My Projections Are All the Roots of the Holy Spirit

Chapter 478: Large teleportation array

Chapter 478 Large Teleportation Array

The vast plain stretches as far as the eye can see. The breeze blows and the grass waves roll like a green ocean. In the distance, several wild horses, as powerful as ligers and tigers, were running. The hooves of the horses broke the silence and awakened the life of the grassland. There are white clouds high in the sky, and occasionally a few eagles spread their wings and fly across the sky, leaving behind a long roar.

In this vast land, time seems to have stood still. There is no hustle and bustle of the city, no crowds, only the breath of nature and the rhythm of life. The air is filled with the smell of earth and grass, fresh and pleasant.

Xu Jun led a group of people to slowly land on this grassland.

There is soft grass under your feet, and the green grass blades sway in the wind, as if waving to you.

Xu Jun's eyes wandered for a moment and nodded slightly.

Taoist Master Feiyang immediately came over and said, "Taozi, is this place... suitable?"

Xu Jun glanced at him silently and said angrily: "If it's not suitable, why should I come down here? Are you joking?"

After senior Duan Yuhua made the request, Xu Jun thought twice and agreed. Because after fighting in the Yan Demon Realm for a period of time, Xu Jun already knew everything about the legion.

Therefore, he is very aware of the dilemma that the Legion is facing today.

As Duan Yuhua said, as the scale of the war becomes larger and larger, the territory controlled by the Immortal Alliance army also expands. When this territory reaches a certain size, extremely strict requirements will be placed on the entire army's top management.

If there were not a sufficient number of teleportation arrays, it would be difficult to go smoothly in this extraordinary world.

Duan Yuhua has wasted too much time in the reclamation army, so now he absolutely does not want any more accidents.

Of course, 10,000 teleportation arrays was a joke, but with Duan Yuhua's request, Xu Jun finally agreed to his request.

Therefore, today, Taoist Priest Feiyang and others came here to build a teleportation array.

Of course, what they want to build now is not a super teleportation array that can travel across the stars or planes, but an ordinary teleportation array within the planet.

Such formations also vary in size. If it is an ordinary small formation, generally a third-level formation mage can handle it.

Yes, the teleportation array is so high-end. Even the simplest small teleportation array, which can only teleport thousands of miles, requires a third-level array mage to build.

As long as it is a teleportation array that is tens of thousands of kilometers away, it is considered to be an intermediate level. With such a teleportation array, third-level array masters have a high error rate when setting up the array.

This is unacceptable to Duan Yuhua, who pursues time efficiency.

Therefore, the ten long-distance teleportation arrays currently planned by the legion are Xu Jun's next work.

At this time, the sun gradually rose, and the golden sunlight shone on the grassland, covering the land with a golden veil. The mountains in the distance were dyed a light purple by the rising sun, beautiful and mysterious. The flowers on the grassland are gradually awakening in the warm sunshine, blooming one after another, exuding charming fragrance.

But Xu Jun's mood was not necessarily so cheerful.

Taoist Priest Feiyang and others sensed Xu Jun's emotions and followed obediently, not daring to speak easily.

Xu Jun chose the location and made a stroke.

A sword energy suddenly flew out, drawing a large circle with a radius of ten kilometers with him as the center.

That's right, a radius of ten kilometers.

This is the basic requirement for a large teleportation array.

Therefore, if you want to build a large teleportation array, you must use a large amount of materials and resources.

Under normal circumstances, even on the seven major stars such as Shui Yuan Star, the number of such large teleportation arrays will not exceed ten.

That is to say, Yan Mo Realm is currently in a state of strategy. In order to complete the instructions of Master Zhenzun, the Immortal Alliance has a posture of not considering the cost, so it will easily approve the construction of ten large teleportation arrays. Otherwise, it would be quite good to have such a large teleportation array in this new plane world.

After all, a large teleportation array can connect dozens of small and medium-sized teleportation arrays at the same time. As long as one is built near the most important capital city, it can basically manage a planet.

However, now that Duan Yuhua's application has been approved, Xu Jun will naturally not ask for trouble.

