My Projections Are All the Roots of the Holy Spirit

Chapter 491: What level of Talisman Master?

Chapter 491: What level of Talisman Master is it?


 Canghai Plain.

This is the largest plain in the Yama Realm. The terrain looks like a boundless sea, so it has this name.

At this time, in the center of this plain, countless figures and various strange and tall figures were fighting.

A vast aura enveloped the world. The human army held high a variety of advanced fairy weapons and looked down majestically at the demon warriors in front. The murderous aura penetrated all around. The endless demonic cultivators stood in front of the formation, intimidating others. The two sides faced off, murderous intent filled the air, and fierce fighting sounds resounded throughout the world.

 The heroes of the human race and the demon race clashed with each other, and every collision caused an earth-shattering momentum.

Huge roaring sounds continued.

This is a frontal battlefield between the Immortal Alliance army and most of the demonic cultivators. On this battlefield, the armies of both sides have been fighting for more than a month.

After the arduous battles, there were so many casualties here that the demon cultivators in the Yan Demon Realm were overwhelmed.

As for the Immortal Alliance army, it has to be said that on large-scale battlefields, the experience of the Immortal Alliance army is far superior to that of many demon cultivators in the Yan Demon Realm.

 The armies of the Immortal Alliance are all selected from monks and mortal warriors, and their war experience is slowly accumulated step by step.

 Generally speaking, having the qualifications to participate in war means that one has reached the innate state of a warrior.

 Then, they began to enter the battlefield outside the territory.

 It’s just that those who first entered were the lowest level and least dangerous extraterritorial battlefields.

 Just like the fish-man world that Xu Jun entered for the first time, in that place, it could only accommodate the existence of monks in the Qi training period.

 Warriors, or monks, experience this kind of battlefield for about two years.

 Two years later, they will either retire or enter higher-level foreign battlefields.

 This is the strategy formulated by the Immortal Alliance to support war with war.

On many extraterritorial battlefields, the Immortal Alliance's armies have long had a huge advantage. With a little investment, they can completely end that extraterritorial battlefield at any time.

 However, whenever this time comes, the Immortal Alliance army will deliberately retreat, or stay put, giving the opponent a chance to breathe.

Then, in such a world, it becomes a long, seemingly never-ending tug of war.

 Most of the troops invested by the Immortal Alliance in the later period were new recruits.

Although doing so will cause the Immortal Alliance's financial expenditure to become even larger, it is precisely because of these deliberate extraterritorial battlefields that the Immortal Alliance can obtain an endless stream of powerful troops.

 Personal cultivation, no matter how effective it is, cannot grow as fast as on the battlefield.

Furthermore, people who grow up on the battlefield often have stronger strength and mental state, and they are most likely to be able to break through to higher levels.

 In short, Xianmeng will not engage in loss-making business.

 Hence, those who can join this reclamation legion at this time are all those who have experienced war, and they are also trained under the army-scale war system.

If one-on-one, most warriors would not be able to compare with these demon cultivators.

 However, when many armies came together and had massive logistical support, even the mortal troops underwent a transformation.

 At the very least, each of them has a sufficient number of diamond talismans for defense, as well as various special means against demonic cultivators.

This is also the reason why the demon cultivators were caught off guard during the initial confrontation between the two sides and retreated again and again.

 With complete protection of various immortal treasures, although the Immortal Alliance army also had casualties, there were very few dead, and most of them suffered injuries of varying severity. Moreover, these injuries can be recovered quickly as long as you are willing to invest resources.

However, now the demon cultivators in the Yan Demon Realm have gradually learned about the power of the Immortal Alliance army and the various methods they can use to attack it.

 Hence, the battle loss ratio between the two sides gradually narrowed.

 However, after so many years of accumulation, the Immortal Alliance still has the absolute upper hand.

At this moment, it was the team of demon cultivators from the Yan Demon Realm who began to retreat on the battlefield. Once one person began to retreat, the morale of the other demon cultivators immediately began to drop, so a large-scale retreat spread quickly, leaving the battlefield to the Immortal Alliance army.

 “Stop pursuit.”

On the battlefield, officials at all levels of the Immortal League received orders from the top, stopped their subordinates' requests to continue the pursuit, and began to clean up the battlefield.

What kind of wealth is the fastest? Of course, it is war wealth.

 As long as you have connections, connections, and are bold enough, war fortune is always the easiest way to make a fortune.

 The Immortal Alliance troops cleaning the battlefield kept making exclamations of exclamation. This was their reaction after finding something good.

 In the endless clouds in the sky, Xu Jun and Yu Hui looked down silently.

Yu Hui chuckled and said, "Yes, yes, the army of the Immortal Alliance can still suppress the demon cultivators."

