiled, saying nothing.

Guan Ziqian frowned slightly.

Zhen Yulian was a disciple she had high hopes for, and she had never let herself down.

In the middle stage of foundation building, he can understand the rudimentary form of sword energy turning into a python, and he is expected to completely transform into a python before being promoted to the golden elixir.

Such talent is the foundation of Zhen Yulian's career, and it is also an achievement that Guan Ziqian is proud of.

Therefore, she did not want this most outstanding disciple to delay his cultivation because of weird things like love and love.

However, when she looked at Xu Junzhi, she couldn't say anything to dissuade him.

There was no way around it, this guy was so good that it even made her afraid.

If Zhen Yulian could become a Taoist couple with him...

Although Guan Ziqian was still unwilling, he had to admit that this was the best choice for his precious apprentice.

"Dean, Teacher Zhen." Xu Jun said respectfully.

Guan Ziqian nodded slightly and said, "It's great to congratulate Daozi for coming out of seclusion." She paused and said, "I heard someone said that you have been practicing swordsmanship and talismans in seclusion this time, and have achieved success?"

Xu Jun secretly thought, is this Lei Dao branch a sieve? The words spread too quickly.

Facing Guan Ziqian's expectant gaze, Xu Jun coughed lightly and said helplessly: "It's a small achievement, but it's nothing to mention."

"Haha, I don't understand the way of talismans, so I won't ask." Guan Ziqian said cheerfully: "What have you learned in the way of swordsmanship? Tell me and listen."

Xu Jun was startled, his eyes a little strange.

I have been in seclusion for the past two years, and I have been concentrating on engraving the origin of sword energy, and I have reached more than four thousand levels.

This is the way of King Sword. Do you really want to know?

Xu Jun knew that if he told the truth, Guan Ziqian might not fall out, but he would definitely not look good on him.

Although Xu Jun is no longer afraid of Guan Ziqian, looking at Zhen Yulian behind her, Xu Jun doesn't want to cause more trouble.

Seeing Xu Jun's hesitation, Guan Ziqian looked a little calm and said: "Daozi, could it be that he has been practicing the way of the king's sword in the past two years?"

Xu Jun secretly thought, your old man's premonition is really accurate.

However, he himself raised his head and said: "Dean, you are half right."

Guan Ziqian said in a deep voice: "What do you mean?"

Xu Jun chuckled, his mind was filled with thoughts, and then an idea came to him.

"The student has been thinking about a problem for the past two years." He said nonsensically in a serious manner: "There are two types of swordsmanship: King Sword and Qijian. Each of these two swordsmanship has its own strengths. Even if you choose one of the two, you can still dominate the world. But , if someone can combine the best of both worlds..."

"Impossible!" Guan Ziqian said categorically, and then she immediately realized that her words seemed a bit excessive.

Now Xu Jun is no longer the boy who just entered the Taoist Palace.

Nowadays, Xu Jun's third cultivation of swordsmanship and body, in terms of swordsmanship alone, can achieve the two magical skills of forming a formation of a thousand swords and transforming sword energy into a python, which are equivalent to the combat power of the golden elixir.

Therefore, even though it was Guan Ziqian, he had already treated him as a peer.

After sighing, Guan Zi Qian restrained himself a little and said: "Daozi, I know that you are a genius, and you dream of merging the strengths of the two. But in fact, this is absolutely impossible to do."

Xu Jun asked in surprise: "Why?"

"Because of experience." Guan Ziqian said helplessly: "In fact, since the establishment of the Immortal Alliance, I don't know how many great swordsmen have had similar ideas and are willing to devote their lives to this. However, twenty thousand years Since then, no one has succeeded.”

Xu Jun said in a deep voice: "Dean, if others can't do it, it doesn't necessarily mean that I can't do it."

Guan Ziqian resisted the urge to roll his eyes and said: "Daozi, this matter has been verified by countless sages and proven to be undesirable. If you don't believe it, look at it. There are countless documents on Dao Palace swordsmanship, but is there any discussion on this aspect?"

