Chapter 51 Lesson

Three days later, as soon as Xu Jun walked into the Thunder Martial Arts Hall, Li Qiankun greeted him eagerly.

"Brother Xu, everyone is here. Can you go over now?"

Xu Jun nodded slightly, with his hands behind his back and an expressionless face.

But he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

After agreeing to Li Hengxin, Xu Jun originally thought that even if someone signed up, there would not be too many.

It must be a bit difficult to get five together.

Therefore, he was mentally prepared that Li Hengxin would be the only one in the first class.

But what I didn't expect was that it was only two days.

In other words, Li Hengxin took one day to announce, and then the next day, the five places in the first class were gone.

When he heard the news yesterday, Xu Jun didn't say anything, but he felt a little complacent in his heart.

Unexpectedly, my brothers are somewhat famous.

You know, this is not a course for ordinary people.

It's about facing an innate-level warrior, and without guaranteeing the effectiveness of the teaching, a lesson costs 100,000 yuan.

If it were Xu Jun himself, he wouldn't fall for the bait even if he were beaten to death... Oh, no, he did fall for the bait.

But what if it were someone else who jumped into the trap?

For the sake of money, Xu Jun reluctantly took the trip.

Li Qiankun opened the door for Xu Jun in person, and his attitude was more respectful and thoughtful than ever before.

After seeing the five people inside the door, Xu Jun was slightly startled.

Apart from Li Hengxin, there were three people he didn't know, but the last one was his defeated general Deng Le.

Although Xu Jun and Deng Le have no personal hatred, it is always a bit embarrassing to meet suddenly on such an occasion.

However, looking at Deng Le, there was no grudge at all.

Well, Xu Jun was sure that this person was much thicker-skinned than himself.

Among the five people, one was born female.

He is not young, he looks to be in his thirties or forties.

"Hello, Coach Xu."

Five people shouted in unison. Although there were only five people, they were five innates after all, and they were quite impressive.

Xu Jun paused slightly, cursing in his heart.

It scares me, wait...

Fortunately, he had done enough psychological preparation before coming here. Xu Jun said in a deep voice: "Mr. Li, please introduce me."

"Yes, this is Deng Feng from the Foshan Martial Arts School, Liu Hai from the Muay Thai Martial Arts School, and Xu Feiyan from the Xu Family Martial Arts School. Haha, you must be familiar with the last one, so I won't introduce him." Li Hengxin smiled. He said hehe.

Xu Jun raised his eyebrows, it turned out that they were all the great innates in martial arts schools.

No wonder Li Hengxin found everyone so quickly.

The players from these martial arts schools were in a mess in the Martial Arts Cup, but their relationship in private was quite harmonious.

Generally speaking, teachers will definitely make some remarks at this time, or to enliven the atmosphere, build a relationship with each other, or establish their own authority.

But Xu Jun nodded and found that he had nothing to say.

It seems that this kind of talkative work is not suitable for me.

He coughed lightly and said, "I know your purpose very well, so let's get started."

Except for Li Hengxin, the other four people were a little uncomfortable.

This is too direct!

However, the initiative lies in Xu Jun's hands, and they can only cooperate.

"Each of you do a set of punches and let me see how your Qi and blood are flowing."

Everyone was startled, including Li Hengxin who was a little surprised.

Just by watching us boxing, can you see the flow of Qi and blood? Isn’t this nonsense?

After all, Li Hengxin was on the home court and could not fall. He stood up first and practiced boxing.

At this time, he didn't dare to hide his clumsiness at all. After a set of punches, his energy and blood surged, and his power was endless. Xu Jun nodded secretly and glanced at Deng Le. This old man might not be able to defeat Kuang Feng, but he could definitely kill Deng Le.

Deng Le thought Xu Jun was signaling, so he didn't refuse, stood up, and threw a set of punches with all his strength.

Immediately afterwards, the remaining three people took action one by one.

It has to be said that innateness is innate, and the strength of these five people is extremely outstanding.

Of course, for today's Xu Jun, no matter how powerful the Qi and Blood Innateness is, it is just like that.

With one strike of the sword, what should be gray becomes gray.

He pondered slightly, and under the bright light of the sword's heart, the surging energy and blood of these five people were all reflected in the sword's heart. The so-called fine details were revealed, but that's all.

Xu Jun made a mental calculation, and with the strength of the five of them, they should be able to stir up excitement at the same time.

So, he casually drew out his long sword and said: "You each go to an area, and I will stir up the sound of the sword. If you feel your blood boiling, just punch yourself. Don't think about anything else."

Several people looked at each other. This was the first time they had encountered such a teaching method.

But now, whatever Seo Jun says is whatever he says.

The first-level training room is not small. It can accommodate five people practicing boxing, which is more than enough.

Seeing that they were ready, Xu Jun flicked his wrist.


With the sound of a sword, Li Hengxin and the five others felt at the same time that the blood in their bodies began to boil and surge, and it was still a bit uncontrollable.

They are all innate, and their control over their bodies has reached an extremely strong level.

When something like this happens suddenly, they will of course try to suppress it.

However, the next moment.


Another sword sound sounded.

But this time the sword cry was completely different from before.

This sword sound is not one, but has five real ones.

Each sword cry was deliberately aimed at one person.

To other people's ears, this sound was just the sound of swords, which at most made them feel a little ups and downs.

However, in the ears of the corresponding person, the sound seemed to be the sound of Jiuding Dalu, and also like the sound of morning bells and evening drums, shaking the mind.

They each shuddered, and the flow of energy and blood suddenly accelerated.

The qi and blood, which had been tempered to a perfect consistency and almost impossible to deviate from, became violent.

The five people could no longer hold back and began to use secret skills from each family to stimulate their energy and blood.

The Qi and blood of martial arts are most intense only during exercise.

Therefore, they each punched, and each punch focused all their attention and effort.

However, whenever their energy and blood calmed down, the untimely sound of swords sounded just right.

They had no choice but to once again try their best to control their Qi and blood.

Repeated so many times, their breathing became heavy.

No matter what your nature is, you will still feel tired.

Half an hour later, although the sword sounds were still continuous, there were only four of them.

Because Deng Le could no longer bear it, he collapsed to the ground first.

One after another, several innates reached their limits.

What shocked them was that Xu Jun seemed to be able to really touch the limit of their blood and stop at that critical point.

Let them fully mobilize their Qi and blood without getting injured due to excessive use.

Looking at several colleagues who were also exhausted and collapsed on the ground.

The few people who were still a little skeptical at first were finally completely convinced.

The innate sword cultivator is so terrifying!

It seems that it will be tested soon. Please give it a follow-up and vote more for recommendations and monthly votes. Thank you! Otherwise, I wouldn’t recommend it…

(End of chapter)

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