There was a hint of pride on Xu Jun's face. The fact that the Xian League's army could win in such a large-scale war was indeed enough to make every Xian League member feel proud.

However, Yu Hui changed the topic and said: "However, after so many years, there is still no progress at all. It is the same old routine over and over again, which is boring."

Xu Jun was startled, his eyes a little strange.

This guy is becoming more and more unscrupulous now.

With a slight cough, Xu Jun said: "Old Yu, you said you can find traces of the Yuanying of the Yan Demon Realm here. Where are they?"

Yu Hui waved his hand and said: "Don't be anxious, take your time. Since these Nascent Soul Demonic Cultivators have made an agreement with the Immortal Alliance, they must be hidden. If someone finds them easily and finds their traces, That is a deliberate violation of the agreement, and the consequences will be very serious." Xu Jun's eyes flashed and he said, "Then you said that they can be found here."

Yu Hui rolled his eyes and said: "This is one of the main battlefields. They will definitely leave detective eyes. I will come and find out..."

 As he spoke, a hand began to slide in the void.

Xu Jun looked at it intently, and he could see that it was a rune.

The runes are not drawn on rune paper, but drawn directly in the void.

 Those who can do this are at least second-level Talisman Masters.

Of course, the level of the Void Drawing Talisman is different, and there will be a huge gap in the level of the Talisman Master.

Just look at the runes drawn by Yu Hui at this moment, and you will know that they must be high-level super runes.

Being able to draw a rune in the void shows that Yuhui's level on the rune is definitely not inferior to the rune itself.

With a slight movement in his heart, Xu Jun asked deliberately: "Old Yu, what kind of rune is this? What level is it?"

While drawing the runes, Yu Hui turned to look at him and said casually: "The eye-seeking rune is a fourth-level rune I created myself."

The smile on Xu Jun's face froze slightly, and he cursed MMP many times in his heart.

 Level 4 runes?


 What the hell, no wonder I can’t figure it out at all.

Eye Seeking Rune…

 What the hell, this name is so weird.

However, if this rune is really a fourth-level rune, doesn't it mean that Yu Hui's attainments in the way of talismans are at least at the level of a fourth-level grand master.

Well, although this is not unexpected, when it is confirmed, it is still surprising.

 Eh, that’s not right.

This guy was drawing symbols in the air while turning his head to talk to himself.

Look at the understatement with which he draws the talisman, and his ability to distract himself...

Xu Jun fell into deep silence, with only one question in his mind. In the way of talismans, how high is this guy's level?

 Could it be that…

 No, impossible!

He is in the Golden Core realm, and there is no way he is a fifth-level Talisman Master.

Xu Jun was mumbling to himself. Suddenly, Yu Hui paused, opened his eyes, and said, "Found it."

 Xu Jun immediately put aside other thoughts and said, "How is it?"

“Well, they have set up three detective eyes here, enough to capture everything on the battlefield.”

Xu Jun nodded quickly and urged: "Okay, didn't you say that as long as you find their eyes, you can follow the clues and find them? Hurry up, if the sacrifice starts, we will really be too late."

Yu Hui waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, the sacrifice can't be that simple. We have enough time."

 Xu Jun’s mouth twitched slightly, but thinking about how he still had to rely on this guy, he couldn’t force himself.

 The two figures flashed and disappeared from the clouds in an instant.

In another cloud layer, a suspended magic weapon rotated slightly, as if it had discovered something, but in the end it found nothing and fell silent.



 The endless sea.

This is an extremely dangerous place in the Yama Realm. Anyone below the Golden Core level will die if they enter the sea. Even if the Golden Core-level demon cultivator comes, he must be very cautious and must be very energetic before he dares to enter the sea.

At this time, on a huge island, three magic corrections looked at three huge screens with cold eyes.

If there are Immortal Alliance monks here, then you can see that these three screens are actually a specialty of the Immortal Alliance.

 Before the appearance of the Immortal Alliance, monks from either side used magic weapons such as crystal **** or shells when using the peeping spell.

 However, after the Immortal Alliance was established, the manifestations of spying spells became more colorful.

 This kind of 3D screen is undoubtedly the most popular. After so many years, even the demons have become accustomed to it.

“Hmph, these useless guys are obviously better than them in cultivation, but they can’t beat them.”

"Haha." The demon cultivator said with a smile: "The reputation of the Immortal Alliance is so great, it would be strange if we could defeat it." He paused, and then said: "Fortunately, what we encountered was not the strongest Immortal Alliance army, otherwise It’s even worse to lose.”

Although the reclamation army is an elite, it is indeed not the strongest army in the Immortal Alliance.

On the contrary, the demon cultivators who were defeated by the Immortal Alliance army were indeed the strongest army that could be gathered in the Yan Demon Realm.

 It can only be said that the gap between the two sides is really too big.

 (End of this chapter)

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