Xu Jun raised his eyebrows slightly, thinking of the documents about kendo that he had read in the Tao Palace.

Indeed, he had never discovered this exploration.

Seeing the doubtful look on Xu Jun's face, Guan Ziqian explained: "That's because thousands of years ago, all the swordsman masters unanimously decided to list all knowledge in this area as taboo and not allowed to be disseminated or studied."

"Ah, why?" Xu Jun was really surprised this time.

The cultivation atmosphere of the Immortal League is extremely open. When practicing here, it can be said that a hundred flowers bloom. As long as you are not involved in demonic cultivation, then everything is easy.

However, the Immortal Alliance actually banned the study of the fusion of Wang Jian and Qijian...

Xu Jun was really confused.

Guan Ziqian sighed softly and said, "Daozi, do you know how the ancestor of the Immortal Alliance Sword Immortal disappeared?"

There is only one person who can be called the Sword Immortal of the Immortal Alliance and be called the ancestor.

The best sword in the world, surpassing the swordsman Li Mubai of an era.

Xu Jun blinked twice and said: "Didn't the ancestor of the Sword Immortal leave the Immortal Alliance because he was invincible in the contemporary era and in order to find an opportunity to break through?"

Guan Ziqian looked a little weird and said: "What you said is not wrong, but according to the taboo records of our Dao Palace, the Sword Immortal Ancestor had an accident when he was studying the fusion of Wang Qi's Sword Dao, so he left."

Xu Jun took a breath and asked with some uncertainty: "What accident?"

Guan Ziqian rolled his eyes and said, "You think highly of me too much, how could I know that?"

Xu Jun closed his mouth, but Guan Ziqian was still a figure in the Natural Dao Palace.

But if we put it into the long history of the Immortal Alliance, it would be nothing.

Of course she couldn't know such a thing.

Perhaps, when one day I become the ancestor of the gods, I can find out.

Guan Ziqian continued: "Daozi, have you really been studying this in the past two years?"

Xu Jun thought about it and decided to expose it a little bit.

If something really goes wrong, you can also inform the top people through Guan Ziqian's mouth so that you can be prepared.

"Dean, I have a sword, can you taste it?"

Guan Ziqian's eyes immediately lit up and he said, "Okay, come with me."

The three people left immediately and came to a martial arts field.

This martial arts arena is not a crowded place like those in the Taoist palace. It is sparsely populated, and I don’t know how Guan Ziqian found it.

Of course, Xu Jun would not dwell on this. He apologized and tapped his finger lightly.

Suddenly, the main sword mark jumped out from the sword space body.


A dragon roar sounded, and the main sword mark turned into a sword python, glaring at Guan Ziqian and the two of them.

Dragon roar?

Guan Ziqian and Zhen Yulian were both slightly shocked.

This was just a python transformed from sword energy, but the sound of a dragon's roar was accidentally heard.

This shows what?

This shows that the sword energy transformed into a python used by Xu Jun still has huge potential to be tapped. If one day, what is condensed is not a sword python, but a sword dragon...

Guan Ziqian shook his head and put this idea away.

If you want to gather the sword dragon, you must first gather a strong enough sword intention.

That is the combat power of the fourth-order Nascent Soul level. Even if Guan Ziqian is optimistic about Xu Jun, he will not think that he can do it in the short term.

Perhaps, when Xu Jun is promoted to the late Jindan stage, he will be able to give it a try.

However, at the next moment, Guan Ziqian and Zhen Yulian suddenly felt something unusual.

Xu Jun's sword energy turned into a python, and its momentum was still growing slowly.

How is this going?

You must know that once the sword energy transformed into a python that follows the path of the strange sword is released, it will be a concentrated effort of the whole body.

It's not that you can't hide your clumsiness, but once you successfully transform into a python, you want to continue to increase your power...

