Chapter 59: Accepting your fate

It's holiday, this is the last long holiday of the senior year of high school.

However, for the families of senior high school students, this holiday is a torment. Even if it is the Spring Festival, they still spend it cautiously and tremblingly.

Although Xu Pingan and his wife knew that their son had been promoted to Xiantian.

This kind of achievement is already guaranteed to be among the top ten colleges.

However, Xu Jun's target was the Three Great Dao Palace, so they did not dare to relax at all.

Even during the Chinese New Year, Xu Jun was not taken to visit the elderly at home, but was allowed to continue practicing in the martial arts gym.

That is, when Xu Jun's aunt, Xu Pingping, came over with her husband Feng Chili and son Feng Qingsheng, Xu Jun was allowed to attend the family gathering.

When the two parties met, Feng Chili showed great enthusiasm.

"Peace, brother and sister, long time no see."

Xu Pingan hugged his sister first, and then said with a smile: "Brother-in-law, it's been a long time."

Feng Chili's family is not in Zixia City, but settled in Fengxia City, a big city.

Among all Xu Jun's relatives, Feng Chili's family is undoubtedly in the best condition.

Therefore, although Xu Ping'an and Xu Pingping's siblings have a very good relationship, Feng Chili is somewhat distant, intentionally or unintentionally.

To put it bluntly, they just think of themselves as noble and look down upon others.

However, the two parties are relatives after all, and with Xu Pingping around, they have contact and contact, so they will not turn against each other.

Feng Qingsheng was influenced by his father. Although he knew Xu Jun as his cousin, they did not live in the same city and had few opportunities to meet each other, so their relationship was just average.

But this meeting was completely different.

In the hotel box, Feng Qingsheng took the initiative to sit next to Xu Jun and said, "Cousin, I saw on the Internet that you won the Zixia City Youth Martial Arts Cup. It's really amazing."

Several months have passed since this incident, and there is no enthusiasm even in Zixia City.

But for Feng Qingsheng, this was a lifelong shock.

Among all the friends he knows, Xu Jun is definitely unique.

From being looked down upon in the past to being unattainable now, his attitude has also changed accordingly.

Xu Jun's mouth twitched slightly, a little uncomfortable with his cousin's sudden intimacy.

However, after taking a look at his proud and happy father beside him, he immediately knew what to do.

This is the time when Dad feels proud. If he doesn't cooperate, he may be in a cold war when he returns home.

Fried pork with bamboo shoots, men's singles, etc., of course there will be no more.

But why should he be a villain if he can make his father happy?

"My cousin got the prize. This time, none of the contestants in our Zixia City Youth Martial Arts Cup could win, so I got a good deal." Xu Jun said with a smile.

"Really?" Feng Qingsheng said doubtfully: "But it is still a martial arts cup in a small town, so it doesn't mean that it doesn't even have an innate talent, right?"

Xu Jun smiled and said: "The second and third places are both innate."

Feng Qingsheng:…

The second and third places are all innate, and you also told me that no one can beat this class.

At this moment, Feng Qingsheng felt a little upset.

Xu Pingping came over and wanted to pull Xu Jun into her arms.

However, after looking at the height ratio between the two parties, I had to give up this tempting idea.

"Hey, Xiaojun, you have grown up, and my aunt can't hold you anymore."

Although his uncle and cousin were average to him, this aunt was very good to Xu Jun.

Every time I come here, there are big and small bags. When Xu Jun was a child, many toys and most of the pocket money he saved came from his aunt.

Therefore, he was really affectionate towards his aunt.

Taking the initiative to open his arms, Xu Jun hugged Xu Pingping and said with a smile: "Auntie, let me hug you."

Xu Pingping laughed happily, reached out and tapped Xu Jun's forehead, and said: "You are so big, but you are still as skinny as when you were a child."

After saying that, she clicked on her watch and said, "I've prepared a red envelope for you. Keep it yourself. Don't let your dad fool you."

Xu Ping'an was unhappy and said, "Pingping, don't talk nonsense. When did I fool him?"

Xu Pingping sneered: "When Xiaojun was three years old, who deceived Xiaojun with a lollipop out of the three thousand red envelopes I gave him?"

Xu Ping'an was speechless and said with a wry smile: "That's not because he is still young."

Xu Pingping suddenly felt funny and turned around and said, "Xiaojun, three thousand yuan can buy three thousand lollipops. Do you regret it?"

Xu Jun's face turned slightly red. What year did this happen? Why do you still mention it?

Glancing at my father, I didn't expect that this guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes could have such a sinister side.

It’s true that people cannot be judged by their appearance, and sea water cannot be measured. They even deceive children out of their money.

Everyone laughed, and the atmosphere, which had been a little stiff just now, became harmonious.

Feng Chili and Xu Ping'an were drinking. After drinking for three rounds, he said: "Xiaojun, you are already a genius."


"I remember that students who are cultivators of immortality, as well as students who are gifted students, all have to go to the big city for reference when taking the college entrance examination." Feng Chili put down his wine glass and said with an attitude towards his peers: "You must be taking the college entrance examination in Fengxia City, and you will live there then. Let’s go home.”

The force value of immortal cultivator students and innate-level students is too high and their destructive power is too strong.

It is not appropriate or convenient to put them as a reference among ordinary students.

Therefore, as early as thousands of years ago, the Ministry of Education made reforms.

For the college entrance examination of these two types of students, they must go to a big city, or a city above the big city for reference.

Xu Jun blinked and wanted to refuse.

But before he could speak, Xu Pingping said: "Sister-in-law, when Xiaojun comes, you must come to accompany him."

Shi Hui nodded and said, "Yes, this is only a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If you don't come here to take care of me, I won't worry."

"Great, I have already made room, one for you and one for Xiaojun. Oh, the room prepared for Xiaojun is very quiet, I guarantee that he will not be affected in any way."

As Xu Pingping spoke, she opened her watch and said, "Also, I have prepared many recipes. It is said that it can increase the recovery speed of Qi and blood, and can also make people feel at ease and prepare themselves for the college entrance examination in the most perfect state..."


"Of course it's true. I asked many masters for advice."

"Oh, his aunt, you are really timely. I have been worried about what will happen if Xiaojun doesn't eat well or sleep well during the college entrance examination. This will be a big help to our family."

"We are all one family, don't talk about two families."

Xu Jun's eyelids jumped and he wanted to say, I can take care of myself.

However, looking at the two middle-aged women who were suddenly chatting enthusiastically, Xu Jun wisely shut his mouth.

Kenshin Tongming told him.

If he dares to have any objections at this time, everyone will join forces to suppress them.

Even my mother, who was usually obedient to him, would not favor him this time.

Turning to look at his father, Xu Ping'an looked confused. What do you think I am doing? What can I do?

Xu Jun took a long breath, he was indeed an unreliable man.

Forget it, accept your fate!

(End of chapter)

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