He only needs to be responsible for setting up these ten large teleportation arrays.

And this plain was the first deployment point he chose.

This plain has no special features, but there is a huge spiritual vein at the bottom of the plain, which can provide enough energy for the teleportation array.

Otherwise, the plain is large enough.

On this vast plain, you can run to your heart's content and feel the breath of freedom; you can also sit quietly and listen to the sounds of nature. There are no worries or worries here, just peace of mind and relaxation.

It's a pity that under the influence of the war, even such a beautiful place has been in constant flames of war.

"Take out the materials." Xu Jun said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Daozi." Taoist Master Feiyang responded, quickly took out the storage ring and fiddled with the various materials inside.

He secretly cursed in his heart, of course Daozi was already a grand master of the fourth level formation.

The arrangement of the large teleportation array was of course his responsibility.

However, when Xu Jun set up the teleportation array, he made a request, that is, someone should accompany him, and he was not responsible for the safekeeping of the teleportation array materials.

Everyone knew that this was Xu Jun's attempt to avoid suspicion. He did not want people to misunderstand that he was greedy for the Moxian Alliance's things when he was setting up the formation.

After all, the core materials consumed in setting up a large teleportation array are priceless.

Some of them are even fourth-level treasures. Let alone Jindan-level monks, even if the Nascent Souls see them, they will inevitably become interested.

Therefore, Xu Jun's request was reasonable, and Duan Yuhua sent Taoist Feiyang, who was most familiar with Xu Jun, over.

However, at this time, Taoist Feiyang was having a headache.

Because he couldn't figure out what to do to satisfy Zi Zi.

Xu Jun glanced at the materials on the ground, nodded slightly, and said slowly: "Lift off."


Everyone flew into the air and returned to the spirit boat.

Then, Xu Jun pointed his finger, and the endless sword energy spread across the area, instantly clearing a huge and spacious flat land in this area.

Then, under Xu Jun's control, various materials flew up and gradually landed in a certain order.

In the world of immortal magic, a top architect is not necessarily an array master. However, a top formation master must be a top architect.

Moreover, he is also the kind of super builder who can build huge and magnificent buildings with one person as an army.

As each piece of material disappeared, this open space underwent huge and unimaginable changes. Soon, a spacious open-air square appeared at the place chosen by Xu Jun, leaving a circular open space in the center.

Although the stone tiles paved on the ground are all brand new, due to the special material, they seem to have gone through the baptism of time and appear mottled and old.

Such a weird venue made Taoist Priest Feiyang and others secretly curse.

What kind of aesthetics are these!

However, regardless of their appearance, these stone bricks are actually extremely solid and strong enough to withstand the force of space tearing when the teleportation array is activated. .

In the center of the circular open space, stands a simple and huge stone platform. Strange runes are carved on all sides of the stone platform, which seems to hide ancient secrets. Between the runes, there are luminous gems inlaid, emitting a faint light.

Around the stone platform, there are eight tall stone pillars. Each stone pillar is also engraved with mysterious runes, and there is a similarly luminous gemstone on the top of the stone pillar. These gems and the gems on the central stone platform echo each other, forming a complete aperture, as if they can transport people from one world to another.

Xu Jun stayed here for a full ten days. When the last stone slab fell to the ground, a mysterious and mysterious feeling filled the entire space.

The eyes of Taoist Priest Feiyang and others flashed, and they all knew that this large teleportation array was most likely completed.

And throughout the whole process, Xu Jun was the only one doing it, and even if others wanted to help, they couldn't.

Xu Jun nodded with satisfaction and said: "Lingshi."

Taoist Priest Feiyang immediately took out ten middle-grade spiritual stones.

Although it is a large teleportation array, because of the existence of underground spiritual veins, you only need to use mid-grade spiritual stones to activate the array.

Xu Jun did not shy away from this, because after he left, the control of this formation would be handed over to the master Jin Dan sent by Duan Yuhua.

At this time, everyone on the spirit boat was either watching curiously or waiting nervously. Their eyes were cast towards the stone platform in the center from time to time, as if they were looking forward to the miracle that was about to happen.