I have really never heard of such a thing.

But what about Seo Jun.

The sword python was circling its huge body, spinning around Xu Jun, and with each rotation, its momentum became stronger.

Gradually, even Guan Ziqian felt a hint of palpitations.

If she had been confident that she could crush the sword python when it first appeared. But now, she no longer dares to have any more thoughts.

She was even thinking, if she let go completely, could her sword energy transformed into a python suppress Xu Jun's sword python?

Suddenly, Guan Ziqian understood something.

This strange phenomenon must have been caused by Xu Jun.

Could it be that this is the result of his research in the past two years? What is the effect of merging the Sword of Kings and the Sword of Qida?

How did he do it?

I don’t know how long it took, but the sword python, which was growing in momentum, finally stopped.

Xu Jun looked at the two sword cultivators in front of him silently. Now, he has mobilized the power of three thousand sword energy sources and integrated it into this sword.

What Seo Jun, a kendo master, once did, Seo Jun himself did it smoothly without any problems.

However, at this time, he stopped.

Because he found that Zhen Yulian seemed to be unable to hold on any longer.

As soon as his mind changed, the sword python surrounding Xu Jun suddenly disappeared, the surging power suddenly dissipated, and the place returned to calm in a moment.

Zhen Yulian breathed a long sigh of relief. Even if Xu Jun did not deliberately target her, the mere existence of the sword python was an unbearable pressure for her.

Guan Ziqian also exhaled. She looked deeply at Xu Jun and said, "Is this the result of your retreat?"

Xu Jun said without hesitation: "Yes."

He went into seclusion to remember the origin of the sword energy, which had nothing to do with it.

However, sometimes white lies can still play a harmonious role, so Xu Jun is not stingy. Xu Jun cupped his fists and saluted, and said, "Dean, do you think this road is feasible?"

Guan Ziqian opened his mouth, feeling a little embarrassed to speak.

Daozi, do you think too highly of me?

Is this something that I, a golden elixir, can judge?

Looking at Xu Jun's eyes full of expectation, Guan Zi Qian was speechless for a long time.

After a long time, Xu Jun left the Kendo branch angrily.

He didn't get the answer he wanted from Guan Ziqian, but what really frustrated him was.

For some reason, Guan Ziqian suddenly lost his temper and drove him away forcefully.

If you say you want to throw me away, just throw her away, but why did you only throw me out and keep Zhen Yulian by your side? It's really puzzling.

After cursing for a moment, Xu Jun turned around and strolled to the Baiyi Branch.

Among the various arts of the Immortal Family, Xu Jun has only learned two of them: formations and talismans.

In the past two years of seclusion, Xu Jun, a swordsman, has taken time to practice formations and has made some progress. However, the learning of formations is a long accumulation process, so it has not yet reached the point of qualitative change.

Similarly, Xu Jun's own attainments in formations have never achieved a breakthrough.

Therefore, when he met with Formation Dao instructor Sheng Sunyi, he just talked in general terms and promised to put more thought into Formation Dao in the future.

However, when he came to Fulu Branch and met instructor Tan Liutong, the situation was completely different.

"Daozi, I heard that you have been studying the art of talismans in seclusion for the past two years and have achieved success. Is it true?" Tan Liutong said excitedly.

Xu Jun blinked twice, feeling more and more regretful.

He shouldn't have spoken so loudly in the Thunder Road Branch that everyone now knows about it.

He coughed lightly and said, "Teacher Tan, I have indeed been studying for a while and have improved a lot."

Tan Liutong's eyes flashed, and he said: "What is the strongest talisman you can draw now?"

Xu Jun's eyes were strange, and he thought to himself, you must be too direct.

Tan Liutong is the leader of the Fulu Branch of Shuiyuanxing Natural Dao Palace. Where is this necessary reserve?

"Second level? Or...third level." Tan Liutong's voice trembled slightly.

Xu Jun hesitated for a moment and finally said: "I can barely draw a few third-order ones."

"Ah, third level? Really?" Tan Liutong almost jumped up.

Xu Jun's words have been spoken, so naturally he will not swallow them back.

He nodded reservedly and said, "Teacher Tan, you can let me give it a try."

"Okay, let's give it a try." Tan Liutong waved his sleeves and immediately took out the desk case, second-level talisman pens, spiritual ink, and blank talismans.

Xu Jun blinked twice, although it was not unusual for Master Fulu to carry these things with him. But you even brought the table...

If this was not premeditated, Xu Jun would never believe it.

"Come on, Daozi, please draw one." Teacher Tan said solemnly, "Just draw your best third-level talisman."

Third level!

Xu Jun picked up the talisman pen and was about to draw an ordinary third-level talisman. However, seeing Tan Liutong look so nervous, his heart moved slightly and his eyes immediately became mysterious.

Time, the true meaning of the road!

When the true meaning of the avenue was released, only Xu Jun himself could sense it, because at that moment, his thinking speed became unreasonably fast.

Except for himself, other people would not be able to detect it at all unless they have also understood the true meaning of time or have advanced too much.

Suddenly, all the difficulties on the talisman were overcome by Xu Jun in an instant.

His strokes were flying, like a divine aid. In just a moment, he had drawn a fine third-level lightning talisman.

Tan Liutong looked at all this with dumbfounded eyes, feeling that all the years of hard work he had practiced before seemed to have become a joke.

It turns out that no matter how hard I try, I can't match someone else's talent.

At this moment, after seeing the third-level thunder-type fine talisman drawn by Xu Jun.

Fu Lu Ke Tan Liu Tong, the whole person was so excited that it was difficult to control himself.

He was originally a peak foundation-building monk, but because of his special talent in the way of talismans, he was able to draw a large number of third-level talismans with his foundation-building cultivation.

With this move, Tan Liutong secured his position as the principal instructor of the Fu Lu Branch in the Baiyi Branch of Shuiyuanxing Natural Dao Palace.

Although Fu Ruike is not a discipline known for its combat prowess, it is extremely rare for someone with foundation-building skills to secure a position as a mentor.

Tan Liutong has always been proud of this.

However, this time when he saw Xu Jun's achievements after leaving seclusion, his whole body felt bad.

However, after just a moment, Tan Liutong adjusted his mentality.

From being possibly jealous of talented people, to being happy that I can't find Bei.

Xu Jun was actually able to draw a third-level talisman when building the foundation, and it was also a third-level high-quality talisman.

Such an achievement is so much higher than him.

And all of this was a transformation completed under his guidance.

What does this mean?

This means that a generation of great talisman masters came from his sect.

For Master Fu Lu, this is the supreme honor!

Tan Liutong immediately took Xu Jun's hand and said, "Daozi, you should graduate."

"Ah, what?" Xu Jun's eyes widened, looking at Tan Liutong who was a little incoherent, with a look of helplessness on his face.

Tan Liutong said quickly: "Daozi, your attainments in the way of Fulu have surpassed mine. As long as you graduate now and come to Fulu Branch to take charge of the coaching staff, I am willing to abdicate immediately and make way for others."

When everyone around him saw what he was doing, they were all stunned and in disbelief.

Xu Jun was so frightened that his hair stood on end.

Do you want me to graduate and become a tutor now?

Teacher Tan, are you crazy or am I crazy?

Xu Jun forced a smile and was about to leave.

Tan Liutong grabbed Xu Jun and said: "Daozi, you have a heaven-defying talent in the way of talismans. If you don't devote yourself to it, you will be wasting your resources."

Feeling Tan Liutong's excitement, Xu Jun said quickly: "Teacher Tan, I understand your kindness, and I will definitely consider it carefully. Don't worry, the way of talismans is my life-long practice, and I will never give up."