Although they can be considered well-informed, it was their first time to witness the construction of an entire large-scale teleportation array, so they were quite curious.

After Xu Jun came down, he put ten middle-grade spiritual stones into the grooves in a certain order.

Suddenly, a faint spiritual energy filled the air, making people hold their breath and concentrate.

Xu Jun placed a box in the center of the teleportation array, then entered the data of another teleportation array, and said loudly: "Teleportation test begins, small teleportation..."

Everyone immediately held their breath, and there was a hint of tension in the air.

Suddenly, there was a slight vibration, and the teleportation array began to activate. The gems on the top of the stone pillars glowed dazzlingly, as if they together with the gems on the central stone platform formed a radiant door.

In the light, the box gradually became blurred and then disappeared.

This scene made everyone present take a breath. They knew that this was a sign of successful transmission. Soon after, the light gradually dissipated, and the teleportation array returned to calm, waiting for its next use.

Suddenly, Taoist Master Feiyang reached out and grabbed it, and a communication talisman appeared in his hand.

Although the Immortal League has invested in several Immortal Satellites in the Yan Demon Realm, the watch can be used to a certain extent.

However, they have not completely conquered the world after all, so the most important thing is to use ancient communication symbols to communicate.

Taoist Master Feiyang scanned it with his spiritual consciousness, a hint of joy appeared on his face, and said loudly: "Taozi, the other side has successfully received the items, and they are intact."



"Nonsense, if Daozi takes action personally, there is no way it could fail. I already knew that it would definitely succeed."

Everyone on the spirit boat smiled broadly and congratulated and complimented loudly.

Xu Jun shook his head slightly. When he set up the formation, it was still early morning three days ago, but now, it is already the evening three days later.

As the sun sets, the scenery on the grassland becomes more charming. The sky gradually became orange-red, as if the whole world was surrounded by this beautiful sunset.

The creatures on the grassland are about to start their night life, and everything seems so harmonious and beautiful.

However, Xu Jun knew that all these were appearances.

Now that this large teleportation array is built, in three days, an endless stream of Immortal Alliance troops will inevitably come out of it, and then conquer the entire grassland, even the spiritual veins and living creatures here.

This is the general trend, and even if Xu Jun wants to stop it, it is impossible.

Unless he is also promoted to the True Master of Transformation God, he is not even qualified to propose.

"Daozi, can this teleportation array be used on a larger scale?" Taoist Master Feiyang asked cautiously.

Not only does this natural Taoist possess great strength, he has now become one of the few fourth-level formation masters in the Immortal League.

Such an achievement is simply unprecedented, and Taoist Feiyang has already convinced him.

In terms of attitude towards Xu Jun, there is almost no difference from the real Yuanying Zhenjun.

Xu Jun nodded slightly and said, "Let's get started."

Following them, in addition to Xu Jun, there were also several second-level formation mages.

Although they only have foundation building cultivation, it is impossible to set up a teleportation array. But if you only use the teleportation array, it is more than enough.

At this time, two foundation-building monks stepped forward. They first saluted Xu Jun, then arrived at the hub of the teleportation array and began to control it.

A moment later, the teleportation array was opened on a large scale, and a flash of light enveloped the entire teleportation array.

A moment later, hundreds of figures appeared in the teleportation array, and their figures gradually became clearer and more solid.

Xu Jun's eyelids twitched slightly, although he was confident in his formation methods.

After all, he has repaired even the fourth-level mountain-protecting formation. This is only the fourth-level entry-level large-scale teleportation array, and it is not the kind of super teleportation array that can cross planets and planes. He really doesn't take it seriously.

However, the person opposite had even more confidence in him than he did.

He didn't even have to try and let hundreds of people teleport directly.

At this moment, Xu Jun didn't know whether he should be grateful to Duan Yuhua for trusting him, or go over and curse.

Two days later, the teleportation array was completely completed. Amid the compliments from everyone, Xu Jun took a group of people away on a spiritual boat to find the construction site for another teleportation array.

(End of chapter)

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