Tan Liutong hesitated for a moment and said, "But, Daozi, you are proficient in too many Dao."

Xu Jun was startled, wondering why Teacher Tan had become smarter.

Xu Jun tried his best, and after an hour, he finally managed to escape. He decided in his heart that he would never set foot in Fulu Branch again.

Finally, Xu Jun came to the vice principal's office.

When he saw Ye Wanqing, Xu Jun looked serious and said, "Principal Ye, I'm out of seclusion."

Ye Wanqing looked at him deeply.

Although Xu Jun was not the first one to come to him after he came out of seclusion, he had countless eyes and ears in the Taoist Palace. He knew Xu Jun's every move and had some guesses about Xu Jun's methods.

At this moment, looking at Xu Jun's eyes, his heart moved slightly and said: "Daozi, just come out of seclusion." He paused and said: "How is Daozi's cultivation?"

Xu Jun said solemnly: "I have lived up to the principal's expectations and made a breakthrough."

Ye Wanqing looked at Xu Jun with bright eyes, but a trace of suspicion flashed in his eyes.

Before Xu Jun went into seclusion, he had made ambitious plans to advance to the middle stage of foundation building.

But now, Ye Wanqing's eyes scanned Xu Jun's body several times, but he couldn't see where this kid had improved.

He seems to be still in the early stages of foundation building.

Xu Jun smiled slightly. His improvement this time was not due to the accumulation of magic techniques, but simply the origin of four thousand sword energy engraved in the kendo magic body space.

Therefore, unless he uses the source of sword energy, no one can really feel the aura of the mid-stage foundation establishment.

However, a thousand swords in formation are enough to compete with the golden elixir.

So, when Xu Jun formed a large formation with four thousand swords, I really don't know which golden elixir can ignore him?

Looking at Ye Wanqing's frown, Xu Jun said helplessly: "Principal, please feel it."

After saying that, he let go of the sword space body.

Although there are three spatial bodies, they are all things that Xu Jun can control at will.

Therefore, when he controlled the kendo space body, the space body immediately centered on himself and gradually released the sword energy.


Ye Wanqing heard a series of sounds coming from the sword energy.

Although the countless sword energy has not been truly released, a breath of mid-stage foundation building is permeating it, and it cannot be stopped no matter what.

Ye Wanqing felt it briefly and immediately believed it.

He hesitated for a moment, with a hesitant look on his face, and sighed: "Taozi, it's so fast."

Xu Jun chuckled and said nothing.

Also, looking at his own advancement speed, Xu Jun himself felt like he was shocked.

He entered Taoism through martial arts and truly became a Qi practitioner before the college entrance examination.

However, today, even if we plan fully, it will only take six or seven years.

In such a short period of time, we can actually reach the middle stage of foundation building step by step.

It can be seen that Xu Jun's cultivation speed can no longer be called fast.

But for a while, neither of them could think of how to describe it.

Ye Wanqing sensed the sound coming from the sword energy, and suddenly frowned slightly. He vaguely felt that these sword energies seemed a little unusual.

But even he could not believe it until he had never seen the four thousand original sword energy.

Xu Jun's heart moved slightly, and he closed the space body. The boiling aura of the middle stage of foundation building suddenly fell back to the early stage.

Ye Wanqing said dumbfounded: "Daozi, you are in the middle stage of foundation building... you are a bit tricky."

Xu Jun said with a smile: "Principal, please rest assured that I have the combat power to reach the middle stage of foundation building."

Ye Wanqing stuttered, dumbfounded by this sentence and didn't know what to say.

The combat power in the mid-term of foundation building?

This little guy is so imitated, what’s wrong with his face!

Looking at Ye Wanqing's somewhat unkind expression, Xu Jun quickly changed the subject and said, "Principal, I remember you once said that as long as I advance to the middle stage of Foundation Establishment, you will let me embark on the path of invincible cultivation."

(End of chapter)

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